Chapter 37 Three Days

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  Chapter 37
  After seeing Emilia away with a smile on her face for three days, and watching Ye's drone army withdraw from the siege, Li Pan just poof! A mouthful of old blood spurted out,
  "Hey! As expected of the Knight of the Night, you can actually kick me seriously with one kick! You almost went crazy! It's scary, it's so scary!"

  Li Pan bent down and held on for a while, Only then did he calm down and endure the evil fire and zhenqi exploding in his body, wiped the nosebleed, and sat down behind the desk bent over.

  After it calmed down, Li Pan picked up the landline and dialed '0081001'.

  "Crooked? Crooked! What's wrong with me?

  Why are you still blocking QVN? Are there any action instructions from above?"


  There was a strange silence on the other side. Li Pan narrowed his eyes,

  "By the way, you won't forget this, right?"

  Then the voice of 081 came from the other side,
  "...Tsk, why do you want to unblock it now?"

  "Oh, forget it, wait. Three days, give me a call in three days."

  In fact, it is the third day that 0791's QVN, the quantum virtual network, has been disconnected from the world of heaven, but it has not caused much waves.

  Although for corporate empires like Ye's, those hackers who frequently use the deep web, financial institutions that need to grasp the world's markets in real time, as well as the local security bureau and interstellar fleet, this is a huge impact like the sky is falling.

  But it really has no direct impact on ordinary local people.

  After all, 0791 is not a wild frontier earth. Gao Tianyuan has a complete set of enterprise groups and has already established local consumer goods production lines. The production and life of most ordinary people will not be greatly affected.

  And to be honest, most people don't have access to high-end chips. They don't have the money to pay to connect to the QVN external network. They just watch the short videos packaged and reprinted by bloggers on the LAN, without knowing the actual situation at all. what happened on.

  Moreover, there is also a local LAN, and even a local security bureau and surveillance gateway, as well as a warning network under the NCPA system, which is enough to prevent some ruffians from petty theft.

  It's just that this kind of local server, without the ICE security measures supported by public network firewalls, would be like a public toilet for top hackers like Shiba to come and leave whenever they want.

  But the impact of disconnecting for two or three days is completely different from the impact of disconnecting for a week, a month, or even more than a year.

  This means that plane 0791 will gradually be separated from human civilization in the multiverse of heavens linked together based on QVN. Once the link signal is permanently lost and cannot be repaired, this world will become a wilderness abandoned in the dark in a literal sense. place. This metaphor may be a bit exaggerated, but once the local Akaitian dogs realize that this is not a trap, but that it is really disconnected from the QVN data, they will definitely take advantage of the lack of public security system to organize a large-scale rebellion The riot would probably tear off a piece of flesh from the undermanned Ye Group.

  At that time, even if these vampires covet Li Pan in private, they will not give him, the manager of the monster company, a good look in public, right?
  In short, let's wait and see for another three days. Ye's Group should still be able to stabilize the situation, and then the blockade will be lifted smoothly.

  So after seeing off Ye's visitors, Li Pan spent the whole day squatting in the office, so depressed.

  After writing the mission daily report, I casually made a preliminary containment report for the sheets/UFO and handed it over to the technical department for further testing. The haunted house mission was completed.

  Then Li Pan chatted with the headquarters for a while. Due to severe internal injuries, Li Pan had no strength to fight with the opponent, and was finally defeated. In short, the finance department refused to reimburse passers-by for their medical expenses.

  And considering that once the company rents the house, the house becomes the company's property, and Nana's temporary residence permit cannot be obtained. So in the last task of the haunted house, Li Pan was given two keys, a girl, 20,000 yuan in cash and a monthly loan of 1,000 yuan by straightening the torn sheets, which added to his internal injuries.

  In the end, I only got a silver key.

  What a shame.

  Li Pan felt so sick that he couldn't complain. He made a phone call and told Ah Qi to continue beating the sheets without stopping. Then he would go home from get off work after checking the time.

  He did not go to the newly rented apartment in the commuting area. After all, Li Pan didn't fully understand the travel mechanism of the haunted house.

  What if you accidentally enter a different world like a swamp, and you have to drop a silver key to open the door back, and if you accidentally get eaten by Mach 5 sheets, that would be too screwed up.

  Anyway, heal your injuries first, Madhu was in so much pain that she had no strength to do anything.

