272. Chapter 272 The Theory of Fit, Kill the Son of God! (Please subscribe)

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  Chapter 272: The Theory of Compatibility, Kill the Son of God! (Please subscribe~)


  Standing on the bow.

  Su Ye wore a black robe and hunted with the wind.

  He was condescending, overlooking the earth, and his surging consciousness transmitted countless clear pictures into his mind.

  Su Ye's eyes moved slightly, and there was emotion in his expression.

  "The burning world..."

  From his perspective, the traces of the shelling of Hell Song were so obvious and so ferocious!

  This horrifying, charred, deep hole imprinted on the surface of the earth is like a scar imprinted on the body of the world!
  Hot and cruel!


  Boundless blood flames surged like waves, a scene of purgatory sea of ​​fire!
  In this sea of ​​fire, the Tihuakan army was torn apart and scattered... Many charred corpses and white bones were scattered on the ground.

  The Tihuakan army, numbering in the tens of thousands, is now in good condition, and not more than one-tenth of them are capable of action!

  "Such a fragile, pitiful life..."

  Su Ye sighed with emotion.

  He glanced at the panel and obtained the results of the bombardment more clearly.

  [World repulsion: 3%]

  [Dissipation time: 360 hours]

  [Legendary ability: 1. Soul Abyss Blood Prison (1104W)]

  This round of bombardment increased his world repulsion by 3%. In addition, Also for [Soul Abyss Blood Prison], a whopping 60,000 souls were obtained!

  The total number of souls in [Soul Abyss Blood Prison] has exceeded 11 million!

  "It's gratifying..."

  "In terms of repulsion, this level is still acceptable..."

  "The next step is to get the trophies!"

  Su Ye's eyes moved slightly.

  The power of divine consciousness swept across the earth like a wave!

  Sure enough, something was discovered!

  "The weak aura of the middle third level...is that Prince Tiwakan?"

  I thought about this.

  Su Ye's eyes lit up.

  Prince Tewakan!

  For Su Ye, this means - eternal hunting of divinity!
  "The divinity of Fertility has a very low compatibility with me...but the divinity of Eternal Hunting, that may not be the case!" "

  Perhaps, the divinity of Eternal Hunting obtained from this prince can become my fifth God's seed?"

  Su Ye murmured to himself.

  This period of time.

  Su Ye also conducted some research on the degree of compatibility and learned a lot of information!
  For example, Su Ye discovered that the compatibility of divinity, to a greater extent, refers to whether the power of rules represented by the divinity is consistent with the divine seed mastered by the monk!

  It’s also easy to understand.

  The six divine seeds can assemble the 'Tao Embryo Dharma'.

  In other words - unification!

  However, if the nature of the power of rules represented by the six divine seeds are completely opposite and conflict with each other, can they be unified?
  Su Ye felt... not good.

  "Even... it may not only fail to condense the Taoist Dharma, but also have counterproductive effects!"

  Unlike the goddess of fertility who is in charge of the field of 'agriculture', the God of Eternal Hunting is in charge of the fields: 'hunting' and 'death'!
  The eternal hunting divinity condensed by these two priesthoods...

  Su Ye thinks that it should be a good fit with him?
  "Leave aside [Hunting] for now, [Death] should be more suitable." "

  After all, [Chasing Souls and Seizing Life] and [Bottle of the Underworld], the two divine species I control cover part of the field of death. ..."

  The former is a pure magical power of killing, extremely ferocious, contains some 'instant death' characteristics, and can end all things!

  The latter summons the projection of history... To a certain extent, this magical power can also be said to salvage the lost existence from the 'River of Styx'.

  It is for this reason that this quasi-supernatural power got its name - [The Boat of Underworld]!
  The compatibility of these two divine species with 'death' should be quite high!

  "The fifth divine seed!"

  "Here I come!"

  Su Ye laughed and disappeared.


  the ground.

  The smell of sulfur rises, and the shelling pits are hot and black.

  A mass of charred flesh and blood slowly squirmed, revealing the wolf's head wrapped in fur.

  Prince Tihuakan, who manifested his bloodline true form and transformed into the blood wolf form, opened his eyes with difficulty.


  Thanks to his mid-level third-order strength and the fact that he was not in the center of the bombardment, he did not die, but survived!

  It's just...

  his eyes were distracted, looking at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

  Blackened and burned corpses, miserable and wailing dying people, weapons and baggage scattered everywhere...a completely defeated army! "I lost...it's impossible?!"

  Just a few minutes ago.

  This army is still an invincible force that sweeps across the Northern Territory and looks down upon them!

  But in a blink of an eye.

  They became like this now...

  being knocked off the clouds, the earth-shaking sense of disparity made him tremble.


  Tinnitus rang out.

  The whole world seemed to be moving away from him, and his voice was alienated and distorted!
  The vision in front of him also became blurred, shaking and giving off a sense of unreality.



  He couldn't believe it at all.

  In other words, I don’t want to believe it!

  "My legion!"

  "God of Eternal Hunting, what happened?!" "

  How could this happen?!" "

  What did the Aino people do?!" "

  That terrifying attack... was from the gods. Powerful?!"

  Regret, chagrin, fear, anger...many complex emotions made his wolf head, which had no obvious facial features, come alive, as if it were a richly colored painting!

  And just then.

  A biting chill suddenly ran down Prince Tiwakan's spine.

  A strong sense of crisis came.


  "Who is there?!"

  He stood up, his wolf eyes looking extremely alert.


  The next moment.


  Accompanied by a slight cutting sound.

  His vision suddenly turned around!

  As if weightless, it quickly spun and fell towards the ground.

  at the same time.

  His vision dimmed and disintegrated at an extremely fast speed!
  And in this chaotic scene, he saw a headless body covered in bloody wolf hair, like a werewolf...!
  Gudong, gudong.

  Blood as thick as lead and mercury rose into the sky from the broken neck, splashing like roses!
  'That's... my body? ! '

  'Am I dead? !

  Prince Tiwakan was horrified, "No...this is not fair! " '

  'I am the noble son of God, I have practiced martial arts for decades, and the power given by the ancestor gods... I haven't had time to use these yet...' 'Why am I about to die

  ? ! '

  His heart was full of unwillingness.

  But he was unable to take any action and could only wait for death to come!

  And at this moment of his death...

  a calm and calm voice sounded in his ears.

  "Goodbye, the not-yet-famous Prince of Tihuakan."

  "I accept your divinity."


  Prince Tiwakan used his last bit of strength to turn his eyes and look to the side.

  Su Ye looked calm, dressed in black robes, and holding a blood-stained moon blade halberd. Drops of blood dripped from the tip of the halberd to the ground and bloomed on the ground.


  flashed the last thought.

  Immediately, Prince Tihuakan's sight dimmed.

  "The eternal hunting divinity is here."

  Su Ye showed a smile and held the precipitated divinity.

  But suddenly.

  His expression changed drastically!

  A golden-red wolf claw penetrated his back!
   I've gotten used to the rhinitis a little bit, but it's still uncomfortable. I feel like blowing my brains out when I blow my nose...ahhhh! ! !

  (End of chapter)

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