Chapter 135 The power of the white whale, the third-level demon king! (Please subscribe)

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  Chapter 135 The power of the white whale, the third-level demon king! (Please subscribe~)

  Baitie Daofang City.


  In front of Qi Zisheng, there were several jade slips.

  His consciousness surged, his thinking accelerated, he absorbed the information in the jade slips, and calculated the market profits during this period.

  "Hey... not bad!"

  Along with the counting and calculation, Qi Zisheng's face glowed with joy!
  "Compared to last month, Baitie Daofang City's revenue has increased by another 30%..." "

  According to this trend, even after deducting the cost of formation maintenance and external foundation construction..." "

  The redemption of sovereignty consumes 20,000 souls. It only takes more than a year to collect the stones!"

  "At that time, we will be able to recover the cost and enjoy pure benefits!"

  Qi Zisheng said happily with a rosy face.

  'At that time, maybe I can buy a mid-level foundation-building elixir? '

  'The ancestor's crystallized spiritual object also has hope...'

  There was a look of longing in his eyes.


  The melodious whale cry resounded through the sky, penetrated the obstruction of the formation, and reached his ears!

  Qi Zisheng's complexion suddenly changed, and he turned into light and flew out of the attic.

  at this time.

  The situation above Baitie Island is changing!

  The waves suddenly rose, the clouds gathered, the wind howled, and the rain poured down!

  Outside the island, many monsters gathered into a pitch-black 'tide', sweeping towards the city and impacting the formation!

  In the beast tide, several second-level monsters controlled the monster power and bombarded the formation light film.

  As a foundation-building monk, Qi Zisheng was supposed to preside over the formation and kill these second-level monsters!

  But at this time, he remained unmoved, looking at the tide of beasts with blank eyes.

  In the center of the beast tide, there was a white sperm whale that was as long as a hundred feet, as huge as a mountain, and as pale as alabaster!
  Sing melodiously, call the wind and rain, and control the power of the heavens!

  "This is... the third-level demon king?!"

  Qi Zisheng's face was filled with shock, as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

  The white whale roared loudly, setting off huge waves that were tens of feet high, carrying terrifying demonic power.

  Sweeping across White Iron Island with unstoppable momentum!
  Click, click.

  Cracks like spider webs spread on top of the second-level top-grade formation!

  The formation light film suddenly shattered!
  Moby Dick, the white whale, mobilizes his demonic power and launches a huge wave impact like the power of God!
  One round of impact defeated Baiti Island's island protection formation!

  The lingering power of the wave destroyed many buildings in Fang City and turned them into ruins and debris.

  The entire Batieshimafang City has turned into a land of marshes!
  Immediately afterwards, countless monsters swarmed in!

  "The formation is broken!!!"

  "Run away quickly!"

  A casual cultivator was frightened and used his magic power to run away quickly.

  Behind him, several shrimp-like monsters swam towards him quickly.


  With a few sharp demon pincers, the shield of the casual cultivator was instantly shattered, and his body was instantly cut into two pieces!
  All the internal organs fell down and dyed the sea water red, it was too horrible to look at!

  "Batie Daofang it over?"

  Qi Zisheng looked stunned.

  He couldn't help but burst into tears thinking about Su Ye's questioning words at that time!

  "I regret it..."

  "I regret it!"

  Unfortunately, Qi Zisheng is just an ordinary monk, without 'Spring Autumn Cicada' or 'Huazhen'.

  Once you make a choice, there is no room for change.

  At this time, several second-level monsters looked at him with cold and greedy eyes.

  Mortal flesh and blood is very average to monster beasts, and is far less delicious than ordinary beasts.

  But the flesh and blood of monks, especially high-level monks, which are rich in spiritual energy, can be said to be a treasure of heaven and earth to monsters!


  Qi Zisheng was shocked, biting the tip of his tongue and coming back to his senses.

  Immediately, he turned his head and flew away towards the outside of Baiti Island!

  The matter is over, save your life first!
  "My king, Moby Dick!"

  The voice of the Beluga Demon King's spiritual consciousness resounded throughout the sky!


  a few days later.

