Chapter 97 Visitors

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  Chapter 97
  When the visitors arrived at the company, the situation was not bad. President Todo of Takamagahara and Knight Commander Emilia of the Ye clan probably had private matters to discuss. Seeing how many people there were, they persuaded them to go back and left their business cards. Hope to make an appointment to meet soon.

  There were several other calls that were not urgent, and Aqi also made an appointment. Among the remaining representatives, Kotaro from the Paradise Group, Ashiya Shiki from the Koga Principal, and Yamazaki Ayato from the Security Bureau were dealing with them first.

  The office was quite busy early in the morning, but it was slowly starting to look like a normal company. It can be seen that working overtime and so on are all in vain. Even if you are exhausted to the point of death from overwork, if the boss changes to a new group of people, the work will still be done and the money will still be earned, no problem.

  "Oh, you are 01044, right? Welcome to 0791. You can take the collector away at any time. Is there anything else I can help you with?"

  Li Pan wiped his face with a handkerchief and entered the office with a smile.

  A woman in formal clothes was sitting at the table. She was using an ordinary bionic human synthesis body, which is a general-purpose human gene synthesis body that usually exists on orbiting space stations and is used by people in the universe.

  These are not simple clones, but enhanced humans. In order to avoid accidents such as the rebellion of the bionic humans, these bionic humans have been in a state of cryogenic sleep for a long time and are equipped with genetic locks. The useful life is generally seven years, and they are forced to be scrapped when they expire.

  Of course, if employees on a business trip are talking about business secrets, in order to prevent leaks, they will pay to have the androids destroyed in advance before leaving.

  "Hello, 01044, this time I am responsible for hunting down the 0791 collector."

  01044 stood up and shook hands with Li Pan. A series of bionic codes appeared in the whites of his eyes, which was caught by Li Pan's prosthetic eyes.

  Li Fan happened to secretly use his prosthetic eyes to download a promotional e-book from a bionic body manufacturer in a clothing store. He was about to fish for work, so he checked it against the parameter list.

  01044 uses a mass-produced level 4 bionic man produced by the Volkskrper National Prosthetic Group. It is probably for quick customs clearance. After all, starting from level 5, you have to declare quarantine to the customs and security bureau. Recently, the whole city of Takamagahara was destroyed. It is also difficult for level five astronauts to enter the atmosphere.

  By the way, the size of VK National Prosthetic Group is not comparable to that of Gao Tianyuan and Ye Shi. They are the leading heavy industry group in the world and a veteran member of the Safety Committee. The bionic human synthesis body is both for military and civilian use, level three to six, and the entire series can be mass-produced, and the shipment volume is huge. Tiansheng is considered to be one of the top three brands in terms of market share in the Tiansheng body market.

  As for 01044, it should be a temporary prosthetic body rented by the VK space station. If it has not been modified for military use, the price tag is around 1.5 million, and it is estimated to cost 2 million if it is sold.

  Judging from the configuration, it uses an alloy skeleton, artificial organs with maggot protein, and a standard defense module. The subcutaneous bulletproof armor and operating system are all from VK. Although the technical evaluation was skipped, it fell to level four. Yes, but it was originally designed for company employees. It has a huge stock, and its attributes are perfectly balanced in all aspects. It has almost no shortcomings. It is not a problem to knock over a fifth-level cyber mercenary modified by yourself with bare hands. It is very practical. The low-cost business suit highlights stability, high quality and reliable performance.

  However, although the quality of their products is good, they are all sold in sets. When you need maintenance, you have to go to a specialized store. The spare parts have to be imported, which is very expensive. Unlike Gaotianyuan where you can choose and match various local small workshop gadgets. .

  Moreover, these bionic humans, which are priced at two to three million, compete on price in order to control costs. They are all castrated versions that do not have a complete nervous system implanted, for example.

  In other words, when you use this synthetic body, although its performance is obviously excellent and superhumanly enhanced, you also cannot feel emotional stimulation such as pain, excitement, and pleasure. It is equivalent to using a carbon-based robot.

  Even those cheaper third-level technologies may have been castrated in a literal sense. Even the sexual organs are not properly installed, the face and body are templated, and the skin is cast with synthetic resin.

  To sum up, for mass-produced androids from a large group like VK, it is okay to go out and do a job for a while, but if you want to enjoy life and pay attention to the operating experience, or if you want to make special modifications and enhancements, you must consider at least three things. There are over a million models.

