Chapter 114 The College’s “Internship Invitation”

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  Chapter 114:

  Several days have passed since the college’s “internship invitation” and the “meteor shower” incident that broke out that morning and covered the entire college and its surroundings.

  In the past few days, many students in the college were talking about what happened that day.

  Some students who happened to record the whole process even earned a large amount of magic coins with their magical images.

  In addition, the "additional final assessment" of each grade has also been successfully concluded.

  The Kaya Empire Royal Mage Academy has entered the review stage of the "real final exam".

  It is very similar to this time last semester: the library has once again entered a season when it is overcrowded every day.

  This time, Brand even heard from Andy that some students with wilder paths slept in the library every day!

  This forced Brand to replace his daily trips to the library to study with self-study in the classroom.

  Like last semester, the final exam this semester is still a compulsory exam and any elective exam.

  Relatively speaking, the difficulty of these exams will be higher than last semester.

  Of course, there are exceptions, such as the elective exam for Rune Array Studies.

  According to Celine, the final exam question for this semester's Rune Array semester is still to draw any one of the runes No. 1 to No. 3.

  This is not incomprehensible.

  After all, in their grade, Brand was the only one who passed the runic formation exam last semester.

  Moreover, Brand has not yet joined the academy's Rune Array major after passing the exam.

  This makes it difficult for instructors majoring in Rune Array Studies to increase the difficulty of the exam.

  ——In order to increase the difficulty of the exam, we have to recruit a few people first before we can talk about it!
  In this context, Brand no longer has to think about elective exams.

  And compulsory exams and so on.

  Because Brand has been studying hard all semester.

  So he feels very good about himself.

  Even if he encounters a question he doesn't know during the exam, Brand can still turn over the books in the simulated world!

  Based on the above actual situation, Brand did not take the final exam of this semester to heart at all.

  He still goes his own way and continues to study according to his original plan every day.

  What makes him more melancholy is that
  in recent days, the senior students he knows well are busy preparing for exams and have no time to swim in the ocean of knowledge with him.

  ——Reading by yourself is a bit inefficient.

  Of course, although the senior sister is not available, there are many classmates, such as Madeleine, who come to him for advice from time to time.

  Brand is also happy to see this kind of thing.

  The senior students helped him so "selflessly", and he must pass on this "friendship" to him!
  In addition to studying, Brand has also done some other things these days, such as repairing the Great Knight Golem.

  Although the previous Great Knight Golem was still usable, it was damaged in many places.

  Although Brand can repair things related to rune formations by himself or let Celine help him.

  But other things are more troublesome.

  Originally, Brand was planning to find help from college tutors in various majors one by one.

  But one day, the dean suddenly came to him.

  He wanted to borrow Brand's damaged Great Knight Golem to test the "professional level" of the academy's instructors.

  The reward was to help him renovate and upgrade the big knight golem.

  Naturally, Brand agreed quickly if there was such a good thing.

  Originally, Brand thought that with the level of the academy's instructors, he should be able to study it thoroughly quickly, and then give him an "enhanced version of the Great Knight Golem".

  As a result, within two days, the dean of the college "compensated" with a bad face and gave him a new one.

  Then Brand heard from Andy that the dean of the college had organized a new round of "exchange activities" with the Imperial Arms Department.

  The professional instructors involved this time are not just those majoring in runes.

  ——Majors related to golem technology are covered.

  Brand is naturally clear about the connotation of this.

  Through this incident, Brand also realized that the two knight golems in his hands were quite high-end, and the previous practice of using them to test spells seemed a bit luxurious.

  Of course, judging from the results, he didn't lose anything.

  ——This is all thanks to my dear dean.

  In order to thank the dean, Brand specially prepared several cans of tea and gave them to his teachers.

  Because the dean seems to get his tea from his own teacher.

  So giving it to Celine is actually giving it to the dean indirectly!

  Although the dean may not know the origin of Celine’s tea.

  Celine will definitely not explain it.

  But Brand is not the kind of person who likes to show off!
  He has always been very low-key!

  Time keeps moving forward in ordinary days.

  Because there is already a "charter".

  The Imperial Foreign Affairs Department methodically began to write replies to the members of the "Moon Empire Royal Mage Academy Exchange Group", inviting them to go through various "procedures" for changing nationality.

  In addition, the "examination week" of the Royal Mage Academy of the Kaya Empire also came to a successful conclusion.

  After the "final dinner" of this semester, the college will enter the gap period again.

  But maybe it was the influence of the subsequent pioneering war.

  The Kaya Empire Royal Mage Academy sent a "Holiday Internship Invitation" to every student in the academy before the break semester was about to come.

  ——The major legions and major affairs departments of the empire have opened their doors to students from the Imperial Royal Mage Academy and invited students from the academy to go for internships.

  In fact, this is a "cooptation" for the students of the Master Academy.

  Because the pioneering war was advanced, not only the nobles of the empire, but also the major legions and departments of the empire were trying every means to expand their strength.

  Ordinary soldiers can be recruited from other countries.

  They can also think of ways to speed up the training of knights or something like that using knight secret medicine.

  But the mage has no choice.

  Nearly 60% of the mages in the Kaya Empire are from the Kaya Empire Royal Mage Academy.

  There are only a few hundred students graduating from the college every year.

  There is only more than a year left before the Tuo War.

  Divide the hundreds of graduated mages into the major legions and departments of the Kaya Empire, and they won't even make a splash!

  After thinking about it, they seemed to have no choice but to lower their sights.

  So they focused on students who have not yet graduated.

  Although the strength of these students is low, there is still some use in having more of them!

  Especially, a group of mage geniuses from the "original Munn Empire" happened to come to the academy!

  So, they discussed it with the dean.

  That’s how I got this “internship invitation”.

  ——Let students experience the work of these departments, so that these departments can attract students.

  ——By the way, I also informed the empire that the Northern Expedition would be launched in the future.

  ——Finally, let the students choose whether to join them in the future, and then participate in the subsequent pioneering war!
  Although the dignitaries of the Kaya Empire are very aware of the empire's subsequent war plans, they are all looking forward to it.

  Descendants of nobles such as Brand had even decided to join this pioneering war long ago.

  But this is only the vision of "the upper echelons of the empire".

  One fact that cannot be ignored is that a considerable number of students in the Mage Academy come from civilian families.

  ——Many of them don’t even know that there will be such a thing as a pioneering war later!

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