Chapter 256 Advanced Spell—Great Magic!

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  Chapter 256 Advanced Spell—Great Magic!

  After the preparations for the trip to the north were arranged, a few more days passed.

  This morning, in the college dormitory.

  As Brand puts his final stroke.

  On the large scroll of extraordinary material in front of you:
  various "pigments" are covered layer by layer, rich spiritual power is contained in it, mysterious runes are dotted on it, and the cross-shaped rune array becomes complete.

  As Brand put down the rune pen and began to inject magic into the scroll, the rune circle gradually lit up with magic aura.

  Waiting for a slight repulsive force to gently flick away Brand's palm transmitting magic power.

  The large scroll spread out in front of him has been wrapped in dazzling magic aura.

  The next moment, the scroll began to "shrink".

  When the large scroll shrunk to the size of an ordinary spell scroll, the magic aura began to converge towards the cross-shaped rune array in the center of the scroll.

  In the process of such gathering, the rune array also became brighter and brighter.

  When this light crosses a critical point!

  A deep red color at dusk is centered on it, spreading out to the surroundings like thick ink.

  ——In the crimson sky at dusk, a golden cross hangs in the center, and the red flame ring seems to set off its sublimity!
  Looking at the scroll in front of him, he saw a dynamic picture scroll containing three elements: crimson dusk, golden cross, and crimson flame.

  Brand was shaken unconsciously.

  ——Just looking at this picture, you can tell that the power of this scroll is extraordinary!
  After that, a sense of accomplishment came over me!

  After working hard for so many days, he finally completed this "special four-variable rune array".

  Although it is not the "ultimate version" of the ultimate traditional rune writing, the runes in it also have many more strokes than ordinary runes.

  It's not that Brand doesn't want to use the traditional writing of runes to the extreme.

  It's just that such a complex rune array contains a large number of runes. If each rune consumes mental power to the extreme, it will take too long.

  ——It’s just a homework assignment, don’t take it seriously!

  After resting briefly against the back of the chair, Brand stood up and walked to the window.

  At this time, the sun had just risen, and the dormitory area was quiet.

  After spending all night drawing the rune circle last night, Brand walked out of the dormitory and prepared to take a walk around the college.

  At this point in time, many students can already be seen hurriedly walking past on the main road of the college.

  At this normal time, there would not be so many people in the college.

  That is to say, there is less than a week left for the final assessment, and these students want to make a temporary "sprint".

  This semester, because the Caesar Empire exchange group left early, the college's ranking list also gave students enough practical experience.

  Therefore, the college did not add a new “special final assessment” like last semester.

  There are still only two actual assessment subjects, one compulsory and one elective.

  As long as you read more books, it is not difficult to pass the exam.

  Of course, that's for other people.

  For Brand.

  Senior Mage Apprentice!

  Master of Rune Arrays!
  Are you telling me about the college’s final assessment?


  "Have you finished it?"

  In Celine's studio, she was a little dazed looking at the scroll handed over by Brand.

  Although she had always known that Brand was going very smoothly on this matter, Celine also thought that she would have to wait until after the holidays to achieve results.

  ——Brand’s talent once again refreshed her understanding.

  When Celine unfolded the scroll, she saw the dynamic picture of the three elements: deep red dusk, bright gold cross, and red flame.

  There was surprise in Celine's eyes under her veil.

  Then, she couldn't help but sigh:

  "It's very exquisite!"

  After saying this, she asked Brand curiously: "Which spell is the core of this scroll?"

  Brand responded with a smile: "Wind Bullet Technique. "

  Hearing that it was Wind Bullet Technique, he looked at the golden cross in the scroll in his hand.

  Celine couldn't help but recall some interesting images.

  After that, she rolled up the scroll again and handed it back to Brand.

  Then, she smiled and said:

  "You did a good job, put it away!"

  After taking the scroll, Brand was a little confused and said:
  "Why don't you try the effect?"

  Celine said with a smile: "Wait for two days Well, by testing the spell scroll this time, I can pass the examination of the Master of Rune Array."

  Brand is actually not interested in the false name of Master of Rune Array. He has always felt that a true master , never need other people’s approval!

  But since his teacher said so, he still nodded obediently.

  After skipping this topic, Celine added:

  "Now that you have finished drawing the scroll, I will tell you about the 'feeling' you encountered before."

  Upon hearing this topic, Brand's expression quickly changed. Gotta get curious.

  Just listen to Celine slowly explain:
  "That is elemental feedback.

  To put it simply, it is actually an 'instinct' of the elements.

  When drawing an 'extremely high quality' rune array, the elements will change at certain key points. A kind of 'special feedback' is generated everywhere.

  The mage can eliminate 'wrong answers' by obtaining this 'feedback'.

  Only those with extremely high 'corresponding element affinity talent' can draw the rune circle from the corresponding element. Get this 'special feedback' there.

  Because the core spell of this spell scroll is wind bullet.

  Then after you become an official mage, it should be easier to increase the elemental affinity of the wind element than other elements."

  Hearing Celine After the explanation, Brand first tried hard to digest the concept of "element feedback".

  Then he had another brief moment of doubt.

  ——After eliminating wrong answers through "element feedback", what is the "correct answer" finally obtained?
  Combining what he had learned before, Brand quickly thought of something.

  At the same time, Celine also explained aloud:
  "The process of eliminating wrong answers and getting the correct answer through 'element feedback' is actually a special 'shortcut' to explore the advanced spell rune array.

  And this kind of successfully advanced spell is collectively called 'big magic' by us. "

  After hearing the three words "big magic", Brand was a little dazed at first, and then quickly became excited! -
  This is the result of "spell advancement"!

  - This is what can defeat Mr. Holland Power!
  - After working hard for nearly a year, the result is finally here!!

  Celine, seeing Brand so excited, didn't bother her.

  After Brand calmed down, she continued:
  "Don't be too happy too early. Now you just rely on your talent to cross the orthodox method of spell advancement and take a shortcut to touch the threshold of spell advancement. "

  Hearing this, Brand, who is very self-aware, nodded in agreement.

  - This is indeed the case.

  At first, he just wanted to draw a "four-variable fusion" spell scroll.

  If it weren't for that "feeling".

  What he finally drew should be just a "four-variable sublimated version" wind bullet spell scroll, not the current "big magic" spell scroll! Seeing that

  Brand was not complacent, Celine nodded with satisfaction.

  Then . , she smiled and said:

  "I won't learn Elvish today. I'll tell you about the theoretical knowledge of 'Spell Advancement'.

  (End of chapter)

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