Chapter 34 Toyama Nana

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  Chapter 34 Toyama Nana
  "...No, my family is not Chinese, just ordinary people. They have lived in Toyama for generations, and their surname is Toyama.

  Why is it called Nana? I can’t remember clearly, haha, but I I guess I am about to go to war. Many people in the village are pregnant. I am the seventh one to be born, right? Who knows, this name is quite common, isn't it? I even met someone with the same name on the train." "

  ... Yes, it’s my first time to come to Night City. Toyama is pretty good, but top giants like Sasa Pharmaceuticals and Shibata Heavy Industries are not something you can get into if you want to. They only need the top technical talents. It's a high-tech industrial city. The whole city is full of automated intelligent people. There are no employment opportunities for ordinary people." "...

  My family runs a hot spring hotel in the countryside. You know Tateyama Snow Mountain, which is the private property of the Sasa family. There is an environmental protection zone and a natural ski resort. A small area has been opened to support local tourism.

  Our village is also dedicated to serving companies. Senior executives from nearby military industrial companies and pharmaceutical groups come to the village every year to climb mountains, ski and soak in hot springs. They are considered companies. It's a welfare. Occasionally, there are some tourists from outside, and you can make some money, but the economy is getting worse and worse these days, and Takamagahara is so turbulent that no one has the leisure to travel." "...So I said, have you done anything

  ? What age are you still dating? Haha! And the other person is in his forties! He actually said that he and my dad are comrades in arms and want to take care of me! Will he take care of me until I get to bed? Hahaha! I heard that his and his ex-wife’s daughters are with me

  . Almost the same age. Ha! Why did you come to my house to soak in a hot spring and want to marry me after you fall in love with me? What a scumbag!

  I happened to meet my ex-boyfriend online, and he said he would introduce me to a nightclub in Night City as a resident singer. You can help me apply for a temporary residence permit. Anyway, there have been no guests in the mountains recently. There is a robot maiko at home to help grandma, so I will come to the Night City to explore." Li Pan looked speechless and changed into a pair of yoga pants and a short vest,

  hugging Sitting on the floor with her legs on the ground, she chatted with him "hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to the takeaway pizza and beer he ordered, as if they were best friends, Nana Toyama chatted non-stop.

  No, you are just taking advantage of my midnight snack...

  "Miss Toyama, don't you want to go to the nightclub to work? It's almost ten o'clock, won't you be late?"

  Nana Toyama hummed hahaha He slapped his legs and laughed, finally swallowing the pizza in his mouth,

  "So listen to what I'm telling you, my ex-boyfriend said really nice things on the Internet! How can you sympathize with my experience and appreciate my talents? Introduced my manager to sign a contract with me. Before I debuted as an underground idol, I could also work part-time as a resident singer in his nightclub. Hahaha! What a beautiful statement!

  I also thought, yes Nana, she can almost be a singer when she is old. You can't let your grandma take care of idols all the time. Do you want to live in the snowy mountains for the rest of your life, inherit the hotel and be a hot spring girl? Haha! So I came here. Hahaha! The result is

  Snow! Oh Snow, guess what! That bastard is not a nightclub manager at all! He is just a 'manager' who pimps the place! What kind of resident singer! He is looking for an escort, haha! Ha! He wants me to

  sleep with him first, otherwise he won't give me an audition! Also! He confiscated my luggage, and even the temporary residence address I applied for to enter the city was his apartment! Haha, Snow! He also installed a tracker on me, what about the slave trade, Snow! I am desperate, you know! Haha! I really want to give up. Okay, haha!
  Originally, I planned to be cruel last night, get drunk, bite the bullet and sleep with him. Scumbags will be scumbags. In short, I will get the temporary residence permit first and then think of a solution, but I met you, haha! Then! Haha! Guess what haha!
  When I woke up, that guy was actually dead haha! Hahahaha! Oh Snow! Some said he was killed by a stray bullet, some said it was a car accident. Who knows? I can’t remember. It's clear, everyone in his nightclub is dead anyway, hahaha! I took the opportunity to steal my luggage and find an apartment. I didn't expect to meet you again! Hahaha! Isn't it a coincidence! Hahahaha!" Li Pan raised his

  eyebrows .

