Chapter 218 Sneak Investigation

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  Chapter 218 Sneak Investigation
  Li Pan doesn’t like Europa and can’t go to Earth until the Security Bureau’s approval is completed. So after completing the admission procedures for TUB and buying a lot of research reports on the Whisperers, he went directly back to the hotel, opened his eyes and returned to Earth 0791.

  After all, we are still fighting a corporate war. Who is in the mood to lie in a coffin and play adventures in other worlds? Moreover, at such a critical moment, the company still insists on following the procedures and arranges for him to study abroad in TUB, which is quite confusing.

  Well, it’s not completely out of reach. After all, the connection between Cool Baboon, Sage and Whisperer has been found.

  If you think about it carefully, there are not so many accidents and coincidences in this world, and perhaps the company's arrangements also have deep meaning.

  At least Li Pan himself speculated that if the behind-the-scenes supporter of the Sage Group is actually a cool baboon, then the company's arrangement may have ulterior motives.

  Maybe the headquarters is also suspicious of the role played by Cool Baboon in the ACA anti-corporate group.

  After all, Zhutian Petrochemical, Xigu Industrial and OFEC are not essentially scientific research companies, right? In fact, they don't have such a strong need for monsters. They are just pirates taking advantage of the situation, and they really don't need to get too close to the collectors.

  But if it's the cool baboon of the SEC committee, then it's hard to tell.

  Li Pan was able to get hundreds of billions of acceptances, which shows that Cool Baboon also bought a lot of things from the company.

  If the ACA Collectors Association can challenge TheM’s monopoly, Cool Baboon will be able to obtain immediate and relevant benefits.

  However, the current evidence is not sufficient. After all, as the top biotechnology group in the world, it is abnormal for Kubabo to show no interest in whisperers, monsters, and collectors.

  The question is to what extent are they negotiating now? Are they the initiators of the ACA Anti-Monster Alliance or are they just interested bystanders? Who else in the SEC is involved.

  If not long ago he was just an ignorant little bastard in a suburban garbage dump, now Li Pan is standing taller and can see further. His understanding of the world, no, the entire universe, has gradually become clearer.


  At least in the world of 0791, the core of all conflicts is the Whisperer.

  As long as we grasp this core conflict point, everything can be easily solved.

  Takamagahara and Monsters Inc. have already been researching the Whisperers.

  The war between other companies and Gao Tianyuan is also focused on the Whisperer.

  Therefore, the key point lies in where Gao Tianyuan hid the last remaining group of Whisperers after his defeat.

  To hide the Whisperer, he also needs to hide it from the eyes of Zhutian Company and the Security Bureau.

  Is there any way?


  Reiko Yamada, the Sage Company, or the Cool Baboon Group, is the current target.

  The ninth generation sent the Regan family.

  The ninth generation policeman has deep roots in the local NCPA and has a wide network of contacts.

  Such forces are manipulating the NCPA population registration, replacing a few babies, and hiding a few people without anyone noticing.

  And being able to stand firm in the NCPA is probably due to this.

  The secret of the Reagan family is probably, no, definitely related to the Whisperer.

  If we make a bold guess, the last batch of Whisperers produced, hidden and protected may have clues, and even the list, in the hands of the Reagan family.

  The problem is how to get this possible 'list'...

  Li Pan scratched his head, having no idea at the moment.

  Anyway, let's first invite my sister-in-law, ahem, Irene Regan, to have a meal and be happy.

  What? People have already rested in the middle of the night? Hey! That's not just right! Maybe we can add an extra heart!
  Send photos and car logos.

  Broomstick said, "We changed cars, let's go for a ride together?"

  Jinyaoyan said, "..."

  Jinyaoyan shared the coordinates.

  Well, it’s done, you’ve got a 15 million stepping stone, and they’ll never send you off with nonsense like ‘I’m asleep’ or ‘I’m taking a shower’... So Li Pan let the

  AA-RS7 navigate automatically while checking nearby locations. In the small hotel, while connecting to Shiba,
  "Hey Shiba, is there anything going on in the company?"

  "Nothing..." "Boom!" "...Just fighting mercenaries on a daily basis..."

  Oh, it's so annoying... Isn't it just four trillion? Do you need to be so entangled? It's really annoying that the company has no talent at all...

  Well, now the Holy Grail bidding war has basically entered the strategic stalemate stage.

  After losing a large amount of spices and severely damaging the lunar fleet, the fleets of Zhutian Petrochemical and other companies also shrank for a while, and there seems to be no campaign plan to launch an attack on the company in the universe for the time being.

  Monster Company also suddenly changed its strategy and sent its main fleet to participate in the Spice War. It also had to give priority to the Jupiter bid. The construction of other space facilities was also postponed due to the death of a large number of 007s, leaving no remaining energy to continue launching campaigns against other companies.

