Chapter 23 Yersin’s little plan

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  Chapter 23:

  After the wound on Yersen’s little abacus head healed, he made an agreement with Mr. Holland to go to the Imperial Royal Mage Academy.

  So before Brand left, he arranged for Catherine to learn knight skills.

  A few months have passed and Catherine has now reached a very good level.

  However, looking at Catherine's current heavy armor, Brand felt that it would be better to change Catherine's position from maid to bodyguard someday.

  After all, when it comes to maids, soft girls are always better.

  Moreover, after returning home, Brand can return to the leisurely and lazy days of the past.

  As a person with a promising future, Catherine has to work hard on knight training on weekdays, and she doesn't have much time to accompany him around as a maid.

  Catherine, who was still unaware that she was about to change her career, ran over excitedly after seeing Brand.

  Catherine has always had a great impression of Brand, her master who has been labeled as "kind young master", "savior", "elegant nobleman" and so on.

  Because they hadn't seen each other for several months, Catherine was very excited at this time.

  Brand is relatively calm here.

  He was considering which maid in the family could take Catherine's place.

  "Master, the carriage is ready, and the caravan has gathered at the south gate. This time the group is led by Young Master Yersin and Captain Anderson." He

  ran to Brand's side, although he was a little confused when he saw that Brand was empty-handed. .

  However, Catherine dutifully explained the situation to Brand.

  "Let's go."

  After rubbing Catherine who took off her helmet and stretched out her head obediently, Brand walked towards the carriage with his hands behind his back.


  "Brand! I haven't seen you for a long time!"

  "Yersen! Do you want to strangle me?" Yersen is tall and taller than

  Brand at the south gate of the imperial capital, a whole head taller than Brand. With a smile on his face, he gave Brand a bear hug.

  It was obviously a touching scene of brothers and sisters respecting each other, but Brand regretfully said that he could not bear Yersin's iron armor.

  In the past, Yerson would not have been so kind to Brand.

  After all, in the past, Brand would only bring shame to the Holland family.

  But things are different now.

  Brand's reputation as a mage genius has spread to a small extent.

  A few days ago, Viscount Holland received a letter about Brand from a friend in the imperial capital.

  After seeing the contents of the letter, Viscount Holland was shocked.

  Although at first, it was difficult for Viscount Holland to believe that the words "super genius", "once-in-a-century" and "tutor rob" in the letter were used to describe his uneducated second son.

  However, after multiple confirmations, he confirmed that the news was true.

  ——Brand has a future now.

  After learning the news, Mr. Holland was in a very happy mood, but as the head of the family, he still evaluated the matter rationally.

  The final conclusion is that the escort force escorting Brand home needs to be mentioned.

  The original arrangement of Mr. Holland was for Brand to return with the family caravan.

  The family's caravan is equipped with two intermediate knights and dozens of junior knights as main guards.

  In the past, this has been more than enough.

  After all, due to the imperial parliamentary system of nobles, even if other nobles really want to harm Brand, they will not do it themselves.

  At most, it's like buying and killing people secretly.

  With the strength of the caravan guard, it is more than enough to protect Brand.

  But now, Mr. Holland keenly feels that the power of the guards needs to be improved.

  Because compared to the past, Brand's "value" has obviously improved a lot.

  With such considerations in mind, Mr. Holland waved his hand and sent out the family's second master, Anderson, the family guard chief who had reached the level of a senior knight.

  At the same time, Yersin, who was practicing hard at home every day, volunteered to follow after learning that his younger brother had brought unprecedented glory to the family.

  In addition to expressing his "approval" to Brand, he also had a "little matter" that he wanted to discuss with Brand.

  Yersen accidentally heard not long ago that Mr. Holland had the intention to let Brand marry the legitimate daughter of the Romine family.

  After learning the news, Yersin felt that for the sake of sacred love, it was necessary for him to have a good relationship with Brand.

  There are various signs that there are signs of marriage between the Holland family and the Romine family.

  Before the specific marriage parties are determined.

  As long as Brand expresses his "personal will" not agreeing to marry the legitimate daughter of the Romine family.

  And Yersin was able to show enough "excellent qualities" at the same time to be recognized by the Romine family.

  Then he has a chance to marry Ms. Romine!

  Brand is quite clear about some of Yersen's ideas.

  ——It is already known to everyone that Yersen likes the legitimate daughter of the Romine family.

  Although Brand only regards the Romine family's legitimate daughter as an ordinary friend, he is not prepared to develop a more intimate relationship.

  However, Brand was not prepared to make any statement on this matter.

  Yersin only has unrequited love, and the woman likes Brand.

  Caught between the two, Brand's best option was to remain silent.

  After all, because of Brand's existence, love triangles like this are simply too common!
  Brand is not prepared to get himself into endless trouble!

  So let them resolve this matter themselves!

  After meeting everyone in the caravan, Brand lazily returned to his carriage.

  Because he got up early today, Brand was going to sleep for a while.

  However, Brand, who was about to lie down and close his eyes, keenly felt a gaze shining directly on his face.

  Because Brand's mental strength is much higher than that of ordinary people, he can be very keenly aware of other people's gazes.

  With a slight turn of his head, Brand discovered the source of that gaze - Catherine.

  Look at the way Catherine hesitates to speak.

  Brand said helplessly: "If you have anything to say, let's talk about it. Why are you starting to talk about mother-in-law and mother-in-law after not seeing each other for a few months?"

  After hearing Brand's complaint, Catherine began to whisper about a problem that had been troubling her recently.

  ——The size of the armor is a bit too small.

  Because Catherine has been assigned to Brand, her daily expenses are also independently borne by Brand.

  Catherine's outfit was specially purchased by Brand before he came to school.

  However, Brand was a little puzzled by Catherine's troubles.

  "Wouldn't it be better to just go to the blacksmith to change the size?"

  In fact, in order to ensure that Catherine can smoothly carry out knight training.

  One-tenth of Brand's monthly expenses are sent directly to Catherine.

  So for things like changing the size of the armor, Catherine could go directly to the blacksmith with the magic gold coins.

  But I heard Catherine whisper:

  "In the past few months, I have been looking for Sister Tongchui who leads the blacksmith's shop many times. Not long ago, Sister Tongchui asked me to tell you that with my current growth rate, it won't be long before even if she No matter how superb his skills are, this armor is a little inappropriate."

  Hearing what Catherine said, Brand became a little curious.

  "Take off your shoes, let's compare heights."

  Catherine took off her metal boots obediently, stood up, and straightened her back.

  Brand also stood up.

  The two are of the same age, both growing up.

  After this comparison, Brand was surprised to find that Catherine, who was slightly shorter than him a few months ago, was now slightly taller than him.

  You must know that Brand has also grown in height in the past few months.

  "Is it a side effect of blood?"

  Brand was not sure.

  (End of chapter)

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