  01044 sat down again, playing with a glass ball in his left hand, and raised his eyes to look at Li Pan.

  "General Manager 0791, do you know what this is?"

  "Huh? A souvenir for the sightseeing? Do you want to take a trip? There is actually nothing interesting to see in the Night City. If you want to enjoy yourself, why don't I treat you to a hot spring nearby?"

  Li Pan sat at the table and took a look. The glass ball in her hand was a landscape glass ball with LCD images and holographic projections inside. It recorded the special landscapes of the plane in advance. It was also equivalent to a small map, where you could check the directions to some landmark buildings. transportation system and take a brief guided tour.

  There is a bird's-eye view projection of the night city in the game. I probably bought it on the space station. It costs more than ten yuan a piece and sells it to you for two thousand, just to deceive tourists.

  01044 shook his head and held up the glass ball with four fingers.

  "This is a 'prophecy'."

  Li Pan blinked and noticed that there was light emerging from 01044's fingertips. When he looked into the sphere, he saw that it only lasted for a few seconds. Sword, the illusion of the Night City in the Sphere has undergone earth-shaking changes.

  First, a bright light bloomed for a moment, and then the atmosphere quickly collapsed and corrupted. In the blink of an eye, it melted from the urban jungle into a twisted ruins. The steel alloy city was like a piece of paper, washed away by the burning sand, and the red flesh and blood fell from the earth. It burst out, sulfuric acid and blood washed down the earth like a rain, and the filthy ocean rolled over the dike, like a dark beast that crossed the wall, swallowing everything up.

  Then 01044 placed the glass ball on the table and let go of her hand. The image of the Night City in the glass ball returned to normal, and she drew it with a pen.

  "It's just a little bit close, just a little bit, everything is going to be messed up, and you've forced me to pull it back. I don't know what to say, so I'll just give you a round of applause." Then she said perfunctorily

  . Two snaps.

  Li Pan was speechless for a moment,
  "Is it really so serious? But I feel that the apostle of the 'Golden Buddha' is quite weak, so he just dealt with it casually?
  And even if the Sky City is smashed down, the Night City should have a defense system, hold on Are you going to blow up a few suburbs?"

  01044 looked at him,
  "Can you deal with the apostles easily... That's all, I'm just on a temporary business trip, so I have no right to make irresponsible remarks..."

  Li Pan said you're welcome.

  So 01044 crossed his legs and said,
  "Well, it is true that some monster apostles will cause a rule-level breakdown on the entire plane when they complete their arrival, and the chain will cause a series of monsters to descend violently, but extinctions on this scale are still rare. See you.

  So I suggest you, it is best to conduct an in-depth investigation of various reasons. There may be other things in the city.

  My 'prophecy' is valid for seven days, so I will leave it to you as a souvenir and Just for reference."

  Li Pan picked up the glass ball, looked at it, and nodded to express his gratitude.

  So 01044 took out a pen and notepad from his formal clothes, wrote a note and tore it to Li Pan.

  "Let's get down to business. Since the collectors appear and try to acquire monsters, it means they have established a 'site' in this plane.

  Well, you can understand 'site' as the company's warehouse. My task is to put them all in one place. I need to interrogate the ACA members you captured and search for the location of the collector site in this plane. Can you provide the materials for these rituals? . "

  Li Pan looked at the note and frowned,
  "I'm sorry, your handwriting is a bit sloppy. I can't understand a word except for a hundred temporary workers. Can you use common language..."

  01044 nodded. , continued to write,
  "I understand, don't worry, if you don't understand it just means you don't have these things in your inventory, then I will change the ritual." "

  Li Pan, "Hmm...what, I am a waste of everything, can you reduce the loss of temporary workers to single digits as much as possible? "

  The two sides wrote and read one by one, and finally talked for half an hour before reaching a consensus.

  01044 will withdraw some monsters and sub-projects from Monster Company's inventory, and Li Pan sent Lama and Lao Liu from the logistics department to assist her in carrying out the task.

  Of course . , Li Pan and 01044 emphasized that these two people are not used as temporary consumables for her, and please treat them as regular employees. Although 01044

  expressed confusion about Li Pan's management style, since the local general manager asked so 01044 has been settled for the time being, and

  the second thing is the Security Bureau.

