Chapter 56 Apprenticeship

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  Chapter 56: Apprenticeship
  Li Pan sat on the side of the road panting, ha... ha... ha... ha, drool couldn't stop flowing out from his lips and teeth.

  Well, it's not saliva, it's blood.

  But Li Pan didn't have the energy to wipe it.

  I really can’t fight anymore. The fatal kick just now took away all his strength.

  After all, this was also the first time Li Pan saw that besides himself, there was a second person in the 0791 world who could produce sword energy.

  Although the qi released by the opponent's sword is not the same thing, but who knows, just in case the opponent also has some magical skills to protect his body, in order to kill with one blow, he poured all the skills of his body from the opponent's perineum point. Entering Rendu's second channel, the kind of swordsman who can kick him to death will probably have all the meridians and internal organs shattered and rotted by the internal energy.

  But even though he succeeded in killing his opponent, this kick also injured Li Pan himself. He could still hold on and jump twice before, but as soon as the form eased and his spirit relaxed, fatigue came over him like a tide. After leaving the hospital, I couldn't hold on for more than two steps and couldn't jump anymore.

  He really didn't move at all, and his whole body was as heavy as lead. When he looked back, he saw that blood was spilled all over the place.

  Ma De, you are so slutty, you are not even wearing a formal suit, you shouldn't have taken so many guns with your face...

  Li Pan panted heavily and rested for a while with his eyes closed. He vaguely felt that he had some strength, so he gritted his teeth and stood up. .

  No matter what, just stick to the meeting place agreed upon with the team and then get back to work.

  Then Li Pan raised his head and opened his eyes.

  He is no longer in the Night Capital.

  Li Pan is now standing in a cell.

  WTF, WTF? Is this... another dream?
  Li Pan was stunned for three seconds before he gradually came to his senses.

  Did he faint when he closed his eyes?
  Li Pan lowered his head and looked at his body. It was the body of the child he had used before. He was wearing linen and straw sandals. His hair was very long and held up by something like a wooden hairpin. There were no wounds on his body, and the hairpin was still there. But the black dog didn't seem to be with him.

  Li Pan opened and closed his eyes, but he couldn't go back to 0791. For a while, he had to stand and look around the cell.

  It should be a cell. It is a gray-black cell with flat and smooth sides. It feels like it was cut out of a whole piece of rock. If you look closely, you will see that there is not even a door, only one wall. There was a small window the size of a human head and several iron bars. God knows how he got it in.

  Li Pan tried to jump twice and found that he also had the power of the Nine Yin Manual in his body, but it seemed to be sealed. He could not use the true energy to protect his body, could not emit the monkey sword energy, and could not feel a trace of true energy around him. But the physical fitness is okay.

  So he jumped up, grabbed the iron fence with both hands and leaned down to the window, put his head to the window and looked out.

  It was dark outside and nothing could be seen. It was as if there was just a larger cell opposite the window.

  Li Pan was silent for a moment. He was locked up in this quiet and nothingness. When he was disconnected from the Internet by hackers, his PTSD in QVN suddenly broke out. For a moment, he even felt like he couldn't breathe. .

  Stop thinking about it! Stop thinking about it! sleep! Take a nap and go back!
  So Li Pan sat back down to sleep. When he woke up, he practiced the exercises. After doing the exercises, he went to sleep.

  If you calculate that every sleep you sleep is one night...

  three months will pass in the blink of an eye.




  “Hey, hey, hey! Is there anyone there! Is there anyone there! Ah! Ahhh!”

  Li Pan was going crazy! This darkness, emptiness and loneliness are really going to drive him crazy! He clawed at the fence with all his strength and shouted at the top of his lungs!

  "Help! Help! Xiaohei! Xiaohei, are you here? Woof woof woof! Xiaohei come here! Hey, hey, hey! Hey, help!" Li Pan shouted at the top of his voice for a long time, but no one answered him, but

  he He didn't dare to stop, as if he was afraid that if he stopped talking, he would be swallowed up by this dark swamp. Until...

  "It's so noisy..."

  Huh? Yes, there is someone!

  Suddenly someone spoke in this dark place. Li Pan was pleasantly surprised for no reason, and he immediately became energetic,

  "Hey! Qingpaozi! Is it you Qingpaozi! No, Qingpaozi's voice is more magnetic, then who are you? Where are you?" Do you care about the food? I'm starving to death. Do you have anything to eat? Did you see a black dog? Ah! Xiaohei? Is it you Xiaohei! You have become a human too! Hey, hey, hey!" "What a mess

  ! !Shut up!"

  Suddenly, a face floated out of the darkness, glaring coldly at Li Pan through the iron window.

  "Oh shit, I'm shocked. Why are you people so evil? You all wear masks.