  Donglong Island.

  "Moby Dick, the Aboriginal word is 'Ocean Rakshasa'?"

  "The third-level demon king is so majestic..."

  Su Ye put down the jade slip of information, his eyes moved slightly, and his face showed emotion.

  Moby Dick, the white whale, takes action and uses the power of the third-level demon king to set off huge waves and destroy Shiratejimabo City!
  The Qi family members suffered heavy casualties, and even the foundation-building monk Qi Zisheng was missing!
  When the news came, the Luo family was immediately speechless.

  Regarding Su Ye's behavior of selling the sovereignty of Baitie Island and leasing the three Dongning islands for a long time, he retreated bravely.

  They all changed their attitudes and were filled with admiration.

  "The Supreme Elder is far-sighted and thoughtful..."

  "We are ignorant and short-sighted..."

  "Ha..." Su Ye sneered and shook his head.

  "So what about praise, so what about slander? The sound of mosquitoes and flies from the weak is like floating clouds to me..."

  For Su Ye, he was more concerned about the movements of Moby Dick, the white whale!

  Ten days later.

  "All the way north?"

  After receiving the news, Su Ye breathed a sigh of relief.

  After destroying Shiratejimabo City, the white whale took the main force of the beast tide and headed due north!

  "As expected, the target of the beast tide is Weiyuan Immortal City in the north." "

  For now, it seems that Donglong Island is safe for the time being..." Su Ye murmured.

  Of course, as a place close to the Dongning sea area.

  It is inevitable that Donglong Island will be hit by the beast tide.

  However, with Su Ye's current strength.

  The tributaries of the beast tide, some second-order monster beasts, do not pose a threat at all!

  "If it weren't for this beast wave, there is too much shady behind it."

  "I really want to drive the Youjiao, go out and kill people, hunt for souls..."

  Su Ye sighed softly, with regret in his eyes.

  At the time of the beast tide, many monster beasts gathered together, which was the best time for him to collect living souls!
  "It's a pity..."


  more than a month later.

  The influence of the beast tide continues to ferment.

  To the west of Donglong Island, the evil wind swept across and thousands of monsters emerged.


  A second-level mid-level crocodile dragon that looked like a crocodile and a dragon, with a brown body and covered with stone armor, looked up to the sky and roared wildly.

  Led dozens of first-level monsters and more ordinary beasts, set off a small wave of beasts and launched an attack on Donglong Island.

  "Be careful!"

  "Activate the island protection formation!"

  The Luo family monks stationed at the port were extremely nervous.

  And this time!
  call out!
  An extremely sharp silver light came through the sky and fell from the sky!

  With its invincible power, it easily penetrated the stone armor on the Crocodile Dragon's head, pierced it, and made a frozen brain flower!
  The crocodile dragon's huge and ferocious body suddenly froze!

  Su Ye stood against the wind with a calm expression, wearing a black robe and making hunting noises!

  Characterized by rough skin, thick flesh, and strong armor, the monster poses very little threat in front of him!
  The frost-pierced spear shuttled back and forth among the monster beasts, scarlet blood dyeing the sea surface red!
  After a while.

  This small-scale beast tide has dispersed like birds and beasts!

  The huge crocodile dragon carcass of more than ten feet was captured by Su Ye with magic power and dragged back to the port!
  "It's a second-level mid-level crocodile dragon. It's famous for its strong armor. It killed him with one blow..." "The

  Luo family's supreme he so powerful in combat?"

  Looking at the corpse of the crocodile dragon, the casual cultivators in Fang City looked in awe. , and with joy.

  Under the attack of the beast tide, with such a strong man guarding the city where they are, their lives are undoubtedly more protected!
  … …



  Two updates in 4K completed!

  There will be another update in the afternoon!
  I want to become a coder!

   Recommending books to friends, Douluo: My Blue Silver Grass is not serious about

    developing martial soul characteristics!
    Devouring flesh and blood, devouring soul power, devouring the Blue Silver Emperor.

    Martial spirit evolves! Harem, cool article!

  (End of chapter)

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