Chapter 190 182 Weapon of Loyalty

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  Chapter 190 182. Loyal Weapons

  In Miint's design factory, the lights are bright, countless servitors dragging semi-finished weapons in and out, and the roar of plasma flames echoes.

  Several specific high-level sages were left behind, scrambling to see Hades's operation far away from the core design area. Even though Hades promised to teach them how to make it afterwards, these sages They still didn't want to miss a single detail, and kept their eyes fixed on the scene while silently reciting the prayers.

  Hades, who was in the center of the sages' vision, controlled the mechanical arms to carry out transformations smoothly. He controlled the black area within a reasonable range and concentrated on the design.

  The purpose of opening the black domain is to prevent interference from the pressure space. Although Hades itself will not be disturbed by the subspace, it is better to provide a layer of insurance.

  As for the machine soul, these mechanical components that are still parts do not have a relatively complete machine soul. Even if there is a trace of psychic fluctuation, Hades will return to peace once he goes to the black realm.

  Not all machines have organic souls. Machine souls generally appear in machines that have been used for a long time and are emotionally invested by the humans around them.

  Initially, Hades' black domain would still make the machine soul uncomfortable, leading to targeted incidents. However, after clearing Barbarus, Hades discovered that his black domain could directly "erase" the machine soul.

  This was after he unconsciously picked up a gun special to Graia, a scream rang in Hades's ears, and he fell silent again.

  Then the Graai sages discovered that the gun they specially selected with excellent quality had become the most standard state, and its use complied with all the calculations on the design drawings.

  Hades silently took his hand back, as if he had just accidentally killed a machine spirit.

  Afterwards, Hades tried it again with the help of Graier's arsenal and came up with some insights.

  Medium and low-level machines without machine souls will operate in the most standard state. There will be no situation where a plasma gun does not overheat after being fired for a long time, nor will it shut down because it is not treated well by soldiers.

  Generally speaking, it is not easy for such low-to-medium-level machines to have machine spirits.

  But what if it is a high-level machine? For example, mechas such as Knights and Titans are famous for their machine spirits that can interact with their pilots.

  The driving of Knights and Titans requires the driver's consciousness and soul to deeply infiltrate the mecha. The most common saying about its machine soul is that it is a mixture of countless pilots' consciousness and souls, or it is the driver's consciousness and soul. The evoked machine spirit.

  Hades had two inferences about mechas such as knights and titans whose machine souls were crucial to controlling. The first was that after the machine souls were wiped out, these mechas would operate in standard mode.

  The second is that these mechas will be scrapped, or in other words, part of them will be scrapped, because Hades has never heard of knights and titans without machine souls. In other words, unlike middle and low-level machines, machine souls are very powerful. It may play a practical role in the operation of this type of mecha.

  If it is really the second type, then Hades will really face this kind of mecha.
  Hades controls the black domain and looks thoughtfully at the knight mecha in the corner of the weapons library. I wonder if it is his illusion. , the knight mecha seemed to shrink back.

  Hmm. The cost of the experiment is a bit high, so I won’t do it yet.

  Let's look back and see if we can try using other people's knights and titans -

  wait, there seems to be a scrapped knight in the Death Guard's warehouse? On that plague planet, they used stasis grenades to knock down the knight.

  However, the pilot of the knight was an untouchable person, and the knight looked too crude and did not look like an organic soul.

  Can an untouchable person also become a knight driver?

  Hades thought.

  I’ll have to check it out after this.

  At present, Hades happens to have a lot of knowledge about counter-psionic energy, and his black domain has been further strengthened, so he can continue to develop black stone technology.

  Hades chose to finish negotiating with Miint first, let the assembly line run first, and then go back to the small workshop to manufacture his black stone technology.

  Regarding Blackstone Technology, Hades hopes that Sage Kirkland can organize an assembly line for him, but realistically, it is unlikely.

  Moreover, the black stone technology currently controlled by Hades is the Black Stone Tower. Without Hades' control, those untouchables who activate the Black Stone Tower need to throw at least a few lives into it before they can activate the Black Tower.

  Currently, Hades has not found any untouchables with strong abilities. Even Sister Silence is not very powerful in the anti-psychic field.

