Chapter 125 Time passes slowly...

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  Chapter 125 Time passes slowly...

  the training ground.

  After standing face to face, Catherine took out a knight golem from her magic pocket.

  Then, she said to Brand:

  "Master, your target is the knight golem behind me, and my task is to protect it."

  After hearing this arrangement, Brand became somewhat interested.

  He said: "Then get ready, I'm going to start."

  Catherine quickly entered a fighting stance.

  Seen from Brand's perspective.

  Catherine, who was wearing heavy armor and a helmet, held a large knight's shield in front of the golem.

  ——This defensive posture is quite good!
  After secretly admiring, Brand raised his hand and fired a fireball that flew along an arc.

  Although this fireball drew a slight arc, it wanted to bypass Catherine and attack the golem behind her from the side.

  However, Catherine's shield-holding arm moved slightly to the side, and the fireball spell was easily blocked by her.

  At the same time, Catherine also tilted the shield to prevent the explosion of flames from blocking her view of Brand.

  Seeing how firmly Catherine defended herself.

  Brand began to increase the difficulty.

  He threw a fireball into the sky with his right hand.

  After the fireball technique flew to a high place, it followed a non-standard "parabola" and flew down towards the knight golem behind Catherine.

  At the same time, tiny bolts of lightning began to gather in Brand's left hand.

  -Double cast!
  For Brand, who is used to drinking meditation potions and whose consciousness exists in both the simulated world and the Farnes continent, it is not difficult to multitask.

  He can even control the flight trajectories of two spells at the same time.

  Seeing such a scene, Catherine's expression remained unchanged, and she quickly pulled out the knight's sword from her waist with her right hand and prepared for the attack.

  When the fireball technique approached a certain distance, Brand also released the lightning arrow in his left hand.

  Because the flying speed of lightning bolt is much faster than that of fireball.

  Therefore, under Brand's intentional control, these two spells will hit the knight golem at the same time.

  Catherine also quickly discovered this fact, and her expression became a little more solemn.

  The knight's sword in his hand definitely couldn't completely block the fireball technique.

  Even if it is chopped off in advance, the aftermath of the flames will still affect the knight golem behind it.

  Then you can only use a shield to resist it.

  While Catherine was paying attention to the fireball in the sky, she focused more on the lightning flying towards her.

  Although the Lightning Bolt spell is known for its speed, with her physical fitness as a junior knight, she can still keep up with it if she concentrates.

  When the attack came, Catherine put the knight's shield on the head of the knight golem with her left hand,

  held the sword in her right hand, and slashed towards a position in front.

  With two soft sounds, she caught both spells!

  "Not bad!"

  Seeing Catherine receiving both spells, Brand praised.

  Although it only blocked two spells coming from different directions.

  But for Catherine, this is pretty good.

  ——She currently lacks the knight's secret skill to expand the defense range.

  It can be seen that if Brand attacks the Knight Golem from three or even four directions, it will be difficult for Catherine to resist it.

  But this is not a big problem.

  Next, he just had to wait for Huang Qiangwei's merchant to deliver the knight's secret skill training method that he ordered.

  Catherine can gradually remedy this problem.

  Brand said:
  "Next, I will attack from the front to let you experience different types of spells. Many spells are not as direct as before, and some will be more difficult to detect." The next time is for Brand to

  give It's time for Catherine to "feed the spell".

  After releasing all kinds of primary spells on Catherine.

  Brand thought that it would be enough to let Catherine know these basic spells.

  Let’s wait until later to talk about intermediate-level spells.

  Originally, Brand was ready to go back.

  But at this time, Catherine said:

  "Master, I found that it is okay to deal with throwing attack spells, but it is a bit difficult to deal with other types. Can you give me special training?" What Catherine calls other types of spells is

  mainly It refers to spells such as ground stabbing.

  This type of spell is indeed somewhat concealed and difficult to detect with sight alone.

  But when Brand released this spell just now, Catherine was very keenly aware of it.

  Then he immediately gathered fighting energy on his feet to disperse it.

  Although there is some confusion about how strenuous Catherine's so-called "hard work" is.

  But since Catherine asked so actively, it's not impossible to play for a while longer.

  There would still be a while before the workshop needed him to draw the runes.


  Time passed like this for a while.

  After unleashing various hidden spells on Catherine several times.

  Brand thinks it's almost done.

  Although releasing primary spells does not consume much mental energy, it still consumes a lot of magic power.

  At this time, less than half of his body's magic power had been consumed.

  Just when Brand was about to speak out to end the training.

  Catherine then said:

  "Master, I found that I can deal with spells in one direction just fine, but it is a bit difficult to deal with spells in multiple directions. Can I focus on training attacks in two directions?" Brand was originally prepared to refuse

  . , but looked at Catherine's "longing" eyes.

  He thought to himself that Catherine was doing this to better protect him.

  Under such a premise, it is indeed difficult to dampen her enthusiasm.

  So Brand gave Catherine targeted training for a while.


  Watching the sun gradually rise in the sky.

  Brand felt that the workshop would soon need him to draw runes.

  The training for Catherine should be almost complete here.

  However, Catherine spoke up again:

  "Master, can the Thunderbolt Technique just now be combined with the Lightning Bolt Technique to attack, as well as the Wind Bullet Technique and the Fireball Technique."

  Seeing that Catherine was curious about this issue, Brand explained:

  "Yes, these spells can indeed be combined to attack. Thunderbolt combined with lightning arrows can form a small-scale lightning field. If it is not dispersed in time, it will cause continuous damage." Paralysis.

  The combination of wind bullets and fireballs increases the power and damage range."

  After hearing Brand's explanation, Catherine's eyes lit up and she said,

  "Can Master Qian use it? I want to give it a try. This type of combination spell?"

  Looking at Catherine with a curious look on her face, Brand had no intention of refusing.

  There are just two spells on the left and right.


  It's only a short time!


  It doesn't matter if it's a little late in the workshop.


  It's rare to see Catherine so motivated.


  The last time!

  It's not impossible to do it again!

  Under Catherine's gentle words, time passed slowly...

  When more than half of the magic power in the magic space was consumed, Brand finally felt the need to control it!

  (End of chapter)

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