Chapter 76 Visiting the patient

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  Chapter 76: Visiting the patient
  "Wait a minute, you...why..."

  Angela Regan looked at this atrocity in a daze, but at least she was not stupid enough to use a gun to stop her colleagues.

  Oh, that's wrong. After all, those who go out on patrol are all auxiliary police officers. How can they be worthy of being colleagues in the police department? It is estimated that apart from Angela, only the semi-mechanical drug-detecting dog here is organized. Hey, hey, hey, hey... and ignore me... He didn't hook up

  with the police dog, so Li Pan wandered to Angela's side out of boredom and hooked up with the female police officer. ,
  "It seems that you really don't know. You come from a family of policemen. Alas, you probably don't believe me when I tell you. Just search it yourself on the Internet. Oh, if you get the Deep Web, I'll give you a URL. Just search for the keyword, 'Dongchenghui. ', 'Join the gang', there are many of them, they posted them on the Internet themselves."

  Angela Regan was stunned, glanced at Li Pan, and accepted his communication link. After a moment, she turned her head "Ouch!" He vomited in the flower bed.

  Li Pan was still afraid that she wouldn't understand, so he explained kindly, "In order to show that he will follow the gang to the end, during their gang election, the selected cadres will have a family member of an NCPA auxiliary police officer who refuses to accept illegal money to be sashimied. Otherwise, why would the Dongcheng Guild’s bounty be so much higher than other companies?”

  Angela Regan vomited in the flower bed, looking like she was mentally devastated and emotionally shaken.

  Li Pan was also speechless. Hey, hey, we are all in the police department after all. Don't act like a newcomer. It would be too embarrassing to even stand a crime scene.

  However, he flipped through a few short videos and found them quite disgusting, so he comforted him casually,

  "It's not that dark actually. You see, there aren't many slices of sashimi these days. Most of them cut their throats, behead them and burn them." It's just a dead body.

  After all, these days, there are not many people in the NCPA who don't accept black money, and their families are not leeks in the field. They will be gone if they are killed. So generally speaking, the promotion of cadres in Dongcheng is mainly based on nepotism. , or we can arrange a seat based on the amount of money that the younger brother turned in.

  Oh, don’t worry, they don’t dare to touch the head of a police family like yours. After all, the ninth generation sent people. If it weren’t for the eighth generation of your ancestors to protect the night, How can the justice of the capital be so strong in Dongcheng to the extent it is today?"

  Angela turned her head and glanced at Li Pan, bit her lip, and then turned her head to vomit.

  Phew, eight generations of our ancestors have been beaten like this, and yet they still don’t pout?

  Maybe this policewoman really believes in the order and justice of the Night City.

  Anyway, Li Pan doesn't believe it. Don't look at how ruthless these patrol officers are. They act as if they are lynching revenge and upholding justice. In fact, most of them are just following the wind, collecting money to do things, and taking the opportunity to help Ye's fight against their opponents and draw a clear line. That’s all.

  After all, Takamagahara has been in chaos over the past few years, and the NCPA has naturally followed the internal strife. The batches of replacements and purges at the top, coupled with the infiltration and bribery of various organizations such as the Red Tengu and the Tojo Society, have basically made the Night City Police Department The bottom loses control.

  None of the directors of the local bureaus in various districts and streets have died in office or been killed by their enemies. They are basically the same as gang leaders. Rather than maintaining order, they are leading a group of subordinates to compete for territory with the underworld. A warlord who grabs protection money.

  As long as this group of people can count on something, the Security Bureau will not completely ignore them and set up a three-headed dog unit.

  However, the patrol officers still only dared to kill some of the younger brothers in the chaos, and did not dare to touch the group leader or other big shots. Moreover, the Dongcheng Club also reacted. After about two hours, other branch personnel of the Dongcheng Club came in one after another to provide support. Not only did they surround the hospital inside and out, but they also 'invited' idle people like Li Pan and Angela to leave the hospital and clear the place, forcing the NCPA back with their chests held high and guns pointed at them.

  When these NCPA patrol officers saw that so many gangsters had arrived and that they were still rescuing the injured, they had no choice but to retreat and confront each other across the road, which was not convenient for shooting.

  Li Pan also mingled with the crowd to watch the show, but it took too long, right? Campbell should have been sent in the first three batches, right? What are the oranges doing? eighteen?
  "Boss, the target operation is over and has been captured by Miss Chengzi. We are getting ready to come out now. There are gangsters at the door." "

  Okay, I will stir up the trouble... You go first, don't wait for me! Ye Shi is here!"

  Ye's people also arrived.