  It's the same on Earth. Li Pan lost his body after being shot three times. For at least three months, he will not dare to launch a tactical operation against your office.

  Although other companies have joined forces to solve Li Pan's problem, they are not sure how many more powerful monsters Monster Company can produce alone to defeat the fleet level. Therefore, the strategy is also focused on defense, accumulating troops to prepare for a big wave.

  However, the company's strategic level is a confrontation, and tactical harassment and attrition will not stop.

  Although they will not directly attack the technology park that is under the name of the SEC, it is still a technology park directly contracted by Sage Company, harming the company's industry.

  But we can do Panlong construction.

  Well, probably because of the four trillion spices and the consistent disrespect, Zhutian Shihua really hated Li Pan.

  Not only did these guys directly spend 100 billion on the deep web to buy Li Pan's head, but they also placed wholesale orders and inquired about the price. The entire mercenary group in the City of Night attacked Panlong. They also recruited a lot of trash gangsters from the local area and sent them over to harass them with some guns and cannons. Just highlight one thing: Although I can't beat you, I can disgust you.

  Fortunately, Li Pan is not well-known in the City of Night, and this is not the first time that he has been hunted down with a reward of hundreds of billions. Moreover, senior cyberpunks like the Iron Queen know that this corporate war is fatal, and hiding Stay far away. As for the lawless underworld in the Night City, those slightly more powerful ninja killer gangs had already been killed by Li Pan, so the manpower was temporarily empty. There is really no particularly powerful person who can cause him harm. Threatening.

  But there are still a lot of miscellaneous fish, and the Night City is most in need of those young people who have just come out to join the world, and are eager to hit the ground running, become famous in one fell swoop, turn over, and become legends.

  So every day, people would throw car bombs at the RPG shooting point in the yard of the Panlong Factory. Even if they were beaten into pieces by Shiba's automatic turret drones, they would not tire of it. The entire North District factory was turned into a scorched earth war zone. It forced the Uzumaki Gang to evacuate from this area...

  In this way, the Panlong Construction Security Group, which was defeated from the moon and returned to the earth, fell into siege from all sides. They were beaten and hid in the factory. Amidst the explosions and hail of bullets, they had to deal with the attacks one after another. The morale of the troops was turbulent and their morale was in turmoil. low.

  Even the veterans of the Three-Headed Dogs complained. Are they here to retire or to fight in trench warfare? ? This security guard! Just don’t do it! grass!

  Ahem, okay, they just have fun verbally and scold the boss a few times, but no one has taken the initiative to resign yet.

  After all, Li Pan gave a lot! A monthly salary of 20,000 for newcomers and 100,000 for veterans, all weapons, equipment and ammunition consumption is included, as well as bonuses and commission subsidies! Where else can you find this kind of treatment outside? It’s okay if you don’t have it! Li Pan also looked for it himself back then, right? It’s better not to have one! Even if you are introduced by an acquaintance, 2,500 yuan is still a lot of money, right?

  Li Pan looked at the war zone video sent by Shiba with a blank expression. There was probably a battalion of firepower besieging the factory, but it was supported by the company's drones, a three-headed dog commander and a super excavator. The problem It's not big, just right for military training, and he's not in the mood to slaughter trash fish. Maintenance of RS7 is only a few hundred thousand, okay? To earn the bounty of several hundred dollars?

  "So what losses do we have now? Who died?"

  Shiba passed the video over,

  "No one died, but Sister Chengzi came to contact me. Panlong's ship's warehouse in CERES-ORBITPLANT-VIII was bombed.

  Surveillance It shows that a transport ship suddenly lost control when entering the port, rushed in and blew itself up, blowing up the parked KAWAU logistics cruiser. It is estimated that the

  goods moved back from the Chainsaw were also severely damaged, but now the communication system of the warehouse is completely destroyed , there is no way to link it to confirm the loss.

  The space station said it was a terrorist attack, and CERES Customs asked us to send people to take notes, count the losses, and handle insurance, and we will not wait until it expires."

  Sooner or later, the company in LEOPORT would dare to directly attack the Yamazaki fleet . , not to mention that Ceres was originally the industrial base of the valley, which was equivalent to an enemy-occupied area. Li Pan was not surprised at all that these idle assets were lost.

  "Huh, there's a terrorist attack. Why do you think I'm stupid and send people to deal with it? It's only 9.5 million, don't worry about them!" Eighteen, "Wow,

  boss, you still remember the price of this ship."

  Nonsense. Isn’t 9.5 million money?
  Li Pan took a deep breath and controlled his emotions,

  "Chengzi is still in LEOPORT? Are you okay?"

  Eighteen, "Well, I'm trapped. After the LEOPORT attack, the port was blocked by the security system. Now I can't take the shuttle. Out of the port."

