Chapter 101 The Supreme Elder, reactions from all parties

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  Chapter 101: Supreme Elder, all parties reacted
  at night.

  Luoyue Mountain.

  Within the meeting hall.

  Su Ye was sitting high up on the white jade platform at the head of the hall, overlooking the bottom!

  "Master Su killed two Qi family foundation builders, defeated the Soul Gold Hornet, defeated the Qi family's offensive, and protected my Luo family's ancestral heritage..." "

  Excellent achievements and great achievements..."

  "We sincerely request Master Su , take office as the supreme elder of the Luo family!"

  In the hall below, several branch elders shouted hoarsely with extremely flattering expressions.

  Looking at this scene, Su Ye's expression seemed to be smiling but not smiling.


  'Please ask me to serve as Supreme Elder? '

  'I remember that these people refused to allow me to be promoted to elder because I was too young and too inexperienced? Su

  Ye held his chin up and his eyes moved slightly, showing a bit of amusement.

  According to clan rules, in the later stages of Qi refining, one is eligible to serve as an elder.

  But at that time, these branch elders had the same opinion and delayed his promotion...

  Their intention was simply that they were unwilling to have another elder from the direct lineage to dilute their authority.

  At that time, Su Ye was busy with market strategies and shipbuilding plans, so he simply ignored these clowns.

  However, this time, that time.

  At first, there were several people who severely opposed his promotion to elder.

  Now, instead of being extremely flattering, begging him to be the Supreme Elder?
  The change in attitude made Su Ye laugh a little.

  "They are all smart people..."

  Su Ye's consciousness swept away.

  I could clearly feel the fear hidden beneath the fanatical appearance of those branch elders!

  Yes, it’s fear!
  Different from the quiet and meek Luo Xiying.

  In the past four years, Su Ye had wielded numerous tribulation cultivators, and his murderous nature was so terrifying that it was terrifying!

  And with Su Ye's current strength and prestige, coupled with his great achievements in turning the tide, if he had a grudge, he could use this to cause trouble and directly kill the branch elders!
  That's why these elders who had offended Su Ye were so respectful...


  When he thought of this, Su Ye said lightly with a joking look on his face.

  "Tai Shang Elder? I have only a few qualifications and a young age, so I'm afraid it's hard for me to take on such a big responsibility..." "

  Everyone should ask for someone else~"

  Hearing this, several branch elders below trembled.

  Among them, the old woman who openly opposed Luo Qing'e at the family meeting was the most terrifying!
  Her legs softened and she knelt down directly, throwing herself on the ground, her forehead hitting the hard marble floor!

  "I sincerely request Master Su to take up the post of Supreme Elder!"

  Boom! Boom!
  The sound of kowtows continues!

  This posture is quite a bit like, if Su Ye doesn't take office as the Supreme Elder, he will be beaten to death here!
  The other branch elders all understood, and they also bowed to the ground and kept kowtowing!

  However... Su Ye's eyes were cold and unmoved.

  I do not know how long it has been.

  In their feelings, time seemed to have frozen, and even the pain in their foreheads began to feel numb.

  The uncontrollable fear seemed like a big invisible hand holding their hearts!
  They knew that if Su Ye wanted to pursue it.

  Today is the day they and their descendants will perish!

  In such fear, cold sweat continued to seep out and wet my back!
  And this time.

  On the white jade platform, a light word just came from.

  "Well, since you are so sincere, then I will reluctantly do it and be the Supreme Elder..."

  Several branch elders trembled all over. Regardless of their bloody foreheads, they raised their heads in joy.

  "I'll wait...congratulations to the Supreme Elder!"

  "Congratulations to the Supreme Elder!!!"

  There were cheers and cheers!
  Starting today, Su Ye takes office as the Supreme Elder of the Luo family!
  Legally speaking, he has the status and power to control the entire Luo family!

  Su Ye's eyes flickered, looking down, thoughts flickering.

  In one thought, life and death can be taken away, which is enough to make subordinates panic and uneasy!

  "Is this... the value of a high-level monk?"

  Su Ye murmured to himself.

