Chapter 440 Another bulging wallet!

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  Chapter 440 Another bulging wallet!
  After the placement of Ms. Hisari and the exploration of the secret method to increase the strength of the Bruns Empire.

  Brand took out the blank screen and sent a communication request to Sonia Fuentes, the director of the Imperial Foreign Affairs Department.

  After the communication was connected and after a while of greetings, Sonia took the initiative to talk about the alliance meeting:
  "The results of the alliance meeting were almost as we expected. The representatives of the Bruns Empire contacted the offensive as soon as they learned about the situation. The forces in our southern towns have drawn a clear line.

  In addition, they may also have various response methods for the various investigation methods of the subsequent multinational joint investigation team. It may be difficult for the investigation team to investigate conclusive evidence. Of course

  , It may be possible to investigate some things related to the undead, but this is of little significance to our Kaya Empire.

  Therefore, the next step is to see if we can find evidence that is beneficial to us.

  If not, the Bruns Empire is very It's easy to get yourself out of this matter."

  After hearing Sonia's words, Brand sighed slightly:

  "The Bruns Empire is so cunning!"

  Hearing this, Sonia also smiled and nodded. :
  "It is correct to say that they are cunning. Representatives of many countries have roughly seen the facts, but they have not expressed any opinions.

  The evidence is secondary. For them, the dispute between our two countries has nothing to do with it. They have little relationship, and their only concern is about the undead.

  The Bruns Empire obviously saw this, so it stood up and directly drew a clear line with the group of people who attacked the town."

  Wait for Sonia to say. After finishing, Brand asked again:

  "After this incident, will the Bruns Empire still cause trouble for us in the future?"

  Speaking of this question, Sonia shrugged and said:
  "This is not certain. .

  In addition, the Bruns Empire is not necessarily the only one causing chaos in the southern part of our empire.

  Maybe it is only the Bruns Empire that has been revealed for the time being.

  You must not have forgotten about the Caesar Empire, right?

  If you hadn't happened to break through their Plan, we have also reached an agreement with them.

  Perhaps the situation in the southwestern region of the empire is just as bad now.

  At present, the empire is already designing a response plan.

  Although we are not very willing, we are indeed involved in some energy by their methods. "

  After explaining this, Sonia asked Brand again:
  "By the way, I heard that your forces captured a powerful knight? Did the interrogation yield any useful information?"

  Brand explained. :

  "I contacted my sister this time just to talk about this matter."

  Next, Brand informed Sonia of the information he obtained from Hisari.

  After thinking for a moment, Sonia concluded:
  "This is useful information, but we still have to wait for the investigation results of the imperial spy."

  After talking about the Bruns Empire, Sonia smiled and talked about the mage exchange event. :
  "The preparatory stage for the mage exchange event has ended, and the scene has been decorated.

  Representatives of various mage forces have also arrived in the imperial capital, and the opening ceremony will be held in half a month.

  I heard that you will represent the Imperial Royal Mage Academy . Participate in the exchange activities of the younger generation?"

  Brand nodded and said:
  "Although I have been busy recently, the dean of the college has given generous rewards, so I have to spare some free time to participate."

  Looking at Brand Seeing Germany's "detached" posture, Sonia couldn't help but smile and joked:
  "Then I'll look forward to the performance of the genius of the number one mage in our empire!"

  Because the Foreign Affairs Department has been relatively busy recently, she and Brand After chatting for a while, Sonia took the initiative to end the call with a look of regret.

  After putting away the empty screen, Brand also began to carefully plan the various matters that needed to be carried out next.

  Preparing for the duel with Mr. Holland must be at the top of the list.

  Next, he needs to continue to practice constructing two powerful magic rune arrays out of thin air, research the spell version of the incarnation of the Wind King, and continue to look for various ways to improve his chances of winning.

  It wasn't just Catherine who was worried that she wouldn't be able to withstand Mr. Holland's attack.

  He is also worried about whether he can successfully release the great magic.

  Compared with those "normal castings" that are readily available, it will undoubtedly take more time to build a rune array out of thin air.

  Moreover, this process requires most of his energy, and there is a risk of being interrupted midway.

  ——As long as the foundation of the constructed magic circle is destroyed, everything must be torn down and started all over again!
  Although he is protected by Catherine, who knows whether Mr. Holland will have any special means to influence him to build the rune circle?
  The stakes are high and caution is a must!
  Additionally, he needed to create a shield for Catherine.

  The forging materials and forging methods are already available.

  However, Brand still needs to ask professionals to deal with dragon scales.

  This thing is not the kind of metal material that can be melted by high temperature and easily shaped.

  Anyway, Brand didn't dare to make a move easily after studying it for a long time.

  He was going to ask Grace to see if Huang Qiangwei Chamber of Commerce had any relevant solutions.

  In addition to many preparations for the duel with Mr. Holander, he also needs to participate in the next mage exchange event in the imperial capital.

  While thinking about the various things that needed to be done next, Brand stood up and walked around the library with Catherine.

  He didn't go far, and seemed to find that he had finished his business.

  Little Kaia flapped her wings and came to him, handing him a few feathers burning with red flames.

  Looking at the cute and well-behaved little guy in front of him, Brand temporarily put all the troublesome things aside.

  He knelt down, smiled and asked,

  "Have you used up the magic gold coins I gave you last time?"

  Under the guidance of everyone, little Kaiya is now able to understand commonly used human words.

  So in response to Brand's inquiry, little Kaiya reacted for a moment and quickly nodded to indicate that Brand was right.

  Seeing this, after accepting the Firebird Feather handed over by Little Kaiya, Brand took out a large bag of heavy magic gold coins.

  After watching little Kaiya put the magic gold coins into the magic pocket hanging around her neck with a happy face.

  Brand smiled and stroked little Kaiya's feathers while asking aloud:

  "Would you like to go shopping together later?"

  After hearing the word "shopping", little Kaiya nodded quickly.

  ——If you have magic gold coins in your hand, you will naturally have to spend them to fully demonstrate their value!
  Brand's thoughts are similar to those of little Kaia.

  This time, after he went to the south to perform a mission, opened a black market, and captured a group of undead, his wallet was bulging again.

  These magic gold coins cannot generate interest even if they are left in your hands.

  Now is a good time to go out and spend some money.

  In addition, construction on his personal residence can almost gradually begin.

  By this time, most of the tenants there should have moved out.

  When you go shopping later, you can also stop by the land management department and ask about the relevant information.

  Although there is still a lot of trouble waiting for him.

  But Brand will never forget that all this is for a better life.

  ——Taking a break from your busy schedule and enjoying life is a very meaningful thing!

  (End of chapter)

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