183. Chapter 182 The three demon kings are coming with force! (Please subscribe)

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  Chapter 182 The three demon kings are coming with force! (Please subscribe)

  Weiyuan Fairy City.

  Dang, Dang, Dang!
  The powerful and simple Huangjue bell echoed in the fairy city.

  In Weiyuan Immortal City, which covers an area of ​​hundreds of miles, for a time, all the noise was suppressed, and only the bells rang out!
  "The Imperial Bell is ringing... Damn it, three rings!"

  "What the hell, I just applied for leave..."

  In the inner city, a middle-aged monk with unshaven beard walked out of the room with a cigarette in his mouth, cursing angrily. .

  "Huh..." He took a deep breath, threw away the cigarette butt, and crushed it with his boot to extinguish the sparks.

  Turn around and walk into the house.

  He took out his treasured magic weapon, opened the wardrobe, and put on the white and straight uniform of the city guard!
  With his cloak spread out behind him, this middle-aged monk is about to go out!

  At this time, a soft and tender voice came from behind him.


  "Didn't you say that you would stay at home with me these days?"

  The middle-aged monk's footsteps stagnated, and he turned around, his expression softening, showing a bit of helplessness.

  The Lolita in Tsing Yi with braids walked up to him.

  "I'm sorry... Yue'er..."

  "I have something to do this time, next time... next time for sure!"

  "Another next time..." Tsing Yi Loli pouted.

  "Okay, Yue'er, your father has something serious to do..."

  The dignified woman in a bun with a high bun grabbed Lolita in green and hugged her in front of her.

  "Master, you go ahead...I will take good care of this family."

  "Well..." The middle-aged monk met the eyes of the dignified woman and nodded.

  He turned around, his face was solemn and cold, and his waist was as straight as a gun. Straight, heading towards the city wall.

  "Immortal City Guards, Suzaku Camp 4th Team, Colonel Chen Zheng!"

  Looking down from the sky.

  On the various streets of Weiyuan Immortal City, many monks wearing city guard uniforms were running quickly towards the city wall.

  The city guards merged with each other, and their white uniforms formed white streams on the street and merged into the city wall!

  After a while, the many towers on the city wall and the top of the city were filled with monks!

  Su Ye followed the flow of people and arrived at the city wall.

  According to the agreement, he does not need to participate in the defense against the beast tide.

  However, Su Ye still planned to personally observe the situation of the beast tide.

  "It's Mr. Su, please come quickly!"

  Several late-stage Qi Refining monks in charge of this city wall saw Su Ye, their eyes shone with respect.

  Su Ye nodded slightly. These monks had all participated in the 'Counter World' campaign.

  He came to the top of the tower, poured mana into his eyes, used the spiritual eye technique, and looked far into the distance.

  "Hiss..." Seeing the scene outside the fairy city, Su Ye's pupils shrank.

  Too much!
  The number of monsters is too many!
  On the sea outside Fairy City, there is almost no blue color that belongs to the ocean.

  Everything you see is countless monsters!
  The dense, dark beast tide, like a tidal wave, swept towards the towering fairy city wall like an overwhelming mountain!

  Even in the sky, there are many birds, covering the sky and the sun, constantly making piercing screams, which makes people feel chilly!

  Such an apocalyptic scene made countless monks change their colors and couldn't help but secretly gasp.

  "Oh my god...how come there are so many monsters?!"

  "Wait, am I right...that's a baleen whale?! Dozens of baleen whales... How could such a rare monster be so densely packed?" !"

  After observing the quantity and quality of the beast tide, the expressions of many immortal city monks on the city wall changed drastically! "However... although there are many monsters, they are not a real threat..."

  Su Ye turned his eyes, swept his consciousness, sensed the concentration of monster energy, and carefully explored the rear of the beast tide.

  In his eyes, the magnificent blue light flashed away.

  [Heart of the Vast Sea] has already been opened!
  Finally, after a long time, his heart skipped a beat and he made a discovery.

  Behind the beast tide, three terrifying and powerful waves of demonic power were mixed in with countless demonic energies!

  One of them is high in the sky and moving quickly.

  A gray-blue demon bird with a wingspan of more than fifteen feet. With a single wave, it can whip up hurricanes and shuttle through Qingming!
  The remaining two strands are located on the sea surface.

  A giant sea monster that wields thousands of tentacles covered with suckers and fangs, enough to drag a spirit ship to the bottom of the sea!
  It looks like a crocodile and a dragon, like a mountain, glowing with rock light, with a crystalline bulge on its head, like a crown-like giant crocodile dragon!

  "Evil Sky Weng, Thousand-Legged Siren, Rock-Crowned Crocodile Dragon... the three-headed demon king!"

  Su Ye's eyes narrowed slightly, and he felt a very familiar aura from the three-headed demon king.

  The smell of Haiji's wreckage!
  "It is absolutely certain that the beast tide is the work of the indigenous people..." Su Ye sighed softly.

  In fact, this can be basically determined by logical inference.

  After all, the route of the beast tide is too abnormal.

  For the human strongholds on the road, except for the only way, they all ignore it and focus on attacking the Weiyuan Immortal City!
  In a very short period of time, we arrived outside the fairy city!
  Even most of the monks who came to participate in the big auction had no time to leave the fairy city after the auction ended...

  This kind of behavior... A six-year-old child can guess that there is someone behind it!

  "Then...counting Navason...that's four crystallized combat powers!"

  Su Ye murmured to himself.

  And at this time.

  In the clear sky, there is lightning and thunder!
  Sikong Xin came out of the air with a gray-white Taoist robe, his whole body glowing with dazzling thunder and lightning.

  The first disciple of Master Canghai arrived at the city wall with more than twenty foundation-building monks!

  Bai Xiuying was also among them.

  The magic energy exuded by the crystallized master and more than twenty foundation-building monks lifted the spirits of the monks!
  However, Su Ye frowned slightly.

  There are seven or eight of these twenty-odd foundation-building monks.

  Not long ago, I was still fighting with him in the reverse world.

  "Weiyuan Immortal City is also short of people..."

  Even without using his spiritual consciousness, Su Ye could feel their fatigue and weakness.

  After all, not every monk has the same amazing body-refining realm as him.

  The fighting in the counter world consumes mana and mental energy very seriously.

  Of course, the monks on the city wall can sense that the number of these foundations in poor condition is probably not more than one palm.

  Therefore, the morale boost is quite obvious.

  After stabilizing the morale of the defenders, Sikong Xin released a merit list.

  "The tide of beasts is coming. I, Weiyuan Immortal City, are recruiting casual cultivators..."

  We use spiritual stones, magic weapons, spiritual objects, elixirs and other cultivation resources to recruit casual cultivators in the Immortal City to fight.

  For this reason, Weiyuan Immortal City has opened up many rare resources, and even the redemption qualifications for Foundation Establishment Pills!
  This made all the casual cultivators excited and eager to join the battle!


  He Muyun, who was wearing a pink skirt, said thoughtfully, "A tide of beasts..."

  She came to a corner, moved her fingers slightly, and engraved a simple mana mark.

  This is the secret code of Qingxuanzong, and its rough meaning is - Shake people!

  There will be another update in the afternoon

  (end of this chapter)

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