  Wow, you were deceived and took advantage of you, and you were almost sold to a nightclub as a 'resident'. Why are you still having such a miserable time? Do you think your miserable life is funny? I can’t tell that this girl from the country is quite optimistic...

  Nana Toyama drank a bottle of beer and wiped her mouth to calm down,

  "Oh, there is no end to the road. Although I lost my job, With this apartment, I can apply for a temporary residence permit, and I think there are quite a few people who like rock music in the Night City. Maybe I can find a partner to form a team. After all, I don’t have the nerve to go back. I will be scolded by my grandma when I go back, and with

  those If I go on a blind date with an uncle who is a lot older than me, I might as well grit my teeth and pretend to be cool in the Night City for a few years and see if I can make a name for myself." Li Pan saw that she was about to get pizza again and said

  quickly ,
  "Miss Toyama, since you want to debut as an idol, don't you pay attention to body management, and you promised to be self-reliant?"

  Nana said, "Don't be stingy, we are roommates, right? Besides, where can you eat more than a dozen boxes you bought? Done, do you want to stay for a week? It’s too unhealthy! You should thank me for helping you digest it!"

  Li Pan said, "No, this is the amount of one meal for me..."

  Nana said, "Hey, that's it. Okay, so, I checked that your company is quite rich! No, this is the reservation website for my hot spring hotel. When will you organize team building to take care of the business? I said it was introduced by Nana. You get a 20% discount!

  Our family doesn’t have money to buy hot searches and advertising push, but the hot springs, snow mountains, and authentic Japanese cuisine are absolutely genuine! Five-star treatment! When the market was good, executives from Hokurikudo would come every year Yeah! But recently, only the old acquaintances of my grandparents are taking care of the business. But this is not bad, it is equivalent to booking the venue." The other party even threw away his family wealth and offered a 20% discount so politely,

  Li Pan had no choice but to show his hands,

  " Okay, okay, you can eat...Huh? Is this your high school photo on the cover of the website? Wow, the iceberg beauty is the flower of the high mountain...Why has she changed to gothic style now?" Nana laughed,


  Hahaha ! Hey! You are so rude! Makeup is a compulsory course for women, okay! I also attended the Hokuriku Women's Military Academy. I couldn't adopt the Gothic style when I was in school!" Li Pan was shocked,

  " What! Are you actually a candidate for a petty officer? I thought that a young lady like you, whose family owns a hotel, is looking for someone to serve in the military.

  And the Hokuriku female petty officer... isn't that the Starfleet Officer Academy? If you join the army directly, at least you can make money. A non-commissioned officer, right?"

  Nana laughed so hard that tears came out,

  "What a eldest lady! My family doesn't have that kind of money. It's just my grandma who asked an old client to help me enroll in school, get basic education and interest-free loans! As for what you
  said Join the army? No serious person can join the army! Who doesn’t know what female soldiers do on ships? Recruitment in the academy is simply a matter of choosing the best! I would rather hang out in the Night City than join that kind of hell fleet, haha! "

  Li Pan was a little ashamed for a moment. Well, he had naturally heard some rumors about the 'Hell Fleet', but among male soldiers, these 'rumors' were actually a motivation to apply for the Star Fleet, cough cough. , I understand everything, so I won’t go into details, just go to Black Mewtwo by yourself...

  "What, you are looking for someone to serve in the military service? You are a young man from a rich family! That's the case, and I think your company has a bias in admissions. The value is so high. Do you have a high degree of education? Five cars? Or which private school?"

  Li Pan curled his lips, "Young master, can you still rent a house? I am from the Engineering Corps Technical College..."

  "Eh, eh??" Nana was stunned for a moment, then suddenly became excited, "Really! My grandfather is also from the Engineer Technical School! Have you ever been beaten with a boot?" "Hiss--" Li Pan

  collapsed Taking a breath of cold air, "Your grandfather is... that's not right, they probably won't hit locals..."

  Nana smiled,

  "Yes, yes, my grandfather is an immigrant and married into my family. But all the men in the Toyama family are He died on the battlefield, and grandma rarely talks about him."

  Li Pan was really stunned this time, "Are you a war orphan too?"

  "Hahaha! So are you!" Nana crawled over and took a bottle of beer. "Come! Touch one! Here's to the interest-free loan!"

