Chapter 45 Huang Qiangwei

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  Chapter 45 Huang Qiangwei

  Brand accidentally learned a lot of news while talking to a group of girls.

  Many of them are just the slightest complaints from girls about the subtle changes in their family.

  In the past, Brand wouldn't have noticed anything.

  However, combined with what Mr. Holland told him about the pioneering war in two years' time, Brand could easily realize that they were preparing for war.

  Indeed, as Mr. Holland said, the nobles of the empire are working hard to promote the pioneering war two years later.

  At this time, Catherine suddenly squeezed to Brand's side, then leaned into Brand's ear and whispered something.

  After hearing what Catherine said clearly, Brand looked a little strange.

  Then, he apologized to the ladies in front of him: "I have to excuse myself for a moment, and I will continue later." Not long ago

  , when Catherine was choosing a meal for Brand in the dining area, someone told Catherine that his young lady had I want to discuss the news about the knight's secret medicine with the Holland family in detail.

  Because it involved the knight's secret medicine, only Brand came to today's banquet. Catherine instantly realized that Brand needed to make the decision on this matter, so she immediately informed Brand of what happened.

  This is the reason why Brand said goodbye to all the ladies.

  "Are those two the friends who brought the news about the knight's secret medicine?"

  "Yes, young master."

  After receiving confirmation from Catherine, Brand leaned towards the two of them with a faint smile on his face.

  Looking at a man and a woman not far away in front of him, both of them were dressed exquisitely. The man stood half a step back, looking like an attendant.

  What makes Brand a little puzzled is that this man seems to have a strange hostility towards him.

  Although Brand is often hostile to various men, jealousy accounts for the vast majority.

  The hostile look of the man in front of him made Brand feel a bit like the father of those girls.

  It's not jealousy, just simple unhappiness.

  This made Brand somewhat incomprehensible.

  Seeing Brand approaching, the woman in front of her smiled and performed an exotic etiquette that Brand had never seen before.

  Brand was a little surprised by this.

  However, he quickly returned the standard aristocratic courtesy of the Kaya Empire.

  After that, Brand smiled and said: "Beautiful lady, I am Brand Holland, what should I call you?"

  When Brand called her "beautiful lady", the woman's cheeks turned red. red.

  After inviting Brand to come and sit down, she smiled and said:

  "I am Grace Miller. Mr. Brand can just call me Grace. I'm sorry to bother you, but please don't take offense to Mr. Brand.

  " Of course there would be no such thing. Brand was very curious about the meeting etiquette of this lady named Grace which was different from that of the Kaya Empire: "

  Ms. Grace, you are not a native of the Kaya Empire, right?"

  Grace smiled slightly . , nodded.

  Then, she took out a business card and handed it to Brand:

  "I am a businessman from the Huangqiangwei Chamber of Commerce. This time I came to the Kaya Empire mainly to look for business opportunities and buy goods. I also brought some The goods are sold."

  "Traveling merchants, right? I have always envied you for being able to appreciate the beautiful scenery of various regions."

  While giving a simple compliment, Brand also began to look at the business card in his hand:

  "Yellow Rose of the Kingdom of Palencia The Chamber of Commerce mainly deals in knight equipment, consumables and training supplies."

  Looking at the name and introduction of the Chamber of Commerce on the business card, Brand frowned slightly.

  He is not very clear about the various foreign forces, although Brand, the business kingdom of Palencia, has heard about them.

  But if Brand remembers correctly, Palencia seems to be directly east of the Human Alliance, that is, directly south of the Kaya Empire, separated by at least three territories as large as the Kaya Empire.

  Are you coming all this way to look for business opportunities?
  Brand didn't quite believe it.

  Seemingly aware of Brand's doubts, the woman explained for Brand:

  "We, the Huang Qiangwei Chamber of Commerce, have offices in many countries on the mainland. The nearest station to the Kaya Empire is in the Lana Kingdom in the south. We I came from there this time."

  After hearing this, Brand asked curiously:
  "Do you want to open a new station in the Kaya Empire?"

  "That's not necessarily true!"

  The woman smiled and said:
  " In fact, the area where the Kaya Empire is located is quite remote, and the transportation cost is relatively high. The cost-effectiveness of setting up a station here is very low, and most of the chamber of commerce is opposed. So the main task of my team this time is to evaluate

  . The commercial value of the Kingdom of Kaya, and the specific impact of the elemental tide on the northeastern coast of Farnes Continent two years later."

  Good guy!
  As soon as these words came out, Brand almost knew what this woman and the Huang Qiangwei Chamber of Commerce were here for.

  They probably came here to see if the Kaya Empire would take advantage of this elemental tide to push the border northward to the Endless Sea.

  If so, we can make a fortune from the war, and at the same time, prepare ourselves for exporting elf specialties in the future, right?

  As expected of a multinational businessman, Brand only knew about it in a few days.

  People have come all the way here to visit!

  But he knew he knew it, but Brand still didn't show it.

  Developing war and elf trade routes is something in the future.

  Brand is now only interested in the news about the knight's secret medicine.

  "The elemental tide is a little too far away from us. Let's talk about your Huang Qiangwei products."

  Although Brand didn't want to talk about the elemental tide, Grace didn't show any special reaction.

  Then, she began to describe the business scope of the Huangqiangwei Chamber of Commerce as Brand wanted:
  "Mr. Brand, our Huangqiangwei Chamber of Commerce serves various knight families in the mainland. The famous Hollander family in Toler County is ours. One of your target customers, whether it is weapons or armor, or various training facilities, or medicinal materials for recovering from fatigue, our Huangqiangwei Chamber of Commerce sells them." Brand suddenly asked: "The knight's secret medicine is also one of your

  . "?"

  "We generally don't sell knight's secret medicine to the public, and usually only use it as gifts. Even if a big customer buys it, we will only sell a small amount." Then, with a change of tone, Grace began to talk about the advantages of

  their chamber of commerce:

  " In fact, compared to the knight's secret medicine, our Huangqiangwei Chamber of Commerce's rich reserves of medicinal materials are more favored by customers. If the Holander family needs it, the Huangqiangwei Chamber of Commerce can purchase the relevant medicinal materials for making the secret medicine for you.

  After all, if something like Knight's Secret Medicine is to be used in large quantities, it would be more reassuring if it was produced by one's own company, right?

  "I see what you mean. " Brand

  nodded, then took out a pen and paper from the space necklace, and began to write the names of several medicinal materials and year requirements on it.

  After writing, Brand handed it to Grace, and then asked:

  "You Can you find the source of these medicinal materials? "

  What Brand wrote down are some of the medicinal materials used in the Holander family's knight secret medicine.

  - This is to test the medicinal materials reserves of the Huangqiangwei Chamber of Commerce.

  Although he wanted to write more, it is a pity that Brand just She could remember so much.

  Grace took the "list" handed over by Brand and looked at it carefully.

  Soon, she said: "Mr. Brand, if it is just these medicinal materials on the list, it will be enough in half a month." We will be able to deliver the first batch within a few days, but we don’t know how much the Holander family needs. "

  Good question! I don't know either.

  Brand smiled slightly and said,

  "Then maybe you should ask Mr. Holland, the head of our Holander family. I don't know if Ms. Grace has other plans tomorrow. Arrangement, am I lucky enough to invite the lady to Hollandburg to have a friendly relationship with the landowner?

  Grace smiled and said, "That's my honor! "

  (End of chapter)

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