Chapter 195 187 Your brother, Horus

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  Chapter 195 187. Your brother, Horus
  's order from Terra had to make the Death Guard fleet reluctantly leave Barbarus, which was under construction.

  Hades looked out the window. On this brown planet, those Gray machines were working hard, turning the mud into wheat fields and the swamps into grasslands.

  Barbarus will be an idyllic garden planet, and some Barbarus people will farm on it to maintain their thousands of years of history. However, farming will no longer be farming, and they will become the scenery in the eyes of others.

  The sages of Graea vowed to tell Hades that the next time the fleet returns to Barbarus, they will see a beautiful garden planet instead of the current mud world.

  Hades hoped so, but this transfer order from Terra also delayed Garaspa's recruitment once again.

  Garaspa is currently making good progress in the Mechanicum's reconstruction mission. Mortarion, Garro and Vox have already processed Garaspa's government documents, so the Death Guard does not need to worry about this system again.

  In Hades's vision, the Death Guard needed to recruit a group of new soldiers in Galaspa and expand the Death Guard's mortal auxiliary army to establish a new batch of weapons and armor units from Hades.

  I hope the forge world of Graai can quickly produce corresponding weapons, armor and ammunition, Hades thought silently.

  However, compared to Hades, who was still concerned about the construction of the rear, the atmosphere in the Death Guard was good. Another war was coming, and the scythe that had been polished in training finally had a chance to see blood.

  And after learning that the cooperative legion this time was the 16th Legion, the Luna Wolves, some Terran warriors began to tell Barbarus's warriors about their previous cooperation with the Luna Wolves.

  Most of the Legions had fought under Horus before their Primarchs returned and became their true leaders.

  This Primarch, who was apparently the first to be recovered, used his existence to leave other legions with enough illusions about their Primarch.

  But behind the fantasy of his unrecovered Primarch is the respect for the Commander of the Sixteenth Legion - the

  Wolf Shepherd is certainly a worthy Primarch.

  Now they are going to cooperate with the 16th Legion, the Shadow Luna Wolves.

  Mortarion stood in front of the ship's door with a grim look on his face. The shuttle was smoothly taking them to the Luna Wolves' mothership, the Vengeful Blade.

  Darkness and light alternately reflected on the primarch's armor as the shuttle moved, making the poisonous mist around Mortarion even more hazy.

  "Another brother, I don't expect anything from this."

  Hades silently glanced at Mortarion. It was obvious that after experiencing several of his brothers, Mortarion was already devastated.

  But given that Horus is considered the best person in Mortarion's original network in the original work, Hades felt that Mortarion's words might be overturned by himself.

  Horus, the Wolf God, the future Warmaster, the Emperor's eldest son, Horus is the most outstanding existence among the original bodies. Another one who is compared to him is the angel Sanguinius, but Horus is actually He is not the best in every field, he is just excellent in every field, a balanced excellence.

  Just like Horus himself, compared to most of the Primarchs, who always tend to be stubborn or stubborn in certain aspects of dealing with others, this Wolf Shepherd is obviously smooth enough, except on topics other than facing the Emperor.

  Without the subsequent corruption, Horus might be among the top three "primarchs you most hope to meet". Of course, the first one will always be Sanguinius.

  From the perspective of the Death Guard, although the reason for Mortarion's rebellion in the original work is difficult to discern, it is probably because of the Lord of Death's overly trusting attitude towards the Wolf Shepherd and his original dislike of the Emperor. Mortarion chose betrayal.

  But if it weren't for Horus, no matter how much he hated the Emperor, Mortarion wouldn't necessarily have rebelled.

  In the original book, Mortarion was clearly jealous of the overly close relationship between the angel Sanguinius and Horus, and he hoped that the person who was good to Horus would be him, not Sanguinius.

  A wonderful relationship between the original body, but thinking that it was a certain Dai Ying who described this matter, Hades expressed his understanding.

  As for the fall behind Horus at this time, Hades from this position really cannot interfere too much. This kind of thing should be left to the Emperor to worry about.

  In fact, Hades was curious as to what the Emperor thought of the rebellion.

  As for Hades, as long as he develops his anti-psionic team, no matter who is the anti-psionic team, he can just do it.

  By the way, don't let Mortarion really be kidnapped by Horus. But unlike the original Horus who was Mortarion's imperial guide, Mortarion's guide was replaced by Malcador, so Mortar Rian's attitude towards Horus should not be as

  overly friendly as in the original work.

  Hopefully not, Hades thought.

  The warning light came on, and the dazzling red light penetrated the darkness in the shuttle. The ship door slowly opened, and white light poured in, illuminating Mortarion and the Deathshrouds.

  With just one glance, Mortarion saw the original body standing in the center of the gray platform. He was like a small sun, warm and bright in the cold and dark universe.

  The platinum armor is shining with dazzling light, like the rising sun at dawn. A golden-red one-eyed gem is inlaid on his breastplate. The white robe is rustling behind him. There is a belt on his smooth and handsome head. With a warm and genial smile,

  "Hey, my brother, long time no see."

  Horus said to Mortarion with a smile, and at the same time he waved his hand, welcoming Mortarion in a friendly yet somewhat eager manner.

  Mortarion decided to take back what he had just said.

  Looking at the friendly Horus who was as dazzling as a star, Hades slowly realized that something was wrong. No one could resist the charm of a normal and friendly original, especially when he knew how to cleverly Take advantage of this.


  Including Hades himself.

   The image references of the Luna Wolves and Horus come from "The Rise of Horus" and some short stories.

  (End of chapter)

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