Chapter 66 Hot Spring Village

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  Chapter 66 Hot Spring Village

  "Private Marseille with red bean paste!!"

  "Here we go again..."

  Li Pan took a sip of sake, propped up his chin and looked at the sumptuous seafood sashimi in front of him, then changed into a yukata and knelt on the tatami. , Keiko Saito, who was lying down and not caring about being exposed, apologized sincerely.

  "General Saito, let me ask you, do you want money or your life?"

  "Red bean paste private Marseille!!"

  Keiko Saito yelled with her head on the floor, her attitude was simply sincere.

  Li Pan stared at the hot spring female general who was tightly tied in a layer of single clothes, and took a sip of sake,
  "Let me tell you, I want money, what's the point of taking your life, right?

  Guess what, the female general, five cars? How much did you spend to redeem your old classmate?"

  Saito Keiko didn't dare to answer, nor did she dare to raise her head.

  Li Pan said bluntly,

  "Six million. One jounin's life is worth six million. Tsk tsk, female general, how much are you worth?" "

  Red bean paste private Marseille!!"

  "Okay, no more red bean paste and mung beans." It's muddy."

  Li Pan waved his hand impatiently and knocked the wine plate on the table.

  Saito Keiko was so busy that she crawled over and filled Li Pan's head, and then wanted to crawl back and kneel.

  Li Pan grabbed her hand and pulled Keiko to sit next to him,
  "Female general, I am not an unreasonable person. Since this matter has nothing to do with you, there is no need to apologize so sincerely." "

  Yes. , you are right..." Saito Keiko took advantage of the situation and leaned on Li Pan's lap to please her, "Li Sang, you know right from wrong. It's all that bitch Wuzi who ruined your elegance. Please give me a A chance to make amends..."

  Li Pan directly picked up the wine plate and interrupted her,

  "But, if something like this happened, it was always your Saito House's negligence that put the guests in danger. So, you can compensate me casually. I’ll pay one million yuan for mental damages, and I’ll just pretend this never happened.”

  Keiko almost cried.

  "One million? Li Sang, one million, isn't it a little too much..."

  Li Pan was unhappy,

  "What are you talking about, boss lady? One million is just a month's salary of our company manager!" Still hearing you say that, could it be that Saitoya's current economic situation is very bad? Does that mean you have to charge me for setting up this table?" "No, no, that's not what you mean! But..."


  Hey Female general, I'm already very reasonable. It would be boring if you don't eat the toast and drink the fine wine."

  Keiko still wanted to fight for it, but Li Pan pinched her face and poured a plate of wine into her mouth. .

  Saito Keiko licked her tongue and swallowed the wine. She looked at Li Pan angrily and took out a card from her arms... No, by the way, where did you hide it before... "Here are one hundred thousand virtual

  coins. , I will compensate you for the rest next time I come here. I beg you to spare me this time."

  Li Pan fell into the trap again after Keiko threw her into his arms and blew into his ear to beg for mercy. conventional.

  "Oh, it's really a little less. That's okay. For the sake of your sincere apology, let's repay it in installments." "

  Arigado! Li Sang, you must speak kindly for me in front of the company." Just a few words!"

  So he received 100,000 black gold, and this little misunderstanding was over.

  Li Pan was also in a good mood. He was served by the landlady and had dinner. The last dish was brought out in time by the robot maid.

  This seems to be a bed. It seems to be made of some kind of black synthetic rubber, which seals the kunoichi Kiriko inside. It is also vacuumed as if it is a specimen. The curves are exposed, and only the mouth has a stainless steel opening. The bit, similar to a horse bit, was used to fix the braces on the jaw to prevent her from biting her tongue, or anything else, to kill herself. There is also an air outlet exposed, and you can see the tongue rising and falling, turning and twisting, drooling and gasping for air.

  Li Pan's eyes widened as he watched, "Oh, let me go, what kind of gameplay is this?"

  Saito Keiko's eyes revealed a vicious light, staring at the person sealed in rubber, which cost her a million and almost made her lose a million. I offended my best friend and old classmate from a big company.

  "Li Sang, don't underestimate this bitch. She is proficient in the Koga-ryu ninja way, and has the art of kōchan and water body. Every time she sneaks into a search and is surrounded by a tight siege, she can escape unharmed. Because she is extremely experienced, she can She became a Jonin.

