154. Chapter 154: Fairy City’s Dilemma, Negotiating a Deal! (Please subscribe)

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  Chapter 154: Fairy City Dilemma, Negotiating a Deal! (Please subscribe~)

  Baitie Island.

  The bustling market place is now full of ruins.

  The collapsed building was soaked in water and covered with blue-black moss.

  Occasionally, there are small monsters walking darkly among the ruins of Fangshi.

  However, this island has the second-level spiritual veins cultivated by the Qi family.

  After all, it is more suitable for recuperation than a deserted island.

  Outside the ruins of Fang City.

  A stone quiet room.

  Bai Xiuying was wearing a smart outfit, holding a flying sword in her arms, leaning against the wall outside the quiet room, her eyes wary of her surroundings.

  Suddenly, her eyes lit up, as if she heard something.

  "Senior Brother Sikong?"

  Bai Xiuying turned around and opened the quiet room restriction.


  Sikong Xin sat cross-legged with his knees crossed, his face was pale, and his body occasionally glowed with lightning, like a god.

  Just relying on this hand is enough to make ordinary people in the secular world kneel down, kowtow, and call themselves immortal masters.

  But for Crystal Reality, this is definitely not a good thing!

  On the contrary, it is a sign that the mana crystal is damaged and it is difficult to control the mana!
  "Senior Brother Sikong, your injury..."

  As a true successor of the crystallization force, Bai Xiuying obviously knew this very well and said solemnly.

  "It's okay, it's much better than before."

  Sikong Xin had a relaxed attitude, smiled, and asked instead.

  "How is the fleet? Is there any trouble?"

  "Three first-order spiritual ships are missing. Wang Keqing and Shen Keqing are missing..."


  Sikong Xin nodded, noncommittal.

  This loss was still within his acceptance range.

  "My injuries are only initially stable."

  "Next, I will be in seclusion for a while, and you will continue to coordinate the fleet and stay vigilant..."

  "Ahem..." Sikong Xin was explaining the matter and suddenly coughed up blood.

  A large pool of blood spurted out from his mouth and splashed on the stone tile floor of the quiet room.

  There was still lightning flashing in the blood!

  "Senior brother?!" Bai Xiuying's eyes widened and he took out the healing elixir.

  "Don't worry, your senior brother and I still have a lot of life. As long as I don't die, I can always cultivate and come back..." "

  Ha...that old ghost Zhaoxia is miserable. After his body dies, his soul will disappear. After more than two hundred years of cultivation, just one day Come on!"

  Sikong Xin wiped off the blood and comforted Bai Xiuying with a bit of schadenfreude.

  "Master Zhaoxia... is dead?"

  Bai Xiuying was stunned when she heard this.

  Master Crystal, one of the few great monks in this sea area...

  unexpectedly, died like this?
  "That third-level demon king is too powerful and cunning." "

  It succeeded in a sneak attack. Old Ghost Zhaoxia's heart was broken. After using the secret technique of surrogate death, his combat power was greatly reduced..." "

  In the end, he could only die with hatred. ."

  Sikong Xin shook his head and spoke.

  Even for crystal monks, the heart is still the key.

  If given enough time to cultivate, the injury can be stabilized and the heart can be slowly regenerated.

  But obviously.

  In the fierce battle, Zhenxia Zhenren did not have this kind of leeway.

  So, he died.

  Then, the two discussed some matters, including, of course, the whale hunt.

  "I have no choice but to give up."

  "It's difficult to defeat two third-level demon kings in such dangerous waters, let alone hunt them down..." "

  Alas, I have failed my master's trust."

  Sikong Xin sighed with regret.

  The whale hunting failed and there was a lack of spermaceti oil to make the 'Shou Xin Ning Shen Candle'.

  Master Canghai's golden elixir fate is 10% less certain.



  After leaving the quiet room, Bai Xiuying felt depressed.

  Seeing the ruins of Shiratejimabo City outside, her heart became increasingly gloomy.

