Chapter 190 Arranged Marriage

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  Chapter 190 Arranged Marriage
  Li Pan took a sip of bitter coffee.

  Tsk, it's as light as water. Ya's broken Holy Grail is really not for people to play with. I'm afraid I paid an irreparable price.


  The Collector, Sage Corporation, Reika Yamada, the Security Bureau, Ryoma Ito, NCPA, the Regan Family.

  Are these people here for the company, or are they here for him... I have

  only been sitting for a while, and I haven't even taken a few sips of coffee. I haven't finished reading Yamada Reika's files yet, and I haven't sorted out my thoughts.

  When Li Pan looked up, he saw that Irene Regen had walked into the coffee shop and sat down directly in front of her.

  Oh, maybe because he didn't reply, he came directly to the door.

  She was dressed up in disguise. She wore black-rimmed glasses and no police uniform. She tied her brilliant blond hair behind her head and wore a royal blue formal suit and high-heeled trousers, showing off her urban beauty style.

  Although it is not the ultra-modern style of Sky Man that is explicit and shows off a beautiful body. But at first glance, the fabrics of the formal wear are of the highest quality, and they are cut to fit exceptionally well.

  In particular, the heroic style of a royal lady, the capable aura of being in the top position for a long time, combined with the slim waist and tight and round hip curves, attracted a lot of attention from the surrounding people.

  When she arrived, Li Pan also ordered a cup of coffee for her,
  "Hey, police officer, I've given you all the information and clues. You can check it yourself. If there's anything else, you need to go there in person. By the way, I

  heard that Is your fiancé in the hospital?"

  Erin Regen was silent for a moment, as if checking, and then shook her head,

  "I don't know that yet, but he did not go to work in the bureau today... Ignore him for now.

  That woman . Her status is too high, and she seems to have activated the full-time VIP protection plan. Her whereabouts cannot be traced at all in the NCPA system. It is not convenient for me to use official channels to check her company at the moment. Moreover, how did you find out who they were yesterday

  ? We met at the RM Group hotel at night? That kind of luxury hotel, private property, with company-level ICE protection, would not be open to the public at all, right? The
  public security system will not keep the agents’ video recordings, let alone I just provide it to you at will, you have any conclusive evidence for what you said?" "

  Oh, I need evidence."

  Li Pan found the apology letter from the hotel, called up nearby surveillance cameras, and knocked Ito Ryoma into his car. The video of the accident was sent to Erin Regan in person.

  Seeing the clear license plates and faces in the hotel video, Eileen Regan was also stunned,
  "How did you get this kind of internal data?"

  Li Pan also chuckled, twirling his fingers and said,
  "Oh, how? I spent money to get it, I guess it cost me eight figures."

  My heart hurts when I buy my car...

  Irene Regan was also choked for a moment. After all, the police at the NCPA Police Headquarters are... , although the authority is very large, the annual salary and basic salary are only 300,000 to 500,000. Although there are various overtime bonuses and hidden benefits, with the Security Bureau and the Taxation Bureau watching, it is actually difficult for the annual legal income to exceed one million.

  So when it comes to making money alone, these police officers and agents cannot be compared with the official dogs of large companies. It’s no wonder that most people in important positions are corrupted and use their power to provide various conveniences to the company. Some of them are rough and start making money directly, and some are more sophisticated and wait until they retire before returning to work. The legal consultant of a large company has received the agreed reward.

  However, Erin Regan had also seen Li Pan's file when she was investigating the case before. She probably never expected that the man in front of her who crawled out of the garbage could make so much money in such a short time after joining the company.

  But the evidence was all in front of us, and when I asked the tax bureau in private, I found out that Panlong Construction actually paid tens of millions in taxes, which was really a bit frightening for a moment.

  Li Pan looked at her,
  "But then again, you don't want to marry him so much? But for children from a big family like yours, marriages and other matters are all based on the wishes of the parents, right? Can you refuse?" Eileen

  Regan He picked up the coffee and took a sip before coming back to his senses.

  "My family has no intention of forcing me, and there are many people to choose from. I can find a suitable one myself. He is just one of the alternatives.

  But compared to other young masters, his conditions are indeed pretty good, and he can join Although he relies on family connections in the bureau, at least he has abilities and is not just a freeloader. He doesn't seem to have any other bad habits. At least he can clean up after himself..." Saying this, Erin Regan couldn't bear it

  . He glanced at Li Pan in front of him again.

  If Ryoma Ito hadn't disrupted the situation, the young man the family was looking for as a blind date from the bureau this time might be the man in front of him. Then she counted eight digits in her mind, and the coffee in her mouth was extremely bitter for a moment...

  Li Pan shrugged,

  "Oh, that's right. I thought you were looking for me specifically because you found out about me and his student. There is some grudge in the times, and you want me to take the blame and help you get rid of him. It seems that I misunderstood."

  Erin Regen was silent for a while, but she didn't deny it,
  "It's not to that point. But I I really want to see his ability to handle crises.

  After all, a man's nature and skills can only be seen through his performance in adversity or even desperate situations.