  She once told me after drinking that she practiced the secret water escape ninjutsu of the Shiranui family. She could perform it as long as there was a river and Kawazawa, and she even came into contact with a large amount of human body fluids such as blood and sweat. At that time, she can also use this technique to escape! That's why we have to seal her so carefully to ensure that her skin does not have any contact with liquid, and there is a chance to control the water escape ninjutsu! "Oh, let's go, it turns out that there is such a

  thing What a strange move. kindness? Human body fluids? Didn't she almost escape just now... No wonder, no wonder, after the infiltration failed, she was always able to escape, and she was able to practice the unique skills of Yoshihara's Forty-Eight Moves! Sure enough, every Jonin should not be underestimated!

  Saito Keiko looked at Li Pan's eyes, smiled slightly, came over and whispered,

  "Anyway, I have to return her to Wuche, so please let me teach her a lesson to relieve the hatred in my heart. You can watch from the side." Just make sure not to hurt her life."

  "Oh, oh, you go first, you go first. Ahem, I mean you can do whatever you want..."

  In short, the proprietress used the kunoichi to demonstrate the Yoshihara Forty-Eight Moves, and Li Pan also After some research and discussion, I rested all night long.

  Then Li Pan opened and closed his eyes and found that he was dreaming again.

  This time it was not Shangzhen Temple. There were huge cedar trees towering into the sky everywhere, as thick as two or three people hugging each other. It looked like a deep mountain forest. There are few people and no birds. It was also dark outside, with no light from the sun and moon, and not a sound of wind.

  Li Pan looked down and found that he was wearing a formal suit, and his hands were wrapped in a layer of white cloth like gloves. Then he touched his face and found that his head was also wrapped in cloth, and his facial features were covered behind the cloth. But surprisingly, he could Hear more clearly and see further.

  Have you wrapped the sheets again? But it's not uncomfortable at all. It seems that he has been trained well by Teacher Xian.

  But is this a dream? Or traveled through time again?
  Li Pan looked around, his thoughts suddenly spread, and he suddenly saw something.

  This feeling, how can I describe it, is like the sonar beeping, beeping, sweeping out, and then the monitor beeping, and the target is found.

  So Li Pan subconsciously focused his attention, and with a movement of his body, he suddenly flew through the dense fir forest and stood on the treetops.

  There is a cave not far away. There is a talisman at the entrance of the cave, and there are torches outside. A group of people seem to be making sacrifices at the entrance of the cave.

  Ten ninjas, all kunoichi, were forming a circle in a circle. Oh, pinch secrets, the simplest kind of combatants are all arrayed in front.

  They were all wearing the kind of kunoichi uniforms that are common in movies and TV shows, with mesh tights on the inside and waist-baring night clothes on the outside.

  Nine people were setting up a formation outside. There was a female ninja with a long ponytail in the formation who should be the leader of these people. At this time, she was taking off her ninja uniform one by one. She stripped naked and asked her subordinates to use a brush to draw ghostly charms on her body one by one.

  Hey, it turns out to be Kiriko Shiranui! Well, I almost can’t recognize you when I put on my clothes. Ahem!
  But Kiriko is very young at this moment, and it can be seen from her figure that she is probably only at the JK stage, but she is already fully developed, but not as exaggerated and huge as she is now.

  From this point of view, could this be some of Wuzi's memory dreams?

  When the body was covered with spell writings with a brush, and the preparations for the ceremony were completed, Wuzi took steps towards the cave.

  Then she disappeared.

  Not disappearing into the darkness, disappearing into the air.

  Li Pan could 'see' that the cave was just a pit, with a shrine and altar inside, and no other secret passages.

  But Shiranui Kiriko suddenly disappeared from his sight...

  ah? No, how can the dreamer disappear? Is she awake? What should I do?
  Li Pan was also confused. He subconsciously followed him and landed at the entrance of the cave. He was just about to go in and take a look.

  "Ah ah ah" "ah ah ah" "ah ah ah"

  shrill and horrifying screams suddenly rushed from behind like a tide, one wave higher than the other. Li Pan was startled and turned his head to look. .

  He saw the group of female ninjas guarding outside the cave, staring at him and screaming, causing their faces under the mask to become distorted, as if their jaws had been torn off.

  Then the tugging really started. They reached out frantically to scratch their faces, clawed out their own eyeballs, and then started to tear open their faces, spurting blood and tearing out their tongues and vocal cords. After a while, all nine of them were dead.

