Chapter 378 A good weapon!

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  Chapter 378 A good weapon!
  Because Brand, a very handsome and "distinguished man", sat in and listened to the whole process.

  Several main contents of this joint meeting were quickly agreed upon.

  After that, the meeting was not so important, and Sonia could actually leave.

  However, because Brand was somewhat interested in the current session, she also stayed.

  At this time, Suleiman, the blond uncle of the Light Religion Secret Society, was promoting various products of the Light Religion Secret Society:
  "The sword of light is a knight's sword with powerful light spells attached. During a battle, it can unexpectedly throw the enemy into a dangerous situation." Blind state!"

  "Light wing crossbow, using magic core or magic crystal that stores magic power as energy, can continuously fire arrows of light with a standard spell strength of 100 Pa, even ordinary people can use it!" "Light talisman, with

  a You can keep yourself warm, bright and courageous all the time!" "


  For these products of the Light Cult Secret Society.

  At the beginning, Brand was watching with gusto.

  However, after observing for a while, he came to the conclusion without interest:

  toys with good looks are quite expensive!

  If it weren't for the unique light spells attached to them, they wouldn't even make him take a second look!
  Sonia, Lilin, and Sere, the three representatives of the empire, had similar views to Brand.

  For the Kingdom and the Principality, these things are indeed quite good.

  But from an imperial perspective, these things don't have much practical significance.

  Suleiman undoubtedly knew this.

  Therefore, in order to consider the actual needs of several empires here, especially the Kaya Empire, to develop wars.

  Suleiman finally came up with a relatively heavyweight product.

  ——A long staff with a somewhat strange shape on a white background and gold patterns.

  Several leaf-like decorations spread out around the top of the long staff, and they curved upward slightly, as if they were supporting something.

  But the area further up was empty.

  "This is the newly designed mage weapon of our Light Cult Secret Society, the Glory Staff."

  After a brief explanation, Suleiman took out a magic crystal and showed an image:
  a training ground, a female mage wearing a white mage robe. Holding a shining staff exactly like the one in Suleiman's hand.

  As the mage began to infuse magic into the staff, the "leaves" at the top of the staff held up a blazing white ball of light.

  As more and more magic power is injected, the size of the light ball becomes larger and larger.

  When she reached a certain level, she waved her long staff, and the blazing white light ball at the top of the long staff flew towards the spell target not far away.

  After a burst of dazzling white light, the result was displayed on the spell target:
  1225 Pa!
  After playing the magic image, Suleiman explained with a smile:
  "The radiant staff can simulate the release process of the high-level magic blazing ball.

  In the image, a junior mage apprentice charges the staff to the limit, and then moves towards the spell target. The process of releasing an attack."

  The protagonist who heard the video releasing such a powerful spell turned out to be just a junior mage apprentice.

  Everyone's pupils narrowed slightly for a moment.

  Even Brand couldn't help but look askance.

  The spell strength of 1225 Pa is almost the same as the "Blue Wind Bullet" that he released at full power during his apprenticeship as a mage.

  ——Compared with the two spells, the blue wind bullet has a larger attack range, while the damage of this spell is more concentrated, with almost no risk of affecting yourself!

  If there were other junior mage apprentices holding this kind of weapon, when Brand was still a junior mage apprentice, the most he could do was fight with them and die together!

  ——Compared with the previous toys, this shining staff is a good weapon!

  After a moment of silence, Serre, the leader of the Caesar Empire delegation, first asked:
  "How does the magic power consumed to charge the staff compare with directly releasing this high-level spell?"

  Hearing this question, he was already prepared. Suleiman quickly explained:

  "Compared with a mage who is proficient in using the blazing ball, the cost of using the radiant staff is 10% more.

  However, advanced spells are not so easy to use proficiently, so there is no problem in saying that they are almost the same. .According

  to our actual tests, a junior mage apprentice holding the Staff of Glory can release a total of three fully charged blazing balls!"

  After hearing such data, some people couldn't help but start directly asking about the price.

  Suleiman also made a quotation immediately:
  "The unit price is 50,000 magic gold coins, or resources of equivalent value."

  After hearing such a high price, everyone began to shrink back unconsciously.

  We can’t say there’s anything wrong with the pricing. The main reason is that most people don’t have that much money!
  Of course, there were still a few leaders of the Kingdom delegation who were not short of money and ordered one or two in their own name.

  For these orders, Suleiman smiled and expressed his gratitude!