  So Li Pan took a ride from the company back to his old apartment, took a shower, sat on the sofa, and started practicing "Nine Yin Refining Forms" again.

  In fact, when he was in the office during the day, Li Pan just sat down for a while, reported for a while, and slowly healed his internal injuries.

  I can’t say it has no effect, but only a little.

  What did the man in green robe say that dual cultivation is an evil way? But Li Pan felt that it was really comfortable to take this shortcut.

  He was working on it slowly by himself, but there was no obvious improvement after a whole day, and he felt that he would not be able to recover in a month.

  If you practice dual cultivation, you can probably heal the internal injuries in a day and a night, right?
  How about we find someone else and take a shortcut?
  So Li Pan looked at his address book and sent K, Chengzi, and Masako, "Let's drink together?" ' News.

  No one paid any attention to him...

  Well, it's a peaceful night.

  Li Pan had a peaceful dream, and once again dreamed that he was soaring in the sky, looking at the moon in the sky, hovering freely among the stars and rivers above the sea of ​​clouds.

  Let's talk about it, it's quite a stress reliever. If this scene was recorded as Mewtwo, he could earn at least a million.

  After waking up, Li Pan felt much better. At least the various restless airflows in his body had stabilized and were no longer rampant, which made his heart aching. In this way, it will be fine if the injury is stabilized and slowly digested into one's own strength.

  Li Pan also understood that the efficiency of sitting and practicing during the day was really not high. He either had to find someone to take a weekend break with him, or he had to wait until every night to enter this deep sleep and use the body of the Zhuyin God from another world. , only by practicing Jiuyin and refining the body can you get twice the result with half the effort.

  But on the other hand, although the world of 0791 is not a world suitable for cultivating immortals, Jiuyin Refining can also refine the energy of these monsters for one's own use. If all the remaining energy in the body is digested, the cultivation of this scripture is completed, and the achievement of cyber ascension is achieved, maybe it really won't be a problem!

  Sitting like this in the apartment until the next day, Li Pan, who had basically calmed down his internal injuries, went out to work. After putting on the virtual glasses, he realized that something big happened last night, but it happened in the heart of the city.

  "The NCPA spokesperson issued a statement that the major criminal case that occurred in the central area last night was not a terrorist attack and had nothing to do with the Red Tengu criminal organization. The suspect was a former employee of a private security company. Due to long-term use of blocking drugs and the assembly of illegal combat components, he Cyberpsychosis..."

  "Okay, now no one wins the Dead Man Lotto..."

  Including Li Pan, on the way to work today, billboards everywhere and major portal websites were filled with headlines.

  "massacre! Cyberpsychosis! Bloodbath in the heart of the city!

  The holographic projection showed a horrific neighborhood that had been washed away with blood, and there was also a violent scene of a muscular cyborg blasting passers-by into pieces.

  Li Pan frowned and looked at it for a while. It turned out that a cybermaniac had a psychotic attack in the heart of the Night City last night. Since it was the busiest nightclub section, and it was in the middle of the night, it was crowded with people coming out to spend money. As a result, he went crazy and destroyed four blocks, causing huge damage and serious social repercussions.

  Then the media took a deep dive and discovered that this cyber madman really had nothing to do with the local gangs. He was originally a professional bodyguard for a private contractor, a military prosthetic body, and he seemed to be a retired veteran from the border. Once he had an attack, he almost killed everyone he saw. The NCPA police officers alone had annihilated two squadrons and killed forty or fifty people. The prosthetic bodies and wreckage of civilians were still being sorted out, and a large number of injured and sick people were receiving first aid in the hospital.

  Moreover, this guy is also equipped with an anti-hacker brain plug, and at the same time, the nerves are accelerated, and the whole process is super high-speed maneuvering. The low-level prosthetic eyes and cameras are unable to capture the opponent's shadow at all. A real level five biochemical warrior, no, a beast.

  So I unblocked the video of a tiger entering a flock of sheep and killing it.

  Most passers-by were still immersed in the illusion created by the virtual network, and were torn into pieces by the metal storm that hit them head-on. They died without knowing how. What's even more unlucky is that he was beaten directly by this madman with his bare hands, shoulders, elbows, legs swept, broken bones and arms, and was beaten from human form into twisted twists. There are many photos that look like abstract works of art.

