Chapter 362 The rich tauren!

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  Chapter 362 The rich tauren!

  After hearing the old gentleman's response, Brand had no other questions and quickly expressed his willingness to cooperate with the actions of the Military Affairs Department.

  The old gentleman was also very resolute and directly sent a communication request to the person in charge of Xueshan Castle.

  Seeing that Brand was a little curious, while waiting for the air screen to be connected, he briefly explained the current situation of the air screen in the north: As of three days ago,
  all large military fortresses in the northern region had been equipped with Empty screen, Snow Cedar Castle is no exception.

  In addition, in conjunction with the real-time video of the Shadow Butterfly in the War Information Room, they can also control the patrol path of the Shadow Butterfly to achieve autonomous monitoring of surrounding areas.

  While the old gentleman was chatting with Brand, the communication request came through.

  An old mage wearing mage robes appeared on the empty screen.

  After brief greetings and an introduction to Brand, the old gentleman explained the current situation in brief words and assigned corresponding tasks to the garrison at Cedar Castle.

  After that, the old gentleman brought in Mr. Holland and others.

  The defensive capabilities of the Imperial Legion in Cedar Castle are pretty good, but if you want to launch an attack on the Orcs when necessary, you still need the Empire's high-level military armed forces such as the Knights and the Mage Corps.

  Although the noble pioneering corps is not under the command of the Department of Military Affairs, this is a small matter for the old gentleman.

  After explaining the situation and mission, the old gentleman finally added:

  "After this time, if the Barbarian Hoof tribe successfully establishes friendship with us, the Military Affairs Department will apply for merit for everyone based on their actual contributions;

  and if the matter fails in the end, the Military Affairs Department will also We will make corresponding compensation, so I leave it to you this time."

  After hearing the old gentleman's words, several lords quickly exchanged opinions, and finally lord Romien stood up and responded with a smile: "It's just
  a small matter. , we are very happy to help."

  The old gentleman smiled and nodded and said:
  "It's not too late, you can start taking action as soon as possible. I will also notify others immediately and advance the original plan a little earlier."

  After hearing this, everyone They all nodded and then hung up the communication.

  After ending the call with everyone and putting away the empty screen, Brand stood up lazily.

  This incident is quite complicated from a general perspective, but from his side, it is relatively simple.

  ——All he had to do was give the tauren a good blow.

  At this time, Catherine had changed her armor and came to him.

  After smiling and rubbing Catherine's head, Brand immediately led her away from the camp.


  North of Xucedar Castle, the border area.

  Brand, Catherine and the two commanders of the Imperial Legion are waiting here.

  Just now, the two legion commanders had shot signal arrows of the agreed colors into the sky.

  According to the agreement with the tauren, the other party will arrive soon.

  They didn't let them wait long. In their sight, a huge tauren approached at an extremely fast speed.

  After seeing the large shield with gold patterns on a black background and a pattern of convergent wings in Catherine's hand from a distance, the Minotaur's eyes became brighter.

  ——According to the adventurers he captured, this should be the weapon used by the escort of the noble youth who appeared in the mining area on the day he lost his space equipment.

  Looking at Brand next to Catherine, who was wearing a thick and gorgeous velvet coat, the tauren had a guess in his heart.

  ——The inheritance he lost may be in the other party’s hands!
  When they got close, the tauren stopped his rapid progress and walked towards the few people slowly step by step.

  At this time, Brand and Catherine also saw the face of the tauren clearly.

  ——Compared to the leisurely days when he was in the mine, this tauren has obviously become a lot more "vicissitudes of life" now.

  Last time, this guy was topless, wearing a shiny animal skin cape, and looked like a tauren boss.

  But now, he is just wearing an ordinary cloth in the style of the Orc Empire.

  ——This is simply like a non-mainstream young man feeling the cruelty of reality and learning to be down-to-earth.

  While Brand was thinking wildly, the tauren had already walked closer.

  Because it seemed impolite to look down, the tauren simply sat on the snow.

  Then, with an expectant look on his face and a smile, he said, "My dear human friends, it seems you have brought me good news?" After hearing the

  tauren's words, the two legion commanders set their sights on Bu. On Rand.

  Brand gestured to Catherine on the side.

  Catherine then took out the totem pole and inserted it into the snow beside her.

  The moment he saw this totem pole, the tauren's face was filled with surprise of having found it.

  He wanted to hold this totem pole in his arms immediately, but he stopped such thoughts in an instant.

  At this moment, Brand even saw slight tears in the corners of the tauren's eyes.

  ——This is probably crying for joy?

  Just when Brand wanted to say something, the tauren couldn't wait to speak first.

  He took out an animal skin bag from his clothes and said:
  "Since you have fulfilled your promise and found my lost inheritance, then I will also fulfill my promise and buy it with items of sufficient value. Come back."

  After saying this, the tauren put his right hand into the animal skin bag, and then started to take out things.

  Seeing this scene in front of them, the two legion commanders did not react much.

  But Brand and Catherine couldn't help but raise their eyebrows slightly.

  ——At least from the appearance point of view, the animal skin bag in the Minotaur's hand is very similar to the animal skin bag they got not long ago with a space of nearly a hundred cubic meters.

  If there is any difference, probably the animal skin bag is slightly smaller now?
  So it is very possible that
  this animal skin bag is also a high-end space equipment with a large space!
  ——After losing one such rare high-level space equipment, there is a second one.

  ——This guy is quite rich!

  After such thoughts flashed through his heart, Brand stood up and said:
  "Mr. Tauren, I am Brand Holland, a member of the Viscount Holland family of the Kaya Empire, and I also picked up the Barbarian Hoof tribe. People who have inherited things, don’t know how I should call you?”

  After hearing Brand’s words, the tauren temporarily stopped taking out things.

  As he stood up, he said with some embarrassment:

  "I'm sorry, I was so excited when I saw the lost inheritance. It's a bit rude."

  After saying this, the tauren solemnly bowed to Brand with a tauren clan gesture. Meeting etiquette.

  Then, he smiled and said:

  "I am Rigoberto Manti, the heir of the Barbarian Hoof tribe and the next chief of the tribe. Nice to meet you!"

  Seeing this, Brand also followed the etiquette of the Kaya Empire. Give a return gift.

  After that, he smiled and said:

  "I'm also glad to meet you!"

  (End of Chapter)

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