  Li Pan smiled and toasted with her, "Here's to the interest-free loan!"

  "...What! Did you meet your ex-girlfriend online too!? Shut up, okay! It's still a whirlpool. Help!? Don't make it up, okay!"

  "Hey, who's lying to you? If you don't believe me, show you my photo." "

  Oh Snow! It's you who is the one in charge! I didn't expect you to be a bosozoku! Oh Snow! Special! This car is so handsome!"

  "That's right! I built it when I was working in a junkyard. Mader was my dream car. Unfortunately, it was burned by a bunch of bastards. Oh, it makes my heart hurt just to think about it. It's such a shame. Germany..."

  "I understand, understand, buddy! I understand! I really understand! I had a favorite, favorite, favorite dress, and they burned it in front of me. Hahaha! Hahaha!

  This Some people in the world are just rubbish! Trash! They just can't get used to seeing you happy, just can't get used to seeing you happy! They just want to find ways to disgust you! Destroy everything you cherish! Hahahaha!" "Fuck! Fuck you

  ! Destroy them!"

  "Yes! Fuck them! Destroy them!"

  The two drank and ate a bunch of pizza, drank a case of beer, and talked to each other until midnight.

  In fact, when two souls with a little bit of common words meet in a vast sea of ​​people, they don't necessarily need many vows of eternal love, and they can't help but cling to each other. To put it bluntly, it’s just for that little bit of cheap dopamine to make myself feel a little better in this cold and terrifying steel jungle.

  Then, just like most lonely men and women in this city who join a group to keep warm, they got together again.

  Toyama Nana really feels like a cat to Li Pan. She seems to particularly like to straddle her waist and rub her neck, from her chin to her cheeks. She even shaved it off for a few days, and even if she has sparse stubble, She is in the best condition when she is a young girl on the street. She pushes it into her arms and rubs, licks and sucks it. She seems to be particularly addicted to the feeling of a little tingling on the tip of her tongue.

  Li Pan had to admit that yesterday he regarded this woman as a substitute for K to some extent, but tonight he did know that the person in his arms was not someone's cheap substitute, but Toyama's Nana.

  In fact, after what happened in the past two days, he certainly had some feelings for K. But reason told him that it was impossible for two people to live together.

  That's a vampire who's over 400 years old, and he's just a temporary worker with a three-year term. This is not a generation gap anymore, it is simply a generation gap!

  To K, the man named Li Pan was probably just a temporary toy, a rare blood pack. Even if he had feelings, it was probably similar to how Li Pan looked at his motorcycle. And in her long years, there must be many similar toys. When the novelty wears off, they won't have a place at all, right?

  But Li Pan doesn't want to be anyone's toy.

  If you ask him to be a blood slave, you might as well ask him to be a social animal earning two thousand five thousand a month.

  It's really not his fault. Someone actually looked for him after he was defeated because of his "ill-grooming". If he was willing to bite the bullet, kneel on the ground with red bean paste, and be an honest dog in Marseille, he might really have a chance to marry into a Chinese family as a son-in-law, get on a ship and become a captain, etc. How could he be as depressed as he is today?

  After all, I was still too young at that time and couldn't swallow that breath.

  All I can say is that everyone is on the path of their own choosing.

  And to be honest, lone wolves are hard to get close to, but feral cats are pretty good too. The feeling of being humped, tickled, and tickled by a warm cat is truly relaxing.

  Forget it, don't think so much, just get drunk tonight if you have wine tonight.

  But just when Li Pan quickly took off his formal clothes and was about to enter the battle acceleration state, he suddenly glanced across the living room from the corner of his eye.

  There seemed to be something white crawling out from the other side of the door.

  This apartment has four rooms, and that room is opposite Nana's house. Because the two of them have been chatting until now, they haven't packed their things, and they haven't heard the door open.

  But something crawled out from the closed door.

  Although I only caught it with my peripheral vision, it was hard to ignore, and it was impossible to misjudge it.

  It was a bunch of arms and legs, at least twenty dozen, clinging to the wall and climbing up to the ceiling, like some kind of caterpillar. Then the thing hung upside down, a pile of black hair, like dense kelp hanging upside down, approaching from the roof towards the man and woman embracing each other in the living room.

