Chapter 190 Andy’s recruitment plan!

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  Chapter 190 Andy’s recruitment plan!
  Academy spell duel field, large battle area, auditorium.

  Looking at the battle situation in the battle area on the empty screen in front of them, Andy and the members of the Mages Association wearing uniform white uniforms beside him looked relatively relaxed.

  ——The victory is basically determined.

  Since the announcement of the student organization rankings and team battle rules, as a "soft persimmon" in the eyes of everyone, the Masters Association has received challenges from other student organizations every day.

  The academy actually has corresponding rules regarding whether you must accept the challenge.

  If the strength gap between the two sides is too large, regardless of the final battle result or whether they fought or not, it will not be included in the statistics.

  And if the two sides are equally powerful, refusal will be regarded as a battle failure.

  In view of the "special circumstances" of the Masters Association, the college has also "flexibly" added a rule:
  if a battle has already been fought that day, challenges from other student organizations can be rejected that day and the next day.

  Such rejection is not considered a battle lost.

  Although the academy has thoughtfully added policies for "challenge favorites" like the Mages Association.

  However, the Mages Association didn't get much rest.

  In the past few days since school started, the Masters Association has been engaging in team battles with other student organizations every day.

  ——Facts have proved to everyone that they are not "soft persimmons".

  With "first mover advantage".

  Andy recruited many seniors from fifth and sixth grade.

  Most of these seniors are at the "senior mage apprentice" level.

  Among them, there are even two academy elites who have the strength of "official mages", are on the academy ranking list, and have met the graduation requirements!

  Thanks to the efforts of these seniors, the Masters Association achieved a complete victory!

  This battle is no exception.

  Not long after, the battle came to an end as a dark red protective shield appeared on the last enemy on the empty screen.

  ——The team of the Mages Association won this team battle.

  When several seniors who participated in the battle came out.

  Under the leadership of Andy, the members of the Mages Association stood in formation in advance.

  The moment they came into view, cheers echoed around them.

  When the voice died down, Andy put a smile on his face and stepped forward and said:
  "The preparations for the celebration banquet are complete. Please invite some seniors to move to the banquet hall."

  His "leaders" all said this, and these seniors The senior sister naturally smiled and thanked her.

  Although Andy is only an intermediate mage apprentice and their junior.

  However, after just a few days of getting along, they all recognized Andy as the "leader".

  Generous gestures aside, Andy does have all the qualities a "leader" needs.

  It is foreseeable that the Mage Association will inevitably become stronger and stronger under his leadership.

  At the next banquet, Andy chatted with the two seniors who had formal mage abilities.

  His purpose in establishing the Mages Association was not just to obtain rewards from the academy.

  In fact, these seniors who have no family ties are also one of his "targets"!

  There are three graduation requirements for the Royal Mage Academy of the Kaya Empire:

  The first is to become an official mage.

  The second is to pass the college's elective subject professional assessment and become a professional in a certain elective subject.

  The third is to complete six grades of college courses and assessments.

  If you meet any of the above three requirements, you can apply to the college for graduation.

  The courses, open knowledge, and resource rewards issued by the Kaya Empire Royal Mage Academy to students are all aimed at cultivating students into "qualified formal mages" or "elective subject professionals."

  For college students who have reached their goals, continuing to stay in the Mage College actually doesn't make much sense.

  Whether you want to continue moving forward on the path of a mage, or you want to earn wealth and live a good life.

  Staying at the academy is not the best option!

  As a graduate of the Imperial Royal Mage Academy, the future is relatively bright.

  Upon graduation, the major departments, legions, and nobles of the empire will send "invitations to join" them.

  According to the "training agreement" signed when enrolling, as long as they do not join the "hostile forces" of the Kaya Empire.

  Graduates of the Master Academy are free to choose their future lives.

  You can accept these entry requirements and you can develop freely.

  Of course!
  The academy and the empire will certainly not engage in loss-making business.

  Spending resources and putting all the effort into cultivating mages must have benefits interspersed with it.

  The "training agreement" signed by new students when they enroll states that

  graduates of the Mage Academy have the obligation to "respond to war calls."

  When there is a war event in the empire and mages are needed.

  As a graduate of the Mage Academy, he could not refuse the first war call launched against him.

  There are ways to avoid this call-up.

  If you really don't want to go to war, you can avoid being drafted by donating magic gold coins.

  But the amount of magic gold coins that need to be donated here is not just a small amount. According to the critical situation of the war, the empire will "clearly mark the price."

  Judging from the current situation, in order to cope with the pioneering war in a year's time, it is almost inevitable that the Kaya Empire, which is short of power, will issue a "War Recruitment Order"!

  So now, for the vast majority of sixth-grade students in the Mage Academy, who are about to graduate, participating in the pioneering war is inevitable!
  If the war doesn't go well, fifth graders graduating in two years will also be drafted.

  Against this background, the college has ushered in a "graduation wave" in the past few days since the beginning of the semester.

  Students who have met graduation standards are applying for graduation!

  In the context of the pioneering war, students' desire to graduate is more urgent than in the past.

  Students who want to "muddle" through the war need to find a "safe" department or back office.

  Students who want to make a successful career need to join the legion quickly and adapt to the battlefield.

  Under such a background, as the heir of the Claude family, he happened to be a member of the Mage Academy.

  ——The first to get the moon is the one near the water!

  Andy naturally wanted to recruit these seniors who were preparing to graduate.

  ——Joining the Imperial Legion is actually the same as joining the Claude family!
  After complimenting the two seniors, Andy gradually turned to the topic:

  "Have the two seniors applied to the college for graduation?"

  Because there was no need to hide this matter, after Andy asked, the two seniors naturally answered unsuspectingly,

  "The application has been submitted, and we will leave the college when the college approves our graduation application." I think we have only a few days to stay in the academy."

  "You have to work hard after we leave. Although there are not many official mages in the academy who have not left, there are still a few. We mages know all the The winning record cannot be broken casually!"

  "If it weren't for the upcoming Pioneering War, I would have wanted to wait until the end of this semester to graduate normally. Unfortunately, time is tight now and there is no room for waste. The Masters Association can only look at you!"

  "Don't worry, our mages will be invincible!"

  After saying this confidently, Andy changed the topic and said:

  "Do the two seniors have any plans for the future? In fact, the Claude family where I belong has no plans for these two. Excellent talents like seniors are very eager.

  If you are willing to join, as the future head of the Claude family, I can give you the most generous treatment!"

   Thanks to the book friend "Five Emperors Si Ying" for the monthly ticket
    and thanks to the book friend "Poison" I would like to
    thank my book friend "The Golden House in the Book, How to Enter" for my monthly pass.
    I would like to thank my book friend "The Empty Man" for my monthly pass.
    I would like to thank my book friend "The Shadow of Mystery" for my monthly pass.
  (End of this chapter)

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