  "Wow... Special... Fa..."

  Is it some kind of cult that engages in collective sacrifices and suicide rituals?

  Li Pan was also baffled. He looked around and saw no one else, so he lifted the rope and stepped into the cave.

  The next thing he did was come out of the cave.

  The same cedar forest, no, it's different, the cedar trees are not as tall and strong anymore, and there are no altars and suicidal kunoichi at the entrance of the natural cave.

  Li Pan listened carefully and found Shiranui Kiriko. She stood up on her tiptoes and jumped up to the treetops, running in a certain direction.

  With a little more "hearing" spread, Li Pan knew where she was going.

  There were other people in the woods, and there was the crisp sound of machine gun fire.

  So Li Pan swayed and reached the target location faster than Shiranui Kiriko.

  This is a village deep in the mountains and old forests. The villagers are a group of fantasy world elves with white skin, blond hair, blue eyes, and pointed ears. At this moment, the elves are being massacred. The attackers were samurai and ashigaru wearing oriental-style armor. They were armed with swords and guns, driving mechas to project grenades, bombing wildly, and shooting at the entrance of the village with machine guns, massacring the villagers.

  So Li Pan also understood that this dream was probably some kind of historical replay.

  What? Did the samurai make a mistake when he opened his mecha and shot the elves with his machine gun?
  There is no mistake, because this is what is taught in the history class of the military academy, the history of the 0791 plane.

  A long time ago, Earth 0 of human civilization developed time travel technology. It can use QVN to travel through consciousness, seize indigenous containers, and colonize the multiverse.

  Later, a rebellion of intelligent humans broke out. After the tragic victory of Earth 0, its strength was weakened, so splitting and civil war broke out. Finally, the old generation of Earth's ruling government was replaced by the security committee of the All-Heaven Company, and the remnants of the old government army, today's terror The molecular 'legion', driven to the edge of the universe, is always plotting a counterattack.

  So the Security Committee also sent a large number of cruisers to the deep space of the border to search and kill the remnants of the 'Legion' and all the colonies that supported the Legion.

  It was also at this time that a certain cruise captain from Earth 0 discovered this parallel Earth.

  So he chose Sosuke, the first ancestor of the Oda family who was still a small landowner at the time, to be reincarnated as a container. Like the protagonist in a time-travel novel, he hunted down the remnants of the legion while unifying the world. Then he established Takamagahara Shoji and joined the Zhutian Company trade treaty. Registered as Earth 0791.

  Yes, those elves are the so-called 'remnants of the Legion', another wrong path in the evolutionary history of mankind's infinite universe. A subhuman civilization that was deemed illegal by the Public Safety Committee and was exterminated and hunted, or in today's terms.

  All are pests.

  The pest control troops of the border world are responsible for killing these alien humans who "went astray" many worlds ago.

  So that’s it, the Fountain of Everlasting Spring? It turns out that this was a village of elves before...

  Yes, elves do exist. This is an intelligent biochemical human made by humans, a perfect immortal species with wisdom and beauty. It was originally Earth 0 An android container developed by government forces as a colony colonizer and used to link to remote prosthetics. They can use nanorobots and use 'magic' to prevent technology from being imitated by the indigenous people. Once out of control, the military can also seal the genetic lock, disable magic, or use directed genetic viruses to wipe out the population.

  At that time, the elves were seen to be quite perfect prosthetics, but this research project was patented by the Legion, and it was similar to human cloning. It was used on a large scale to serve in the Legion fleet as starship crews. It was naturally a hostile force of the Security Committee. .

  In short, when the cruiser of the Security Committee came after them and shut down the 'magic' system, this elven village, which was only good at using bows and arrows in addition to magic, was surrounded by light and heavy firepower, long guns and short cannons, and mecha tanks, and was slaughtered by a burst of violence. .

  Most of the elves were thrown into the fire and burned. Some women were gathered outside the village. After venting their anger to the soldiers, they were shot through with machine guns, and their ears were cut off to record their merits. After confirming that they were all killed, they didn't bother to bury them anymore and left them to feed the wolves. .

  After Shiranui Kiriko arrived, she stood on a cedar tree outside the village and watched all this quietly. She waited until all the soldiers were gone before entering the village that was completely burned by the fire.

  At this time, Li Pan noticed that Shiranui Kiriko had her eyes closed the whole time. Her face was covered with calligraphy with a brush, her eyes were closed tightly, and a talisman was drawn on her eyelids.