  After Suleiman's transactions with these kingdoms were completed, Sonia also smiled and said:
  "Mr. Suleiman, I will inform the Imperial Arms Department about the glorious staff later. I think the Arms Department will send someone soon. Contact you."

  Hearing Sonia say this, the smile on Suleiman's face became even stronger.

  ——Although nothing has been finalized, with the introduction of Sonia, the Director of the Foreign Affairs Department, his trip this time has been considered worthwhile!
  The only thing that made him regretful was that

  perhaps because the current domestic situation in the two empires of Munn and Caesar was a bit complicated, Sere and Lilin only vaguely stated that they would inform the relevant departments after returning.

  After the blond man introduced the products of the Secret Society of Light, Brand motioned to Sonia.

  Sonia also immediately handed over the affairs here to her subordinates and said goodbye apologetically to everyone.

  Then, she took Brand out of the conference room.

  After the two walked away.

  Cere and Lilin, who had been harmonious for a long time, couldn't help but focus on each other again.

  However, it is different from the previous confrontations and divisions.

  After Ms. Lilin said, "I heard that your wife is buying Mr. Brand's magical images everywhere."

  Cere could no longer maintain his composure.

  He clenched his fists unconsciously, turned red and was speechless.

  ——He was struggling to suppress his urge to rush up and punch her!
  He didn't wait for Mr. Serre to adjust his mentality and fight back.

  After a contemptuous glance, Ms. Lilin left the conference room with a victor's attitude.

  After that, I saw "strange looks" from all the men in the conference room.

  The furious Serei also walked away!

  ——Several important people all left the scene. After the remaining people looked at each other, they also left the Imperial Foreign Affairs Department.


  Brand's side.

  After leaving the conference room, Sonia took Brand to her office.

  After pouring Brand a glass of fruit juice.

  Under Brand's confused look, Sonia smiled and thanked him for his "help" today.

  ——Lilin was too busy admiring Brand's beauty to care about it. As for Sere... After being plotted by her in the last diplomatic negotiation, he has not yet broken free from Brand's shadow!

  It is precisely because of this that the two temporarily gave up targeting each other today.

  Although she knew that Brand was confused now, Sonia did not give a detailed explanation, but turned the topic to Brand's purpose.

  ——Brand has been here for so long and even solved the trouble of the meeting for her, but now she doesn’t even know the purpose of Brand’s visit. This is not okay!

  Speaking of this, Brand took out a box of cakes from the space necklace and handed it to Sonia, then said with a smile:

  "Because I heard that sister Sonia seems to be very busy recently, so I mainly... I want to come over and express my condolences!"

  After hearing Brand's words and accepting the pastries, Sonia felt even happier.

  Although there are obviously "secondary purposes" in addition to this "primary purpose".

  But that didn't stop Sonia from being moved by Brand's considerate behavior.

  After a pleasant chat, Sonia took the initiative to ask Brand if there was anything small he wanted to entrust during this trip.

  Brand also took advantage of the situation and proposed exchanging meritorious service for a "permanent land purchase permit."

  Hearing this, Sonia stood up and rummaged in the cabinet nearby.

  At the same time, she asked with a smile:
  "This kind of permission is also based on area. How big a place do you want?"

  Brand thought for a while and responded:
  "It's best to have a bigger place."

  After hearing Brand's reply, Sonia quickly took out a "highest-grade permanent land purchase permit in the imperial capital."

  After writing Brand's name and stamping it with the magic seal, Sonia handed it into Brand's hands.

  After getting the permission, Brand also asked about the consumption of merit at the right time.

  Regarding this question, Sonia thought for a while and said:
  "The heir of the Barbarian Hoof Tribe, Rigoberto Barbarian Hoof, has safely returned to the Barbarian Hoof Tribe the day before yesterday.

  Our spies in the Orc Empire have made contact with the other party. You can facilitate it." The meritorious service of establishing diplomatic relations between the Empire and the Barbarian Hoof tribe is enough."

  After hearing this, he took a closer look at the "Highest Imperial Capital Permanent Land Purchase Permit" in his hand.

  Brand couldn't help but asked with some doubts: "Is this enough? But..."

  Sonia waved her hand and interrupted:
  "I said enough is enough. It's just a piece of land. I will handle the rest. .

  And even the most advanced exchange license can only purchase land in designated areas of the imperial capital.

  Don’t overestimate its value!”

  Having said this, Brand didn’t say any more.

  He just praised this generous sister with all his heart.

  (End of chapter)

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