Chapter 206 198 Liberation of Druun (5)

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  Chapter 206 198. Liberation of Druun (5)
  The storm bird roared past, explosions occurred, and fireworks filled the air, but it looked particularly bleak, because above the sky, the real power had already lit up the sky.

  In the core area of ​​the main city, spears of light pierced the atmosphere, the air began to burn, and the Death Guard inflicted heavenly punishment on their enemies; the dome was like a sea, surging, and the rays of light from the highest sky were rippling and sparkling, seemingly like a curve of spring. The pool is a violent storm that can tear apart any individual.

  Under the light that enveloped everything in the sky, under the trembling dome, everything on the ground became small and blurred.

  But the people on the ground are the leaders of this battle.

  Horus frowned and looked at the faint figures of the Death Guard fleet above the atmosphere. Then he turned his head and looked at Mortarion who was breathing hard,
  "With all due respect, what are you doing, Mo?" Talion?"

  The Death Guard is trying to knock through the main city's air defense? In an absolutely brute force way?

  Mortarion's eyes under his hood glanced deeply at Horus, then moved away,

  "The second battlefield was also ambushed. My warriors were forced to move towards the main city and attack the city in advance." "

  I Striving for some possibilities for them."

  Horus felt like he didn't know what to say for a moment.

  Finally, he decided to pick the point that confused him the most and asked,
  "Siege the city? Have they arrived near the main city?"

  Under Mortarion's insistence, the Luna Wolves did not have air superiority or fleet orbital deployment rights in the second battlefield. , and incidentally, the Moon Wolves are unable to obtain high-altitude scanning images of the second battlefield. In other words, the Shadow Moon Wolves currently know nothing about the second battlefield.

  Information was not shared, and Horus did not approve of this, but he understood Mortarion's drastic approach, because the Moonwolves had heard the story of the Iron Warriors' bombing of the Death Guard.

  This can also explain why in tactical negotiations, Mortarion was almost paranoid about giving in to the Death Guard's air supremacy. If the Moon Wolves were bombed by friendly forces, even Horus could not imagine that he would treat the one who gave the bombing order. What people do.

  But Horus also had his own considerations. In his expectation, the second battlefield would not affect the overall situation at all. At most, it would make it easier to clean up the battlefield after the war.

  It is not ruled out that the Death Guard wants to obtain military merit. If the Death Guard fights side by side with the Luna Wolves, then the Moon Wolves, who have obviously more outstanding military achievements, will overshadow the glory of the Death Guard.

  Therefore, Mortarion's request for a separate battle zone for the Death Guard may also be to demonstrate the power of the Death Guard in front of the Empire.

  Although Horus did not think that Mortarion was such a person, in his contacts, except for the angels Sanguinius and Vulkan, other primarchs more or less had a desire for military exploits. But the performance is different.

  So Horus didn't care so much about Mortarion's second battle zone.

  But now, the Death Guard on the second battlefield have started to attack the city in advance? ? ?

  Even if they attack the city in advance, the Death Guards must be close enough to the main city, right?
  This was completely different from what Horus had expected, and the Wolf God stared at his brother and realized something was wrong.

  Mortarion blinked and said slowly,

  "I was originally puzzled by the too fast marching speed of our soldiers." "

  But now it seems that it is too smooth. This is a trap."

  "I should have warned them. Stop."

  After saying this, Mortarion fell into a long silence, seeming to be annoyed.

  Horus was speechless. His reason told him that there must be some hidden meaning, but Mortarion's annoyed reaction at this moment was not acting.

  He was really worried about the Death Guards on the second battlefield.

  Moreover, the Death Guard's current full-scale orbital attack also confirms that the Death Guard is indeed taking this matter seriously.

  Things between legions need to give each other a certain amount of space. Not every cooperation between legions is worthy of joy.

  Horus certainly had his curiosity, but not now.

  Horus thought for a moment and then said,
  "Don't worry too much, my brother. We all believe in the ability of your descendants. They will be your sharpest scythes." "

  And when the current swamp terrain subsides, the main army can continue. Conduct a siege."

