Chapter 203 195 Liberation of Druun (2)

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  Chapter 203 195. Liberation of Druun (2)
  The bone-white battle line cracked from the inside, tall wandering souls ran out of it, the strong wind whistled past the ears, the chain saw roared, and the hot melt burned everything, shaking like a line. The crowd of corpses splashed away, blood and mud swaying.

  The wandering soul angrily fought its way out of the sea of ​​flesh and blood.

  Most of the people, just after getting close to the Wandering Ghost Knight, trembled and fell down, like puppets with broken strings. The anti-psionic domains of the two untouchables removed the control of the psychic monsters from them.

  Standing on the high-speed knight, Hades grasped the handle he had welded on and estimated their position at the moment.

  The engines roared, they were getting farther and farther away from the Death Guard's battle line, getting closer and closer to the altar, and the crowd rushing towards them became more and more crazy. It was no longer controlled by a psychic tentacle in the crowd, but on everyone's head. They were all entangled with a tentacle, and strange fluctuations in psychic energy began to occur in layers, trying to attack them.

  [Sir, I can't hold it any longer.]

  In the cockpit of the Wandering Ghost Knight, blood gushes from the corner of Nicks' mouth. The enemy's crazy psychic attacks have begun to make this untouchable person feel threatened by his life.

  Ribo was silent. Even she felt great pressure, but she would only make the Wandering Knight behave crazier and take away more aliens before she could no longer hold on.

  On the Death Guard front, Blanca looked at the knight who was almost overwhelmed by the tentacles and the crowd, frowned, and confirmed again that the communication channel from Hades had not been interfered with.

  What is this kid doing? Do you need support?
  Blanca muttered in his heart that although he knew that Hades and the others could counter psionic powers, the situation on Hades' side was quite bad now.

  Every time a group of people falls to the ground, a new group of enemies will emerge. The dense crowds and tentacles wanted to swamp them, and the fluctuations in the subspace had never been so strong. As long as he looked in that direction, he would immediately feel dizzy in his soul.

  Hearing Nix's words, Hades blinked in surprise -

  is this not possible?
  He originally wanted the Knicks to practice more in actual combat.

  It seems that he still misjudged the power of these untouchables, Hades thought tiredly.

  Hades still doesn't realize that this is not a problem of Knicks being too weak.

  But the distance was almost there, Hades blinked,

  - released the black domain -

  scream! That was thousands of screams! At the edge of everyone's soul, those hoarse and cursing screams exploded like a boiling boiler, exploding brilliantly across the sky.

  But the scream only appeared for a moment. The bubbles in the dream burst, and after the dazzling fluorescent light, there was the silent darkness of deep sleep.

  Thousands of waves rose from the rolling sea of ​​souls, but when I looked up, I saw a calm sea and the water was like a mirror.

  Death is silent.

  Blanca put down the hand that was raising the gun to shoot in disbelief. The veteran looked in front of the battlefield in disbelief. Even though his soul was frantically warning him, disgust came up like churning stomach juice, but Blanca was still staring at that spot.

  Not only Blanca, but the other Death Guards also looked at the center of the battlefield in disbelief.


  All dead.

  In an instant, all life disappeared and the body fell down with a crackle.

  Tentacles stacked on top of corpses, corpse liquid slowly flowed out from the exploded blocks. There were occasional physiological tremors, but they were already soulless puppets.

  In the picture to the naked eye, the densely packed corpses were still shaking, but the information in the helmet showed that there was no sign of enemy life on the battlefield at this moment.

  Even veterans who have experienced countless battles have never seen such a ridiculous scene as today.

  Even bombings, even virus weapons, are leading to destruction in the midst of countless vigorous stumps and cries.

  But now, just for a moment, all the lives on the battlefield have lost their souls.

  [Blanca, advance the front appropriately, but keep a certain distance from me.

  Hades's words came from the channel, and the sound waves with electric sound broke the silence.

  Blanca woke up from a dream, he paused,
  [Received. ]

  The Death Guard's front line began to push again, but this time it seemed to be far more cautious than the previous push. The enemy had been eliminated, but the soldiers' slightly hesitant steps became slower.

