Chapter 35 The two heads of family who visited secretly

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  Chapter 35: Two Heads of Household Visiting in Secret

  "Why hasn't Catherine come back yet?"

  Hearing the guard talk about lunch, Brand felt his empty stomach and couldn't help but think of Catherine who went to prepare lunch for him.

  ——If we calculate the time, Catherine should be back long before the interview begins.

  Just when Brand was about to ask someone to go to the kitchen to take a look.

  There was a sound of running outside the door, and then the voice of Catherine panting slightly:

  "Open the door, I am Catherine."

  After the guard opened the door, the "traveled" Catherine came in holding a food box.

  After placing the food box in front of Brand, Catherine whispered with red eyes:
  "Young Master, I used the power of the Great Knight to steal the lunch I carefully prepared for you. Later, I told you that we are Half of the vegetables grown in the medicine garden will be used to pay taxes!"


  After hearing Catherine's words, Brand's expression first changed, and then he asked with some confusion: "What is the power of the Great Knight?"

  Although Brand's focus was a bit strange, Catherine patiently explained to Brand:

  "It's the kind where I can't move, but he can. No, it's not that I can't move, it's just that he moves very slowly... "

  At the end of the sentence, Catherine herself was a little confused.

  Brand listened to the general idea, and then comforted him:

  "It's okay, the master is so shameless. Doesn't that mean that Catherine, your cooking skills have reached the pinnacle!" "

  But he made you hungry, master, and he still wants to You pay taxes!"

  Catherine still looked angry.

  "Then you practice hard and beat him up later!"

  Brand waved his hand casually, then focused on the lunch in front of him.

  In his opinion, apart from the fact that he was a little unhappy about robbing him of his lunch.

  Taking half of it to pay taxes or something, that’s all a trivial matter!

  As long as it doesn't affect his daily "quality of life"!

  Moreover, the seasonings and other matters were originally supposed to be overseen by Mr. Holland.

  Otherwise, it would not be planted in the most advanced medicinal gardens of sensitive families.

  Mr. Holland must understand what he means.

  "That's right!"

  His eyes accidentally glanced at the interview registration form in front of him, and then at Catherine who was still slightly angry.

  Brand suddenly thought of a wonderful idea!

  "Catherine, I have a very important task for you!"



  Brand's original seat was replaced by someone else.

  ——Catherine with an expressionless and serious face!
  After the new interviewer followed the guard's guidance and sat down in his seat.

  She didn't pay attention to the interviewer Catherine in front of her who kept staring at her.

  Instead, he "can't help but" glance around.

  Because I didn’t see the figure who was “thinking about it day and night”.

  She looked confused.

  At this time, Catherine said expressionlessly:

  "Drag her away, next one."

  After leaving the troublesome task of recruiting employees to Catherine, Brand felt at ease again.

  After returning to his room, he lay on the animal skin bed with a comfortable look on his face, and covered himself with a quilt.

  Brand's mind entered a meditative state.

  —The topmost floor of a skyscraper.

  The original cement floor was quickly covered with a rose-patterned wooden floor when Brand arrived. All kinds of modern furniture "rose from the ground" in an orderly manner with Brand as the center, from near to far.

  As Brand slowly fell back, a soft and comfortable bed caught his body firmly.

  After that, as the ceiling quickly "closed", the original skyscraper was already one floor higher than before!
  Feel the soft touch that fills your body.

  Brand couldn't help sighing:
  It is more comfortable to live in the simulation world!
  After returning to his home castle from the Mage Academy.

  In order to improve his living standard in Farnes Continent.

  Brand is in "high-intensity" "work" every day.

  First, he kept absorbing the magic power in the magic core, and then in order to manifest something, Brand kept putting himself in a cycle of mental energy consumption - recovery - consumption.

  Looking back on the days he spent during this period, Brand couldn't help but be moved by his "hard work" and "hard work"!

  The main hall of Holland Castle.

  Mr. Holland welcomed Andy and Finn with joy.

  As soon as they met, Mr. Holland apologized gracefully:
  "I'm sorry! In order to prepare a 'special' delicacy for the guests, the lunch time has been slightly delayed. I hope the guests will not be offended. I will not let you down for the next lunch." Disappointed!"

  Hearing Mr. Holland say it so clearly, Andy and Finn naturally sat down at the dining table with great expectations.

  They have been eating "dry rice" for a long time since the condiments sent by Brand ran out!

  Then, the servants placed dishes with rich aromas on their plates.

  Their eyes were gradually filled with shock and desire!

  These foods?

  It seems to be much more delicious than the dishes they make at home with those condiments!
  After eating in silence for a while, the two parties were ready to continue the business that they had not finished talking about in the morning!
  While the waiting servants were already clearing away the dishes, Mr. Holland made a preemptive strike.

  I heard him say with a look of regret:

  "I have to tell you two bad news."

  After folding the napkin in his hand and putting it on the servant's plate, Mr. Holland continued:
  "I just went I took a look at the Holland family's secret vault and found that there was very little spice left in the inventory. According to the guard, Brand would go to the secret vault to get a lot of it every day after he came back from the holidays. The negotiated purchase transaction continues."

  Hearing such "bad news", Finn was first shocked and said:

  "Brand can actually enter the Holland family's secret vault? I can't even enter my family's secret vault. !"

  Regarding Finn's strange focus, Andy wanted to rush forward and punch him.

  But the "light sadness" in my heart still prevailed.

  I saw him gently rubbing his forehead and saying with a decadent look: "How could Brand do this!"

  At this time, Mr. Holander smiled elegantly and sighed:
  "Let's put Brand's problem aside for now. It is always an issue on the Holander family's side. As the head of the family representing the Holander family, I I will not give up the promise I made easily!"

  Facing the two people's dejected looks with a hint of inquiry, Mr. Holland continued:

  "I hope that while the purchase price remains unchanged, the purchase items will be changed to: The plants, seeds, and planting methods of those spices! But I hope to get the guarantee from the Cecil family and the Claude family that they will not be passed on to others and will not be used for commercial operations." As Lord Hollander proposed

  " With the extremely generous purchasing method, Andy and Finn's eyes rekindled a fiery divine light...

  Actually, what they don't know yet is:

  as ordinary plants, no matter how delicious they are, without magic seasoning The cost is so expensive and the value is just that.

  Compared with the "sincerity" they sent, what Mr. Holland sent was "barely" equivalent.

  When Andy and Finn happily left Holland Castle with two wagons full of plants.

  Mr. Holland welcomed two new secret guests at the castle gate.

  ——The head of the Claude family, and the head of the Cecil family.

  After meeting Mr. Holland, the two old men performed an elegant hat-taking ceremony...

  (End of this chapter)

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