Chapter 480 Breakthrough in the application of transcendent power

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  Chapter 480 The breakthrough in the application of the power of transcendence

  occurred when several big men secretly discussed Brand's "abnormality".

  The laboratory of the library resident.

  Brand is discussing the latest research results of transcendence with Catherine.

  In fact, this is a study that applies the power of transcendence to knights.

  The research results were obtained much faster than expected.

  After Brand returned to the library from the mage town, he and Catherine analyzed and studied the power of formal knights.

  They eventually gave up on directly applying the power of transcendence to the Knight's Secret Art.

  Instead, they decided to use it to strengthen the life fighting spirit of the knight!
  It is different from a mage who uses magic power to build a spell structure to move the world and release spells.

  A formal knight like Catherine needs to coordinate spiritual will, physical strength, and life fighting spirit before she can fully exert her power.

  If the life fighting spirit of one of the three can be strengthened, the physical strength and spiritual will can be successfully coordinated with it.

  Then both oneself and the knight's secret skills can exert more powerful power.

  Two days ago, under the influence of Brand's rune array creation, this theory was confirmed!

  When the power of transcendence truly strengthens the fighting spirit of life.

  Catherine truly felt that the power she could exert had been further enhanced.

  Of course, this enhancement is not an exaggeration.

  Although the enhanced life fighting spirit has reached the level of a great knight in terms of quality.

  But because physical strength and mental will have not yet reached that level.

  Therefore, without using the knight's secret skills, the power that Catherine can finally exert does not reach the level of the great knight.

  Specifically, this method takes the power that Catherine can exert to a small level.

  ——From an intermediate knight to a senior knight.

  Since Catherine is much stronger than the knights of the same realm, she uses the power of transcendence to strengthen her life fighting spirit.

  Coupled with the Holland family's top knight secret skills, she has been able to easily suppress the great knight golem.

  "Compared to relatively external extraordinary powers such as magic and elements, life fighting energy is more consistent with life itself.

  It seems to be an extension of the body and mind.

  Unfortunately, the rune array does not allow me to control it as freely as a knight. Otherwise,

  I might try to unleash one or two powerful knight secret skills."

  After hearing Brand's words, Catherine hesitated for a moment.

  But in the end, she reminded her loudly:

  "Master, if you want to release the knight's secret skills, in addition to running the life fighting energy in a specific way, you also need to use the coordinated spiritual will and physical strength.

  If the three cannot If we achieve coordination, we will not be able to successfully release the knight's secret skills in the end."

  Hearing Catherine's reminder, Brand suddenly felt a little regretful and said:

  "That's true, my physical strength is not enough at all, and I am not as special as the knight. Will."

  Seeing that Brand seemed a little disappointed, Catherine comforted:
  "If the young master wants to, he will definitely be able to think of an alternative in the future!"

  Hearing Catherine's comfort, Brand couldn't help but smile and stretched out his hand to rub her head.

  Then, he shook his head and said:
  "Let's forget it. This project doesn't have much research value.

  And for us mages, spells are more useful."

  After saying this, Brand asked again :

  "Tell me what else needs to be modified in the conversion device?
  Because I am not a knight after all, so I can only provide you with these external aids."

  Catherine rubbed the two bracelets on her wrists and shook them. He shook his head and said:

  "After these two days of changes, there is no problem now.

  The next step is to continue to become proficient and try to apply it in actual combat.

  When I reach the level of a high-level knight, I will cooperate with the strengthening of the power of transcendence.

  I I think that even without using the knight's secret skills, I can truly reach the power level of a junior knight.

  In this way, combined with the knight's secret skills and the shield specially prepared by the young master,

  I can also have greater confidence in dealing with the big master's attack."

  Bu Bu . Rand nodded and said:

  "In this case, the research on using the power of transcendence for life fighting spirit has been initially completed.

  Although the effect is much worse than the enhanced spell, there are no other shortcomings except consumption.

  Because of this The time is much earlier than I expected, and I can also make better preparations in other aspects."

  Hearing this, Catherine hesitated and said:
  "Master, will the eldest master really allow us to use this device in a duel? ?"

  Brand waved his hand and said:

  "Isn't it normal to carry auxiliary weapons and equipment in battle?
  If the elder has any objections, I can prepare one for him.

  In this way, both of us can Yes, how can it be unfair?"

  It seemed as if he was thinking of the confused look on Mr. Holland's face while holding the transformation device.

  Brand couldn't help but smile.

  After chatting with Catherine for a while.

  Catherine left the laboratory, while Brand continued the next phase of the research plan.


  early the next morning.

  After breakfast, Brand held the "Heritage Cross" in one hand and the "Magic Book" in the other.

  Walking towards the resident training ground.

  At this time, Catherine was probably already waiting there with Ms. Hisari.

  Since the last conversation with the Academy Dean, Brand has also realized that he needs to focus on training to cooperate with Catherine and jointly deal with the actual combat ability of the Great Knight.

  Considering that I also need to do some research, the library also happens to have the combat power of the great knight Hisari.

  So Brand finally left the mage town and returned to the library.

  Although there is a certain gap between Hisari and the real great knight.

  But if it is combined with a few big knight golems.

  Brand and Catherine can still feel a certain degree of pressure.

  However, there was a breakthrough in the research on the power of transcendence.

  And Catherine gradually became proficient in using this method.

  The pressure from Hisari and the Great Knight Golem plummeted.

  After arriving at the training ground, I greeted the two people who were already waiting.

  Brand activated the rune circle, and he also took out three big knight golems.

  After removing the restrictive shackles on Xisali, he handed over the knight golem controller with secondary authority.

  Brand smiled and said:

  "I'm going to trouble Ms. Hisari today too!"

  Hearing this, Hisari quickly responded with the same smile:

  "Mr. Brand has already given generous rewards, hasn't he? As a prisoner, I don’t want to leave here now.”

  In fact, during the period of being held under house arrest in the library as a prisoner.

  Hisari felt that she was doing quite well.

  In addition to being a sparring partner every day, he would lie on a soft and comfortable reclining chair and listen to the servants tell all kinds of interesting things about the surroundings, read all kinds of interesting books, and entertain himself.

  Everyday life is taken care of, and three meals a day are delicious.

  You can often see Brand, this extremely handsome guy!

  ——If we can continue to live like this, that would be pretty good!
  Seeing Ms. Hisari's reaction, Brand felt a little sympathetic.

  ——This lady seems to have been accustomed to losing her freedom a long time ago.

  I didn’t talk to this lady any more.

  After the two sides set an appropriate distance and gave each other a signal to start.

  Hisari opened the secret method of Bruns Empire.

  While he is surrounded by golden fighting spirit, the power of the great knight also spreads out to the surroundings with it as the center!
  At the same time, the wind element began to surround Brand and Catherine.

  After the wind element barrier and the incarnation of the Wind King were opened, the "converters" in the hands of the two began to shine with the brilliance of life fighting spirit and magic power.

  The next moment, the power of transcendence was activated.

  Brand's wind elemental barrier began to expand around him.

  Catherine, on the other hand, has a pair of golden pupils shining with light, and a faint golden fighting spirit wraps around her side!

  After the brief moment of pre-war preparations.

  Holding a long sword and a buckler, Hisari led three large knight golems and launched a violent charge towards the two!

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