Chapter 638 The astonishingly powerful invisible phoenix!

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  Chapter 638 The astonishingly powerful invisible phoenix!
  Although Lord Robert's words contained what he expected.

  But for some reason, Mr. Mesa still felt heartbroken!
  Immediately afterwards, he coughed lightly, and then tried to make everyone forget what happened just now:
  "That's enough for the lively jokes, we have to discuss business now!"

  His eyes glanced at the empty screen in front of him, and he was slowing down. After His Majesty the Emperor slowly stood up and left.

  Mr. Mesa continued:

  "Now that His Majesty the Emperor has officially issued a declaration of war,

  Commander Jonas should soon announce the initial march plan.

  Before that, we may be able to make some preliminary preparations!"

  … ...

  After coming out of the conference room at the station, Brand put his hands in his pockets and walked in the direction of the library camp.

  Although His Majesty the Emperor has issued a declaration of war.

  But there is still a day or two before the real action.

  Currently, the base camp of the Eastern Allied Forces is located in another large fortress southeast of Spruce Castle and its surrounding area.

  ——The main force of the Eastern Allied Forces has gathered there!
  In addition to the imperial legions, numerous imperial noble legions also gathered there.

  A few days ago, several big men were also thinking about whether to join.

  However, considering the situation of more monks and less meat, they finally gave up such an idea.

  ——Only by fighting independently can you gain more war contributions!

  After returning to the library camp, library members spontaneously gathered towards Brand.

  Of course they also knew about the declaration of war issued by His Majesty the Emperor this morning.

  ——Through the empty screen in Catherine's hand, they also watched the "live broadcast" throughout.

  Looking at the people who were ready to move, Brand also briefly talked about the next action plan of their pioneering legion.

  To put it simply, they will not really attack until the main force of the coalition forces begins the Northern Expedition and attracts the attention of most of the orcs!
  Before that, they just need to wait and explore the information!
  After explaining the situation, Brand took out a map with the route marked and showed it to everyone.

  Then he said:

  "Although our army has no marching plan for the past two days,

  it does not mean that we will stay in Spruce Castle doing nothing.

  This afternoon, we will meet with the Chesil Mage Group and the Mesa Family. The scout team went to the north to gather information."


  At noon, after lunch.

  Brand led the library members to join the mage team of Lord Cecil and the scout team of hundreds of people, and then walked in the direction outside the station.

  All the way away from Snow Cedar Castle and heading north.

  Mr. Chesil also explained to Brand:

  "The orc fortress closest to Spruce Castle is in the direction of due north and east. It is a medium-sized fortress with many defenders inside.

  We briefly tried this fortress last time The defensive capabilities of the outer wall.

  Attacks at the top knight level can only leave inconspicuous traces on it, and the orcs can quickly repair it. It may be

  difficult for us to attack by force!
  Today our main task is to explore this The situation around the fort.

  Be prepared for the subsequent attack."

  While listening to Mr. Cecil explain today's mission.

  Brand also took out a map to check the situation of the orc fortress in the north of Spruce Castle.

  This map was recorded by several great men who went deep into the orc territory to explore the orcs when they last came to the Northland half a year ago!

  The specific situation of the large area north of Spruce Castle is marked in detail above.

  Of course, because this map is already half a year old.

  Therefore, it is not guaranteed to be completely accurate.

  Go all the way north and arrive at the edge of the purification device. The magic power of Lord Cecil and his mage began to resonate!
  Immediately afterwards, a huge three-headed lion made of invisible magic slowly stood up.

  During this process, a violent magical force field exploded around him.

  The gray fog of war in the surrounding area was dispersed.

  Seeing such a scene, Brand and others also acted quickly.

  As the extraordinary power in their bodies began to operate, the rings on their hands also shimmered.

  The eyes of Brand, everyone in the library, and the two knights Hisari and Catherine began to burn with brilliant fireworks of magic and life fighting spirit!

  In the process, it was as if a giant beast was awakening from its slumber.

  Under the astonishing power, the scouts stood up one after another!

  Immediately afterwards, the gathered wind elements slowly took Brand and others into the sky.

  During this process, the invisible magic phoenix spread its wings lightly and stopped in mid-air carrying everyone in the library!

  Feeling the astonishing power of the mage group in the library next to him, Mr. Cecil couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

  ——There are only about a hundred people in the library. How can this power be more exaggerated than their mage group of nearly a thousand people?

  After secretly turning on the detection spell and taking a few glances, I suppressed my inner curiosity.

  Lord Cecil used magic to transmit a message to everyone:
  "We are at the front to attract the attention of the orcs and disperse the gray fog of war.

  The library is in the middle to deal with the fish that slip through the net.

  The scouts act according to the opportunity, arrange dispersal devices, and explore further behind. Surrounding areas."

  After saying these words, he exerted slight force as his limbs stepped on the void platform.

  In a light leap, the three lions composed of the Cecil family mage group suddenly moved forward.

  Under the influence of the magical force field, the surrounding gray fog of war dissipated on its own.

  And accompanied by the purifying effect of water balls, they flew into the sky and the purifying rain enveloped them.

  The blue sky returned above everyone's heads, and the sun shone on the snowy field.

  After turning on the insight vision and glancing ahead a few times.

  Brand also reminded the scouts:
  "If you encounter an accident during the operation, send a signal to the sky. If we see it, we will come and deal with it as soon as possible!"

  As these words fell, the invisible magic phoenix spread its wings lightly and leisurely. Fly to the north.

  After the phoenix had gone away, a scout captain asked his companions doubtfully:

  "In the past, the ordinary form of the Library Mage Group didn't seem to be so powerful, right? Or am I remembering it wrong?"

  Hearing this, another scout captain on the side rubbed his chin with one hand and guessed:

  "I heard some recent news A friend of the Holland family who just came to Spruce Castle said:

  Although the Library Mage Group in the past was also recognized as a Mage Group, it

  actually lacked some necessary elements of a Mage Group. It was not until some time ago that they Complete the supplement.

  I think this should be the reason why their power has become stronger!"

  After hearing this explanation, the previous scout captain scratched his head and said:

  "Okay, I don't understand the mage thing either, let's start taking action as soon as possible. ?"

  Hearing this, several scout captains looked at each other and nodded.

  Immediately afterwards, a scout team of several hundred people quickly headed north.

  In the process, they gradually spread out.

  At the beginning, every figure was still clearly visible.

  But halfway through the journey, they gradually disappeared from the sight of ordinary people.

  ——Only a piece of ice and snow is left on the scene!
   Thank you to book friend 20220904121517641 for your monthly ticket.

    Thank you to book friend "Wolf Doll" for your monthly ticket.
    Thank you to book friend "Yuelong Guying" for your monthly ticket.
    Thank you to book friend "Eastern Dragon" for your monthly ticket
  . (End of this chapter)

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