Chapter 564 The chaotic Cardin!

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  Chapter 564 The chaotic Cardin!
  After learning all kinds of information from Rias, Brand was finally ready to be invited to attend the meeting with the Alliance.

  Because the meeting was scheduled for a week later by the Alliance.

  Also considering that with the withdrawal of the Bruns Empire, the operation to recover the Knight Golem has gradually been put on the agenda.

  So in the next few days, Brand took many prisoners and moved his usual office location to the surrounding area of ​​Buxton.

  At the same time, he has been paying close attention to the daily intelligence on the Kingdom of Cardan sent by his imperial spies.

  ——After the incident in the Alliance, the Kingdom of Cardan is rapidly becoming chaotic!

  Perhaps it was because the long-standing grievances between the nobles and the common people were detonated, or perhaps there were forces secretly instigating it.

  Coupled with the incident in the Bruns Empire itself, the Bruns Empire's garrison in the Kingdom of Cardan gradually withdrew.

  Without the Bruns Empire pressing overhead.

  Almost every day, more than one vicious incident involving a battle between civilian forces and aristocratic forces occurs in major cities in the Kingdom of Cardan.

  These incidents are not limited to the areas managed by the Cardan royal family, the entire Cardan Kingdom has been affected!

  Or civilians attacking the shops and mansions of nobles.

  Or the nobles' subordinates hunt down commoners who provoke them.

  In the Kingdom of Cardan, there is a power gap between nobles and civilians.

  But this gap is not as huge as the Kaya Empire.

  In the past time, due to the estrangement between the Cardan royal family and the Cardan nobles, and the intervention of external forces from time to time.

  Civilians with talent, intelligence, and ambition have gained strength and even developed influence through various means.

  ——Many civilians in the Cardan Kingdom are also a force that cannot be ignored. In this incident, the two sides fought hard!

  Of course, both sides are relatively restrained for the time being. The main force in these conflicts are mostly knight apprentices and ordinary people.

  Conflicts between the official knight and official mage levels rarely occur.

  in such a chaotic situation.

  After thinking for a long time, Brand conveyed their organization's position on the current situation to all members of the Golden Opera House.

  And ask all members of the organization to inform other anti-royal forces in the Cardan Kingdom of this position!

  ——All their actions are centered around the goal of overthrowing the Cardan royal family. In the battle between the nobles and civilian forces, they will remain neutral!

  Although the contradiction between the nobles and civilians of the Cardan Kingdom has become increasingly prominent.

  But for Brand and the Kaya Empire behind him.

  Whether it is aristocrats or civilian forces.

  As long as you stand against the Cardin royal family and the Bruns Empire, you can be regarded as their natural allies!

  As for the fact that their Golden Opera House maintains good relations with many nobles of the Cardan Kingdom, but there is a gap between the civilian forces and these nobles, it is actually not a big problem.

  Although when Rias first came to the Kingdom of Cardan and cautiously developed her power, she received some help from these nobles.

  But now, the power of the Golden Opera House has spread over half of the Cardin Kingdom, and there is also Brand, a person who supports the scene.

  The obvious thing is:
  they no longer need the help of these nobles!

  Of course, Brand is not ready to burn bridges.

  Since the establishment of their Golden Opera House, the goal of publicity has always been to overthrow the Cardan royal family, which favors the Bruns Empire.

  So in this matter, many civilian forces are obviously allies who stand on the same front as them.

  ——Brand is not prepared to waste his precious strength on helping these nobles fight against the forces.

  ——And similarly, he will not help civilian forces fight against aristocratic forces.

  For Brand and the Kaya Empire.

  After overthrowing the Cardan royal family. Whether these nobles rise to power or civilians rise to power, as long as their stance against the Bruns Empire is firm enough.

  Both Brand and Kaya Empire can accept it.

  After Brand conveyed this action stance to Rias.

  Rias quickly conveyed this action stance to the many imperial agents and peripheral members below.

  Soon, under the clear statements of many front-line members of the Golden Opera House.

  Many anti-royal forces in the Cardan Kingdom are aware of their attitude.

  Immediately afterwards, the Golden Opera House unexpectedly received a large number of alliance requests from "anti-royal neutral forces".

  ——These forces have the same position as the Golden Opera House!
  He did not choose to side with the nobles, nor did he choose to side with the common people.

  At the same time, their goal is also to overthrow the Cardan royal family and even resist the control of the Bruns Empire.

  Because the forces of the civilian faction and the aristocratic faction caused chaos in the Kingdom of Cardan, they were affected.

  So now, they are preparing to get together with the Golden Opera House, an anti-royal neutral force that was the first to make its stance clear to the outside world!
  Because this was also a good thing for the Golden Opera House, Brand quickly asked Rias to invite the leaders of these forces.

  On this day, a small banquet hall at the Nobbs City Opera House.

  Many neutral forces that were preparing to form an alliance with the Golden Opera House were sitting around a table with Brand, who was dressed in a red robe and mask, and were expressing their thoughts to each other in a passionate voice.

  "A big event is happening in the Bruns Empire!

  They are withdrawing their troops!

  At least for the next period of time, the support the Bruns Empire can give to the Cardan royal family is extremely limited!
  Now is the time to overthrow the Cardan royal family. A golden opportunity!
  At this time, the civilian faction and the aristocratic faction are actually fighting among themselves?
  I really don’t understand what these guys are thinking!"

  "You are right! If you

  miss this opportunity, you will have to wait for the Bruns Empire again. Free hands.

  The difficulty for us to overthrow the Cardan royal family will skyrocket!" "

  I think someone must be doing something secretly!

  Such a coincidental timing is obviously problematic!" "

  The Alliance made a bad move this time. Head!
  Although they pointed out the problem of the Cardin royal family, they should not detonate the conflict between civilians and nobles at this time!
  Many nobles are also members of the staunch anti-Cardin royal family and anti-Bruns Empire front.

  Between civilians and nobles The conflicts between the two countries should be resolved after overthrowing the Cardan royal family and breaking away from the control of the Bruns Empire!" "

  We must talk to the leader of the Alliance for the meeting tomorrow night!"

  Listen to everyone's analysis and guessing.

  Brand couldn't help but once again put the actions of the Alliance that day on the table.

  ——This organization launched its action on the second day after the incident occurred in the Bruns Empire itself.

  If we put other issues aside and just assume that the Alliance did receive the intelligence before taking action.

  So, where did the Alliance most likely get the information?
  The Kaya Empire was eliminated first.

  After all, he is the person in charge of the Kaya Empire in the Cardan Kingdom.

  Considering that the Bruns Empire seems to have captured a group of spies from the countries surrounding the Moraiton Desert.

  Therefore, it is possible that the Alliance may have obtained information from these countries.

  But these countries should not cause such chaos in the Kingdom of Cardan.

  If the Cardan royal family has not been overthrown, the conflict will be transferred to the nobles and common people.

  Just wait for the Bruns Empire to be free to support the Cardan royal family.

  Sooner or later, the Kingdom of Cardan will become what it used to be!
  When thinking of this, Brand suddenly realized a fact that is easily overlooked!
  ——The current chaotic situation in the Cardan Kingdom is beneficial to the Bruns Empire and the Cardan royal family!

  (End of chapter)

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