Chapter 428 What a stupid human being!

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  Chapter 428 What a stupid human being!
  On the ceremonial stage of the sacrificial ceremony, a somewhat familiar crack slowly opened.

  Although Brand opened his eyes wide to see clearly what was here.

  However, in his field of vision, the endless black mist inside the crack blocked his sight.

  At the same time, behind the cracks and black mist.

  The black dragon also stared at the world behind the crack with his eyes widened.

  The black fog could not block his sight, so he could clearly see the scene behind the crack.

  ——A very thickly wrapped human being, and a room with very novel furnishings.

  Judging from the various exquisite decorations, the owner of the house is most likely a noble.

  Then looking at his clothes, he must be in a very cold place.

  When observing this information, the black dragon's big heart couldn't help but start pounding.

  Judging from the cost of establishing a space channel, the area on the opposite side is very far away from here.

  Plus the human in front of me...

  it's obvious!
  Behind the crack must be an area outside the continent where it is now, where intelligent life exists.

  ——It’s most likely another continent!
  It's great luck!
  Although it came to an exciting conclusion, it was not in a hurry to do anything.

  After all, it doesn't understand the situation on the other side.

  It would not be good if it made any big noise and someone strong happened to notice it and interrupt the sacrificial ceremony.

  Now this is not a space rift opened by using its bloodline talent.

  Once the ceremony is terminated, you can only wait for the other party to use the same combination of materials for the sacrifice ceremony next time.

  So let’s first understand the situation through the human in front of us!
  Thinking of this, the black dragon began to focus on the thickly wrapped human being.

  Perhaps it was because there had been no response from its side and the black mist had blocked its sight.

  So this human being was confused and had already moved closer to the space channel, and he had the courage to reach out his hand and give it a try.

  At this time, shouldn't you try it first with a stick or something?

  What if there is danger behind here?
  What reckless humans!
  Just when it was considering whether it should teach the other party a lesson, it discovered that the other party suddenly stopped its outstretched palm in front of the space crack.

  At the same time, this human had a surprised look on his face.

  Seeing such a scene, the black dragon couldn't help but become confused.

  --What does it mean? Could it be that some special sensing method was used to sense something?
  While he was wondering, he saw this human running to the side and coming back with a shovel.

  Immediately afterwards, the human put the shovel through the crack in space, looking like he wanted to shovel something back here.

  But the regretful thing is: because it doesn't want to lie down, the space crack in front of it opens in mid-air.

  Therefore, this human shovel must not be able to reach the ground.

  After thinking for a moment, the black dragon casually picked up some sand and gravel on the ground nearby with its claws, and then sprinkled it on the human's small shovel.

  After noticing the weight and picking up some gravel, the human quickly put the shovel back.

  Seeing the gravel on the shovel, the human showed a surprised look at first.

  Then he quickly became curious and surprised, and couldn't wait to take the sand and stones in his hands and study them carefully.

  Seeing this scene, the black dragon unconsciously showed contempt!
  It was just a bit full of sand and gravel, but it was actually studied as a treasure.

  ——What a stupid human being!


  the time moves forward a little.

  There was no reaction from the other side, and he couldn't see the situation on the other side.

  So Brand began to do his own research.

  The first thing he studied was whether he could pass through this kind of space crack.

  It's a pity:
  he had a feeling when he was about to touch the space crack.

  ——With just a little force, this space crack will be "smoothed out" by him!
  ——In addition, he seems to have no "concept" of being able to pass through space cracks!
  Judging from his "many years" experience, this may be because he lacks some kind of "foundation" to complete the process of "passing through the space rift".

  After a moment of daze and surprise, Brand put the matter behind him.

  ——In the field of their mage, space spells belong to the category of great magic. He has not learned it to such an advanced level yet. He will just study it after learning it in the future.

  The top priority is to explore the area behind this space crack.

  Although Brand really wanted to use his convenient fantasy manifestation ability to create something to help him explore the area behind the rift.

  But considering that there is very likely a powerful being on the opposite side observing the situation here, Brand is still prepared to behave normally.

  So he ran to the side and took a long shovel like an ordinary person and wanted to shovel something back from the opposite side.

  After extending the shovel, what surprised him was that the bottom opposite to the crack did not seem to be the ground or the ceremonial platform.

  ——The shovel can’t reach the bottom!
  Just as he was frowning, he felt something fall on the shovel from above.

  Brand then let the shovel catch and then took the shovel back.

  Looking at the many fist-sized black stones on the shovel, Brand was stunned.

  ——This seems to be an extremely rare medium-space type stone in the Farnes continent.

  Although from a practical point of view, they are not even considered high-grade materials, things of this nature are very rare in the Farnes continent due to the nature of space!
  So in terms of price, these stones are completely comparable to those top-quality materials.

  ——Is the other side so generous? Or is this kind of thing common in the area after the crack?
  Looking at the stone in his hand, Brand unconsciously showed excitement.

  With just these stones, this sacrificial ceremony has already paid for itself!

  After stacking the stones in the shovel aside, Brand stretched out the shovel again.

  ——He wanted to see if the other side would give him some more.

  On the other side, he looked at the shovel stretched out again.

  While the black dragon expressed contempt for this, it felt that it was almost time to have some communication.

  After recalling for a moment, he spoke in human language:

  "Insignificant human, the reward has been given to you, where is the sacrifice I want?"

  After hearing the strange words coming from behind the crack, Brand then I recall that there was still the matter of sacrifices.

  After taking back the shovel, Brand said:

  "Sir across the way? What should I call you?"

  The black dragon responded without thinking:

  "You can call me the great and wise Lord Candross!

  " Rand said humbly:

  "I am Bernard Harland, paying tribute to the great and wise Lord Candross!"

  After expressing satisfaction with the gesture of stupid humans, the black dragon continued to speak:

  "Then let's talk now Going back to the previous question, where is the sacrifice I want?"

  Brand scratched his head and said helplessly:

  "Sir Candross, because I didn't expect that this ceremony would be successful, I didn't prepare the sacrifice specially. Goods.

  Is there anything you want now? Let me see if I have it here.

  Or whatever you like in this room, I can get it for you."

  Looking at the embarrassment of the human in front of him, the black giant The dragon showed an expression of unknown meaning.

  After a slight pause to let the other person be full of reverie.

  It said inscrutably:

  "I have no interest in those mortal things. Tell me about the situation on your side. If I don't perceive it wrong, the frost is spreading." I heard the

  guy on the other side of the crack say this .

  Brand's eyes unconsciously began to look around.

  After seeing the window sill on the side, a large area of ​​frost penetrated into the room.

  Brand secretly regretted that he had "exerted too much force" at the same time.

  He also explained with bitter eyes:

  "Frost, people die under the frost of the Frost Demon God every day. We survivors are praying all the time for someone who can defeat the Frost Demon God and rule this country that is about to turn into a cold world." A world of ice.

  But unfortunately, there are very few survivors, almost none.

  The demon of frost is still showing his cruelty.

  Great and wise Lord Candross, I think you must have supreme power. .

  If you can defeat that demon, I believe all the survivors of Frost will worship you as a god!"

  (End of this chapter)

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