  In the end, this lunatic fired all the ammunition and tore apart hundreds of people with his hands. The NCPA who came to support were also slaughtered. Finally, he was caught by the three-headed dog combat team who rushed to the scene and shot him first. His thigh was broken, and then soldiers also equipped with level five combat prosthetics surrounded him, cut him into pieces with swords, and suppressed him.

  The NCPA said it was just a simple psychotic episode, but that was simply not possible.

  In the past, cyberpsychotic attacks were common in the Night City, but they usually only showed off their power in the suburban slums. Once they arrived in the city, they were quickly suppressed, let alone the attacks in the city center.

  After all, once an abnormality in the deviation value is discovered, the public security system will immediately call the police, and the security bureau's hackers can take immediate action to remotely invade the cybernetic madman's prosthetic body from any camera link, paralyze system components, and minimize the threat. .

  But this time is different, QVN is disconnected.

  During this cyberpsychosis episode, there were no deviation values ​​to call the police, and no Security Bureau hackers to intervene. Various alerts, lockdowns, suppression measures, explosion-proof drones, emergency evacuation mechanisms, traffic control, and even smart auxiliary weapons and guided munitions that rely on coordination by the public safety system are all ineffective.

  Nothing starts.

  Even the local network has these basic security and explosion-proof functions. The only reason why it is not activated is that there are powerful hackers who have secretly performed electronic warfare support. The local NCPA gateway of 0791 was no match at all and completely lost control of the system.

  The NCPA suffered a disastrous defeat, but neither the Security Bureau nor the Ye Group took action, so they urgently called in a three-headed dog to take care of it. It seemed like this was just the same as before, an ordinary criminal offense and another routine embarrassment for the NCPA.

  But if Li Pan guessed correctly, this was actually a fire reconnaissance.

  Someone, or some force, wants to test whether the disconnection of QVN is real, whether it is a trap, or whether there is really something wrong.

  And now the real situation has been tested by them.

  The Ye Group will not make fun of the downtown area that it has worked so hard to manage.

  The security network was literally down.

  Then the big one is coming next.

  Li Pan immediately super-doubled the lotto and bought the triple combination of 'New High', 'Big Kill' and 'Five-Star Alert'.

  There are many ways to play the lottery, except for the simplest one, which is to guess how many people died the day before.

  You can also guess odd and even, you can guess the size, you can guess the deceased, you can guess the murderer. Or just like Li Pan, bet on three entries.

  This means that when tomorrow's Death Lottery is drawn, 'the number of deaths will create a new record for this round of gambling', 'there will be a super murderer causing a large number of casualties', and 'NCPA will launch a five-star alert for city-wide manhunts'.

  Three hundred yuan buys a dream, just in case you win.

  So I punched in at work and came to the warehouse,
  "How are you doing? Have you responded?"

  Ah Qi said, "Manager, good morning, the target has not changed yet."

  Ah Qi and Spider Shi were in the refrigerated warehouse, filled with smoke and dust on the ground. It's bullet casings, as well as various weapons such as chainsaws, laser flamethrowers, and baseball bats.

  The sandbag wrapped in sheets had been smashed long ago, and fell in a corner with so much energy that the sand and soil were scattered on the ground. It was obvious that he had been subjected to inhuman treatment all night long.

  But the 'sheets' were intact.

  Judging from the fact that it is invulnerable to water and fire, it is a dangerous monster.

  "Well, good work. Hang it up and continue. Try the level 5 ammunition."

  Anyway, the company will reimburse the test.

  So he continued to stay with Aqi for testing, and Li Pan called to confirm the status of the other employees.

  Kotaro is still looking for opportunities in Qingzhou, trying to contact the Akechi family, but it is the private apartment of the Oda family. Now the information is controlled, and the public does not know that all the heads of the Oda family have actually been wiped out.

  The bosses on the board of directors used the occasion of the Oda family's young master's birthday party this time. The party was naturally used to discuss funeral arrangements. The company's security guards were as guarded as iron barrels inside and outside. Kotaro couldn't find a way to sneak in for the time being. Opportunity.

  And Shiba is already preparing for canning.

  So Li Pan also went to Warehouse No. 7 to take a look. This place was demolished by the Whirlpool Gang before. After a few days, it was planned to be remodeled and upgraded by Shiba Planning. A new power grid and forts were installed everywhere. They are all drones, and they also employ CSI security guards, making it look like a military fortress.

