Chapter 93: Lessons from the Past!

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  Chapter 93: Lessons from the Past!

  At the same time, the principal looked at the empty screen in front of him with curiosity.

  At this time, a still enlarged version of the picture was displayed on the empty screen.

  On the screen, a fair and smooth arm wearing a black bracelet is holding a translucent blue "wind bomb".

  ——This is the scene of Brand releasing the "Wind Bullet Technique".

  Although the dean now wants to try the tea in his hand and what it will taste like after brewing it according to the "correct" method.

  But something appeared in front of him that made him equally curious!

  He pointed to the bracelet on Brand's wrist in the screen and said:

  "Little Celine, the bracelet on Brand's wrist is actually a magic item engraved with a rune circle! When I sent Brand away before, I didn't even notice it! Should you explain this to me?"

  Celine sat lazily on the chair, her expression very calm.

  She said: "Is there any explanation for this? Didn't you realize it yourself?"

  While saying this, Celine took out an identical bracelet from her space equipment and threw it to the dean.

  After inspecting it for a while, the dean said with surprise:

  "What a powerful concealment effect! Is this specially made to hide your special inheritance called Rune Traditional Writing?" Celine leaned

  on the back of her chair and said with some meaning:

  "More than that, it can also prevent certain spell models from being used by disrespectful people to spy on spells, right?"

  After hearing what Celine said, the headmaster's face froze.

  How can this be said to be snooping? ?
  This is clearly research! Research!
  At this time, the dean felt extremely dissatisfied with Celine.

  ——But he didn’t dare to have an attack.

  Of course!
  This is not because of a guilty conscience or thin skin.

  He just doesn’t want to be on the same level as the juniors!


  The dean pointed at the blue "wind bullet" on the magic crystal screen and said curiously:
  "Little Celine, Brand's spell was taught to him by you, right? Can you show me the spell model? ?"

  Seeing that the dean seemed very curious about this spell, Celine's eyes seemed to have accidentally glanced at the "box" in the dean's hand.

  Upon noticing Celine's gaze, the dean immediately put on an "enigmatic" look.

  He put his hands back and "by the way" looked away from Celine.

  Seeing such a scene, Celine said simply: "No."


  Hollandburg, seeing Brand actually causing such a big scene, the three people watching were a little shocked.

  Yersin greeted the two of them immediately and ran to the training ground.

  Although Brand's growth makes him very excited.

  But he also felt the pressure.

  Even Brand, a lazy guy, has reached this point, and he needs to work harder.

  Mr. Holland's side.

  Although it was not unknown that Brand had a strong mage talent, he did not expect that Brand had already reached this point in just one year of study.

  At this time, he felt not only happy but also relieved.

  As for Viscount Robert, his eyes were a little strange.

  He suddenly patted Mr. Holland on the shoulder and said:

  "Lennart, should the marriage between Brand and our family be settled? I think Ivy is very good, and she also likes Brand very much. .

  And the Imperial Mage Academy is about to have a holiday. How about we hold the engagement ceremony after the two little guys come back?" "

  Well, there's no need to be in such a hurry, right?"

  Mr. Holander's face turned slightly. Somewhat stiffly: "How about we follow the traditions of the Kaya Empire? Engagement and such always feel a bit unconvincing." At

  this time, a communication request suddenly came from the empty screen in front of them.

  Viscount Robert's eyes moved, and without waiting for Mr. Holland's reaction, he went up and took over the communication.

  A familiar figure quickly appeared on the empty screen in front of them.

  ——Master Romine!

  After sending a look to Earl Romine, Viscount Robert said:

  "It just so happens that you are here, Naik. I was just discussing with Lennart about the engagement with Brand, but Lennart thinks we should follow the traditional process. It would be better if we come here."

  After hearing what Viscount Robert said, Count Romine understood instantly. He smiled and said:

  "There is nothing wrong with being a little more traditional. I recently flipped through the history book of the Kaya Empire, and I was actually counting. A hundred years ago, when our Kaya Empire was just a kingdom, adulthood at that time did not mean 18 years old, but 16 years old. The reason why it

  is 18 years old now is because after we became an empire, because of our national strength, Becoming more powerful.

  The lifespan of civilians has also increased a lot because of this, so His Majesty the Emperor at that time changed the original age of 16 to 18." After a slight pause, Earl Romine turned to

  Holland, who had a stiff face . The elder continued:

  "If you want to do it according to tradition, Lennart, of course I will support it.

  You see, Brand and my Chrissy are both over 16 years old.

  It just so happens that Brand is also on vacation. How about we arrange their marriage during this holiday?"

  After Earl Romine finished speaking, Viscount Robert also agreed with his face at this time:

  "I think it is good to follow the tradition, and my little Ivy is already full. We are 16 years old, so we can be together this time."

  Mr. Holland still wanted to struggle, and he said: "But the current law does say that he becomes an adult at the age of 18, although I also..."

  Earl Romine interrupted He said: "That's not a problem. I'll tell the Imperial Law Department later that I still have some face!"

  At this moment, another communication request came through.

  Viscount Robert put it through with a smile and skillfully.

  The empty screen in front of them quickly split into two screens.

  On one side is Romine, and on the other side are Cecil and Count Claude.

  Before they could come out and say a few words, another communication connection request came over.

  This time it was the Count of Mesa.

  They were all acquaintances and allies, and the smile on Viscount Robert's face became even wider.

  There is no need to think about the purpose of these people coming to Mr. Holland at this time!

  ——With a few simple words of conversation, they quickly reached a "consensus" with Viscount Robert.

  Together, they looked at Mr. Holland with "expectant" eyes.

  Under the "force" in the eyes of all the allies, Mr. Holland sighed helplessly, and then told the current situation... "

  What? Brand is challenging you?"

  "This should be respected. ,毕竟是祖上传下来的规矩,家主也并不是一定不会犯错!”


  "You said that Brand has only been studying at the Imperial Mage Academy for one year and has the strength he is now. If he studies for another year, the outcome of this duel seems to be really hard to say." As soon as these words came out, several senior

  officials The masters all looked at Mr. Holland with suspicion.

  Hearing what his allies said, Mr. Holland was a little dissatisfied.

  He waved his hand and said loudly:

  "Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! Brand will not have any chance of winning!"

  Facing Mr. Holander's "determination", Mr. Romine suddenly said sadly:

  "That's not necessarily true! I thought the same thing as you before the duel with Chris. It's a lesson learned from the past!"

   Thanks to book friend "His Royal Highness" for his monthly pass.
    Thanks to book friend "XPH_Heng" for his monthly pass
  (end of this chapter)

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