  Who are you? Are you locked up here too? Why haven't you said a word for three months! It scared me to death!"

  Li Pan looked at this face. Although it was a human face, it didn't look human at all. It really looked like an opera mask.

  A long black beard covered most of his face, and the exposed cheeks were also lean and lean, as if they were covered with skin and bones, without a trace of extra flesh and blood. The deep and sunken eye sockets were dark, as if they were darker than this. The darkness in the prison is deeper, and in the boundless darkness, there are two diamond-like pupils hanging in the air, crystal clear and translucent, like two gems, emitting blue starlight.

  Well, there was just one face, nothing else...

  Then this face said,

  "...can you see me?"

  Li Pan narrowed his eyes,
  "Looking at what you said, you are so close to me that you think I am Are you blind?"

  The face seemed to be unbelieving. It swayed on the left side and fluttered on the right side. It moved up and down for a while. After making sure that Li Pan's eyes were following him, he believed it and then sighed, "It's destiny
  . ..."

  "Hey, what's wrong with you? Let's talk about it."

  Li Pan also suddenly reached out his hand and lifted the other person's beard.

  Fortunately, fortunately, it was real, as long as it was not an illusion. He thought he was driven crazy by the darkness and imagined a volleyball that he could talk to.

  The bearded face stared at Li Pan,

  "What is volleyball?"

  "Volleyball is... huh? Why did I say it just now?
  It doesn't matter. I just saw a movie before and said that there was a man on an isolated island. No When we talk to each other, we treat a volleyball player as a friend."

  The bearded face snorted coldly,
  "Do you think I'm your friend?"

  Li Pan smiled and said,

  "If you don't have anything to do, then we will be inmates. Hello. , What did you do to get here?"

  Bearded Face said,

  Li Pan didn't mind,

  "Then do you know what did I do to come in? Is our sentence a fixed term or an indefinite sentence?"

  Bearded Face seemed to be too lazy. I ignored him and drifted off into the darkness.

  But Li Pan was not afraid anymore. At least he knew that he was not alone in this darkness, so he said cheerfully, "

  Hey Beard! What time does dinner start here! It's been three months, so you should have a meal! Seriously? Have you seen my dog! Don't eat it!"

  Huzi ignored him.

  Li Pan also complained that he was tired, so he jumped down from the window and sat cross-legged in the middle of the cell, meditating and doing the exercises. You may not be able to go back if you are in a trance, but when you concentrate, you can at least suppress the hunger and thirst in your belly.

  In the past three months of practicing here, because I didn't dare to think nonsense and drive myself crazy, Li Pan actually discovered it.

  The effect of practicing in this cell is really good. Although no sword energy can be used, the nine-yin energy in the body is also blocked in the lungs. There is no need to worry about overflowing and dissipating from the mouth, nose or pores during practice. At the same time, One breath can be repeated once, twice, three or four times, endlessly refining and refining in the meridians, striving for excellence.

  There is no need to worry about the mixing of external spiritual energy and the risk of going crazy. You can refine your body without interference and blockage, open up every qi orifice and meridian point in your body, and perfectly control every inch of your body strength.

  Could it be that they are not prisoners, but come to this place to practice Falun Gong?
  He couldn't go back to sleep and had nothing else to do, so Li Pan refined the Nine Yin Qi in his body over and over again. At the same time, in his mind, he inadvertently replayed the sword-drawing and slashing moves used by the swordsman in his previous fight. I wonder if using monkey swordsmanship can simulate a similar effect, gather a large amount of sword energy, and then shoot it out to kill people in one breath... "Haha!

  Monkey swordsmanship, hahaha! Hahahaha!"

  Li Pan He frowned and opened his eyes, jumped to the window and looked out. Although it was too dark to see, the laughter of the bearded mask "Hahaha!" was clearly poured into his mind.

  "Hey! You guy, can you read minds?"

  Huzi was still laughing.

  Li Pan was also baffled. What's so funny about this? That set of swordsmanship was just imitating monkey movements.

  "That's wrong, that's not imitating a monkey, it's imitating a human being."

  A bearded face floated out of the darkness, with a sinister expression and a cold voice.
  "Riding a fierce horse, wearing heavy armor, charging into the formation. Killing, killing from sunrise to sunset, but the string was broken, the horse fell, the gun was broken, the armor was broken, and there were still too many enemies in front of me to kill. So he drew his sword and stepped

  forward The bow-legged man rushed forward, dodged the stabbing swords and spears from left to right, hooked his arm, went around the shield wall, thrust his sword through the gap in the armor, and stabbed in with one sword after another, killing everyone who was standing."

  Li Pan stared blankly at the beard in front of him, and the beard stared at him coldly,
  "It's just that kind of action that I imitated."