  Li Pan sobered up in an instant.

  Mud, we were so busy chatting that we almost forgot that he was working overtime.

  At this moment, Nana was still riding in his arms, and Li Pan was afraid of getting her involved, so he held her tightly in his arms with one hand and reached into the messy pile of clothes to catch the black kite with one hand. He raised his head and looked at the ceiling through Nana's smooth shoulders.

  How can I describe this thing...

  The main body seems to be a white cocoon, bulging and arching, as if something is wrapped in the flesh wall, rubbing, colliding, and about to hatch. A large number of human limbs were stuck to the outside of the cocoon. It looked as if the human body had been melted into the cocoon. The limbs were folded and left outside for crawling. There was a lot of hair on the back, with only the scalp exposed. The rows were crowded on the back, like a human centipede made up of more than a dozen people...

  No, what is that thing called? By the way, a centipede...

  "Hey, look at me." She

  was in a trance, Toyama Na Na turned Li Pan's face over and said to him seriously,

  "I am not your ex-girlfriend."

  "...I know you are not. You are Nana."

  Li Pan stared at Nana Toyama, looking at that thing It fell from the ceiling, landed on the coffee table, climbed up behind her, and stood up, turning it from the inside out. The flesh wall rolled, exposing the scalp in the cocoon, the dried brain, and the swirling cave.

  Didn't even knock over the bottle? Physical immunity? I'm afraid that bullet won't be useful.

  Nana Toyama put her forehead against Li Pan's and stared at him closely.

  "Okay, I was drunk last time, forget it, but if you hug me again, what's your name, Kate, I will bite your throat out, do you understand?"

  Li Pan was sweating coldly, looking at the hoods that were being made to them. The meat hole that came down suddenly stood up and avoided with Nana in his arms,

  "No problem, I remember, let's go to my room."

  The thing missed it and froze for a moment, and then slowly followed it. .

  Nana was confused, "Huh? Just in the living room. At least it's more comfortable than the grass, right?"

  Li Pan slid sideways to the bedroom, "I still like to sleep on the bed if there is a bed."

  "That's so pretentious, then. Okay, put a pillow on your waist to make yourself comfortable..."

  Nana closed her eyes and came closer. Li Pan took the opportunity to open the door sideways. Just as he was about to throw her into the room, he turned around and started fucking the human body centipede behind him. He suddenly froze when he opened the door.

  This is not the seventh-floor rental house.

  Under a gray mist, the ground was waist-high water grassland, like some kind of lake and swamp, stretching as far as the eye can see. The mud was up to the top of his feet, and the cold lake water slapped his calves, making Li Pan tingle.

  Is this... a dream again? No, it's not a dream, because...

  "What's wrong with you? Well, it's so cold...

  Huh? Where is this?"

  Nana also came over.

  As soon as Nana got off Li Pan, she shivered from the cold and jumped back into his arms,
  "What, what's going on! Haha! Weren't we in the house just now! Hahaha! I don't remember it at all!" This is not a dream! Oh, I am such a forgetful woman cursed by God, hahaha!" "

  You can still laugh at this?"

  Li Pan held Nana in his arms and wandered around the swamp twice.
  "Didn't I tell you that there is something weird in this apartment and a lot of people died. It seems that we are going to be victims too. It's cheap but not good... It's inconvenient and I can't free up my hands

  . You lie on my back... ..."

  He changed his position and carried Nana on his back. She seemed to be unable to touch the water at all. She only touched the water once, and her ankles were frozen purple.

  Li Pan didn't feel anything himself, so he thought for a while and held Nana's feet with his hands, trying to warm her up by using kung fu on his hands.

  "Oh, oh oh oh, it's so warm, your hands are so warm, your body is so warm..."

  Nana Toyama clung to Li Pan's back and buried her head on his shoulder. After a while, she actually said "Huh..." Huh..." He started snoring.

  This woman actually fell asleep right now? Drink too much? Or have you been too nervous these past two days? She really has a big heart...

  Li Pan confirmed that her heart rate was normal and her physical signs were normal. It was easy to explain when she was asleep, so there was no need to worry about her for the time being.

  So Li Pan carried Nana on his back and wandered carefully in the swamp.

  (End of chapter)

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