  Li Pan rubbed his brows,

  "Then don't come back for now. It's safer up there. I'll open a suite in paradise for her and hire some security guards for her. Where's

  Panlong? Do you have enough ammunition? There are so many people. They're all in the factory. They won't drop a nuclear bomb to clear the area, right?"

  Eighteen, "The ammunition inventory can still last for a week. The company can also arrange for ammunition airdrops. If it's not enough, they can buy some from the Whirlpool Gang. The

  nuclear bomb shouldn't do the same thing, right? There will be a fine for throwing nuclear bombs at the Night City, and I feel that the performance of Panlong and others is not worth the money. If you really

  want to destroy Panlong, a round of artillery fire coverage is enough. Now the opponent must have done it on purpose. Keep this bait and continue to bleed and burn money...

  Boss, you should worry about yourself, AG's expensive prosthetic body, once they have the opportunity, they will not let it go." Li Pan, "..." That's right

  . , to put it bluntly, money is burned when fighting, and resources are exchanged until one party cannot bear to stop the loss.

  It was the company that had been suffering from war losses before, but now all the pressure has been transferred to Li Pan.

  Although these losses and costs can be reimbursed from the company's war account, Li Pan has to put in the initial funds himself.

  Don't forget that Li Pan is also a member of the 100 billion club. Now he only has less than 9 billion in cash and a lot of unexpired acceptances.

  The opponent hadn't even started to take the initiative to attack yet, but they randomly hired some cannon fodder to continue the harassment, and Panlong couldn't stand it any longer.

  If the fight really starts, Li Pan really has no confidence that he can survive these three months.

  It's really difficult...

  If he was still in trouble, these miscellaneous fish in the company could be wiped out easily. But now that his account is blocked and he has to play this game according to the company's rules, Li Pan feels restricted in every way and completely falls into the trap of others. In the palm of my hand.

  No, he can't waste it passively. He can't afford to waste it with the company.

  It must be anti-customer! Before the opponent's next wave of offensive preparations are completed, only by getting the key chips can you survive in this chess game!

  "Sorry for the long wait."

  "What's wrong? What case caused such a stir?"

  Li Pan leaned against the car door with his hands in his pockets and glanced at the NCPA, Security Bureau, and Night Walkers who were standing all over the street. Looking at the police officer Erin Regan walking across the cordon.

  She was wearing a navy blue formal suit and tight-fitting trousers that outlined her strong and elastic body curves. It seemed that she often did body shaping exercises.

  Eileen Regan did not hide it, "It's not a big deal, the mayor is dead."

  Li Pan was stunned, "Mayor? Is there a mayor in the Night City?"

  It is true, the intelligent system told him that the Night City is indeed There is a mayor. After all, it doesn’t matter who is in power. If there is a toilet, there must be someone responsible for cleaning it, right?

  Of course, mayor is indeed an ancient title in the legion era, and now is the era of corporations. The actual power on each earth is held by the consul who serves as the legal representative of the management company in this plane, and the tribune who concurrently serves as the director of the local security bureau. and the messengers sent occasionally by name by the Commission to represent the Arbitrators.

  Therefore, just like positions such as football captain and commander, the title of mayor has long withdrawn from the stage of history, that is, it is how people within the system call it. The full name of this position is actually the 'Night City Municipal Planning Administration'. Although the position of director of the bureau is theoretically promoted from the director level and directly elected online by local citizens, in reality it is a formality and is nominated and appointed by the administrative officer.

  The Municipal Administration does not have much contact with citizens, and its main management targets are companies.

  Structurally speaking, the Municipal Administration is also on the same level as the Taxation Bureau and the Security Bureau. It is also responsible for implementing various development policies, supervising and approving the company's development plans, supervising the whereabouts of investment funds, and confirming whether the company's factory and enterprise planning meets environmental protection standards. , affecting people's livelihood and so on, and has quite a lot of power in name.

  But in fact, because he is a direct subordinate selected by the governor of plane 0791, and the company has basically already invited bids and plans for the development and planning of Night City, so the director of the administration has long been ignored and reduced to signing and sealing. , a dispensable character, it’s really not a big deal if one of them dies, just choose another one.

  But it’s usually not his turn to die, right? Unless...

  "Have you offended the company?"

  Li Pan was so attentive that he opened the door for the police officer, looking for something to say.

  Erin Regan got into the car and shook her head,
  "Who knew, it was said that in the middle of the banquet, a waiter suddenly suffered a cyberpsychotic attack and split his head open with a dinner plate.", "Oh, it

  was a cyberpsychotic attack again. , so convenient.”

  Li Pan also laughed. He was beheaded by a cybermaniac at every turn. Who dares to go against the company? Even if he is really having a cyberpsychosis attack.

  Eileen Regen glanced at him sideways,
  "Looking for me now...could it be you who did it?"

