Chapter 176 Extraordinary Flower!

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  Chapter 176 Extraordinary Flower!

  After Brand and Yersen had gathered their attention, Mr. Holland said with a smile:

  "Because the next battle will be more dangerous, you two should go back to the country and stay there.

  Just in time, The Sixth Infantry Regiment is preparing to escort a group of important prisoners to the country, and you will serve as accompanying guards."

  After hearing what Mr. Holland said, after thinking for a moment, Brand and Yersen both said Face nodded in agreement.

  ——The next battle is a bit high-end for them.

  As for Yersin, he originally just wanted to bully the bandits and expand his small treasury.

  Now that I have made a lot of money, it’s time to stop it when it’s good!

  As for leading troops to fight, after two days of actual experience, Yersin felt that he was more suitable to lead a "high-level military armed force" such as the Knights.

  It is impossible for ordinary soldiers like the 6th Infantry Regiment to keep up with his "rhythm"!
  Because there is no knighthood for him to "lead" if he continues to stay here, so it is better to go back and practice hard to improve his strength.

  As for Brand, he is a "peace-loving" person!
  The only thing here that interests him is the robber's vault!

  The "treasury" of the largest bandit in this chaotic area has fallen into his "pocket", and he is not so interested in the treasury of other small bandits.

  In addition, the spell scroll reserve in his space necklace has also been consumed a lot, and it will not be of much use if he continues to keep it.

  Based on this fact, Brand is not prepared to stay any longer.

  After getting the answers from the two of them, Mr. Holland quickly arranged the itinerary with Anthony, and the two set off on their journey back to China that afternoon.

  Also traveling with them was Louise.

  Louise was able to earn enough for her dowry during this outing, although she was a little regretful that she could not win Brand's "heart".

  However, the Mesa family and the Holland family are allies, and there will be many opportunities to meet Brand in the future.

  If she didn't have to deal with this "harvest", Louise would even want to follow Brand to Hollandburg for a few days.


  Compared with the "bumpiness" when they arrived, Brand and his team's return journey was relatively "smooth".

  Because Mr. Holland and his knights "opened up" a smooth road with the power of the knights.

  Although this road will gradually become potholed over time and not maintained.

  But time is still short.

  In order to make full use of this road.

  Under Yersin's disdainful eyes, the "weak" Brand asked for a vacant carriage from the baggage troop as his "drive".

  Then he began his lazy and comfortable journey home.

  As a qualified maid, Catherine naturally has to stay with Brand.

  Louise also symbolically expressed that she had "caught a cold" and could not withstand the cold wind, and then she also got into Brand's carriage.

  So the task of guarding the prisoners fell to Yersen, Anderson, a group of attendants and the accompanying soldiers of the 6th Infantry Regiment.

  The prisoners escorted back to the country this time were five great knights, including the Lord of Liuyue City.

  Although they have all put on special "shackles", the soldiers are still very vigilant when coming into contact with them.

  ——This is the great knight! Who knows if there is any special way to get rid of the shackles?
  Of course, they were obviously over-worrying about this...

  On the night they returned to White Rock City, Brand, Yersin and Catherine gathered in the underground stone room and removed the young plants from sealed containers with soil. Take it out to water and fertilize.

  Mature plants have been picked by them and do not require special treatment.

  However, these immature young plants still need to be cared for.

  After so many days, these young plants taken out from the sealed containers have become a little "listless".

  However, this problem is only a minor problem for the Holland family, which comes from the plantation industry.

  ——Just spray some Holland family’s special fertilizer!

  While these fertilizers won't allow them to thrive in airtight containers, there's certainly no problem in keeping them going for a few more days.

  As long as they return to Hollandburg, these young plants can receive the best care!

  "Brand, what are you doing?"

  At this time, Yersin, who was concentrating on fertilizing, looked at Brand who suddenly squatted there motionless, and he was a little confused.

  Hearing Yersin's voice, Brand came back from his thoughts.

  Looking at the three white flowers in front of him, Brand waved to Yersin.

  After Yersen came closer, he pointed to the white flowers in front of him and asked,

  "Yersen, do you know this kind of flower?"

  Looking at the three "listless" white flowers in front of Brand, Yersen smiled slightly. He frowned.

  There are many flowers with similar shapes, but none of them have a layer of vague "water mist" surrounding them.

  Soon, he said to Brand with certainty:

  "I've never seen it before, it must be a brand new species, right?"

  After saying this, Yersin knelt down with a curious expression and touched it with his fingers. Look at those "water mist".

  What made him a little confused was that these "water mist" did not seem to be the water mist he imagined.

  At this time, Brand frowned and explained:
  "These mist-like things are magic power."

  After hearing Brand's words, Yersin was a little surprised and said:

  "Condensing magic power? This is really a rare property! "

  At this time, as if he thought of something, Brand took out a manuscript from the space necklace:
  "Research on the Spell of Mild Magic Release".

  Brand began to leaf through it quickly.

  The content inside was a little scattered, but Brand quickly found the relevant records of the Lord of Liuyue City's research on the properties of this plant.

  To sum it up in one sentence: it can condense magic power, and the condensed magic power can be easily used by others.

  Seeing such a "conclusion", Brand's brows furrowed even deeper.

  He had already begun to consider whether to find time to ask the Lord of Liuyue City face to face.

  At this time, Yersen smiled again and said:
  "It seems that this thing is quite precious? Doesn't that mean that the heritage of our Holander family has grown a little bit more?"

  After hearing Yersen's words, Brand He instantly gave up the idea of ​​looking for the city lord of Liuyue City.

  At the same time, his frown gradually relaxed.

  He smiled and said to Yersin:
  "That's true! But our entry into the underground medicine garden of Liuyue City Castle must be kept secret. This thing may be more precious than imagined!"

  They sneaked into the underground medicine garden of Liuyue City Castle. No one knew about it, so why bother to "inform" the city lord of Liuyue City?
  And judging from the contents of that manuscript, the Lord of Liuyue City actually "knows very little" about it.

  ——When Brand opened the sealed container containing this white-flowered plant, he clearly felt a strong and gentle magical breath coming towards his face.

  You know, when it is "sealed and packaged", the magic inside is not so strong!

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  . (End of this chapter)

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