  "Manager, this is the director of the Fourth Bureau . long. "

  Yamasaki nodded and bowed and brought in two old men, an old Mediterranean man, followed by a male bodyguard with a mustache and glasses. Both of them are typical bureaucrats, typical old Asians, with a sullen face as if they were attending a funeral. Are they everywhere

  ? , no wonder he is so flattering, isn't this his immediate boss.

  "Oh, it's a pleasure meeting you. Is there anything I can do to help you?" "

  Mr. Li, thanks to your assistance this time, the crisis in Night City can be prevented. Please allow me to express my gratitude to you on behalf of the Security Bureau."

  "You're welcome. I've said enough to commend and promote NCHK. It makes my ears tingle when I play it repeatedly. Moreover, the bounty has been settled. If there is any new business, just give me your orders. " "

  The director seemed to be in a bad mood and was too lazy to continue being polite.
  "Then let me tell you straight. We are responsible for tracking down the Red Tengu terrorist organization. This time I investigated the login address of the hacker computer and found that when you broke into the Paradise Network server, you had direct contact with the Akatengu hacker, right? Li

  Pan spread his hands and said, "Isn't it true? You almost burned my head when you tricked me." "

  The Fourth Director pointed to the mustache glasses beside him,

  "This is a technical staff member of our bureau. If it's convenient, can we conduct an on-site investigation to trace the hacker information of Chitengu.

  I know that this request is very presumptuous and may involve your personal privacy, so you can ask your company's technical support to supervise it on site. "

  Oh, you just need to directly connect it to his chip to adjust the data. This is a bit embarrassing. Let the hackers from the Security Bureau dig into your brain and search, but the underwear is turned open! Not to mention cockroaches and handkerchiefs
  . Transformation, canning, and all those things cannot be explained by anyone with a sane mind. If someone asks, what do you mean by downloading so many ancient Chinese dictionaries, how would he answer?
  Li Pan directly used the company as a shield,
  "I'm sorry. I refuse. After all, I am the acting manager of our company. It involves many business secrets and cannot be provided to you without permission from the headquarters. "

  The Fourth Director immediately made a sullen face and said,
  "I understand your concerns, but this attack on the Night City has caused major security risks. I hope you will cooperate with the investigation. I can apply for a search warrant if necessary. Li

  Pan smiled and said,

  "The major safety hazard was not caused by me, so please ask the legal affairs department to contact you." "

  The director squinted his eyes and said,

  "Okay. You haven't taken any notes yet, so please call your legal department and come with me back to the bureau to assist in the investigation.

  Li Pan's smile did not change, "

  Oh, you really want to torture me?" By the way, does the Security Bureau have pork chop rice?

  Yamazaki saw that the atmosphere was not right and jumped out to smooth things over.
  "Boss, boss, do you think this will work? You can transcribe the memory fragments at that time into Chaomeng. After approval from the company headquarters, the data will be provided to the bureau for investigation. "

  Director, I happen to be at the scene too, so I won’t trouble our manager about this small matter of taking notes. I’ll cooperate. "

  Hey, you kid is lying in wait here. Your elbow is really turned out... Well, actually, it's turned in?

  Li Pan glanced at him with a half-smile but not a smile,
  "That's it... I can let Yamazaki-kun come to assist, from the Security Bureau. Two people? "

  The Fourth Director looked at Li Pan and glanced at Yamazaki.

  "Okay, excuse me. "

  In this way, the Security Bureau can easily get away.

  Then there is the lawyer representing the Paradise Group.

  There is no need for him to talk nonsense here personally. Kotaro has already chatted with the lawyer in advance, and basically figured out his purpose.

  Li Pan thought at first that the other party wanted to fine him, but Kotaro said that they were here to give him money.

  Well, you heard it right, Li Pan broke through Sky City and threw it into the sea, and Paradise Group also wanted to give him money...

  Look at Li Pan Pan still looked suspicious, so Kotaro came over and whispered a few words,
  "Boss, the key to heaven is in your hands. "

  It took the intelligence chief to explain, and then Li Pan suddenly realized.

  For companies like Tiantang Group, Sky City is actually nothing. Originally, it was just taking advantage of the victory of the war to plunder and buy it cheaply in another world. Although it is a pity that the assets were damaged after falling into the sea, it can still be used after repairing it, and it will not break the muscles and bones.