  "Isn't your warehouse too conspicuous? What if the tax bureau comes to investigate?"

  Li Pan came to the underground of the new building and looked at the Yamata no Orochi being installed with wiring.

  Shiba smiled and said, "It's okay, because it's not a warehouse anymore, it's a civilian nuclear power plant. I installed a reactor and a completely independent power system. I no longer have to worry about the network cable being pulled out!" Li Pan was speechless, "...that's OK.


  The company is really generous. They bought all the reactors and even sent a team of CSI on duty. It might be quite happy to be the company’s dogs... So

  Li Pan called Shiba and Rama to have a small meeting,

  "QVN of 0791 It will be online in three days. Large-scale armed conflicts may break out in the city today and tomorrow, and the city center is no longer safe. You should also not come to the office during this period. Just go on a business trip in the name of equipment debugging at this base

  . Ma, your formal clothes have arrived. Take your key, put on your formal clothes, sleep, and sign a contract with the guardian as soon as possible." "

  Okay manager."

  Shiba Ye said, "I saw the news last night. There are also rumors on the Deep Web. There are many forces issuing orders in the Tieba community to recruit freelance hackers. I'm afraid there will be a war. I can join in as soon as I get on the machine. Feet.

  But manager, you'd better update your personal network terminal. Your current CSI electronic eye helmet is only a disposable consumable, a temporary anti-interference communication equipment for combat. Basically, it must be thrown away after use to prevent leaks. This kind

  of The chip technology of external devices is a generation behind the times. Although it has excellent resistance to high-intensity EMP and ECM interference, if it is attacked by hackers, it can easily be invaded by Golem programs, take over device permissions, and forge The intelligence command is too unsafe.

  Now that all kinds of monsters and monsters are out in the Night City, I can't guarantee that I can use Orochi to provide support in time. It is recommended that you at least install the latest version of the built-in brain plug." "...Oh, okay

  . Eighteen, I will consider your suggestion."

  This money really cannot be saved.

  Because he had reset a bunch of prosthetic bodies one after another, Li Pan was reluctant to use them even though he had 160,000 yuan in his hands. But now that the situation is so tense, maybe there will really be a world war in the next two days, and then all kinds of monsters and monsters may take risks. Come out, it is really inconvenient without a smart chip.

  So I gritted my teeth, stamped my feet, and let it go. Let’s make more money after all the money is spent.

  In this way, Li Pan went to the prosthetic supermarket again, taking care of the business of HT Technology as usual. This time he directly bought a five-level brain plug chip specially designed for the majority of corporate dogs, Fuxi 15, 128888, and the second one was 30% off. In the bundle discount, I bought a level 4 personal ICE blocker for 28888.

  Fuxi 15, a series of chips owned by HT Chaos Technology, is designed specifically to serve the civilian market. It is designed for the data processing and security requirements of corporate dogs. Now 1819 and various PROMAXPREMIER have come out, although it is already at the bottom of the five-level chips. The category will soon drop to level 4, but according to Shiba's recommendation, it can still be used in the short term. It is already a very cost-effective chip.

  The ICE blocker is actually equivalent to an independent server implanted under the skin and connected to an external firewall. When attacked by hackers, it can be activated as a camouflage system, just like a shield, which can slightly block hacker attacks. Of course, if you encounter a powerful opponent, it may only take tens of seconds to ten minutes.

  But as long as there is the support of the Eighteen Great Snakes, this little time is enough to deal with the attacks of most demon dolls.

  With the huge enhancement brought by Jiuyin Refining, Li Pan is also confident. As long as he can make up for the shortcomings of electronic warfare and develop some monster self-defense, whether it is long-range gun fighting or close combat with swords, he is now worthy of the general. Level 5 biochemical soldier.

  "Welcome to Chaos Technology Support, I am your intelligent assistant Fuxi, now linked to the public security system for you.

  Citizen Li Pan, account cash 2011.32, loan repayment 8291.43. Total liabilities 30XXXX.XX.

  Your next debt The settlement will be due on the 15th of this month. Please keep your account with sufficient balance.

  Your mental deviation value is normal. Thank you for using the public safety system. I wish you all the best."

  Ah~~ My one million is like a Dream, when you wake up from the dream, there will be nothing~~oh~~
   it will be released in the afternoon! Please order and recommend! thanks for your support!

  (End of chapter)

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