  Listening to the other party's description, Li Pan couldn't help but imagine that scene, and couldn't help but swallow. Mouth slurred,

  "Yes, but according to you, that is a posture for special occasions. In other situations, it is not necessarily more efficient than a straight thrust, right?" The bearded face slowly

  disappeared into the darkness.

  "It doesn't matter what posture or occasion. As long as you kill enough, kill enough to become familiar with it, and kill enough to be able to create your own set of sword techniques, then you will naturally be able to stab no matter how you do it, because that is your sword. I expected it."

  ...something inexplicable.

  Li Pan scratched his head and jumped back to the bottom of the cell. He thought for a while and then imitated the monkey's movements.

  No, this time it was according to what the bearded face said, imagining that he was an exhausted general wearing armor, fighting fiercely on the battlefield, and there were also soldiers in full armor in front of him.

  So he also took a step to the left, crossed a leg to the right, stretched his arms, used his fingers as swords, jumped up, hooked his hands, stabbed with his fingers, and pierced the sword through the gap in the armor, swaggering like an ape leaping and leaping in the forest. His arms moved forward and backward, moving left and right, assassinating all the imaginary soldiers in front of him.

  But jumping around like this is still the same as his previous monkey sword training method, and it doesn't seem to be any different.

  No, no, he really imitated the sword-thrusting general, not the sword-thrusting monkey.

  So Li Pan put his emotions into the previous state of the bloody battle, with murderous intent in his heart, and his face was so ferocious that he stabbed him a few more times.

  Wrong, still wrong... maybe instead of murderous intent, it's better to be angry? Or sad and angry? Or hesitant? Or despair?
  So he kept jumping and jumping, stabbing and stabbing.

  At first, I was still hesitant about how I should feel when stabbing the sword, but after trying it again and again, I didn't feel any difference in the sword thrust.

  Just keep stabbing and stabbing, jumping and jumping.

  Then gradually, Li Pan forgot what he was doing. He just jumped over and stabbed with the sword, jumped over and stabbed with the sword, thinking about nothing and for no reason, just thrust the sword out, just mechanically repeating the movements, as if he no longer It's his own.

  Not the general, not the ape, but the sword, his arms, his torso, his meridians.

  Everything is a derivative of the sword, everything is a part of the sword.

  It wasn't him who was drawing the sword, it was the sword that was about to pierce out of his body

  . So slowly, a sword intent emerged from his bones.

  It was like a lit torch, igniting the Nine Yin True Qi in his inner organs, burning fiercely.   It seemed that something was about   to be unsheathed

  from the flames ...   "Stop practicing."   Leng Buding was shouted coldly, as if a basin of ice water was poured down from his head, penetrated into the bone marrow, and extinguished the fire that had just burned in Li Pan's belly. started a fire.   "Ah, ah?"   Li Pan didn't know why, and turned to look at the bearded face staring at him through the window.   "No, don't practice anymore?"   The bearded face looked at him silently,   "Your understanding is indeed good, but this skill is not suitable for you. Spending too much time on it will delay your serious practice.   Just practice your original one."   "Oh. , oh..."   Lian the original one? The Nine Yin Manual...   Li Pan responded and suddenly realized,   "What? Beard, you are teaching me how to practice, do you want to accept me as a disciple?"   Bearded face looked at him and asked,   "What, are you willing? Do you want me to be your master?"   Li Pan spread his hands and said,   "Why don't you say no? There must be my master among the three of us. Besides, I don't have anything else to do now." "   Haha!"   The bearded face turned away.   When Li Pan saw that Huzi was angry, for fear of ignoring him, he quickly jumped to the window and said,   "Hey, eh, ok, ok! It's my fault, you are an expert! You are an elder, even if you worship him as a Bodhisattva It’s not a loss if you   worship me! I worship, I worship! Master is on top! Disciple Li Pan, I would like to worship you as my master! Please accept my disciple’s worship!” Don’t mention it, the   reason why you are so skillful is because of the plot of becoming a master. In the past, Li Pan really triggered it.

  That was when he was killing fish at the Peace Hotel. Lao Wu saw that he could even use a knife to kill fish for the first time. He had ruthless eyes and quick hands and a steady knife, so he came up and pinched him twice, saying that he had good bones and wanted to take him in. As a disciple, he was asked to pay his respects to his master and serve him tea.

  How could Li Pan know this at that time, and what age was it? Everyone was teaching online, electronic education, and intelligent tutoring. He just bowed twice casually without touching the ground, and when he brought up a sip of tea, Lao Wu was like He refused to drink, saying that he was not sincere and that he was destined to have no destiny. In the end, he was only given two kicks and was not allowed to use them indiscriminately.

  This time Li Pan has learned how to do it. You see, he has a big beard. This is all the old man cares about. Bye!

