Chapter 295 Without chili, the dishes would not have any flavor! ?

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  Chapter 295 Without chili, the dishes would not have any flavor! ?
  When the sun was about to set, several elders who had slept in the library's special carriage all afternoon got out of the carriage and stretched lazily.

  Originally, they planned to find a place with pleasant scenery to wait for dinner.

  However, their keen senses made them aware of the noisy atmosphere in the camp.

  After questioning the servants, they learned much about what had happened this afternoon.

  They didn't really care about the fact that a few family descendants brought manpower to surround and suppress the Snow Werewolves.

  However, after hearing about the Eagle Man and Phoenix incident that happened later, they quickly became extremely curious and began to discuss it!
  "There are a lot of clouds today, so it's not surprising that there are hawks in the wild.

  One of the large supply warehouses in the North, Cedar Fort, is not far from here.

  Not long ago, Cedar Fort was attacked by a small group of orcs.

  To sum up, Said! I feel that these Eagle Men and those Snow Werewolves may have certain ideas about Cedar Castle!" "

  Cedar Castle has its own Imperial Legion to protect it. Why do you worry about those things?
  What I am more curious about now is the phoenix! What do you think? Is that a real phoenix?"

  "Although the library happened to be chasing the eagle people, there were only dozens of them. How could dozens of people materialize the frame of the mage group?

  I think that should be a real phoenix!

  I really didn’t expect that there are such beautiful creatures in the Farnes Continent!”

  “Don’t forget, the last time we were at Fort Chesil, the library used a method that was very similar to materialization, so there are Maybe they got it wrong!"

  "Okay, don't argue. Wouldn't you know this matter if you ask Brand directly?
  But then again, why haven't Brand and the library members been there for so long? Come back, did they also see the phoenix and chase after it?"

  "It's possible! It's normal to be curious when you meet such a rare creature!"


  Brand's side.

  After killing those hawks, they originally wanted to return.

  But at this time, they discovered the traces of the Eagle Man again.

  Because there is no obstruction, the view above the clouds is extremely broad.

  Under the influence of telescope, they can see very far away.

  The Eagle Man, who was flying high in the distance, was discovered by them.

  After a brief discussion, they decided to continue the attack.

  ——Brand had killed the Eagle Man in a few simple strokes, and the senior students who were “flying pendants” expressed that they also wanted to do some activities!
  As a result, the eagles who came to this area to cause trouble under the cloudy weather were in bad luck.

  Because of the monitoring of the Kaya Empire's war circle, orcs at the great orc level would soon be stopped by great knights at the same level after crossing the border.

  Only ordinary eagles and elite eagles can break into the back of the Kaya Empire's border area.

  Facing the semi-materialized phoenix in the library, these hawks had no power to fight back!

  The Eagle Man's greatest advantage is flight.

  But in front of the library, their advantage is not worth mentioning at all!
  ——Phoenix can also fly, and it can fly faster than them!
  At the same time, all of their attacks Phoenix were able to handle with ease.

  Under such a desperate gap, even the senior students in the library did not attack continuously like Brand's extremely suppressive blue wind bullets.

  The Eagles still couldn't escape the fate of death!

  As evening approaches, the sun sets in the west.

  The figure of Yingren was no longer in the telescope's field of vision.

  After such a short half-day of chasing and fighting, the excited cheeks of all the senior students were a little tired.

  Different from those real mage groups that can maintain the framework of the mage group for a long time, they are far inferior in terms of strength and numbers.

  So in the process of chasing the Eagle Man, they all took a lot of potions to restore their magic and spiritual power.

  Now, after the excitement, a feeling of exhaustion came over me.

  Brand suggested:

  "Let's go back and rest. It's almost dinner time now."

  Everyone agreed with Brand's suggestion.

  Next, they began to lower their flying altitude, preparing to go below the clouds to see where they were currently.

  After passing through the thick clouds, the first thing that comes into view is the snow-covered forest from a bird's eye view.

  He glanced around again.

  ——At the edge of their vision, a gray-black fortress covered with snow attracted their attention.

  Seeing this fortress, they realized:

  In this short half-day of flying and fighting, they seemed to have covered a considerable distance!


  At dinner time, I saw that Brand and everyone in the library still hadn't returned.

  Mr. Holland took out the blank screen and sent a communication request to Brand.

  He was not worried at all about Brand's safety.

  What he knows better is that Brand has various high-quality spell scrolls on his body. Even if he encounters a big orc, he will not be afraid at all!

  What Mr. Holland is more curious about now is:

  Did Brand lead the library members to chase the Phoenix? Did he catch up with Phoenix in the end?
  With such questions and curiosity, it didn't take long for the communication to be connected.

  Brand's figure appeared on the magic crystal screen in front of him.

  At this time, Brand was enjoying dinner.

  It can be seen that his dinner is very sumptuous.

  The dishes were all very well presented and filled the whole table.

  ——This should be Catherine’s craft.

  After traveling together for so many days, Mr. Holland was already used to Brand's style.

  He didn't envy this at all.

  After all, he himself had a table of very similar, but more "bright red" dishes in front of him!

  ——This is what the current head chef of Hollandburg carefully prepared for him just now!
  Not only the best ingredients are used, but also "the Holland family's unique cooking methods and seasonings"!
  From a personal perspective, Mr. Holland feels that his table of dishes must be much more delicious than Brand's table!
  Regardless of the chef's cooking skills, Mr. Holland simply didn't like Brand's bland taste.

  ——Without chili, the food would have no flavor! ?

  "Sir, we flew a little too far when we chased the Eagle Man. We won't go back tonight."

  Just as Mr. Holland was tasting the sumptuous dinner of his second son, Brand spoke up first. .

  After hearing these words, Mr. Holland moved his eyes away from the dishes in front of Brand and began to look at other places on the empty screen.

  As for this detailed examination, Mr. Holland couldn't help but raise his eyebrows!
  In the picture of the empty screen, in the distance behind Brand, there were many soldiers wearing armor and various buildings and tents.

  After carefully distinguishing the marks on the soldiers' armor, he was surprised to find that they seemed to be the marks of the Sixth Infantry Regiment of the Empire!
  ——Anthony Mesa's Sixth Infantry Regiment of the Kaya Empire!
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  . (End of this chapter)

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