  The float truck flew over directly. It should be that after the emergency surgery was completed, the casualty information was logged into the NCPA system. Campbell's location information was immediately retrieved by Ye's, who sent company troops to pick him up.

  They were probably a team of mercenaries. There were no vampires, and they also brought two first aid soldiers. They couldn't wait for the aerial vehicle to find a place to park, and they didn't care about the group of gangsters below, so they rappelled down and jumped down without fear. A group of gatekeepers shouted "Malu Yelang" to negotiate, trying to clear a way to save the people.

  Are they the private security guards of Ye's cadres? They dare to jump into the crowd alone. The quality of these people is really not bad.

  But speaking of it this way, Ye Shi didn't know Campbell's position before? Is he operating in secret?

  Cheng Zi also said before that he saw this guy entering the bar alone, right? When Ye's cadres entered Dongchenghui's territory, there were no security guards following them? So brave?

  Li Pan didn't have time to think too much. He had been waiting for this moment at the door, so he rushed towards the door ahead of Ye's guards, swaying like a snake, dodging left and right, and moving in lightning.

  In the blink of an eye, he passed through the crowd and knocked away the crowd. Fei Ye seemed to be blocking the door of the hospital hall. He was shouting "Malu Yelang!" The gang leader was slapping his little brother on the head. He bumped into him with his shoulder and pushed the old man almost flying.

  "Where did the Baga come from! Looking for death!"

  The Yakuzas of the Dongcheng Club were suddenly bombarded by a cannon and their hometown was flattened. They were on the verge of bursting into rage because they couldn't let go of their anger. They were bumped in by Li Pan and rushed in. The man jumped on his back, turned his face immediately, and punched him.

  But Li Pan also came here with the intention of causing trouble, and he was even more ruthless. He roared "Grass Mud Horse!", which shook the whole world. They punched him, but he backhanded an awl and inserted it into the heart of the team leader, stabbing him straight. Wear a pair!
  This move also contained the power of True Dragon Breaking, so that the team leader's internal organs were rushed out through the breach in his back, and he rushed into the hall with a huge amount of bleeding.

  "Boss!" "Team leader!" "Miscellaneous cultivator!" "Bang bang bang!"

  The powder keg exploded immediately.

  Bang bang bang! The shootout started again.

  As soon as he saw Dongcheng would draw his gun, the patrol officers at the door also took advantage of the situation and started firing.

  Ye's security guards had just rushed through the door and were inexplicably attacked from both sides. However, this group of people were obviously mercenaries who had been on the battlefield for a long time. They immediately divided into groups to cover and retreated to the flower bed to establish a defensive position. shoot.

  For a moment, the sudden hail of bullets swept through the hospital like a storm. When they heard the gunshots, a large group of Dongcheng Club boys nearby rushed in to support them. They drove over the police car with a loud bang and rushed in to snatch people.

  And the Ye family not only came with a first aid team, not to mention that the current situation was originally hostile. A group of bat drones quickly flew from the sky, shooting at the ground to suppress it, blowing up Dongcheng Club's vehicles and sending them rolling. Fireballs ignited in the night sky like a signal for war.

  The Dongcheng Club is not a group of good men and women! Damn it, there are drones!
  So from a nearby community, a modified Type III SMS rushed out carrying anti-aircraft rockets and anti-aircraft guns, blasting the bats one by one.

  The battle between the two sides immediately escalated. In the past two hours, various private armed forces and construction contracting companies that had gathered near the Dongchenghui community had heard about it. They also received buzzing calls from Yeshi and Tokugawa. quotes, and then they all choose the side with the highest quote and enter the market with a sticker.

  Then there was a bang, bang, bang, and soon the smoke of gunfire centered on the hospital and surrounded the entire Dongchenghui community. The flames of war spread from all directions. And soon, due to the financial gap between the two parties, it turned into a large-scale siege of the Dongcheng Hui territory by the Ye family.

  At this time, not to mention the troops of the Ye clan and the Dongcheng Association, even the cyberpunks in remote suburbs knew that the time for war had come. They drove all kinds of vehicles and rushed into the city to sweep around, even in some areas. There was a spectacular scene of SMS and tank bombardment.

  At this time, Li Pan also went on a killing spree in the hospital lobby, using a silver awl to pierce the surrounding gangsters to death on the floor tiles.

  Don't tell me, the 'secret secret' of Yijian style is really genuine and not a psychological effect.

  When I tested it with a handkerchief just now, I blasted it out with enough force, but the effect was too outrageous and not obvious.

