Chapter 288 This is the master!

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  Chapter 288 This is the master!
  "They still want to wait for me to lower the price? If I don't increase the price, it's already very good!"

  After hearing what Mr. Holland said, Brand expressed contempt for the ideas of several other elders.

  Because of the existence of the "War Information Room", the strategic value of the movable blank screen has obviously increased.

  In this case, a few big businessmen don't want to buy it as soon as possible, but they actually want him to lower the price?
  "That's right!"

  Mr. Holland suddenly thought of something and asked Brand:
  "Is there any way you can make the empty screen smaller? It would be better to hold it in one hand. According to Mr. Jonas, Said, now the information about the big orcs is real-time, I think there may be more real-time information in the future.

  If the empty screen can be reduced to the extent that it can be held in our hands, we can watch real-time while Taking action while on the map can save a lot of trouble."

  After hearing what Mr. Holland said, Brand couldn't help but start thinking.

  Although the screen is such a big thing, there is no problem in using it for communication.

  But if it is used to view real-time information from the War Information Room, it will inevitably be inconvenient.

  At this time, Brand couldn't help but think of the mobile phones and tablets on Earth in his previous life.

  It would undoubtedly be much more convenient if the empty screen could be reduced to that size.

  But the problem is that the current empty screen is already reduced in size.

  It is very difficult to narrow it down further.

  However... you can try to connect a small external display screen.

  But there is a problem with this.

  In order for the external screen to operate normally, it first needs to be connected to the main body of the empty screen.

  If the convenience of portability is taken into consideration.

  During normal use, the blank screen is best placed in the magic pocket, while the external screen is carried by the user.

  But in this way, we have to consider the "space partitioning property" of the magic pocket.

  The magic pocket is made of materials that are inherently spatial. Things placed inside will be cut off from the outside world.

  From the perspective of a mage, the nature of space is classified as a realm of great magic.

  Therefore, it is not an easy thing to transform items that are born with specific spatial properties.

  But if you think about it carefully, the space inside the magic pocket is not a completely enclosed independent space.

  As long as we find a way to keep it in the "open state" connected to the outside world, this problem may be solved.

  After thinking for a while, Brand responded to Mr. Holander:
  "I need to think about this question and give you an answer in two days."

  After hearing Brand's words, Mr. Holander felt something in his heart. Got a strange feeling.

  Asking if the empty screen could be reduced or something, he was actually just asking casually.

  But I didn’t expect that Brand seemed to have a solution!

  Ever since, Mr. Holland began to try to put forward more suggestions:
  "Actually, I think it is not necessary to use hard materials like magic crystal to display the screen. You can use some soft materials!
  For example The material of the spell scroll is very good. It won't take up any space when rolled up, and it can be a very large sheet when unfolded."

  After hearing this suggestion from Mr. Holland, Brand began to think again.

  In his opinion, the problem of magic pocket space partition is the main problem.

  If this problem can be solved, then the material of the "external display" will only need to meet the two conditions of being able to carry the running rune array for a long time and being able to display the screen.

  As for the soft material that Mr. Holland wants, similar to a magic scroll, it is not impossible.

  Brand knew that a special alchemical material made using alchemical techniques could meet these conditions.

  However, although the library does not lack seniors who are proficient in alchemy techniques, they may not necessarily have relevant alchemy materials in their magic pockets.

  Thinking of this, Brand shook his head and said:
  "Technically speaking, this is not difficult, but the materials we brought with us this time may not be enough, and there are no stores here for us to purchase, so we may have to wait until we get back. "

  Hearing that such harsh conditions can be achieved, Mr. Holland raised his eyebrows unconsciously.

  ——Is this the "real master"?

  At this time, Mr. Holland couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

  ——It’s not unreasonable for the empire to attach so much importance to the cultivation of mages!
  Regarding the problem of lack of materials mentioned by Brand, he has a solution:

  "If you are short of materials, maybe you can go to the store in the large border fortress to have a look. There

  are many mages and knights stationed in the border fortress all year round. They also have a lot of needs on weekdays, so the empire has opened stores there, and has a special transportation team responsible for transporting various supplies for the stores. Now because the pioneering legions

  of the major nobles are gathering in the border fortress, the business there is relatively It was more prosperous in the past, and many chambers of commerce began to set up shop there.

  For example, the Yellow Rose Chamber of Commerce in Grace, they have now opened a store for knights there."

  After explaining the business situation of the border fortress, Holland Mr. De Da reminded again:
  "It should be noted that although the stores there have a lot of goods, due to the cost of transportation, the prices of the goods are a bit high, so it is best to measure the cost when you buy. Problem."

  After hearing that there was a solution to the material problem, Brand crossed his arms and thought thoughtfully.

  The price issue is actually not a big issue in his opinion.

  Although it does cost more magic gold coins to purchase raw materials, he can fully recover the extra cost by increasing the price of the finished product.

  Specifically, the excess costs incurred by him in purchasing raw materials can be passed on to Mr. Holland or several other big bosses.

  I just happened to hear that some big men are going to visit the orcs!
  If he was stuck before this point in time, he made a convenient "roll-up external monitor".

  So when the needs are so matched, will these gentlemen buy it or not?

  Thinking of this, Brand couldn't help but reveal a malicious smile.

  When Mr. Holland saw Brand's expression, he unconsciously had a bad feeling in his heart.

  Thinking about it carefully, although he gave the suggestion very readily, Brand would not give him the final product for free!
  Thinking of this, Mr. Holland originally had several "suggestions" that he wanted to share with Brand.

  But at this time, he felt that it was better not to bring it up.

  Lest he be stabbed to death by Brand!

  (End of chapter)

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