Chapter 199 Finn rushes in!

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  Chapter 199 Finn rushes in!
  Finn, on his side, led the team and rushed to a certain distance using the concealment spell.

  He clearly felt a magic wave of probing spells appearing next to him.

  ——They were discovered!
  The first time he discovered this fact, he signaled to the team following him.

  Then, the magic light flashed quickly and connected into one.

  A shield surrounded them.

  ——Joint spell casting·spell shield!
  Almost at the next moment, several spells flew towards their position.

  At the same time, a stone wall suddenly rose up from the ground ahead.

  Finn had no intention of stopping.

  Several spells hit their shields, causing only slight ripples.

  After receiving these spells, golden fighting spirit surged throughout his body.

  Finn ran straight into the stone wall.

  boom! !

  After a muffled sound, a huge gap was opened in the stone wall.

  After breaking through the stone wall, Finn didn't move forward.

  Beyond the stone wall is a huge swamp pit.

  He can get through this kind of environment.

  But the team members behind him are not so good!

  Although it's not impossible to fill it with magic, it's just a matter of running two more steps. Finn is not going to waste magic power here.

  this point in time.

  The team of the leader of the organization also began to conduct fire attacks on the enemies exposed in the main building.

  The pressure on Finn's team was suddenly reduced a lot.

  The speed of their advance suddenly accelerated.

  Now, they face two choices.

  First, break through the front entrance of the main building.

  ——The door to the main building is open, but the other party must be prepared.

  Second, don’t take the main entrance!
  Soon, Finn led the team to the wall on the side of the main building.

  Without saying a word, he charged and hit the wall of the main building in front of him.

  He wants to try whether the wall is solid or hollow behind it!

  boom! !

  After a muffled sound, Finn unconsciously took two steps back under the huge recoil.

  At this time, his expression was extremely strange.

  ——Under his strong impact, the wall of the main building was only slightly dented and a little white paint fell off.

  With the strength of a formal knight, Finn, who has always run rampant and unimpeded, encountered this kind of thing for the first time!
  He couldn't help but not understand! !
  It’s just a real battlefield, how about using such high-end materials? !

  When Finn was dazed, a professional team member next to him quickly stepped forward.

  After examining it carefully, she explained:
  "This is a wall temporarily reinforced with magic. It will remain in this solid state until the earth elements on it are completely dissipated, and it can also resist spell attacks extremely effectively. !
  I think this main building should be a special place for team battles. Looking at the speed of the element overflow, it will probably take a while for the earth element above to dissipate!" "Does this mean

  we are early?"

  Hearing this Explanation, Finn has a slightly big head!

  If we retreat now, wait until the magic wave of the "target crystal ball" disappears and the walls of the main building return to normal.

  The other party will inevitably find ways to shift positions and delay time.

  The opponent is holding a map of the castle. If there is such a thing as a tunnel in this place, it will be troublesome!
  Although it was still early, it was coming...

  Thinking of this, Finn quickly began to check the surrounding situation.

  Because they were already in front of the main building, the opponent temporarily gave up the spell attack on them, and instead moved the target to the team of the leader of the organization in the distance.

  The two sides are exchanging spells.

  Relying on the numerical advantage and the solid defense of the main building wall, the opponent has a huge advantage!
  The team led by the leader of the organization has been forced to move to the surrounding auxiliary buildings in search of bunkers.

  It's obvious that they can't last long!

  And once the opponent is free to take action, they will become the opponent's target!
  "Should we go through the main entrance?"

  Looking at the unobstructed main entrance of the main building, all the team members were hesitant.


  Finn quickly shook his head in denial.

  If designed according to the standard castle main building.

  The corridor must be relatively narrow, easy to defend and difficult to attack!
  You know, although the opponent's strength is inferior to them on the surface, the gap is not big.

  Therefore, Finn was not prepared to give the opponent the advantage of such an environment.

  However, they actually don't have a good choice.

  If they don't go through the main entrance, they can only go through the "outer wall"!
  ——Use spells to build stairs and try to climb in from the window sill.

  It's not that easy to do.

  The window sill on the "first floor" of the main building is more than ten meters high from the ground.
  The window sill is also extremely long and narrow and cannot pass people.

  Judging from the hardness of the wall, it would be extremely difficult to directly destroy the window sill.

  So they could only climb in from the higher-level window sill.

  ——The other party will inevitably hinder you in this process!

  After thinking about it, Finn decided to give it a try!
  Without any further thought, Finn made his decision and quickly led his team members to use spells to build stairs close to the wall.

  A group of academy elites with the strength of senior mage apprentices can build the ladder very quickly.

  However, their actions quickly attracted each other's attention.

  Several spells drew arcs and flew towards their position!

  Because you have to distract yourself from supporting the shield to resist spells.

  Their movements quickly slowed down!
  On the leader's side, because Finn's team dispersed the firepower, the pressure on their side was reduced a lot.

  At this time, they also saw that the building materials of the main building were extremely extraordinary.

  After fighting for a while, so many spells hit the wall of the main building, but only a few layers of "powder" were scraped off!

  Based on the information they collected about the team battle, they quickly realized that this main building was a special terrain.

  The characteristic of this type of special terrain is that it gradually becomes "normal" over time.

  Because it's still early, that's why it has such defensive capabilities!
  Originally, the leader wanted to wait for a while before talking.

  But seeing that Finn was still working hard, she had no choice but to lead her team to continue to cooperate and carry out fire suppression!
  For a while, although the progress was slow, Finn's team continued to move upwards, and the leader's team was also slowly approaching the main building.

  However, when Finn's team was about to reach the "first floor" of the main building.

  A bright red "cross mark" was suddenly printed on the position of Finn's team.

  The clouds in the sky were once again dispersed into rings by some force!

  The two veterans on the high-rise terrace of the main building took action again!
  ——Advanced spell·Star summoning!
  Seeing this spell again, the magic power in the leader quickly began to burn.

  The giant rock hand rises from the ground close to the main building and extends towards Finn's team's position!

  When the giant rock hand blocked Finn's team, he was about to block the meteorite head-on again.

  Finn suddenly made the team members jump down the stairs.

  Upon noticing this scene, the leader's eyes narrowed.

  Then, under her control.

  The giant rock hand spread its fingers and fell suddenly.

  Clear the way for the meteor and get in the way of the members of Finn's team!

  (End of chapter)

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