  The blooming Shiratejimabo City was turned into ruins by a wave of beasts in a matter of seconds!

  "In the current situation, if Master fails, Immortal City may..."

  If the battle with Qingxuan Sect fails, Weiyuan Immortal City may not end up much better than Baiti Island...

  "Alas..." Bai Xiuying sighed.

  She set up the escape light and patrolled around the island to drive away the second-level monsters.

  However, at this moment.

  Bai Xiuying's body suddenly became quiet, and even the sound of the waves disappeared!


  Her expression changed and she flew towards Baiti Island.

  However, it's like a ghost hitting a wall.

  No matter how much she accelerated, the distance, which was only a few miles, showed no sign of shortening!
  "Yudao means... no, there is such a method, at least the golden elixir." "

  Then... it is the secret technique of the soul... Being able to do this proves that the other party's power of divine consciousness has completely crushed me."

  Bai Xiuying bit her lips lightly, with a bitter look on her face. She would never be able to resist such an opponent.


  Taking a deep breath, she stopped flying and looked generous.

  "I am Bai Xiuying, the ninth disciple of Master Canghai."

  "I wonder which senior is joking with the little girl?"

  After a long time.

  Not far away on the sea.

  The sea water condensed, and a feminine and handsome young Taoist emerged.

  "Little friend Bai, please relax."

  "This time, I want to negotiate a deal with Weiyuan Immortal City."

  'Before he spoke, I didn't feel anything, and I couldn't sense my cultivation at all...'


  Bai Xiuying's heart sank.

  Could it be that they are evil masters from other sea areas?
  "Senior, I wonder what the deal is?"

  Bai Xiuying forced a smile, her body tensed, and she was ready to commit suicide.

  If this Yinju Taoist said anything about furnace cauldrons and tonics, she would rather die than let him succeed!
  "It's very simple... take a look at this thing first."

  Taoist Yinju moved his fingers slightly, and a small glass pot flew out.

  In the glass pot, the slightly turbid white liquid hung in front of Bai Xiuying as if weightless.

  "This is..." Bai Xiuying was stunned, her eyes bright.

  She stretched out her fingers and stirred the thick white liquid, experiencing the touch.

  The tip of his nose moved slightly, and a calming breath came from it.

  "Third-level spermaceti oil?!"

  Bai Xiuying looked at Yinju Taoist in disbelief.

  "Not long ago, I was lucky enough to encounter a seriously injured little guy..."

  Taoist Yinju chuckled.

  Bai Xiuying reacted immediately, her smile a little bitter.

  The Fairy City Fleet had been hunting the white whale for more than a year, but in the end, someone else picked the peach...

  This feeling made her feel mixed.

  At this time, Taoist Yinju snapped his fingers.

  The environment around Bai Xiuying dispersed like bubbles.

  She found that she had unknowingly been dozens of miles away from Baitie Island, on the endless sea.

  "Hiss..." Bai Xiuying was shocked.

  "Okay, I stopped you just to say hello and ask Sikong Xin to come out and talk to me." "

  This... senior, you might as well list your needs and pass them on to Senior Brother Sikong..." Bai Xiuying was startled. Why?


  The Taoist smiled half-heartedly, staring at Bai Xiuying.

  "Forget it."

  He threw out a jade slip.

  "Two months later, bring your things and come to Baitie Island for trading."

  "Of course, I don't want to see Master Canghai... Otherwise, the transaction will be cancelled!"

  The figure of the Taoist turned into clear water and dispersed into the sea.

  'Water escape! Bai

  Xiuying has no doubts anymore.

  The terrifying divine consciousness that transcends the perfection of foundation building, the unfathomable aura of mana, the skillful operation of the Five Elements Escape Technique, and no fear of Sikong Xin... The

  person in front of him must be a crystallization monk!
  "By the way...senior, what do you call me?" she asked quickly.

  A calm and indifferent voice sounded in her ears.

  "I... Master Jiuyuan!"

  (End of this chapter)

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