252. Chapter 252 Blood Food Worship, Bishop Moro (please subscribe)

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  Chapter 252 Blood Food Worship, Bishop Moro (please subscribe~)



  Moore's chest rose and fell, adjusting his breathing speed, and the hand holding the sword trembled.

  Not far away from him, there was a strong man with a stiff figure holding a battle axe.

  He fell to the ground like a mountain, blood spurted out and formed a small pool!

  This person is extremely powerful and has a reputation as a brave man among the 'First Steps' of Aino City.


  "I'm still better!"


  Moore smiled, with a cheerful expression and a look of aftertaste in his eyes!
  "Is this the power His Highness gave me?"

  "So strong!"

  Just now, Moore activated the 'Silver Ring' and crushed the Wind Talisman!

  With the double blessing, he increased his speed to an extreme!
  Therefore, one sword penetrates the skull and kills the powerful enemy!

  "Three consecutive victories!"

  "Lord Moore!"

  "Wind-like Moore!"

  The audience cheered like a roaring tsunami!
  Moore used the swiftness of the wind and relied on the long sword in his hand to kill three people one after another!
  Stimulated by the blood, the excited and enthusiastic audience gave him the prefix 'Blast'!

  Title warrior!

  Compared with the entry-level warrior, it is a higher level of existence!

  "I also...became a titled warrior?"

  Moore looked stunned as he listened to the cheers, feeling a little sentimental.

  This was once his dream...


  He adjusted his mentality and smiled.

  Moore waved to the audience, responded to the audience's expectations, then left the ring and exited the arena.

  According to the rules, in [Kami-mae Fighting], the samurai who wins three times in a row has the right to rest!
  After all, fighting in front of gods is a glorious ceremony, not an execution or punishment!

  "Your bravery makes God very satisfied."

  The priest said with a gentle smile.

  He was seen holding a silver dagger with ornate patterns, walking onto the ring, slicing open the chest of the strong warrior with familiarity, and taking out the heart.

  Braving the fresh heat, the heart, which was still beating slightly, was lifted high by the priest, signaling to the audience, and then... was solemnly placed on a golden roulette wheel!
  This wheel is engraved with the pattern of wheat ears, which is the emblem of the goddess of fertility.

  This heart will be dedicated to God.

  Fight in front of the gods, use bravery and sacrifice to please the gods!
  At this time, there were already more than twenty such hearts on the high platform in the arena...

  Then, the strong man's body was taken down by several people.

  Not burial, but... cooking? !

  Roast whole lamb, huh.

  After being processed, the roasted meat sprinkled with spices was divided into small pieces and sprinkled towards the audience.

  The audience scrambled for the barbecue, and the cheers and noises became even more intense!
  Everyone present is accustomed to this...

  The previous losers have all dealt with it this way!

  "The tradition of cannibalism..."

  Inside the silver ring, Su Ye looked on with cold eyes, a little disgusted.

  However, he also knew that this kind of consumption was quite normal in the cultural traditions of Far South Continent.

  In fact, only outstanding dead people, such as brave warriors and wise priests, can receive this honor after death...

  People in Far South China believe that eating outstanding dead people can make the "qi" of the deceased and their own "qi" Become one and share wisdom and courage.

  It is not difficult for Su Ye to guess the reason for this tradition.

  "Is there a shortage of spiritual things..."

  Strictly speaking, there is no shortage of spiritual things in Far South Continent. This is a very fertile land.

  During Su Ye's exploration during this period, the quantity and quality of the spiritual objects discovered were very impressive.

  But the problem is that the distribution of these spiritual creatures is very uneven!

  This is due to the nature of spiritual energy in Far South Continent. It is more condensed and less light.

  Therefore, it is easy to be concentrated in one place in the form of spiritual springs, which leads to - 'drought causes death by drought, and waterlogging causes death by waterlogging'!
  "The resources near the spiritual spring are abundant, but they are monopolized by the city-state's senior officials or high-level monsters." "The

  spiritual energy and natural spiritual objects that escape between the heaven and the earth are quite rare." "

  This has caused the indigenous people of Far Southern Continent to Cherish all available spiritual objects, such as...the corpses of bloodline people?" "After all, the

  flesh and blood of these bloodline people are rich in spiritual energy, comparable to the flesh of monster beasts of the same level...it is a waste to waste it." "


  thought Get through this.

  Su Ye had an incomprehensible look in his eyes and muttered to himself.

  "The rich spiritual springs have brought about the monopoly of cultivation resources. Coupled with the existence of gods, each city-state is the territory of each other's descendants and is independent of each other..." "This

  is how far Southern Continent has been without any level of civilization for thousands of years. Is it the reason for progress?"


  Moore walked into the corridor, turned to the side steps, and came to the VIP seat.

  "Lord Moore, this way!"

  Neisser stood up and greeted excitedly, with a smile on his face and relief.

  No matter how calm he is, he is still a teenager. Faced with a life and death crisis that is approaching and he is helpless, how can he not be worried?

  Now, Moore has won these three battles in front of the gods. Not to say that the crisis has been eliminated immediately, but at least he has won for a period of time, and there is a lot more space for operations.

  Neisser's mood suddenly improved, and he became more enthusiastic and kind to Moore!
  "It's amazing!"

  "Your Excellency Moore's swordsmanship is simply superb, as fast as the wind!"

  Neisser continued to compliment him.

  "Well...thanks to the charm you provided..." Moore said modestly and then asked.

  "By the way, do you still have the wind talisman?"

  He knew his own strength. Without the talisman and only relying on the silver ring, his combat power was relatively weak among the titled warriors.

  "Yes, I can make one of these talismans every month, and I have saved a dozen."

  "Don't worry about the number of talismans." Neisser vowed.

  He has no shortage of charms.

  Only two talismans are provided because [Martial Arts Before God] has restrictions on external power.

  It is stipulated that each warrior can carry up to two charms and cannot exceed his own rank.

  Moore nodded, relieved.

  But at this moment, he suddenly felt a cold gaze!

  It was as if a poisonous snake was wrapped around his arm.

  Moore raised his head in horror and saw a pale old man wearing a priest's robe with sunken eyes on the high platform, looking at him coldly.

  Second-level priest!

  Moore's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly lowered his head and asked Neisser softly.   Neisser's face darkened, and he

  whispered: "That's Bishop Moro..." "He has a junior who was newly promoted to a formal priest this year, and the order of sacrifices decided by the temple is to start with the low-level priests..."   " If I win enough games to avoid being sacrificed, his descendants will be in greater danger..."   Neisser explained.   "Tsk tsk..."   "The Temple of Fertility also implements a final elimination system..."   Su Ye commented playfully after listening to Neisser's explanation.   Then, thoughts came to my mind again.   "Bishop?"   "He should know more, right?"   "Besides... the strength of this bishop is within the range that Marina can solve... I don't need to worry about the world's rejection..."   Su Ye He touched his chin and his eyes flickered.   I have to think of a way to fish ~    there will be more in the afternoon   (end of this chapter)



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