  If you wait until you get married, you will find that the other person is an embroidered pillow that you cannot rely on, and you can't rely on him. , then it’s too late.”

  Li Pan smiled and said,

  “Oh, so you can see something now.”

  Erin Regen took another sip of coffee and didn’t speak for a while. She turned the coffee cup and thought about it for a while. Eliminate distracting thoughts and clarify your thoughts.

  "They are targeting my family."

  Sure enough, there are no pure idiots in a family that has not been wiped out by police for nine generations in a place like the City of Night. There is no need for Li Pan to talk nonsense. As long as he is reminded to this point, even if there is no clear evidence of collusion between Ryoma Ito and Reika Yamada, he will become wary.

  After all, I originally just wanted to test my fiancé’s strength, but unexpectedly I discovered a hidden fishhook. Moreover, Li Pan even drew faces and reminded him face to face that if the section chief of the NCPA Police Headquarters Investigation Section 1 could not see that behind the near-annihilation of the Yamada family, there might be some vicious tactics of 'REIKA' and the company, then She doesn’t want to hang out in the Night City anymore.

  And the other party could immediately realize that it was not for himself, but for the family. I am afraid that the Reagan family really hid some secrets, so that nine generations of NCPA can stand firm.

  However, with such ability, such resources, and such brains, they are focusing on scheming with each other, fighting for power, and investigating the secrets of their fiancés, while they are indifferent to their own work. Ha, so, the messenger...

  Li Pan folded his hands to hide the contempt in his eyes,

  "So, Ragen police officer, what are your plans?
  Ito Ryoma has become the dog of Sage Company. The Ragen family Although they are all local snakes in the Night City, they are not strong enough to deal with the company alone, right?

  Just hand over what they want and beg for mercy? But you have worked hard for nine generations to get to where you are today, and you must be unwilling to give it up to others, right?
  So I will tell you directly, do the Reagan family need our company's help? "

  Irene Regan raised her eyes, pushed up her glasses, moved her eyes from the coffee to Li Pan's face, and suddenly smiled.

  "Why, do you want to be your dog? Woof woof. "

  Li Pan couldn't help laughing and said,
  "Jingjing Zheng, you are joking, it's not that serious. We are all locals, so we should help each other. I just want a good, trusting relationship.

  You can rest assured that I don't care at all what it is that the Reagans have that deserves their attention.

  At most, I can occasionally ask you to do a few favors, check a few people, place a few batches of goods, or occasionally drink coffee together to keep in touch. It's definitely within your capabilities. How about it? "

  Irene Regan didn't agree at all. She probably felt that the two calls just now were a bit frivolous. She blushed and took a sip of coffee to hide her embarrassment.

  "I'll think about it.

  "Then I'll take my leave. " "

  Li Pan didn't mind, smiled, stood up, shook hands with her and left.

  NCPA, this group of worms, is nothing to be pitiful about if they are all dead. But if these worms are in the hands of the enemy company, it will indeed It’s quite annoying.

  When the time comes every three days for fire inspections, stopping your car, checking your goods, posting notes, and stumbling upon you, will the business still be done? But

  Li Pan doesn’t have time to attack the female police officers here. , increased the friendliness, and he still has a lot of business to deal with.

  At this moment, there is a bunch of emails in the mailbox, black oil business, both sides are rushing, 0113012 wants shells, Jinsen Chamber of Commerce wants to cash in, it is so big It is a risk for anyone to hold the goods.

  But Li Pan has nothing to do. He has to wait at least two days for the body to be maintained before he can go to the universe in person and pick up the goods from the refinery. As for the hundreds of billions of things, he cannot personally escort them. He is not worried. He will probably not be able to come back for several days.

  So before that, things on earth must be dealt with quickly.

  Red Tengu, no, the matter of Huang Dahe.

  If Huang Dahe is not fished out, Chengzi will really I'm going to tear him apart.

  Li Pan entered the Tokyo underground city from the air raid shelter. He turned off the smell mode of MT380, started the automatic camouflage of facial features, fine-tuned his height and facial muscles to look like a completely different passerby, and started low-light scanning night vision for his iris. , microwave scanning, lidar, and remove the functional restrictions of the prosthetic body and switch to sports mode. Don’t

  mention it, although the built-in system of MT380 is outdated, as a top product model under the VK brand, other configurations are quite good. It has everything you need.

  For example, in the energy-saving and environmental protection mode, you can automatically limit the output performance of the prosthetic body and limit various abilities to the mortal level. It is probably similar to professionally trained cyberpunks and military mercenaries. It can also control the output when it is put up. If it accidentally hits the floor, it will automatically adjust the force and control the output to ensure that it does not hurt the surrounding flowers and plants and cause irreversible environmental damage. In sports mode, various performances are

  directly When fully loaded, all limitations of the full-body prosthetic body are lifted, and the output can be overheated, overloaded, super-powered, and fully powered at any time, which is close to superhuman attributes. Of course, this mode requires a high level of user operation. Ordinary people may not even be able to walk normally. I couldn't do it, and I hit the wall directly with all my strength.