  Now Li Pan tried it again and found that as long as he used anything as a weapon in his hand and used the object to conduct it, Jiuyin True Dragon Break could exert a far more powerful effect than using bare hands.

  Now Li Pan is holding the silver cone in his hand like a spear, condensing his power to activate the True Dragon Break. To put it bluntly, it's just that one move, poke, poke, poke, just poke people when they see them, but it's enough if it can kill people. .

  These people from Hungry City are considered very wealthy in the local underworld. Who doesn't have equipment like this? Level 4 and 5 prosthetics, titanium alloy stab-proof armor, locally imported bullet-proof ceramics, these are all available at the moment. The protection seems to be made of paper, no, it’s the same as tofu! Just poke it through!

  The power of the True Dragon Break was injected into the human body with the tip of the cone, and the impact on the internal organs was almost like a blank bullet. The auxiliary heart, blood pump, and emergency first aid system were all useless!

  The violent power swept across the human body, causing the blood vessels throughout the body to burst, muscles and muscles to collapse, and the bones and flesh all over the body to fall apart.

  That's what it's called, armor-breaking and defense-breaking damage is overflowing.

  This is called one force reducing ten skills. If one blow can knock everyone out, there is no need to show off any skills.

  Li Pan moved left and right in the hail of bullets, jumping back and forth to catch people and stab them. The hospital's drone followed him like an old hen, dragging up the corpses thrown on the ground and scanning his eyes.

  Anyway, if you have money, you can drag him back for emergency treatment. Whether or not he is rescued is none of the hospital's business. In this way, you earn yours and I earn mine, which is mutually beneficial.

  Ye's security guards and NCPA are not blind. They can't tell that this guy in formal attire is a level 5 or above superman. Moreover, if he has a gun these days, he just doesn't need it. He doesn't even have a knife, so he just uses a long nail. Insertion, that's probably a problem with the size of the brain.

  Whoever dared to look at him for death would just stare at the underworld and shoot him. Soon the Dongcheng Club in the hospital collapsed under the siege.

  Although these people have the advantage in numbers, their equipment is much better than that of the Uzumaki Gang. Many of them follow Muramasa's tactics, but those who can coordinate tactics like the Uzumaki Gang are different.

  Most of these people who came from the road were originally unemployed vagrants who were outside the system, non-citizens who had never received military education. Although they were trained on the streets and became ruthless, most of them were like ghosts. He is a lone wolf and rarely cooperates.

  Once you find that you are surrounded from all sides and are being shot at from both sides, you will just rush in and out. Soon, your morale will collapse under the overwhelming crossfire, and you will directly transform from a ghost to a chicken and a dog, without any organization or discipline. He dropped his accomplices on their backs and ran away like headless flies.

  The battle situation in the entire Dongchenghui community is roughly the same. They have numbers, equipment, ammunition, and bunkers. However, only a small number of martial arts factions can carry out effective organizational defense, while the vast majority of them spend their days eating, drinking, whoring, gambling, and bully the market. The troops, the outsourced mercenaries, and the elite veterans of cyberpunk were defeated without any suspense.

  What's even worse is that the Red Tengu elements within the Dongcheng Society did not dare to take action rashly because of the sudden incident.

  Because the three-headed dog is watching from the side.

  The three-headed dogs were the first to enter the scene. Li Pan slipped away with his front legs and dropped his back legs from the mecha. However, the current order from the Security Bureau was to cordon off the scene. So they just looked at it as a joke and watched Dongcheng being beaten violently throughout the whole process.

  Dongchenghui himself also knows that once the Red Tengu people are dispatched, the nature of the matter will change.

  Then it goes from street gang fights to subverting the safety committee. Once these vicious dogs of hell are provoked to eat people. In this neighborhood, there probably won’t even be a single intact roof left.

  So in just a short time, the organized power of the Dongcheng Association was defeated, and all that was left was to rush into the community to fight in the streets, and the hozens dispersed after the trees fell down.

  And Li Pan has basically cleared out the hospital and calculated the income...

  Damn it! He actually made a million! !
  its not right? Two, four, six, eight... he stabbed eighteen to death? Those who came in later to support were all killed by Ye's security guards, right?
  After quickly looking at the bill, Li Pan realized that all of these people were team leaders!

  But after taking a closer look, I discovered that these people are both younger brothers and team leaders. If you think about it, it's not that complicated. It's just dual duties. It's like you are a younger brother in the head office, but if you open your own company, you can still be the boss. What's more, it's normal for criminal organizations to be seized, bankrupt, and reorganized from time to time. Who doesn't have 17 or 18 handbag companies laundering money these days?

