Chapter 127 Fellow Taoist stay, pale monster! (Third update, please subscribe!)

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  Chapter 127 Fellow Taoist stay, pale monster! (Third update, please subscribe!)
  Weiyuan Fairy City.

  The Youjiao lifted anchor and set sail, leaving the port and heading towards Donglong Island.

  And at this time.

  Captain's interior.

  Su Ye raised his eyebrows.

  He discovered it keenly through the spiritual consciousness he cultivated in the "Secret Book of Six Desires".

  Two sneaky, malicious escaping lights passed by at low altitude and followed behind them!
  "Interesting... Jie Xiu?"

  Su Ye raised the corner of his mouth, and there was a trace of murderous intent in his eyes.

  He did not use [Heart of the Vast Sea] or other acceleration methods, but kept the speed unchanged and drove calmly.

  Half an hour later.

  laugh! laugh!
  The two rays of light following the Youjiao suddenly accelerated, spanning more than ten miles, and caught up with the Youjiao!

  Two foundation-building monks appeared.

  They were a one-eyed old man and a masked female nun in black veil.

  Judging from their cultivation, they are all at the middle stage of foundation building!
  Their appearance has been modified so that it is obviously not their true appearance.

  "Fellow Taoist, please stay!"

  The one-eyed old man smiled ferociously and held out a talisman!
  The second level wind-fixing talisman!
  The ever-flowing sea breeze around Youjiao suddenly stopped under the effect of this talisman!
  Without the power of the wind to propel it, the speed of Youjiao's majestic black hull dropped sharply!

  "Fellow Daoist Su, please hand over the [Ten Thousand Souls Blood Sail]!"

  the one-eyed old man said solemnly.

  "Is this what you're talking about?"

  Su Ye looked up with a smile and took out a magnificent blood stone.

  Under the sun, it shines brightly.

  " actually still have a piece?!"

  The one-eyed old man was stunned.

  Immediately, his face glowed with ecstasy.

  "Not long ago, you were the one who took the picture of the [Ten Thousand Souls Blood Sail]?" The

  female cultivator in black gauze beside her said in a hurried tone, showing greed!

  "Then... Zhenxia Spiritual Liquid and Xuanyuan Dan are also in your body!"

  The female cultivator in black gauze was driven by greed, her eyes flashed, her sleeves fluttered, and a black gold flying knife slashed out!

  The one-eyed old man, with a ferocious look on his face, took out a halberd and chopped it down head on!

  The two of them manipulated the spiritual weapons and bombarded the bloody shield of the Nether Dragon, causing ripples!

  "Hand over the storage bag! Otherwise... I'll let you go all over the ship, leaving no chicken or dog behind!"

  the black veiled female nun screamed.


  Su Ye's voice suddenly sounded.

  As for the female cultivator in black gauze, a hint of panic suddenly appeared on her expression!
  Because, this voice came from behind her.

  'How can it be? When...'

  The silver spear flashed away, creating a silver light as bright as a comet!

  The second generation frost spear!
  The protective magic weapon and protective gas shield of the black veil female cultivator were like nothing in front of this silver light!

  The frost spear pierced her chest, and the surging ice-cold spiritual power spread!

  The female cultivator in black gauze was extremely frightened.

  "Spare me, sir. I have practiced Charming Skills and am willing to be a slave..." "

  Oh?" Su Ye smiled, gentle and elegant.

  "It's a pity. I still want to see how you let me leave the whole ship without leaving any chickens or dogs behind?"

  "Can you perform a show?"

  At this time.

  The female cultivator in black gauze, her energy was like a gossamer. Under the invasion of the cold spiritual power, her body's dantian and internal organs were almost frozen!

  If it weren't for the foundation-building monks, the body that had been baptized by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth would have been dead for a long time!
  Her mouth was full of blood bubbles, she was speechless and made a whooshing sound.

  A pair of eyes full of pleading and fear.

  "It seems like it's impossible..."