  "The good news is that the orbital attack of the Death Guard fleet distracted the opponent's attention, which also accelerated the recovery of the terrain." "."


  clenched the scythe in his hand, and he clicked lightly He nodded and did not answer.

  【superior! This way! ]

  A roar came from the channel. On the city wall, the gap blown by the melta bomb was clearly visible. Blanca squatted sideways and fished up a Death Guard below with one hand.

  Only by standing on this half-collapsed city wall can we truly get a glimpse of the terrifying scene inside the main city.

  In the center of the city, towering arches made of living people and twisted tentacles form an open-air altar. The waves of subspace have become so strong that they can be seen with the naked eye. Behind the arch, huge tentacles are twisted, and the naked eyes above are staring at the Death Guard naked. them.

  Even standing on the edge of the city, one can hear the wails of the humans who make up the arch.

  The Stormbirds hovered dutifully over their heads, clearing away as many crowds as possible and

  targeting Hades for their attacks.

  Hades kept a certain distance from the veterans. The crowd fell down one after another when the black domain was touched, but it was obvious that the other side also learned that Hades' attack was only effective against a certain range of soul creatures, and the crowd no longer moved toward Hades. Instead of moving, it began to retreat, retreating into the huge tentacle in the center of the city.

  In the distance, the huge tentacles that occupied almost one-third of the field of vision began to split. Some new slender tentacles stretched out, and at the same time rolled up hard chunks of flesh and blood that were grasped into several people's height. Steel and cement were also faintly exposed from them. exposed.

  Those tentacles stepped back and then slammed directly towards Hades!

  Hades even saw the white mist produced after those pieces of meat broke through the sound barrier!

  Wait, aren’t those meat balls falling apart? !
  After the first piece of meat, there is a group of meat pieces covering almost the entire field of view.

  Hades was dumbfounded. He had never seen such an operation before. He looked over and saw that, except for the faint presence of human souls, this was on the surface a huge group of flesh and blood barrages coming towards him.

  He tried to dodge, but the other party was also predicting Hades' movement trajectory. For a moment, the entire area was covered with human bombs.

  Such a thing would definitely not kill him, but Hades was not sure what happened after that.

  [Apply for bombing support. ]


  The Storm Birds began bombing, which successfully reduced the barrage attack on Hades at first, but soon, those tentacles began to attack the Storm Birds at the same time. For a time, the sky was chaotic, and the entire sky was filled with artillery fire and flesh and blood. .

  [Hades, shrink your black area! ]

  Blanca's voice sounded, Hades silently put away his black domain, and the veterans quickly followed. The whole team was quickly moving towards the established square. At the same time, these veterans who cooperated tacitly did not need to Intermittent fierce firepower used ammunition directly from the front to weaken the speed of the flesh and blood, and then alternately used high-speed running bodies to open a passage.

  [Stormbird cannot complete the landing. ]

  [Repeat, unable to land. ]

  The enemy's long-range attack interrupted the original retreat plan, and the Stormbirds had to deal with the barrages of flesh and blood.

  Before this, except for some simple air defense systems of the original human countries, no one knew that these aliens could carry out long-range attacks in such a weird way.

  Obviously, the range of this kind of long-range attack can only cover the main city area.

  How to do this? Hades was frantically calculating how to make their team retreat safely if they could not retreat.

  [Hades, can your black domain deal with that alien?

  From Hades's perspective, the center of the huge tentacle was shining with dazzling spiritual light, which seemed to light up the entire spiritual space in this area.

  But Hades knew that because of the need to separate spiritual energy to resist the light spear attacks above the main city, the amount of spiritual energy that the alien tentacles could control at this moment was actually the least.

  If he compresses the black domain to the extreme, Hades can grit his teeth and give it a try.

  【You can give it a try.

  He can fight, but others
  【We will cover your approach.

  Blanca interrupted Hades's thinking.

  Hades took a deep breath, he knew what Blanca meant.

  He has to get on board this time.

   Thanks for subscribing and happy reading... I

    haven't been in a good state lately and I have to catch up on my homework. I don't know if I can update it again today...

    Also, please throw away your brain and watch it... I'm trying my best to make logic... vomiting soul ing
  (End of chapter)

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