  What they fear is not the enemy.

  Even though these veterans of the 7th Company had been informed of the abilities of Hades's Black Domain in advance, this was the first time they had witnessed such a visually impactful thing. Coupled with the soul's instinctive aversion to the Black Domain, this made their pace slow. More slowly.

  Fortunately, such an existence is their friendly force
  [Are you okay?

  Hades stabbed the knight with a sickle pole. Although he quickly put away the black domain, and the black domain was still diluted, it was obvious that standing in the center of the black domain made Nix and Rebo close. A lot of damage was done.

  The wandering ghost knight who was stagnant picked up his steps again and started to move forward.

  [Thank you, Sir, it's okay]

  Nix's feeble voice came. Just now, his vision suddenly went black, and his limbs were out of control. The last moment of his consciousness was that he had written a suicide note.

  But he woke up and continued driving the Cavalier.

  Ribo stopped talking. The black field just now also caused some damage to her. Now she needs to control the mecha with all her strength.

  Seeing that they were both still alive, Hades stopped talking and waited for the knight to take him to his destination.

  When they reached the edge of the altar, Hades flew down from the wandering soul. The altars composed of tentacles and flesh were screaming in vain, trying to attack him with spiritual energy. Hades was in a black realm, and the world returned to tranquility.

  There are more than a dozen similar altars.

  Hades thought silently that he had to speed up. It would be too bad if he did not join the main force in time.

  Near the altar, the dim lightning of psychic energy crackled, the clouds pressed down heavily, breathing became difficult, the mind began to blur, and a sense of weakness climbed up the calves.

  The sound of heavy breathing and hissing sounded. Mortarion waved his scythe and slashed at the crowd in front. Countless tentacles were clinging to the crowd, making it difficult to move forward.

  With each tentacled alien killed, the weakness from the soul became more apparent, and Mortarion clearly felt the weakness brought about by the soul.

  Mourners surrounded him, and a lantern of white light hung from Ugo's staff. The psychic energy from the Librarian flashed from it, making Mortarion feel a little awake.

  On the other side, the situation of the Wolf Shepherd God was not very good. The two original bodies who were attacked by the alien psychic energy felt the weakness of their souls at this moment.

  [My brother, are you okay? ]

  Mortarion was silent. Horus was obviously in a worse state than him. The original body of the Death Guard continued his pace. In the name of their tenacity, the Death Guard was always the last to fall on the battlefield.

  A feeling of powerlessness clung to him. Horus watched as Mortarion continued to move forward. The primarch raised his huge war scythe. Mortarion wrapped the chain at the rear end of Nirvana around his wrist, and then threw the war scythe with force - —

  +Hissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss! ! ! +
  A scream erupted from the altar that made everyone tremble. People's vision went dark, and those with weaker wills even fainted on the spot.

  Ugo tightly held the scepter in his hand, and the lantern hanging on it was shaking under the impact of psychic energy, but the mourner still recited the incantation silently, and the pure white light shone, providing a bright light for Mortarion and other Death Guards. Weakens incoming psychic attacks.

  Beside Ugo, other mourners also mobilized their psychic powers to try to resist the alien attack.

  Mortarion took a deep breath and pulled on the chain. The flesh and blood hooked by the war scythe turned outwards, the tentacles were cut off, the altar lost its original shape, and the fluctuations in spiritual energy weakened instantly.

  The ammunition from Horus flew accurately towards the narrow door on the altar, adding damage to Mortarion's attack.

  [Well done, my brother.

  When the fluctuations of psychic energy finally disappeared from the depths of their souls, Horus's voice sounded.

  [There are still a few altars, maybe we can try to call in air support.

  【.Okay. ]

  [We seem to have underestimated these psychic creatures. ]

  Mortarion stared at those blasphemous things and shook his head invisibly,
  [We did underestimate them.

  The information sent back from the Death Guard's original armor showed that another Death Guard led by Hades was heading towards the main city at the fastest marching speed.

   Thanks for subscribing and happy reading (°з°)-

  (End of this chapter)

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