  Foundation-building monks already have such power, so...


  And... Jin Dan Zhenren? !

  "I'm really looking forward to it..."

  Su Ye's eyes were filled with brilliance, full of longing for the higher realm of immortality!


  Su Ye takes office as the supreme elder of the Luo family!
  High-spirited and full of ambition!
  And at the same time.

  Liuli Island.

  Qi family land.

  "The Soul Gold was destroyed, and the two foundation-building ancestors died in battle..."

  "The main fleet was destroyed, and hundreds of elite monks died or surrendered..."

  Holding the messenger talisman, the face of the head of the Qi family turned pale.

  His figure swayed and he slumped down on the chair. He was sluggish for a long time. His whole person seemed to have aged dozens of years in an instant!
  In this expedition to Donglong Island, almost all the Qi family's mobile forces were deployed.

  Among them, there is even a soul gold number, such as Foundation Building Overhaul, which is enough to suppress the fate of the family!

  The result...

  "Destroyed in one day..."

  "A tragic defeat that has not happened in hundreds of years... How can I have the face to meet my ancestors!"

  The head of the Qi family lamented, covering his face with his hands, almost feeling suicidal!

  At this moment, a talisman flew in.

  The talisman was activated and transformed into a half-height clear water mirror.

  Among them, a spiritual light flickered, and the figure of the Qi family's ancestor, Qi Chengjian, emerged.

  "Ancestor! I'm sorry, I let you down..."

  The voice of the head of the Qi family was extremely dry.

  The failure of the westward march to Luojia not only resulted in staggering losses.

  At the same time, it also means: Qi Chengjian's plan to acquire crystallized spiritual objects and break through the crystallization period has been shattered!

  "Alas... I already know what happened..."

  Qi Chengjian sighed softly and said in relief.

  "It's not your fault. It's because the Luo family hid it too deeply."

  "Quietly, they built a second-level spirit ship and trained new foundation-building monks..." "

  Such forbearance will lead to defeat. No complaints." Qi Chengjian smiled bitterly and shook his head.

  "Next, let's negotiate as soon as possible and find a way to redeem some of my monks and spirit ships..." "

  No matter how high the Luo family asks, we will give it to them. At least, we can raise the profile of the main fleet first." "

  As for the crystallized spiritual objects, Let's take it one step at a time..."

  After a long time, Qi Chengjian said again.

  "By the way... I remember that the new foundation builder of the Luo family is named Su Ye. Is it his surname?" "

  Exactly, the ancestor wants to..."

  "After a while, I will send someone with outstanding appearance, well-behaved and sensible Let's go over here as my legitimate daughter."

  "I'm asking for the title of concubine. I don't expect much, but it can ease the relationship. Just leave a communication channel..."

  Qi Chengjian's tone was full of regret.


  The head of the Qi family clenched his fists, full of humiliation.

  Once upon a time, the Liuli Qi family had to sell their daughters for glory? !

  But... the situation forces us to do it!



  Gyokuro Island.

  Master Hongri held the jade slip in his hand, his eyes moving and his tone playful.

  "Oh... The Qi family suffered a disastrous defeat. Two foundation-building monks died. Even the Soul Gold ship was destroyed?" "


  "The Luo family did a good job this time. It can be regarded as a beating for me. I'm going to accept this old boy."

  "You should be rewarded..." Master Hongri thought.

  Suddenly, his expression changed, he coughed a few times, and blood stained his palms.

  "Damn it..."

  "These good junior brothers of mine are really promising!"

  Master Hongri's face was as gloomy as water as he wiped away the blood.


  "But, with this little ability, you want to hinder my attainment of the golden elixir?"   "

  Absolutely impossible!"

  ...   There will be more in the afternoon! 6 hits on a great day!    Sure enough, you still need to be in good condition to code quickly and well!     Yesterday I was super slow at coding, so I decided to play a game, Chivalry 2, which I have spent hundreds of hours on. It was the second time I played Argon in Snow Mountain Pictures, and I had a blast killing dozens of them!     I woke up in great shape today and wrote 4,000 words in one morning!   (End of chapter)


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