Chapter 374 Viscount Holland is in danger!

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  Chapter 374 Viscount Holland is in danger!

  Watching Brand say goodbye to her and walking out of the laboratory, she recalled that before leaving, Brand showed the base plate of the Twilight Cross in front of her with a happy face.

  Celine gradually realizes something that she has ignored for a long time.

  ——That Viscount Holland seems to be in some danger!
  Once, when Brand was able to construct the wind elemental magic force field rune array out of thin air, she wrote to Viscount Holland and asked about his specific strength.

  In response, Viscount Holland sent back a chili that had been chopped off and packed with the power of a great knight.

  After carefully examining the power of the Great Knight attached to the pepper, Celine realized:

  Viscount Holland had hidden his strength from the outside world!

  It is rumored that Viscount Holland is a senior knight.

  But in fact, it was more than half a year ago, or even earlier.

  ——He has reached the end of the realm of the Great Knight!
  Combined with the inheritance of the empire's top knights owned by the Holland family.

  There is no doubt that Viscount Holland has begun to move towards a higher road.

  When she knew these things, Celine believed that Brand could not win the duel.

  After all, time is too short!
  According to Celine's initial prediction:

  even a person with extraordinary talent like Brand.

  When the duel comes, the strength is at best that of a junior mage.

  At best, you can only learn the "magical force field sublimation spell" in the study of runes.

  And now.

  It's okay to say that the realm span between official mages is much wider than that between mage apprentices. A few months is not enough for Brand to make a breakthrough.

  But Brand's progress in the study of runes completely exceeded her expectations.

  ——Brand jumped directly from "sublimation" to "advancement" with his talent.

  According to Celine's original teaching sequence, Brand finished learning the four-variable "sublimation" rune array knowledge including the magic force field and obtained the results.

  Only then will Celine slowly begin to teach the "advanced" runic formation knowledge corresponding to this "sublimation".

  But now, it’s okay for Brand to learn the “sublimation” of the magic force field several months in advance.

  He even used his talent to directly complete the spell advancement and created the great magic of Twilight Cross even before she taught her the knowledge in the field of "advancement".

  ——Great magic is a spell that is beyond the level of a magister, and it is also a spell that is beyond the level of a great knight!
  Although Celine also knows that as the top knight family, the Holland family must also have the means to fight across levels.

  However, Celine heard that the Holander family didn't seem to have done much research on defense, and most of their inheritance was on attack...

  - This is a bit troublesome.

  You know, there is still half a year before Brand reaches adulthood.

  When the next semester comes to an end, it's time for the two to duel.

  Based on Celine's understanding of Brand, such a "long" time.

  Even without her help, Brand would have a high probability of finding a way to protect himself from Twilight Cross' attack.

  Thinking of this, Celine suddenly realized:

  She might need to think about what happens after Brand wins the duel.

  Suppressing Brand's growth rate or something like that is something Celine would not consider.

  As Brand's teacher, Celine only hopes that Brand can grow as fast as possible and become stronger without risk.

  In the duel with Viscount Holland, she always hoped to see Brand win the final victory.

  Because she had never seen any hope of victory before, she would consider various things based on Brand's failure!

  For example, preparing a "potion" for Brand...

  - So the biggest problem now is still that kind of "potion"!

  After drinking the "potions" she carefully prepared for more than half a year, most of them were "enhanced versions".

  And looking at the current situation, Brand seems to want to continue drinking.

  If this continues and Brand finally marries only one wife according to the tradition of the Kaya Empire...

  - Then perhaps he can prepare for the funeral of that lady as soon as possible!

  Thinking of this, Celine couldn't help but have a headache.


  Brand's side.

  After bidding farewell to his teacher, he went to the relevant departments of the college to apply for a pass certificate for Catherine.

  He once again went to Professor Morian's alchemy laboratory.

  Because the matter has been done and he is ready to return to the library, he is now going to ask Senior Anna if she wants to go back with him.

  When Brand came to the alchemy laboratory, the strange atmosphere before had disappeared, and both of them had faint smiles on their faces.

  Seeing him walking in, Anna stood up and asked aloud:
  "Junior, are everything done?"

  In response, Brand smiled and nodded.

  Then, without waiting for him to say anything, Anna quickly said goodbye to Professor Morian:

  "Teacher, I will go back with my junior first. There are still a lot of alchemy-related research in the library that I need to take charge of. I will be free later. Come and see you again."

  After hearing Anna's words, Professor Morian frowned slightly, then shrugged indifferently and said:
  "It doesn't matter if you don't come to see me, anyway, I will accept a few more alchemy students when next semester starts. .

  Maybe it won't be long before you have an additional junior brother."

  After hearing what Professor Morian said, Anna couldn't help but asked curiously:
  "Why a junior brother? Were all the boys who passed the alchemy exam at the end of last year?"

  Seeing herself Anna's words unexpectedly aroused Anna's curiosity. Professor Morian smiled and responded:
  "Next, I want to recruit a disciple with more substance."

  After being stunned for a moment, and then understanding the extended meaning of her teacher's words, Anna's words He complained loudly with a dissatisfied face:


  Facing Anna like this, Professor Morian just waved his hands with a look of disgust and said:
  "Okay, okay, it's almost lunch time, and there is nothing prepared for you here. lunch."

  After saying this, Professor Morian turned to Brand and said:
  "Brand, please take care of Anna. Of course, if she is lazy at work, she doesn't have to give me face, just think of it as helping me. Teach her a lesson."

  Hearing this, Brand smiled and shook his head and responded:
  "Senior Anna is now the number one person in the library's alchemy major. She leads the library members to solve various alchemy problems.

  If she wants to be lazy one day, I can only find a way to make her more comfortable when she is lazy. Son!

  I don’t dare to have any dissatisfaction!”

  Upon hearing this, Professor Morian opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something.

  But after seeing Anna beside Brand with a face full of joy, he closed his mouth again.

  Watching the two say goodbye to him, and then walk out of the laboratory together.

  Watching the two people leaving.

  Professor Morian suddenly felt that his disciple was so superficial!
  As soon as Brand came in, he wanted to leave with him, but now Brand is so happy with just a few sweet words...

  - Doesn't this look like he can be saved?
  Thinking of this, Professor Morian couldn't help but take out a stack of application forms for joining the college's alchemy major and began to look at them carefully.

  Originally, he only accepted male disciples, so he just made a joke.

  But now, Professor Morian suddenly felt that it was indeed better not to accept female disciples.

  ——As deep and wise as he is, how can his disciples be superficial people like Anna!
  (End of chapter)

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