Chapter 151 Flower of the Deep Sea!

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  Chapter 151 Flower of the Deep Sea!

  Compared to Anthony's worries.

  Brand's expression was dull.

  Although the simple and crude variant wind bullet technique was targeted, he had many other spells that he could use.

  ——It’s just more strenuous.

  After going through various spells in his mind, Brand decided to use his most commonly used phase spell.

  Because the bandits started charging again, Brand didn't hesitate any longer.

  Magic power began to surge throughout his body, and a magic disc quickly appeared under his feet.

  This is the cornerstone of phase spells - phase markers.

  Combined with other phase spells, it can form a "phase combination spell."

  Brand did not release it directly as usual, but began to transform this spell.

  Because there are so many bandits, in order to complete the coverage, the coverage area of ​​the phase mark must be expanded!

  But his magic power is not enough to pull so many bandits into the "standard depth" phase coordinates.

  So he could only weaken the effect of the phase mark and instead pull the bandits into a relatively "shallower" phase coordinate.

  The phase coordinate is shallow, which means it only has a relatively "mild" effect.

  And phase markers will be more easily dispelled.

  But when two armies confront each other, a small impact is enough to determine the outcome.

  In addition, most of the bandits are ordinary people, and ordinary people cannot dispel his phase mark!

  After such thoughts flashed through his mind, as Brand's mental power and magic power began to be consumed simultaneously, the magic disk under his feet began to "grow" outward in an orderly manner.

  He looked at the magic disc that was gradually expanding outward under his feet, exuding a gray-white magic light.

  The soldiers protecting Brand gradually began to get excited.

  Although they don’t know what the specific function of this thing under their feet is!
  But at least the scene is big enough! It looks awesome!
  At the same moment, the bandits came here.

  The bandit leaders standing high up also noticed the movement on Brand's side. Looking from a distance, even though there was a lot of obstruction, the gray-white light under the soldiers' feet was still very eye-catching!
  There is no doubt that the "horror mage" who created two "terrorist explosions" before is using some "terrorist spell" again!

  Considering that the mage's previous spells were intercepted by them.

  So the most likely situation now is that
  the mage became angry and is now preparing to give them a "big one"!
  After thinking of such a "terrible fact", the bandits quickly launched intensive long-range attacks towards Brand's position.

  Bows, arrows, spears and even boulders were all thrown towards Brand's position!

  Many of these attacks are accompanied by fighting spirit!
  ——That’s the knight’s secret skill of long-range strike!

  Face the long-range attacks of bandits.

  Anderson, Louise, Yersin, the servants of Hollandburg, and several captains of the 6th Infantry Regiment, a group of formal knights, some holding bows and arrows, and some throwing spears, killed the bandits. intercepted the attacks one by one.

  Occasionally if there are sporadic fish that slip through the net, they will jump up and shoot them down directly.

  In addition, Catherine, who had been standing closest to Brand, held up the knight's shield with a solemn expression, ready to defend Brand against attacks at any time.

  At this time, the bandits had already rushed forward and fought with the soldiers on the periphery of the 6th Infantry Regiment's formation.

  Although the soldiers of the 6th Infantry Regiment are well-equipped and highly effective.

  But because Anthony was involved in their fighting strength, and these bandits were all the elites of Liuyue City.

  In this battle, they only had a slight upper hand.

  The bandits have no way to break through their defenses. Even if they are squeezed out of a gap by the bandits, they will quickly make up the gap.

  At the same time, they failed to cause much effective damage to the bandits.

  The situation was somewhat deadlocked.

  However, this stalemate did not last long.

  Under Brand's feet, a new spell disk with a diameter of tens of meters was completed.

  The phase mark generated by a spell disk of this size can still cover the entire battlefield!
  ——The next step is the most critical moment.

  Brand frees his mind and focuses his attention!
  An extremely complicated spell model was gradually constructed by him.

  At the same time, a spell disk with a diameter of tens of meters was beneath his feet.

  A magic circle exuding dark blue magic light was gradually outlined and formed!
  When the outer ring is formed.

  It seems to be infected by this deep blue color.

  The gray-white spell disk is turned from the outside to the inside, and the gray-white color quickly turns into dark blue.

  When the transformation is complete, the spell disk is seamlessly connected to the outer ring.

  An oppressive atmosphere began to rise across the entire battlefield.

  Seeing this, the bandit leaders gradually stopped their long-range attacks on Brand.

  It was obvious that they could not prevent the release of that spell, which was almost complete.

  No matter how unwilling they are, they must accept this fact.

  What they have to do next is to work hard to observe the spell and find a way to crack it!

  Under the eyes of everyone who are either expecting or nervous.

  Brand's naturally hanging hands were slightly raised from left to right, and the dark blue magic power visible to the naked eye began to burn on Brand's body like fireworks.

  The brilliance of the magic circle under his feet is also getting stronger and stronger.

  When it reached a critical point, a dark blue wave swirled gently, spurting upward into the sky from a spell disk with a diameter of tens of meters under Brand's feet.

  As Brand gradually raised his hands, the wave rose higher and higher!
  Seeing such a grand scene in the sky ahead, the bandits' shouts of killing stopped unconsciously.

  At this time, the soldiers standing on the magic disk unconsciously exclaimed.

  They were in a dark blue world, with dark blue particles constantly pouring out from under their feet.

  -these particles consciously bypass them.

  After a while, as if another critical point had arrived, Brand pushed left and right with both hands.

  The middle part of the wave rising into the sky swelled slightly in all directions under the influence of some kind of force.

  Then, a huge dark blue bud bloomed in the sky of this battlefield!
  Its petals bloomed and fell one after another, mercilessly falling on the surrounding battlefield.

  Facing the dark blue petals falling from the sky in front of them, the bandits looked desperate and at a loss!
  at the same time.

  He looked at the bandits in front of him who looked up from time to time with panic in their eyes.

  The soldiers in front of the battle also had some doubts in their hearts.

  However, with good combat qualities, they didn't think too much, didn't look back, and didn't even shift their eyes for a moment.

  They just seized the opportunity to continuously inflict fatal injuries on the bandits in front of them.

  Then, when the panic in the robbers' eyes reached its peak.

  The sky darkened for a moment.

  Then, a wave of dark blue particles suddenly crashed forward from behind them.

  ——Everyone’s vision turned into a deep blue!
  Under such a bizarre scene, the soldiers unconsciously switched to a defensive posture.

  ——Although these dark blue particles avoided them, their sight was also greatly hindered.

  This state did not last long, until the wave of dark blue particles gradually receded.

  The soldiers' vision quickly returned.

  At this moment, they were surprised to find that
  the area crossed by the wave had an extra dark blue color.

  ——It’s like the deep sea is coming!
  (End of chapter)

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