  For example, the old man Li Pan stabbed to death at the entrance of the hospital was a consultant brother-in-law at the Dongcheng Association headquarters, but he also had a private team criminal network under his name, and he was the fifth generation chief.

  And other people are also similar. In the general association, if you win something, if you pay the down payment, or have the title of organizational committee member, you also have this group and that group in your name, and you are the group leader, president, and president. They all have second titles, and they spend their own money to support a lot of confidants and thugs.

  For leaders of peripheral organizations, the basic reward price is 10,000 yuan each, but the title of the headquarters is worth a lot of money. Just those committee members and ordinary cadres are worth 20,000 yuan. If you win the two, if you pay the down payment , estimated to be some kind of mid-level cadre, worth one hundred thousand each, but the old consultant actually offered a reward of half a million!
  The total, after deducting personal tax, is exactly 1,003,000!

  Ah ha ha!
  Good guy! This is the good thing about feudal societies! In such a chaotic time, he actually still remembered the hierarchy of superiors and inferiors, and the hierarchy was in order. As a result, there were a lot of juniors surrounding him and they were not qualified to enter the hospital! Instead, he directly screened out the senior cadres for him and raped them! This is a huge profit! It’s a small step closer to 130 million!
  Li Pan was overjoyed and reacted immediately.

  etc! At this time, these senior cadres are not hiding, but they are gathering at the door to visit patients?
  Are there people with higher status who are giving first aid inside?
  Speaking of which, who was meeting Ian Campbell just now?
  At least half a million!
  Li Pan made a quick decision, turned around and rushed to the hospital.

  A group of emergency robots jingled and followed him upstairs.

  The security guard of Ye's family who had been staring at this madman was frightened and chased after him. He didn't dare to fire his gun and couldn't catch up, so he kept shouting from behind.

  "STOP! STOP! Ya Zhudie! Ya Zhudie——!"

  Li Pan didn't care about them, and rushed to the ward to grab monsters.

  There are not many wealthy people in this kind of private hospital. Now the ward is filled with a group of Dongcheng gangsters who have completed emergency operations, missing arms and legs, and put them all into the medical cabin.

  Although Li Pan paid a 500 registration fee and barged in, he wanted to kill people, but he didn't have much chance.

  The ward and the medical corridor are isolated. You can only see the operations inside from a distance. You are surrounded by doctors and nurses from private hospitals. If you break something in the hospital, it goes without saying that the alarm will be triggered. I am afraid that one million will not be enough to compensate you.

  He could only look at the large amount of bounty in front of him and endure it. He continued to pretend to be a legal citizen and scanned the wounded one by one, searching for any senior cadres as valuable as the old consultant. If a patient was transferred to a ward or something, maybe You can pick up a leak.

  Today was probably Li Pan's popular day. He swept all the way to the VIP ward and was just stopped by the hospital security robot at the door. He was hesitant to spend five thousand yuan and a half-month card. The door suddenly opened. From the intensive care unit A Cyclops walked out on crutches with an electronic eye in his left eye.

  This one-eyed dragon is not tall, but the stone pillars are strong and thick. It is covered with tattoos from the neck down, and the skin is black and blue. Under the hospital gown, various carp, dragon, and Shura patterns are exposed. Heaped crookedly on top of the cracked and damaged prosthetic bones and the newly sutured flesh, he was clearly a big shot on the road.

  There was no mistake, this was probably the big shot who had just faced the impact, rescued him from the nightclub, and was just out of danger. But can you get out of bed just after the surgical suturing? Wasn't there any anesthesia?
  When Li Pan compared the person's identity in the NCPA database, a flash of light suddenly emitted from the left prosthetic eye of the Cyclops, interfering with the communication and blocking the link.

  The other party also raised his eyes and glanced at Li Pan.

  From the perspective of a one-eyed dragon, Li Pan's appearance is not considered good. Although he is wearing a formal suit, has a shaved head, and looks like a classic company dog, he has the bulging muscles supported by the formal suit and a wolf-like physique. Obviously, he is not an ordinary social beast sitting in an office.

  As for the exposed face and back of the hands, you can see the ceramic armor at a glance, and even the artificial skin is not uncommon to cover it with an extra layer. It is obvious that the whole body has been implanted and modified. At this moment, the face is splattered with plasma, and the pieces of flesh are stuck to the steel. Between the gaps in the deck, the white handkerchief on the chest of the formal suit was strangely spotless.

  The two looked at each other for three seconds, and then a silver awl popped out of Li Pan's tiger's mouth.

  good! Checked the look! Know the right person!

  Get started!
  (End of chapter)

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