Chapter 97 "Restocking"!

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  Chapter 97 "Restocking"!
  boom! boom! Stab!

  ——All hits! !

  The body received such a "hard blow"!
  Teacher Kumar, who was completely defenseless, had confusion and despair on his face.

  He was trembling all over and slowly fell into unconsciousness.

  Seeing this bloody and cruel scene, Ivy covered her mouth and snickered from the side!
  She also wanted to help, but Brand and the other two moved too fast.

  After knocking out Teacher Kumar.

  Andy was very particular about laying a thick mattress on the ground.

  Then, he placed Instructor Kumar on the mattress.

  Finally, he covered him with a thick quilt.

  After doing all this, Andy plausibly said:
  "If we do this, it will be easier for Teacher Kumar to forgive us!"

  Seeing Andy's ink stain, Finn said: "Come over and help when you're done!"

  At this time , Brand, Ivy and Finn were "picking" items on the shelves with magic bags.

  There are only five magic pockets brought by Instructor Kumar, which is not enough to hold everything in the supply station.

  So they are selecting things that may be used or have higher value.

  Although individually, the items on the shelf are not particularly expensive.

  But the advantage lies in numbers.

  Therefore, the value of this batch of materials is not low at all.

  I really don’t know why the college hired such an unsuspecting “honest person” to be its boss.

  Aren't you here to deliver goods to them?
  After busy for a while, I picked out all the useful and valuable things.

  The four people, who had changed their equipment, walked out of the supply station in a happy mood.

  There might be wild beasts or something that would be detrimental to Instructor Kumar, so Andy thoughtfully closed the door after he came out.

  By the way, use ice spells to seal the door.

  Then, the four members of the team prepared to find a place far away from the supply station to "divide the spoils."

  After all, it would be troublesome if another tutor came over!
  At this time, the audience in front of the empty screen were very curious about the dress and actions of Brand and others.

  Why did I change my equipment after going in for a while?
  Haven't they gone to recycle the materials from the World of Warcraft yet?
  Where do you get the points to redeem?
  And why do you have to seal the door after you come out?

  The host was also confused about the strange behavior of Team Brand, but he quickly thought of a more bizarre possibility!

  ——Could it be that the person in charge of the supply depot was knocked down by them?
  After thinking about this, he quickly walked out of the empty screen and discussed with his companions.


  In the conference room of the Royal Mage Academy of the Kaya Empire, the vice-president recalled several instructors responsible for the first-year practical assessment.

  After everyone gathered, she said:

  "Not long ago, the dean of the college sent me a message saying that Brand's strength was somewhat beyond expectations. The 500 knight golems we originally set may be a little too weak." After a slight pause, she

  continued He said: "If you have any ideas, please tell me now."

  Because they heard that the message was sent by the dean, all the college instructors quickly paid attention to it.

  A female instructor said:
  "Although Mr. Brand is recognized as a genius by the Mage Academy, he has always been relatively low-key. No one except Ms. Celine knows much about his strength. I think we should confirm first

  . Let’s look at his strength and then increase the difficulty of the assessment in a targeted manner?”

  Another male instructor continued:

  “Actually, we don’t have many ways to increase the difficulty. In addition to the instructor’s personal appearance, we must either increase the number of knight golems, or Send out stronger knight golems.

  Our original intention is still to hope that the students can capture this ice castle through their efforts.

  But as mentioned before, if we don’t know Mr. Brand’s strength, it will be difficult for us to do so. The assessment is appropriate."

  After hearing the tutors' questions, the vice dean explained:
  "I have just asked the dean about Mr. Brand's strength.

  According to the dean, although our monitoring equipment does not The complete picture of Mr. Brand releasing the spell was not captured.

  However, according to the estimation of the college principal, the power of the spell that Mr. Brand released previously, which is very similar to the wind bullet, has reached the medium level of advanced spells, and the damage range is Extremely wide.

  That spell alone would be difficult for our 500 knight golems to resist."

  Hearing what the vice-dean said, all the instructors frowned.

  One instructor said: "The highest spell scrolls we provide students are only intermediate spells! Is

  n't the gap between Mr. Brand and other candidates too big?
  In this case, even if we increase the difficulty of the assessment, the role of other candidates will not be the same. It will be infinitely reduced!

  This is not in line with the original intention of our assessment!"

  When all the instructors frowned in thought.

  One instructor suggested: "If the problem only lies with Mr. Brand, can we assess Mr. Brand or Brand's team separately from other candidates?" Upon hearing

  this suggestion, the deputy dean's eyes lit up: "You continue."

  The instructor continued:
  "We can set up separate assessments for Mr. Brand's team, so that it does not affect the assessment of other candidates.

  We can also more calmly set up appropriate assessments for Brand's team. The difficulty of the assessment."

  The vice-dean nodded and said:

  "This is indeed a very good suggestion, but we still need to find a suitable reason to change the assessment rules. His Majesty the Emperor and the nobles are watching, and we cannot act too much. Don't be too casual!"

  At this moment, the vice-dean's secretary hurried in and whispered a few words to the vice-dean.

  After hearing the news brought by the secretary, the vice president smiled.

  She said:
  "Mr. Brand's team just attacked the person in charge of the difficulty five supply station, and some of the supplies in the supply station were looted by them. I don't think we need to think about the reason anymore! In addition, considering Brand's

  team The current material reserves are too abundant, I think we can increase the difficulty of their assessment appropriately."


  At this time, Brand's team was dividing the loot in a hidden snow cave.

  The main items they picked at the supply station were spell scrolls and potions.

  Equipment and sundries etc., because space is limited.

  After wearing a full set of equipment that increased the effects of spells, they randomly selected some things that they might use.

  When dividing the spoils, because these spell scrolls only have intermediate spells at best, they are of little use to Brand.

  So he randomly picked a few intermediate spells and let the other three people share the rest equally.

  In exchange, he got a little more potion.

  After the division of the spoils was over, the four members of Brand's team confidently prepared to go to the "final assessment location" for the actual combat assessment.

  At this time, even Ivy, who is not yet a junior spell apprentice, can transform into a violent mage with the spell scroll in her hand.

  Plus Brand, this big guy who treats advanced spells as primary spells!
  They really don't think that a "mere" 500 knight golems can stop them.

  Even if you really can't beat him, it's still the same if you come back and think about it in the long run!

   Thanks to the book friend "The Distant Wind Chime" for your monthly ticket
  (end of this chapter)

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