  And even the hackers of the Red Tengu are very powerful and have broken through the Sky City system, but it is just It’s just a driving system. Sub-projects like the automatic defense system are essentially still operating normally, with the main purpose of protecting the lives and property of VIP customers, and they were not really taken over by the Red Tengu. Otherwise, safety would not be

  mentioned The Bureau's few kills are simply not enough to give away. Just activating Sky City's defensive weapons and firing two cannons at the Night City is enough for everyone to drink. There is no way to bring down the entire Sky City. However, Shiba

  is Really, with the help of Li Pan, he used the Orochi system to break through Tiantang's ICE firewall from the outside. No matter

  how strong the firewall is, once it is breached by hackers, it cannot be repaired.

  One loophole will spawn countless loopholes. , if there is one backdoor, there are countless backdoors. You never know how many puppets are secretly installed when someone hacks in.

  And for really powerful hackers, once they thoroughly analyze it, they can master the core source of the other party's ICE security protocol. Code, not to mention a Sky City, even the entire Paradise Group's ICE is equivalent to mastering the backdoor of the secret passage, and the assets of the Paradise Group in the sky are equivalent to being undefended! So even with the pressure of the 0791 Security Bureau and the Ye
  family , the Paradise Group all insisted on saying that they would not hand over the access control.

  But now, the walls of heaven are broken down.

  And the 'key to heaven' is in Shiba's hands.

  Then how did you find Li Pan's head? Isn’t eighteen an asset of the company?
  Well, because Monsters Inc. had expected this to happen, they hid behind the scenes and let Li Pan take the blame.

  However, when the Eighteen Computers went online to apply for certificates, they also used Li Pan's citizen ID card as a guarantee, so now I am afraid that the entire Shenzhen Internet knows that Panlong Construction Co., Ltd., and that there is a thief working under the president Li Pan. An incredible genius hacker can actually break through the firewall of companies like Tiantang Group!

  Naturally, Heaven knows it very well. Doesn't it feel like an attorney has been hired to negotiate?

  Kotaro presented the preliminary agreement negotiated by the two parties to Li Pan,
  "Paradise Group will completely replace the network security partner and rebuild the ICE firewall system, but this will take time.

  During this period, Paradise will sign a confidential NDA with Panlong Construction The agreement stipulates that system vulnerabilities shall not be disclosed and Paradise's private servers shall not be invaded.

  If the agreement is agreed to be signed, Paradise will inject 35 million into the 'Night City Development and Investment Fund' and hire Panlong Construction's technology for outsourcing , providing network security consultants to assist in patching vulnerabilities.

  If you violate the contract, it will be regarded as the highest level breach of contract, and your citizenship, boss, will be revoked by the security system." "

  Fuck! Let him wait! I'll make a call!"

  Li Pan simply said My head is too big.

  Damn, can you not sign this? For the sake of Monsters Inc., why don't you give him a chance to be polite before attacking? He said that if I didn't sign, the special forces over there would be sent over!

  But can you really sign it?

  Not to mention that once signed, if anything happens in heaven, Li Pan's legal citizenship may be revoked. The world is staring at the guy who is the 'key to heaven', and maybe he will be found. Woolen cloth!

  But can he care about that naughty kid Shi Shi? Yes, he guarantees Shiba's access to the Internet, but Yamata no Orochi is company equipment! Without the company's permission and Orochi's support, Shiba would have no brain left, okay?

  "Crooked? Shiba, you saw the agreement, what do you think?"

  Shiba, "Oh."

  "That's all you want??"

  Shiba, "Sign it. In fact, their hackers fought with us yesterday. , that's it. Anyway, I have left a backdoor, and at worst it will be broken up in two pieces. They have tens of trillions of assets, and we only have a few dollars. Do you deserve to die with us?" "Damn! Huh

  ? Have we fought??"

  Eighteen, "Oh, I happened to be chatting with the hacker from the 01 technical department, and the brain computer of Paradise hacked in. But don't worry, we have already burned it all." Damn, it turned out to be a pioneer

  . As a gift...

  "By the way, boss, I heard that the head office is planning to upgrade my equipment. Now I'm looking for a communications company to customize the satellite. Please sign it, and the provincial paradise will be interested in my host." Communications satellite

  ? If the big snake is not enough, do we also need to upload the brain computer to space and make it into a UIS to upload to smart satellites? Hey, aren't you connected to QVN? Isn’t this a few hundred million? The company is really willing to give it up...

  It seems that the one who won the most rewards for capturing Sky City this time was actually Shiba.

  (End of chapter)

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