Chapter 149 It doesn’t matter, I will take action!

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  Chapter 149 It doesn’t matter, I will take action!
  After Anthony took over White Moon City, Brand spent a leisurely and peaceful three days.

  However, compared to the leisure on his side, the soldiers of the Sixth Infantry Regiment and the businessmen waiting in White Rock City were relatively sad.

  According to the news brought by the scouts, the news that their Kaya Empire's 6th Infantry Regiment came to this chaotic area to "suppress bandits" has spread throughout the surrounding area.

  The surrounding bandits are consciously staying away from their active areas.

  Against this background, the soldiers who went out to "recruit" brought back less and less harvest every time.

  In the end, not only did the returning soldiers feel listless, but the businessmen also lost all hope.

  Of course, this did not affect the army's itinerary plan.

  Three days later, under the instructions of the legion commander Anthony, the Sixth Infantry Regiment left two thousand defenders, and other troops began to march towards the next free city.

  This time the merchants did not follow. They planned to wait at the rear to see the situation first.

  After two days of smooth march, the main force of the Sixth Infantry Regiment arrived at the last free city before Liuyue City, Manxiang City.

  What is surprising is that this siege encountered almost no decent resistance.

  Post-war statistics found that there were only a few hundred bandits in the entire free city, and there were very few supplies in the city warehouses.

  After a brief interrogation of the prisoners, we learned that the city lord of Manxiang City went to Liuyue City with supplies and manpower.

  Then, the scouts who were investigating the surrounding bandit lairs came back one after another to report that

  most of the surrounding bandits had left in the direction of Liuyue City.

  After learning such news, Anthony's expression began to become serious.

  ——The power gathered in Liuyue City is beyond imagination.

  Under such grim facts, Anthony had to call everyone over and hold a combat meeting.


  After everyone arrived, Anthony first briefly described the situation detected by the scouts, and then talked about the comparison of power between them and Liuyue City: First, the
  basic combat units.

  The combined number of ordinary bandits with combat effectiveness in Liuyue City and Manxiang City has exceeded 10,000.

  In addition, the small and medium-sized bandits in the surrounding areas evacuated towards Liuyue City, and the bandits gathered by Liuyue City from other directions.

  The number of bandits they will eventually face is very likely to exceed 30,000!
  However, although the bandits have a numerical advantage, judging from their overall strength, the Sixth Infantry Regiment is actually stronger!
  After entering the chaotic zone, based on the actual combat data of the Sixth Infantry Regiment, the average battle loss between the soldiers and bandits of the Sixth Infantry Regiment was close to 1:5.

  In other words, for every soldier who loses combat effectiveness, five bandits will fall.

  ——The 30,000 bandits in Liuyue City can stand a fight with 6,000 fully armed soldiers!

  Secondly, let’s look at the power comparison of the middle-level formal knights.

  If the surrounding bandit leaders gathered together, the number of official knights might exceed fifty, which was about twenty more than theirs.

  ——They are at a disadvantage!
  Finally, the power of the top knight.

  There is a high probability that there will be one on the opposite side, and Anthony can deal with it.

  ——The strength is comparable.

  The above is a comparison of data on paper.

  As soon as these data were laid out, everyone in the camp looked a little solemn.

  If the casualties are too large, fighting to the death with Liuyue City will be a waste.

  You know, their main mission in the chaotic zone this time is to recruit soldiers.

  Excessive casualties are what they must try their best to avoid.

  But Liuyuecheng is also a hurdle they can't avoid.

  The great knight of Liuyue City is like a sharp sword.

  As long as they are in this chaotic zone, it will always be hanging over their heads!
  - Unless they decide to leave.

  After giving everyone some time to think, Anthony set the tone for this combat meeting:
  "We will have a collision with Liuyue City next, and this will not change!
  No matter whether we withdraw from this place in embarrassment in the end, In this chaotic area, we should have friendly negotiations with the city lord of Liuyue City, or we can conquer Liuyue City directly.

  This will all be decided after we confirm the actual strength of Liuyue City!

  So what we have to discuss next is how to make Liuyue City We gain greater advantages and fewer casualties!"

  After setting the tone of the meeting, a group of captains and Anthony began a heated discussion around the magic sand table.

  Various tactics and arrangements were proposed one by one.

  Yersen and Louise listened carefully.

  Brand, on the other hand, was in a daze on the sidelines...

  This is not to blame Brand. He couldn't quite understand most of what Anthony and the captains were discussing.

  This must be the same for most mages.

  Brand also understands the various tactics of the mage group.

  But now we are discussing the tactics and arrangements of ordinary infantry regiments.

  ——Brand felt like he was back in the first semester of the Mage Academy, the days when he was "seriously dazed" in class!

  After being in a daze for a while, Brand suddenly realized that everyone's eyes were focused on him.

  In order to make himself more "social", he quickly responded with a "serious" look!

  Seeing that Brand was silent, Yersen, who knew Brand better, repeated Anthony's inquiry:

  "Brand, how many times can you use the spell you used to attack White Rock City in good condition? Times?"

  Hearing such a question, Brand did a simple calculation in his mind:
  He is now close to the upper limit of the mental power of a senior mage apprentice.

  If you wear a piece of equipment that can reduce mental energy consumption.

  Without drinking the refreshing potion and using up your mental space.

  He could probably unleash the extreme output variant of the Wind Bomb Technique twelve or three times.

  As for the magic power consumption, since the magic power consumption of the variant wind bullet technique is similar to that of the ordinary wind bullet technique, it can be almost ignored.

  After thinking like this for a moment, in order to make the facts more "ordinary", Brand said:
  "About five or six times. If it is more, you need to take medicine."

  As soon as Brand said this, everyone took a breath. Cool air!
  In White Rock City, Brand's two spells brought down thousands of people!
  He could actually attack like this three times in a row!
  And from what it sounds like, can you take the potion to release it more times? ?
  After hearing what Brand said, Yersin, Anthony and all the captains all smiled.

  Then, Anthony announced:
  "In this case, I will deal with the opponent's big knight, and the other soldiers will focus on defense and protect Brand!"

  After a slight pause, Anthony loudly said:

  "The bandits want to fight! So as they said May! The price is their blood and lives!!"

  While Brand was still a little confused, everyone in the camp began to cheer following Anthony's words.

  After the meeting, Brand asked Yersin and found out:

  The Sixth Infantry Regiment will use him as the main force to fight against Liuyue City.

  After knowing this fact, Brand just nodded calmly.

  Under such a severe situation.

  Only by taking action can he save the situation!

  (End of chapter)

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