Chapter 571 The beginning of the transition from darkness to light!

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  Chapter 571 The beginning of the transition from darkness to light!
  Brand here.

  Since leaving Cardan Palace last night.

  He and Catherine left the capital of Cardan together.

  Outside the royal capital, after meeting up with the carriage team waiting in advance.

  They headed south towards Buxton.

  Apart from the accompanying imperial spies, he and Catherine were the only two people who came to the royal capital this time.

  Rias, Hisari, and many prisoners of the Rosenkar family are all stationed in the city of Bunos, not far from Buxton.

  Next, if the Cardan royal family asks for help from the Bruns Empire as they expected.

  Then their next goal can be put on the agenda!
  At noon this day.

  Brand received a communication request from Rias' empty screen.

  When Brand agreed to the communication request, Rias appeared behind the magic crystal screen in front of her.

  Rias maintained a faint smile on her face, and then said:

  "Mr. Brand, according to the news from the imperial spy:

  This morning, the Bruns Empire Legion stationed around Buxton appeared. Unusual movement.

  Three legions, including a knighthood, a cavalry legion, and an infantry legion, left Buxton and marched north.

  After they left, only one of the Rosenkar family remained around Buxton. Cavalry Corps."

  After hearing this, Brand was a little curious and asked:
  "Is there any movement of the Bruns Empire garrison in the Moraiton Desert south of Buxton?"

  Rias shook her head and said,

  "Not yet, I I think they don't have the time to help the Rosenkar family search for their heirs.

  A few days ago, after the Bruns Empire issued censure to the countries surrounding the Moraiton Desert,

  the legions of these countries showed signs of mobilization.

  Although the events in the Bruns Empire were not their fault,

  it was obvious that they also wanted to seize this opportunity to put pressure on the Bruns Empire.

  Currently, the situation around the Moraiton Desert is slightly tense. "

  After hearing such a thing, Brand smiled and said:

  "Then we can plan our next actions. Have you figured out the situation of the guards in Black Rock Town?"

  Rias nodded and said:

  "According to the spy According to the investigation, the garrison in Black Rock Town is about 30,000 people.

  Most of them have the strength of junior knight apprentices or even ordinary people.

  In addition, there are thousands of blacksmiths and hundreds of people with strength ranging from mage apprentices to formal There are mages ranging from mages to

  mages. They are making knight golems every day.

  According to our investigation, many of these blacksmiths and mages were forcibly captured by the Bruns Empire.

  I think we can try to take them under our command! "

  Hearing this, Brand shook his head and said:
  "This point is of little significance and does not need to be emphasized.

  Have our spies detected the number of knight golems?"

  Speaking of this matter, Rias smiled slightly. Added a little more.

  Immediately afterwards, she was heard to say:

  "Our spies found a total of more than 10,000 knight golems in various warehouses in Black Rock Town.

  Once we take over the control of these knight golems,

  Mr. Brand will If we are held back by the high-level combat power of the

  knights, I think we can easily control the situation in Black Rock Town just by relying on these knight golems." After hearing

  Rias's words, Brand nodded and said:

  "Although The number is not large, but it is considered a powerful force for the Kingdom of Cardan.

  If they are transported back to the country, they can play a big role in the battlefield against the orcs."

  The knight golem can at least Bring out the power of the junior knight.

  Even if the actual fighting method is relatively rigid.

  But it is not something that the same number of ordinary legionnaires can compete with. When the Empire created them, they were also prepared to use them against the numerous Orc legions.

  Rias spoke again:

  "Our spy also found some other information in Black Rock Town.

  The resources stored in Black Rock Town for making knight golems seem to have been consumed most.

  In addition, because Cardin The chaos.

  The Cardan royal family seems to be planning to suspend production, and then transport these knight golems to the Cardan royal capital in batches to strengthen the defense of the royal capital. Should

  we do something according to their plan? "

  Hearing this, Brand shook his head and said:
  "There are too many variables, so it's better not to use it.

  Moreover, the people in charge who want to come to other areas are also a little impatient.

  So we'd better carry out our plan as soon as possible!"

  After a slight pause. , Brand spoke again:

  "Rias, next I need to let the power of the entire Golden Opera House start to gather around Buxton.

  Next, we have to stand up to the Cardin royal family and confront it!

  " After Rias' call ended.

  Brand sent another communication request to the command center of the operation.

  ——It’s time to set a specific date for the recovery plan of the Knight Golem!

  as the hands of time move forward.

  Three days passed.

  In the past three days, many forces in the anti-royal front of the Cardan Kingdom have gradually smelled an unusual atmosphere.

  One thing they have always tacitly understood is that

  among the many forces within the Kingdom of Cardan, many must be supported by some large forces outside the country.

  What happened to the Rosenkar family before, and the attack on the Cardan Palace.

  There is no doubt that they are all the work of big foreign forces!

  ——Such a powerful force does not exist in the Cardan Kingdom!
  Of course, during this process, a certain local force within the territory should also have provided help and cover-up for these actions, otherwise everything should not have been so silent!
  On the basis of this understanding.

  A few days ago, the Alliance Council criticized the Golden Opera House.

  The Golden Opera House proudly asked them to "wait and see" the second night.

  Cardan Palace was attacked by mysterious people...

  This made many forces on the anti-royal front somewhat suspicious.

  ——Is this what the Golden Opera House wants them to see?
  ——Is there some foreign force behind the Golden Opera House?
  If you think about it carefully, the development process of the Golden Opera House was helped by many anti-royal and aristocratic forces.

  But their development process was a little too smooth and fast!
  ——This is as if developing a power is something that is very easy and familiar to the top management of the Golden Opera House, and has even been successfully carried out many times!
  without waiting for them to conduct further exploration and investigation based on this information.

  There is a new trend in the Golden Opera House:

  their members seem to be gathering towards the south of the Cardan Kingdom, and they seem to be about to make some big move!

  Because a lot of cover-ups were made during the action.

  Many anti-royal forces do not know their specific location.

  However, many thoughtful people still guessed the possibility.

  During this period of time, the dispute between the common people and the nobles began with the silence between the Cardin nobles and the royal family on the Buxton incident!

  Currently, the blockade in Buxton has been lifted.

  But under the propaganda of the Alliance and many civilian forces.

  The tragedy around Buxton South Square is vividly visible!

  In addition, although the Bruns Empire Corps was very restrained in the process of blockading Buxton, many people also lost their lives!
  ——People are all empathetic!

  If at this time, someone attacks Buxton and declares it is free from the control of the Cardin royal family and the Bruns Empire.

  Then it is easy to respond to a hundred responses and officially set off the overthrow of the Cardan royal family!

  Imagine when this is possible.

  Many anti-royal forces in the Cardan Kingdom are beginning to feel a little uneasy and nervous!
  ——Is this day finally coming?

   Thanks to book friend "vjvj Lu Family Biography" for your monthly ticket
  (end of this chapter)

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