  Su Ye regretted and shook his head.

  next moment.

  Su Ye held the Frost Thorn Spear and lifted it up.

  The silver light was as sharp as a knife, splitting her in two from bottom to top!
  In an instant, the vitality of the black veiled female cultivator was extinguished like a weak candle under a hurricane!
  Her broken body, blood spattered, fell to the sea...

  Turn on [Heart of the Vast Sea], and use the water escape technique to move her body.

  Then use the frost spear to deliver a fatal blow!
  Moving clouds and flowing water!

  In a matter of moments, Su Ye killed a mid-stage Foundation Establishment master!

  Seeing the miserable death of the female cultivator in black gauze, the one-eyed old man was shocked and angry.

  "Come on, let's give it a try. Let me leave all the chickens and dogs on the ship."

  Su Ye smiled gently, holding the blood-stained frost spear, and looked at the one-eyed old man.

  "What? You don't say anything?"

  The latter showed fear, put away his halberd, and retreated out of sight.

  Seeing this, Su Ye's smile disappeared immediately.

  His face was stern, and murderous intent was revealed in his eyes!
  Su Ye took a step forward and used the water escape method to cross hundreds of feet and appeared behind the one-eyed old man!

  "Water Release... Are you a crystal monk?!"

  The one-eyed old man could see clearly this time. His eyes widened and he said in great fear.

  The Five Elements Escape Technique is an obvious characteristic of crystal monks.

  "Well, actually I am Zhenren Canghai."

  Su Ye said casually, and with a move of his right hand, the frost spear turned into silver light and stabbed down like lightning!
  And right now!
  Facing this blow, the one-eyed old man's eyes revealed a look of determination.

  It seemed that he had made a costly decision!

  The one-eyed old man's rickety figure suddenly expanded!

  His clothes were torn, his beard and hair fell off, the human characteristics quickly faded from his body!
  In the blink of an eye, he turned into a monster with pale skin, no beard and hair, slender limbs, and more than three meters tall!

  "What? But..."


  Su Ye was slightly surprised, but in an instant, his expression returned to sternness.

  His mana surged, and the frost spear in his hand turned into a ray of silver light and pierced the chest of the pale monster!

  The pale monster's eyes were scarlet, his arms were twisted with veins, and his arms were crossed!
  An astonishing evil spirit emanated from this monster!

  laugh! ! !
  Silver light broke through the sky, with a harsh and sharp whistling sound!
  Su Ye's eyes were fierce and his bones were jade-colored.

  Packed with majestic power, the Frost Thorn Spear struck with a bang, hitting the pale monster's arms!
  The figure of the pale monster fell into the sea!

  Waves more than ten meters high splashed up!

  At the same time, the air flow exploded, and a violent shock wave suddenly formed along with the collision!

  Invisible air waves roared, with the collision as the center, passing over the sea surface hundreds of feet in radius, setting off huge waves!
  "Eh...he's not dead yet?"

  Su Ye's eyes flashed and he murmured to himself.

  In his consciousness, the pale monster transformed by the one-eyed old man fell into the sea, and his breath was weak and weak.

  But it is true that there is still life and the ability to act.

  At this time, this pale monster was swimming quickly towards the distance.

  "What kind of method is this?"

  Su Ye was very interested.

  He was certain that the one-eyed old man had no physical cultivation realm.

  And this means.

  After transforming into a pale monster, his vitality and body instantly strengthened by nearly ten times?
  "Interesting means..."

  "And, their original purpose seems to be the [Ten Thousand Souls Blood Sail]?"

  "Does this thing have some magical uses that I don't know about?"

  Su Ye's eyes moved, and he urged the hunter to Whale spear gun, targeting the pale monster.

  Soul-suppressing was activated accordingly.

  Immediately afterwards, Su Ye activated the Water Escape without moving, and reached the top of the pale monster.

  Five fingers grabbed hold of the top of his head.

  Divine consciousness is revealed!

  Soul searching!
  (End of chapter)

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