  Powerful untouchables are really hard to find.

  Hades sighed and continued to modify the armor and firearms with his hands.

  A week later.

  Mortarion looked silently at the armor and weapons in front of him, while Hades stood beside the original body and counted and inspected these modified weapons again.

  Mortarion was still obsessed with chemical reactions in the laboratory. The highly toxic crystals precipitated from Barbarus's atmosphere gave Mortarion many good experiments. Only a few changes and precipitation were needed. Can produce wonderful gases of different colors.

  And the crystals precipitated from the entire atmosphere of Barbarus are enough for the Death Guard to use for a long time, Mortarion thought with satisfaction.

  After developing the 51st new type of air, Mortarion in the laboratory was called out by Hades for paperwork approval.

  "I have chosen these. These will be the logistical support that Grae will focus on providing to the Death Guard in the future."

  In addition to the official supplies from Mars and the Empire, the Death Guard can also obtain additional logistical resources from Grae.

  After finishing the inventory, Hades handed Mortarion a long list that hung to the ground and was still extending.

  "You can also add something else."

  Hades pointed behind him. Mortarion turned around and saw the parchment neatly packed in the entire side room.


  Mortarion chose to look down at the list in his hand.

  In this list, tanks and other armors were mainly included, as well as a lot of ammunition and weapons for mortal auxiliary soldiers. However, Mortarion had never heard of the names of these weapons.

  "These are not weapons models officially compiled by the empire."

  Mortarion looked at Hades,
  "And in my previous investigation of Graier, I did not see these types of weapons appear."

  Mortarion Rian turned his attention to the weapons that Hades had just arranged.

  "Is this it?"

  Hades nodded, walked over and knocked on a tank. The equipment on display was all modified by him himself.

  "That's the case at the moment."

  Although there are many types of legion weapons, ranging from warships to pistols, according to Graier's current assembly line and production capacity, Hades still mainly focuses on armor and guided weapons.

  After all, you can't ask a forge world that specializes in making armor to suddenly start mass-producing aircraft. For supplies in this area, you'd better go to the Empire and Mars.

  Hades can rub it, but the solitary item is of little significance to the war.

  "First it's for the mortal auxiliaries."

  Even if there are 30k Space Marines with a large number of people, the mortal auxiliaries who accompany the legion are also a help that cannot be underestimated in combat.

  Although the Legion will be deployed on battlefields with high intensity and difficult for mortals to participate, if the auxiliary army is allowed to control heavy vehicles to assist the Death Guard in combat, the power of the mortal auxiliary army can be fully utilized, and in high-intensity battlefields Add a boost to the battlefield.

  After all, the increase in the number of Space Marines may be subject to many restrictions, and the success rate of gene seeds has also locked the upper limit of the number of people in each legion. As a result, no matter how hard you farm, the number of Space Marines cannot be too many. The Ultramarines next door are example.

  But for the recruitment of mortal auxiliary armies, in a world with a population of tens of billions in a hive world, it is quite easy to expand the auxiliary army. If the strength of the auxiliary army is slightly improved, there will be a qualitative leap due to the increase in its huge number of people.

  Moreover, there are actually quite a lot of weapons and armors for space warriors. Compared with mortal troops, the room for maneuverability and improvement is smaller.

  "This is a modified version of Hellhound, or a modified version of Poison Wolf. I haven't decided what to call it yet. It further enhances flexibility and facilitates maneuverability in enemy heavy armor. It can replace the large-capacity gas tank. Two heavy flamethrowers, with simplified versions of Manticore missiles loaded on the sides." "

  We can store Barbarus' air or other gases inside to see what enemies we encounter."

  Hades said,
  Mota Rian is very satisfied with this modification. He can already imagine that as these heavy tanks break into the enemy battlefield and the thick fog fills the sky, the Death Guard will obtain an excellent combat experience with the assistance of these tanks and fog.

  Let your enemies feel the love of Barbarus.

  "Just call it Hadeshound."

  Hades nodded. He obviously didn't catch Mortarion's pun, thinking that he would just give it the original name after the inventor.

  "Then this."

