Chapter 301 There is treasure there!

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  Chapter 301 There is treasure there!
  On Brand's side, just as he was getting excited, the communication was suddenly interrupted.

  After a moment of confusion, he quickly called back with another communication request.

  But what surprised him was that the empty screen showed that the other party rejected his communication request.

  Seeing this scene, Brand couldn't help but start to wonder if the Yersin trio saw that they were so lucky, and then they became jealous and didn't want to talk to him?
  After thinking for a brief moment, Brand gave up.

  ——It’s completely normal for someone to feel envious and jealous of him!

  After putting these things aside, Brand came to the long table and began to continue drawing the rune circle.

  The "softened magic crystal scroll" in front of him was specially made by a senior who was proficient in alchemy.

  Brand plans to turn it into an external screen for a blank movie screen.

  Although he and the library have separated from the large army and can move freely, they are temporarily unable to sell the finished products to a few big bosses.

  But that will be a matter of time.

  Brand can also use it himself before selling it to a few big bosses.

  In addition to the most important real-time information on the big orcs, the War Information Room established by the Military Affairs Department also has information on the whereabouts of many elite orcs.

  If there happened to be traces of orcs on the library's route of action, they could easily find and deal with these orcs.


  Early the next morning, when Brand was enjoying breakfast under Catherine's service.

  The senior students in the library have gone to the trading market of Furnace Castle in twos and threes.

  After learning that Brand spent 10 magic gold coins to buy a young Behemoth skin in the trading market of Graystone Castle.

  They also all became interested in shopping for treasures in the trading market.

  Although Brand also wanted to join in, he had other things to do today.

  According to the plan, they will set off to the Furnace Volcano early tomorrow morning.

  Decades ago, when the last pioneering war began, Furnace Volcano was one of the final battlefields.

  Next to the location of the Forge Volcano, there was once a fortress carefully built by the tauren.

  But after the pioneering war ended, only ruins and magma were left there.

  Over the years, countless soldiers, treasure hunting teams, and adventurers have passed there.

  Logically speaking, everything of value should be taken away.

  However, after completing the production of the "reel-type empty video screen external screen" last night, Brand took a look at the situation near the Furnace Volcano.

  ——That area is quite lively!

  In the past week, the War Information Office has registered no fewer than twenty incidents of orc sightings in that area.

  In addition, there are three Imperial Legion soldiers stationed around the area, including two thousand-man brigades of the Empire's Sixth Infantry Legion.

  This situation made Brand a little curious.

  He was going to ask his Uncle Anthony about the situation at the Forge.

  Under the guidance of the soldiers, he came to the command room where Anthony was.

  The first thing that comes into view is a huge magic sand table, which clearly shows the topography of a large area surrounding the Furnace Castle.

  At this time, Anthony was sitting at the small table next to the sand table, playing with a magic communication device.

  Seeing this scene, Brand thought that he had come at the wrong time.

  But after Anthony saw him, his eyes lit up and he quickly put down the magic communication device in his hand.

  Then he stood up with a smile on his face and walked towards his position.

  Just when Brand wanted to say hello and say hello, Anthony spoke first and said:

  "Good morning, Brand! Lend me your blank screen! I want to see the War Information Room of the Military Affairs Department Intelligence map."

  Naturally, Brand did not refuse this request and immediately took out the blank screen.

  Then, he looked at the magic communication device that Anthony threw aside.

  Brand asked curiously:
  "Uncle Anthony was listening to the intelligence just now?"

  Hearing Brand's question, Anthony skillfully operated the blank screen and responded:

  "Yes, compared to the intelligence personnel, Telling the information word for word, watching the war information room's intelligence map directly on the empty screen will undoubtedly make it more clear. These days, the

  Imperial Military Affairs Department is discussing with the Moon Empire the bulk purchase of empty screens.

  Soon, the border will Large fortresses in the area will be equipped with empty shadow screens.

  But now, until the empty shadow screens are installed, we can still only use the old intelligence sharing method."

  As Anthony operates, the magic crystal screen of the empty shadow screen appears. A map of the North soon appeared with various markers attached.

  At this time, there were three big red stars moving slowly on the northern intelligence map.

  Seeing these three big stars, Brand was a little surprised and said:
  "Is today a special day? Three big orcs came to us early in the morning?"

  Looking at the map in front of him, Anthony said helplessly:

  "If you pay attention to relevant intelligence more frequently, you will find that similar things happen almost every day recently.

  For these big orcs, invading our side is like doing an after-dinner exercise.

  So after breakfast every day, We will all pay attention to the actions of the big orcs here."

  Hearing this, Brand was a little confused and said:
  "Since they like to come here so much, can't we just kill them?"

  Anthony shook his head and said:

  "That is not an easy task. .These

  big orcs always invade areas where our defenses are relatively weak.

  Once they encounter a strong person, they will quickly retreat.

  Under the influence of the violent posture, it is difficult for the big orcs to be killed quickly.

  etc. They ran out of the border against the attack, and other strong orcs would pick them up.

  Although the Imperial Legion organized several sniper operations, so far, little effect has been achieved!"

  Bran, who still looked puzzled after a glance De, Anthony smiled and said:

  "Don't let those weak knights from the Kingdom of Crean in the chaotic zone affect your judgment last time.

  If they come here, I dare say that any big orc will come, even the smallest one." The low-level wild boars can beat them to the ground."

  Looking at the intelligence map in front of him again, Anthony asked:
  "By the way, what's the matter with you coming to see me?"

  Hearing Anthony's question, Brand pointed to the location of the Furnace Volcano on the screen in front of him and said:

  "I came here to ask about the situation of the Furnace Volcano.

  We are going to go there for a walk later, but I watched it last night When I was looking at the intelligence map, I found that orcs frequently appeared there. There were also Imperial Legions stationed there, so I wanted to ask what was going on there now?" "You

  said Furnace Volcano, it's been very lively there recently."

  Anthony explained with a smile. :
  "According to the rumors of many adventurers who are proficient in the orc language, during the last pioneering war, the tauren had a 'treasure' left there!" Thanks to book friend 20190711230828632 for his monthly vote. Thanks to book friend "


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  (end of this chapter)

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