Chapter 407: Maybe it’s us who need rescue?

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  Chapter 407: Maybe it’s us who need rescue?
  Loy City is located in the Cockburn Territory of Ham County.

  Therefore, it is not so strange to meet the Cockburn family here.

  But Williams started pretending to be a civilian adventurer again.

  Brand didn't mean to expose this, he smiled and responded enthusiastically:
  "Williams! I didn't expect to meet you here!

  Is there any news about any ruins and treasures nearby? Not only Xi Ms. Sally, have you also come to Roy City?"

  After hearing Brand's words, Williams scratched his head and said with some embarrassment:

  "I didn't expect you to discover this, southwest of Roy City There is an uninhabited mountain range in the direction that collapsed some time ago.

  According to the investigation, there may be a cave underneath. Recently, adventurers have discovered some ancient objects there.

  I think there should be a ruins there."

  I heard that there is such a thing. Brand couldn't help but wonder:

  "As the lord, Viscount Cockburn will not be indifferent to this relic, right?"

  Williams explained:

  "Perhaps it is because of the current shortage of manpower, so Viscount Cockburn does not seem to be We are going to monopolize the place.

  Now we just set up a toll checkpoint on the periphery. You only need to pay 10 magic gold coins to explore."

  After hearing Williams' explanation and thinking briefly.

  Brand couldn't help but show an unclear look.

  ——The Cockburn family, which made its fortune as an adventurer, actually has undiscovered ruins in its territory. How suspicious is this?
  And isn’t charging for expeditions really a way for the Coburn family to make money?

  Seemingly sensing something was wrong with Brand's expression, Williams quickly changed the subject and said,

  "I wonder if Mr. Brand is interested in exploring with us?"

  Upon hearing this, Brand quickly shook his head. He shook his head and said:

  "Williams, you should know that I am not interested in exploration.

  Of course, if you really harvest any valuable treasures, you can come and see me.

  If it is useful to me, I won't Stingy in giving high prices."

  Seeing Brand reject the invitation without hesitation, Williams had no special reaction, after all, this result was within his expectation.

  After taking a look at Sisali, who looked disappointed, Williams continued:

  "Actually, I also know that Mr. Brand probably won't go on the adventure with us, but Captain Sisali strongly requested to invite me. You join us."

  Hisari also spoke immediately:
  "Sorry, Mr. Brand, I saw you were so interested in my adventures this morning. I thought you were more adventurous too! It just so happened that I

  recently joined the adventure group. You also know Williams from the regiment, so I thought of bringing him here to invite you to join."

  Brand shook his head and said:

  "It's not that I don't like taking risks, but relatively speaking, I have other more Something I like.

  Besides, I won't stay here for too long, so I'm sorry." "

  Is that so?"

  Hearing Brand's explanation, Sisali couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

  After chatting briefly for a while, Sisali and Williams said goodbye to Brand and left the hotel.

  Walking on the street outside, Williams reminded him earnestly:

  "Captain Hisali, a noble descendant like Mr. Brand will definitely not mix with adventurers like us.

  Don't look at him They appear to be very easy-going on the surface, but in fact, nobles are indifferent people who are good at pretending."

  After a slight silence, Sisali couldn't help but feel a little disappointed and touched and said:

  "Williams, maybe you are indeed right. No, my admiration for Mr. Brand may really be just wishful thinking.

  Not to mention the difference in status, Mr. Brand’s maid is more beautiful than me.

  In this case, what can Mr. Brand do? Will he fall in love with me?"

  Hearing Shisari's disappointed words, Williams couldn't help but gleaming in his eyes, and then "snapped in" and said:

  "Captain Shisari, I can't control other people, but I I will definitely always be by your side!
  In my heart, you will always be the most beautiful!"

  Hearing this, Sisali couldn't help showing a sweet smile:
  "Thank you Williams."

  Hearing Sisali in Williams When you are grateful and proud of yourself.

  In the blind corner of the field of vision that he couldn't see, Hisari turned her head to "look at the scenery" and couldn't help showing a disgusted expression!

  On Brand's side, after seeing off Williams and Hisari, he took out the "magic book" and continued his daily practice.

  In the evening, the three Finns returned.

  They shared the information they discovered about the surrounding underground black market.

