Chapter 443: Show your cards!

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  Chapter 443: Show your cards!

  Everyone was a little surprised when they heard such news.

  Someone asked:

  "Didn't they be ranked sixth by Jiwenshe just two days ago? Now they are ranked third?"

  The visitor explained:
  "They have adjusted the members participating in the team battle. , three new intermediate mages have been added!

  And they used a very powerful light spell in the battle to face the attack of the magic crossbow!"

  While saying this, the member of the Earth Courtyard who conveyed the information also took the A magic crystal appeared and began to play magic images.

  Looking at the magic image in front of them, the eyes of the three members of the Secret Society of Light suddenly became slightly brighter, and the magic power on their bodies began to slowly burn.

  Suddenly there were three blazing white, fist-sized balls of light floating beside each of them.

  And when the scarlet arrows of the magic crossbow shot at extremely fast speeds.

  The three blazing white light balls immediately fired dazzling blazing white beams at it.

  The next moment, three blazing white beams hit the arrows of the magic crossbow simultaneously.

  Immediately afterwards, there seemed to be some strange resonance.

  After a brief moment of stalemate, a violent explosion occurred at the location where the beams collided.

  Under the protection of the magic shield, everyone in the Secret Society of Light was safe and sound.

  At the same time, the arrows of the magic crossbow were defeated head-on!

  After seeing the whole process, everyone present looked a little solemn.

  After a period of silence, the brown-haired man who had been sitting silently at the front said steadily:

  "The combination of three blazing white light balls can defeat the attack of the magical giant crossbow head-on. It is difficult to imagine that if these blazing white light balls What kind of scene will it be if the number of balls further increases?

  I didn’t expect that before the mage event has even started, they will show their trump cards first! "


  Celine's studio.

  After the day's Elvish course, Celine talked about the arrangements for the Mage Gala:

  "In two days, when the countdown to the opening ceremony of the Mage Gala is one week, the college will set up a 'college ranking list' regardless of grade. This list is for the purpose of screening students who participate in the Mage Festival.

  At that time, you will be directly ranked first in terms of personal combat power and initial ranking of Rune Array.

  Although you have been considered as a default candidate, if someone challenges you If so, you still need to stand up and show your strength, especially in the study of runes. Compared to your

  combat ability, most students in the college don’t know much about your level of study in runes."

  Brand He nodded and said,
  "I know."

  After saying goodbye to his teacher and walking out of the studio, Brand wanted to go back and continue his research.

  But when they were halfway there, Andy and Finn came over together.

  After finding a place to sit down, the two began to tell Brand about the tripartite exchange meeting.

  ——The Secret Society of Light Cult is getting serious!

  Look at the special spell in the magic image in front of you.

  Brand couldn't help showing a curious expression.

  Finn explained:
  "According to the information we have learned, this is a special spell inheritance of the Light Religion Secret Society.

  When the number of these blazing white light balls reaches a certain level, the power of their cluster attacks is very likely to further increase to A higher level!"

  Hearing such a thing, Brand couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

  Andy also added in a timely manner:
  "I asked the deputy dean about this.

  According to her, this should be a weakened and simplified version of the legion spell.

  By dividing the power to a great extent, it will be less powerful. We need to build a mage group framework.

  I think you'd better be more cautious."

  Legion spell?

  Hearing this, Brand's expression became slightly solemn.

  ——The prerequisite for normal casting of legion spells is to build a mage group framework, and it also requires the cooperation of a magic force field, but this is not necessarily the case for the weakened version.

  Originally, Brand didn't pay much attention to the Mage Festival. After all, he had already begun to prepare to challenge Mr. Holland, the top knight. How many of the younger generation of mages could be his opponents?
  But after suddenly hearing that members of the Secret Society of Light actually had such methods, Brand couldn't help but look serious.

  ——Catherine is unable to participate in the competition between mages, and defense is exactly his weakness.

  ——Suddenly attacked by a sublimation spell, there is a real possibility that he will be eliminated!

  Thinking of this, Brand's attitude couldn't help but become a little more serious.

  Immediately afterwards, he asked:

  "What's going on with those knight golems in the magic image? When did there be such a thing in team battles?
  In addition, it is said that the process and rules of the Mage Festival have been disclosed. Can you Tell me about it?"

  Brand suddenly asked about the knight golem in team battles and the rules of the mage event.

  Andy and Finn were speechless for a moment.

  ——The rules have been made public for so many days, has Brand not paid attention at all?
  Seeing the strange looks on his two friends' faces, Brand said with some embarrassment,

  "Originally I wanted to find out more about it, but recently I was studying a special new spell, so I forgot about it." Listening to

  Brand After saying this, Finn asked curiously:
  "What kind of new spell is it?"

  At this time, Andy couldn't help but cast a curious look at Brand.

  It is most likely that

  this new spell was prepared for Mr. Holland.

  Seeing that the two were curious, Brand had no intention of hiding anything and directly told the research on the incarnation of the magic version of the Wind King.

  And after knowing that what Brand was studying was actually a spell with such rare effects.

  Finn said with admiration:

  "Our ancestor who studied the incarnation of the Wind King spent many years before he came up with the incarnation of the Wind King! Brand, you are much better than him!" Brand said modestly: "That's


  . The research manuscript of the ancestor of the Sear family who developed the incarnation of the Wind King provided me with great help. Many of the ideas for my spell were directly copied from it. So if I can really develop this spell, your ancestor can also be

  considered It was a great effort."

  Hearing this, Finn continued to praise:

  "This is already amazing! No one in our Cecil family has created this method based on the manuscripts of our ancestors for so many years, which is enough to explain the problem!"

  Brand was a little embarrassed after being praised continuously by Finn.

  Fortunately, Andy stood up at the right time and brought the topic down to business. He began to tell him about the new team battle mode and various public information about the mage exchange event.

  After telling all the things, Andy sighed and said:
  "The highest level mage in our college is only at the level of junior mage. The stronger students have now graduated and left school.

  Whether it is the Secret Society of Light or the There are several intermediate mages in the Earth Courtyard.

  In addition, they also have special inheritance that most college students cannot access.

  Before, they were secretive, but after the Light Sect Secret Society exerted its power, they wanted to come to the Earth. The Courtyard cannot sit still.

  Currently, the Light Cult Secret Society has reached the fourth place on the team battle list. The

  Earth Courtyard, which is in the third place, has also issued a challenge invitation to our Mage Association.

  Maybe we can only watch next You're in the library!"

  Thinking carefully about the rules of communication activities.

  Brand nodded with a smile and said:
  "Just wait and see!"

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  (end of this chapter)

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