  So he immediately jumped off the prison floor, bowed three times and kowtowed nine times, duang! duang! duang! It was so loud.

  Then he raised his head and saw a Taoist priest standing in front of him.

  Of course he has a beard, but he not only has a face, he also has a body. He wears a blue robe, his hair is tied with a yellow wood hairpin, and he has a whisk on his hand. His fingers are thin and long, and his body is tall and thin. , just like a bamboo pole, it stood upright and held his hands to accept his kneeling.

  Li Pan was curious, "Why can you come here, Huzi? Then you must be able to go out too?" "

  Oh," Huzi said, "Is there any place in the world that can lock me, Xiantong?"


  "Not bad." , I am the Taoist Priest of Wuyahai, the Lord of Daiyu, and the Grand Supreme Realm Palace Xiantong." The

  bearded Xiantong stared at Li Pan with a pair of eyes,

  "Why, have you heard of me?"

  Li Pan had never heard of,

  "Oh, hello, Teacher Xian!"

  Xiantong said,
  "...that's all, since you have bowed to me three times and kowtowed to me nine times, I will accept you as my disciple and pass on my mantle.

  From now on, you are the true disciple of our Xu Xinghai Taishang Zhen Sect.

  Currently, you are the only disciple in our sect, and you are the senior brother of this sect."

  Wow! This tune! Is it really the world of cultivating immortals? Great! You’re cultivating an immortal, hahaha!

  "...Now that you have entered my mountain gate, I will teach you the Dharma. I, the Supreme Master Jiuzhen, am the direct descendant of the Three Mountains to this day, and I happen to be of the 'Qing' generation..." Xiantong glanced at him and raised his head long and thin

  . With his fingers, he formed a magic formula and pinched it twice,

  "The holy way has not yet been revealed, but fools are playing with it. The dragon is crawling in the mud, and the groundworm is crawling around.

  Since your parents have given you the word "pan", I hope you will become a hidden dragon flying to the sky. , Fei Long Cheng Yun, I'll just let it go. Let's call it Qingyun."

  "Qingyun, Li Qingyun..."

  This nickname is very ordinary, but it's okay, it's pretty easy to remember.

  Xiantong looked at him again, "Qingyun, what do you want to learn?"

  Li Pan said generously,

  "You can do anything. I will learn whatever the master teaches you!"

  "Haha, okay, but what you are practicing now is no longer It is an advanced method tailor-made for you. With your qualifications, as long as you work diligently, you will not have a big problem in cultivating yourself to 'refining qi and transforming into a spirit'. If there are some opportunities to help, you can also count on 'refining the spirit to return to the void'. But if you want to 'refining the void and combining the Tao', you have to look at the way of heaven and destiny."

  Xiantong touched his beard and said,

  "I think there is no need to teach you anything else about the basic cultivation methods. But even though you have miraculous skills, To protect the body, it seems that you have never learned any serious martial arts. Although you have the chance to learn the true transmission of the sword sect, it does not teach you the secret transmission of the heart method.

  And now that you are practicing this method intensively, you can refine your body to the point of transforming into a spirit. They are not humanoid, and their abilities cannot be fully utilized even 10% of the time, so there is no need to practice that anymore."

  Then he moved his hand, and a long spear appeared from nowhere. It is not a long-range weapon, but a melee weapon. It is extremely long, and the tip of the gun is like a long knife, closer to a sword.

  Li Pan was speechless for a moment, why is there no musket in this world? Could it be that he, a shooter, wants to go further and further on the road of close combat?
  Moreover, this prison was also quite strange. It was just a small cubicle, but now it had expanded a lot with the arrival of Xiantong. If it weren't for the spear as a reference, he almost didn't notice it.

  Xiantong held the gun in one hand and looked at him with a half-smile,
  "Why, didn't you just say that you are willing to learn anything you say?"

  Li Pan said quickly,
  "Learn, learn, learn! Master teaches students according to their aptitude, what can I choose to learn! !"


  Xiantong suddenly flicked his wrist, raised his arm, and without making a sound, he fired a shot!
  In an instant! The wind is blowing! The world has changed! Thunder and lightning, dazzling glory! The violent wind and rain are coming!

  The sound of the gun shot through the air, the wind ripped through the air and the lightning flashed. One shot actually pierced the nine sound barriers! Breaking through the air wall is like breaking through the three realms of the air!
  Amidst the deafening, earth-shaking roaring sonic boom! The gun line breaks through the boundary!

  Not a gun! It's a dragon!

  Like a heavenly dragon emerging from the clouds, an evil dragon emerging from the sea! The unparalleled spear power turned into an evil dragon with fangs and claws! It's pure and incomparable, pure violence that destroys heaven and earth!

  A shot penetrated the boy's eyebrow!

  Then Li Pan woke up.

  (End of chapter)

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