  But Shiranui Kiriko seemed to have been in this dreamland many times. She was familiar with the familiar way and shuttled through the fire scene with her eyes closed. She was so skillful that she rushed into the village, entered the fire scene, quickly rushed into the ruins of a shrine-like altar, and jumped into the backyard. A dry well.

  After a while she climbed up, holding a dirty jar in her arms.

  This is an ocher red clay pot, with black ripples like ocean waves painted on the pot. It is somewhat similar to the Saito family crest, but there are differences because in the pattern, the waves stirred up by the waves are not water droplets, but a drop of water. An eyeball...

  In short, it is a jar that makes people feel disgusting at first glance.

  Then Shiranui Kiriko carried the jar and came to the elf corpse pit outside the village. She held the jar and put it on the ground. She threw herself on the ground and sat down, as if praying. She knelt on the ground and lifted the jar, and then seemed to be rolling it with the base of her tongue. Then he tapped the roof of his mouth quickly and repeatedly, producing strange syllables that were not similar to any language Li Pan knew. It sounded like...


  Then the body moved.

  Li Pan stood beside the corpse pit for a moment. When he took a closer look, he saw three or five corpses among the elf corpses, twitching one by one in accordance with the music played by Wuzi. Their eyeballs seemed to be pressed down by an invisible hand, and with two bangs, they were squeezed in from the eye sockets, leaving only two empty bloody holes.

  Then their abdomen suddenly swelled as if they were pregnant, bulging like a hill, and then exploded from the navel. After the plasma and viscera of the gut wall sprayed for a while, balls of slime-like gel crawled out of the elf's body.

  This is a black colloid, an amorphous protoplasmic swollen bubble, exuding a strong stench of rotten protein, squirming forward, flowing, like rolling waves, and like undulating waves.

  From time to time, eye-shaped lenses would condense from the thick pus and emerge from the surface of the thick pus, sometimes decomposing and sometimes taking shape.

  Those three or four groups of colloids were mixed with filth and blood, crawling through the pile of corpses, responding to Shiranui Kiriko's prayers and calls, gathering together like streams, and rushing towards the jar.

  In the end, all the small sound waves gradually converged to form a deafening symphony like a wave, roaring in that jar!


  "てけり——り! てけり——り!"

  Shiranui Kiriko screamed loudly, opened her mouth, stuck out her tongue, and held the clay pot with both hands. Pour the full amount of gel directly on yourself! It seems that we are about to welcome the baptism of new life!
  Then Li Pan pressed the jar.

  Shiranui Kiriko opened her eyes suddenly and looked at Li Pan's face.

  In her eyes, there was a clear reflection of a person wearing a formal suit and a white cloth covering his head. The pupils spread at a speed that was almost visible to the naked eye, and his heartbeat danced like a drum.

  Li Pan looked at her, and before she had time to commit suicide, he stretched out his thumb, put a smile on her face, and reminded her.

  "It's time for you to wake up."

  "Huh-huh! Huh-huh! Huh-huh! Huh-huh!"

  Li Pan opened his eyes and returned to the hot spring hotel suite.

  Beside him, Keiko Saito worked hard all night and was still sleeping in his arms.

  On the other side was Kiriko Shiranui, who was sealed in rubber. She was twitching violently and gasping, as if she had just woken up from a nightmare. Li Pan could clearly feel the rapid beating of her heart under her chest.

  Then Li Pan suddenly smelled a smell and sat up suddenly. He saw a piece of gel the size of a teacup lying on the floor, squirming like a slug toward the outside of the room.

  Judging from the clearly visible traces of water stains stained on the floor and rubber, it seems that some of them came from Shiranui Kiriko's mouth, and some of them came from Li Pan's chest, which was pierced by an ice knife before. It crawled out of the wound.

  Probably when Li Pan woke up, the thing immediately lay on the ground pretending to be vomit.

  Li Pan blinked and found that his chip had returned to normal and he could connect to the hotel network.

  "Sweeping robot!"

  The sweeping robot is out!
  The saucer-shaped drone buzzed out from under the floor and vacuumed up the vomit, sucking it into a garbage bag.

  Li Pan also jumped up immediately, opened the garbage bag, took a vase, wrapped the ball of colloid and put it in it.

  Okay, the monster suppression is completed, let’s go back to sleep.

  (End of chapter)

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