Chapter 372 Spiritual Seal!

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  Chapter 372 Spiritual Seal!

  Brand looked at him expectantly and with longing eyes.

  Unexpectedly, Celine's cheeks under her veil began to turn slightly red unconsciously.

  After a moment of panic, she quickly realized what Brand wanted.

  Not long ago, when Brand became an official mage, he couldn't wait to use the blank screen to initiate a communication request to her.

  In addition to telling him about becoming an official mage, Brand also asked impatiently about the solution to the "mental power consumption problem of drawing runes out of thin air".

  The biggest reason why Brand ran back early was probably this matter.

  After all, Brand, who was tired of studying, had worked hard for a whole year in order to win the duel with Viscount Holland!

  Thinking of this, she didn't give in. Celine first activated the rune circles in the studio, and then whispered to Brand:
  "Stretch out your right hand."

  After hearing her teacher's words, Brand immediately obeyed. He stretched out his right hand.

  Then, he felt a powerful magical power awakening from his slumber, and then completely enveloped him.

  After a moment of daze, he saw a pair of pupils in front of him, under his teacher's veil, shining with an extremely bright purple light.

  When he unconsciously looked away, he felt a warm touch coming from his right hand.

  When he moved his gaze away, he saw his teacher's hands covered with a rich purple magic glow clasping his right hand.

  Countless magic lines began to weave according to a certain will, and a slender heart shape with a pattern like the veins of a leaf in the center slowly formed on the back of Brand's hand.

  After the pattern is completely formed and Celine has checked it is correct.

  She took her hands back, and the huge magical energy around her instantly subsided.

  After carefully looking at the pattern on the back of his right hand, Brand asked curiously:
  "Is this a leaf of some kind? The kind without petioles?"

  While closing the rune circle in the studio, Celine responded with a smile:
  "This is a scale, a kind of dragon scale."


  Library residence, a large conference room.

  Since Brand left, many members of the library who participated in the trip to the north came in and took their seats, along with those who did not participate in the trip to the north due to strength issues.

  I originally thought that these powerful seniors wanted to teach them some experience in improving their strength.

  However, the reality is far more "shocking" than they imagined!
  Looking at the books handed out to them, looking at Brand on the cover of the book looking towards them, looking at Brand's gentle look and eyes... - their

  hearts fell in unconsciously. !

  After they gradually came to their senses, Melcher on the podium said word by word in a serious tone:

  "In order for us to better serve Brand students, I announce that before the "Brand Strategy Collection" The three-issue collection is officially released!"

  At the same time, the library resident.

  A small training ground covered by a rune array.

  A black knight is holding a huge ax gun and violently attacking the knight in front of him who is holding a large shield and wearing armor.

  As the ax gun was waved, a ripple appeared in the air.

  When it was about to hit, the ax blade even cut through the white sound barrier.

  But even when such an astonishing attack hit the golden-winged shield with golden halo flowing like a living creature.

  The previous extreme speed, terrifying momentum, and violent wind and waves all turned into stillness in an instant.

  As the pattern of golden wings on the shield shook slightly, the huge ax gun bounced outward unconsciously!

  At this moment, while being slightly pushed back by the force of the ax gun, the black knight exerted force with both arms!
  After letting the ax gun draw an arc at an extremely fast speed, he stepped forward again and launched another more violent attack from another angle at the giant shield knight in front of him!

  After another attack was firmly blocked, the third and fourth attacks followed...

  until the black knight fell to the ground like a tired corpse!

  The Great Knight Golem in front of him was exhausted.

  Catherine originally wanted to change to a body full of energy and continue training.

  But at this time, she discovered that the isolation light curtain formed by the rune circle around the training ground seemed to be on the verge of breaking.

  When Catherine walked over to check the rune arrays wrapped around the training ground, she discovered that these rune arrays were already "shaky".

  In previous training, most of the attacks from the Great Knight Golem were blocked by her using her shield.

  These runic arrays can only withstand "a little wind and waves".