  In order to avoid official investigations, these guys who established the underground black market are extremely cautious.

  Not only is the transaction location set in a different uninhabited wilderness each time.

  Moreover, if you want to know the specific location and join it, you must sign a strict confidentiality contract in advance.

  In other words, this mission may be more troublesome than imagined!
  In response, Brand showed a symbolic expression of solemnity.

  The next day, Brand and Catherine, still dressed as an aristocratic young master and a maid, walked out of the hotel room leisurely.

  After meeting up with Finn and the others, they came to the lobby on the first floor of the hotel.

  ——Mr. Harward has been waiting here for a long time!

  After a few simple greetings, the group began to walk outside the city.

  While walking, Harward also said:
  "Today we are going to a small black market. After we sneak in, we must first detect the trading items in the black market. I think

  you should also know which trading items fall within the scope of our Judgment Division's investigation. .

  If it’s not clear, it’s also in the information I gave you yesterday.

  The goal of our operation this time is to find those who sell and purchase illegally traded goods.

  Detect their whereabouts without being noticed by them as much as possible, and then find them. The stronghold of the organization behind it.

  Of course, if you are discovered, you will act according to the situation and give priority to ensuring your own life safety."

  At this point, Harward added:

  "This mission requires the use of concealment spells, and the duration Maybe it’s a little long, is that okay with you?”

  Finn patted his chest and assured:

  "Don't worry, the three of us will take turns hosting, and it will last all day without any problem!"

  After hearing Finn's words, Harward nodded in approval.

  Yesterday, he went back and carefully looked through the information of the two families of Holland and Cecil.

  Although the Holland family is a knight family that has nothing to do with mages.

  But the Cecil family is an orthodox mage family, and Mr. Finn is also the heir to the Cecil family.

  Based on this information, Harward believes that this mission can definitely proceed smoothly.

  ——Even if an accident does happen, I think Mr. Finn will have a way to resolve it.

  After leaving Roy City, everyone began to move faster.

  After marching for a while, Harward made a gesture to stop everyone.

  After looking around for a few times, Harward said:

  "If you go a little further forward, you can see the target location.

  To be on the safe side, from here on, we have to stay hidden."

  After hearing this, he also Nothing more needs to be said.

  As the magic light on Finn's body flickered slightly, a barrier like a water curtain enveloped them.

  ——From the outside, it looks like there is nothing here.

  After another round of forward movement, scattered patrol figures gradually began to appear in front of them.

  Further forward, everyone saw stone walls.

  Looking at the wall not far ahead, the expressions of Harward and Finn began to look solemn.

  After carefully looking at the stone wall in front of him for a few times, Finn said with certainty:

  "These stone walls in front are all created by magic. We'd better check if there are any magic traps around us before moving forward."

  After hearing Fenn After En's reminder, Harward's expression became more solemn.

  ——It’s just a small-scale black market. Isn’t this level of defense a bit too high?
  The three Finns looked at them with vigilant faces as they activated various detection spells in front of them, looking for a safe route that would not hit traps.

  Brand couldn't help but yawned out of boredom.

  After sweeping his eyes around, he said to the people in front of him:

  "I'll be walking around, you guys come on."

  Hearing this, Harward didn't react too well.

  But Finn, who has excellent professionalism, quickly responded:

  "Boss Brand, feel free to do whatever you want! We will carry out this mission well!"

  After nodding with a smile, Brand injected magic into his wrist. Concealment Bracelet.

  A spherical barrier like a water curtain quickly enveloped Brand and Catherine.

  Then, with Harward's blank look on his face, Brand and Catherine completely lost their whereabouts in front of everyone.

  Seeing that the gentleman from the trial department seemed a little incomprehensible, Finn came over and patted him on the shoulder, and then said seriously:

  "Boss, no matter what you want to do, from our standpoint, we can only support it. We hope that Mr. Harward can understand."

  Hearing this, Harward said with a look of confusion:

  "This black market seems to be a bit complicated. Is Mr. Brand too casual?
  What if he is discovered and arrested ? What should we do if we are under siege and we are too late to rescue?"

  Hearing this, Finn couldn't help but pointed out:

  "I think it might be us who need rescue then?"

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  . (End of this chapter)

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