  Li Pan was speechless,

  "Conscience of heaven and earth, I really just want to ask you to have breakfast."

  Eileen Regen glared . She glanced at him, folded her hands on her chest, and exposed the engagement ring on her hand,

  "Yeah, that's good. I happen to be very busy today and I have somewhere to go, so give me a ride."

  "Yes, sir. " "

  Li Pan had no choice but to change the hotel to the coordinates given by Irene, and then the supercar accelerated wildly and arrived at the entrance of a nightclub in the old capital area.

  'Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep', it is so straightforward, it is a heavy-flavored Mewtwo, right? Li Pan clicked on the club's website introduction and took a look... Oh, good guy

  ! Whip! emulsion! Tights! electric shock! Thorn ring! Fill... my dog ​​eyes!

  Hiss...I didn't expect that the policeman was playing so wildly...

  Irene Regan ignored Li Pan's eyes, "Back entrance parking lot, go around in a circle."

  Li Pan advised, "Well, this looks very painful. , how about we change to a more normal store?"

  Eileen Regan was too lazy to pay attention to him, "Stop for a moment, have you seen that car."

  "Huh? A silver Jaguar?"

  It's also a customized supercar, of course not. His car is expensive...

  "The owner of the car is registered as Charles Rhodes, but in fact it is his father, Paul Rhodes, Director of the Fire Management Department of the Municipal Bureau, who drives the car. Director Rhodes

  is a frequent visitor to this nightclub because of his eccentric hobbies. I usually use my son’s spare prosthetic body for consumption.”

  Eileen Regan sent Li Pan’s business card, recent NCHK news, and some very eye-catching XX videos,

  “Rhode has been in the fire department for many years. Ye's confidant, the most senior one.

  At this time, the position of the director of the administration is suddenly vacant, so Ye's highest probability is to bring him up to stabilize the situation first. "Hey, feelings, you

  don't want to play the role of 'policewoman', you are here to The one handling the case.

  Li Pan was a little disappointed for a moment, "So he is the biggest beneficiary and suspect? Do you suspect that it was him?"

  Eileen Regan sneered,

  "How could it be him? With such a fat man in the Fire Management Department, who can Are you willing to give up? Being promoted to director is actually retiring.

  But Paul is an old dog and obeys Ye's words, otherwise he would not be able to sit in the position of director. This time he will definitely not dare to disobey the arrangements above.

  But he You probably can't swallow this breath. He has a lot of dirty information in his hands. If you can get in touch with him at this time, you might get a lot of unexpected gains."

  Li Pan was stunned for a while after hearing this,

  "So there is such a thing. You have so many skills, don't tell me, even though you don't do anything serious, you are really good at intrigues..." "Do

  me a favor, have you seen the clothing store over there? Go buy one for me and I'll help you later. I'll sneak in. You can bring your own playmates to this club."

  Erin Regan said as she unbuckled her belt and took off her clothes in the car.

  Li Pan looked at her and then at the store she was talking about,
  "Then it turns out to be a clothing store. I thought it was a torture shop... No, do you really want to go in dressed like that? Doesn't it matter if someone sees you? Police. Right?"

  Eileen Regan didn't seem to mind at all, and even took off her rings, earrings and necklaces,

  "Well, being photographed by the paparazzi is a bit troublesome, so don't forget to buy me the kind of hood with a mask. You can untie me later after you lead me into the box."

  Li Pan, "..."

  Eileen Regan saw that he was still not moving,
  "What? Aren't you from the company? Haven't you ever done any tasks such as infiltration investigations? Is that so?"

  "Well, I usually just kick in directly from the front door...Okay, I'm sure to complete the task." So

  Li Pan bought Eileen Regan a one-piece latex body suit and wrapped her body tightly , leaving only her mouth exposed, and then led her into the 'Beep Beep Beep' club.

  Don't tell me, you really fooled him.

  After all, he is a company dog ​​who carries people out of a sports car. The entrance fee to this kind of place is one hundred thousand yuan. It is not strange to bring anything in, so they don’t even check it, they just charge money and let it go.

  As soon as he came in, there were all kinds of eye-catching scenes, and Li Pan was also eye-opening, saying that we really don't understand the interesting world of rich people.

  'Charles Rod' is also quite easy to find. According to the NCPA investigation, this guy has been coming here to spend money and has a special box. Passing by the door from a distance, you can hear the crackling sound of the whip and the man's Wail.

  Li Pan took Eileen Regan into the private room next to Rhodes, unhooked her handcuffs and took off her hood,

  "Okay, the infiltration is completed, what's the next step?"

  Eileen Regan stared when she saw that he was done. Li Pan was silent for a while before letting out a breath,
  "...Forget it, you'd better kick in the door and catch him directly."

  Li Pan said, "???"

  (End of Chapter)

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