  But despite this, they are reaching their limits.

  Thinking of this, Catherine looked at the ground in the central area of ​​the training ground.

  ——Except for where she was standing just now and a small circular area around it, there were scattered gravels everywhere.

  Seeing such a scene, Catherine suddenly felt that this training ground needed to be upgraded.

  She couldn't let go of such quality.

  ——In addition, the current training ground may be enough for library members, but they will continue to grow in the future!

  So you still need to plan early!
  After putting the shield and the exhausted Great Knight Golem into her magic pocket, Catherine slowly walked out of the training ground with her thoughts in mind.

  At this moment, two servants approached her.

  After Catherine raised her visor and looked over, the two servants respectfully called out "Katherine, Maid of the Maid".

  Then, they informed everyone about the "gathering" event in Catherine Library.

  Upon hearing this, Catherine's eyes narrowed slightly unconsciously.

  ——While the young master is away, he will immediately hold a private meeting.

  ——Why do you think this is so suspicious!
  Because there are contractual constraints, the possibility of betrayal can be eliminated directly.

  So it should be some small moves planned in private.

  Although as Brand's maid, she has no control over the behavior of everyone in the library, and she is not prepared to do so.

  However, my young master occasionally becomes curious about the various movements of his subordinate servants!

  Once her young master asks, she has to truthfully report what she knows!
  Thinking of this, Catherine said to the two servants:
  "Ask someone to clean up the ground of the training ground. In addition, within the allowed range, continue to pay attention to the movements of the library members!"

  After responding respectfully and watching Catherine walk away, the two servants quickly conveyed Catherine's will.

  Although their behavior was somewhat disappointing to the noble mages in the library.

  But there is no way.

  Who makes Catherine their immediate boss!
  Yesterday, their respected Master Brand said personally that all servants and guards must listen to the words of Catherine, the head maid.


  Brand, on his side, looked curiously at the mark pattern on the back of his right hand.

  He asked about the specific function of this thing.

  Celine said:

  "This kind of mark is what we call the spiritual suspension mark. It is something that can only be carried by the body of a formal mage.

  When the mental power is sufficient, it will store the excess mental power at a slow speed. Go in.

  When necessary, you can extract the mental power stored in it."

  Hearing this, Brand asked curiously:
  "Like the mental power space of a junior mage apprentice?"

  Celine explained:
  "Similar to , but not exactly the same. The spiritual space is extremely closely related to the mage. It is not an exaggeration to call it an extra organ, but this spiritual seal is more like an external equipment. It can only be used

  in When the mental power is sufficient, excess mental power is slowly stored. At the same time, the process of extracting mental power from the mental seal is also a slow extraction process, and cannot be achieved overnight like the mental power space." After such explanation, Celine said with a smile

  . :

  "This thing is actually a method created by the ancestors of our lineage of rune formations in order to allow the younger generations to make full use of their mental power to practice rune drawing. After all, not everyone has a talent like you,

  and And so rich."

  After hearing his teacher's explanation, Brand probably understood the function of the spiritual seal.

  The way of storing mental power will not affect anything.

  It is acceptable to have a slower speed in retrieving spiritual power. After all, drawing runes is not done overnight.

  However, there is still the most critical question:
  "How much mental power can it store?"

  Celine responded with a smile:
  "I basically used all my strength just now. According to my estimation, it should be able to store close to the junior magister." A level of mental power, I think it should be enough for you to fight Viscount Holland."

  Brand's face was filled with surprise when he heard that he could store mental power close to the level of a junior magister.

  If the mental power of a junior mage is the volume of a few coffee beans.

  Then the mental power of the junior magister is the size of the large shield in Catherine's hands - or even larger!
  Thinking of this, Brand couldn't help but stretched out his left hand and asked expectantly:
  "My dear teacher Celine! Can you also put a spiritual seal on my left hand?" He

  glanced at Brand happily. After looking greedy, Celine smiled slightly, and then said regretfully:
  "No! A person can only have one spiritual seal."

  (End of this chapter)

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