  Hades picked up a rocket launcher with one hand. In Hades's hands, it looked like a larger gun, but it actually requires a strong Astra Militarum to carry it.
  This is a relatively large gun in appearance. The key point of a simple rocket launcher is that the ammunition inside is all guided type, and the type of ammunition filled can be changed independently. Explosives, chemical weapons, and hot melt can all be changed.

  "I took out Graier's Scorpion missile and simplified it into a single weapon. This is the Auxiliary Army version. There is also a Space Marine version over there." Hades pointed to another one that was obviously two rounds larger

  . A complex version of the rocket launcher. The firing of these rocket launchers is based on Graier's original grenade launcher, but the firepower is stronger than that.

  These rocket launchers equipped with the Greai precision guidance system will make up for the gap in small-scale ground firepower. When the armored group has not yet arrived on the battlefield, or when we do not have control of the air, these individually-held firepower will provide the third A group of precision fire support.

  "These are called Manticore rocket launchers."

  Mortarion glanced at the rocket launcher. The original body was surprised to find that this weapon was not so high-tech. It looked so simple, easy to operate, and easy to maintain.

  After the relatively normal introduction, Hades touched something in the corner of the ground and said,

  "Look at this again."

  Hades picked up a rifle with a faint green light.

  This looks like the most common Necron Gauss rifle, with a shell on the outside and the Imperial double-headed eagle emblem glued on it.

  In fact, this double-headed eagle badge was glued by the sages of Graea and has nothing to do with Hades.

  Mortarion looked at Hades silently, and Hades looked away silently,

  "Ahem, this is a useful rifle called the Revenant Rifle. The reaction device inside is quite special. In addition, It’s nothing.”

  Thanks to the necromancy technology given by Trazin, although that guy deliberately concealed and distorted part of the knowledge, so that they could only imitate the smallest and rough electric motor, but even so, this simplified version of the Gauss rifle can The best choice to greatly improve the individual strength of the auxiliary army.

  It won't overheat, has low recoil, can tear everything apart from the atomic level, and theoretically ignores all physical defenses - if one shot doesn't work, then use two shots.

  When they first fought against the Necrons, the Space Marines relied on the high maneuverability of their individual soldiers to avoid damage from these rifles, rather than taking real wounds.

  However, the main advantages of this kind of gun are its low recoil and small size. Among the Space Marines, there are many amplified weapons that can cause the same damage, so this kind of weapon seems to be useless, so it is still suitable for the mortal auxiliary army.

  "Unfortunately, the output of this type of weapon is very small, and we can only issue it to a small number of people in the auxiliary army."

  Trazin was definitely intentional. It takes a very long time to produce this kind of rifle, and the raw materials are expensive. Some steps cannot even be streamlined at all.

  Only people like the Necrons with big families and big businesses play like this.

  Hades thought through gritted teeth.

  Mortarion stared at the "Imperial Rifle" in Hades's hand, and then thought about the alien technology Dark Lantern and Nirvana in his hand.

  Finally Mortarion spoke,
  "You won't get into trouble?"

  "No," Hades said firmly,

  "I have already communicated with Grae, and this is what Grae provided to the Death Guard. We don’t know anything else about weapons.”

  But in fact, Graier only knows how to make such products and nothing else.

  In this regard, when it comes to the production of Necron technology, Hades has placed it on Barbarus's foundry satellite Miint, and will not entrust Graai's main world to produce it, while other armors, etc. It will be entrusted to the main world of Graai.

  "That's fine."

  Mortarion thought for a moment and said,

  "You have put a lot of effort into the equipment of the Mortal Auxiliary Army."

  Hades nodded,
  "I also imagined and modified some of the weapons of the Space Marines, but still Not mentioned."

  Mortarion looked at Hades,

  Hades blinked,

  "Let's put it this way, we all know that Titan is the king on the battlefield, but the production cost and maintenance cost of Titan, And how to transport it to the battlefield will cause a lot of problems." "

  So we can't just build Titans."

   There should be another update, let me slow down...

    I am a military blind person, I show my cards, these few articles are wrong Please help me correct the error...

  (End of this chapter)

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