  Of course, there is also a paid comfort mode, which is not for outdoor use. In this mode, there are many paid custom functions, and various optional sensitivities. Three thousand times the plug-in, super long-lasting endurance output, small spiral electric motor, ambient light aromatherapy essential oil, long-lasting effect enhancer, beauty and beauty shaping prosthetic appearance, and various customized gadgets. But that set has not been customized

  yet It's impossible to keep tens of millions, and the neural sensing system needs to be rebuilt. Li Pan is not willing to pretend, he only has the most basic function, turning it on or off... Ahem, in short,

  this prosthetic body is enough for now, Li Pan Pan was usually a superman, and after returning to his normal state, he almost adapted to the accelerated state of the sports mode. So

  he quickly walked through the dungeon. He came to the 'Reincarnation Bar', then found the casino on the lower floor of the bar, and exchanged two coins with black gold. One million chips, then he grabbed a bunny girl and stuffed ten thousand into her chest.

  "Has Kailian come to work today?"

  The bunny girl smiled brightly,

  "Do you want to have fun, guest? I'll accompany you. Why bother looking for Kailian, that yellow-haired girl who doesn't know anything? She doesn't care about you. I'm interested."

  Li Pan stuffed another one into her,
  "Just say that I heard that she was doing a work-study program and came here to support her, so I asked her to have a glass of wine with me and promise not to touch her." Look at Li Pan. With such persistence, the bunny girl had no choice but to lead him to sit down in a private room, opened a bottle of brandy for Li Pan and asked him to wait.

  After waiting for a while, a girl with short burgundy hair and a pink bunny costume knocked on the door and walked in. She whispered, "
  Guest, I am Kai Lian. What are your orders?"

  Li Pan looked her over and said, She is of mixed Eurasian descent and has really good looks. Otherwise, she would never have the chance to work in such a high-end club. Even with Nana's appearance, she can only work as a dealer through the back door... But she is a girl, but she is actually quite good-looking

  . She is quite strong, not that she is rude or has a big frame, but at the moment she is wearing a strapless and backless bunny girl costume, it is obvious that her body has been exercised, the muscles on her arms are clearly curved, and the pink stockings are tightly wrapped The thighs are also quite thick, with a muscular body that contains strength.

  Even if someone tried to touch her under the pretense of being drunk, they would have to weigh it carefully to see if they could withstand a small punch to her chest.

  Yes, she is actually a hidden red tengu violent person, and she is also Amakusa Shiro's contact person for Li Pan. However, judging from the amateurish appearance of the other party, he was probably not a professional spy. He might just be the kind of rookie cannon fodder that would not be a pity to lose.

  Li Pan closed the door of the private room and activated the sound insulation function. He didn't mind that the other party tensed up his muscles in a defensive posture and placed the exchange chips on the table.

  "These are gifts for you."

  Kailian took a step back, covertly covering the vase behind her, and said with a forced smile,

  "Guest, I don't understand what you mean, I'm just a waiter, I'm not underage, and I can't drink. , and does not provide additional services."

  "Underage? Underage people are so strong..."

  Li Pan didn't have time to amuse her, and directly projected the hologram of the Veterans Club account,
  "I am Shibata Heavy Boots, yours New sponsor."

  Kai Lian was stunned. After confirming the account number, the timid look on her face immediately changed. She showed a cold and resolute look like a soldier, and with a snap, she straightened her chest and stood at attention.

  "Thank you for your support! Mr. Shibata! We, the Red Tengu, swear to dedicate ourselves to the establishment of the Kingdom of Gaotian! We are absolutely worthy of your passion! The waves in Miluo Yuan are turbulent~~ The clouds are flying beside

  Wushan Mountain~~"

  " Okay, okay, stop singing."

  As soon as he heard this song, Li Pan couldn't help but his veins bulged, and he wanted to hit someone. He rolled his eyes and said,
  "No need to talk nonsense, I heard from Mars, you are in urgent need of SMS. Arms accessories and ammunition, that’s what I’m here for.”

  "Exactly! Thank you for your support!"

  Kai Lian suppressed the excitement in her voice and pulled out a data card from her chest.

  "The list of equipment and ammunition we need is right here."

  Li Pan frowned and looked at his hand. I also carry a temperature data card.

  No, it's just a corset. Where the hell did it come from? Is there some extra-dimensional space in that ditch? It's so magical...huh?

  "Why is it still sticky?"

  Kai Lian blushed and her voice dropped an octave, as thin as a mosquito.

  "I, I have been waiting for you for several days, but there are still people touching and touching me. It will inevitably come out, so just use... to stick... on the inside... maybe it will be a little damp due to sweat..." Li Pan is also the

  same He scratched his head, inserted the hot and wet chip into his neck to read the data, and said casually, "

  Well, it's really hard on you, but I came here in person this time to see the equipment you obtained. Can you take me there? What?"


  After hearing the sponsor's suggestion of going to the base, Kai Lian hesitated for a moment.

  "The body you snatched from SEC is not on the same level as Takamagahara's technology. It cannot be used without professional guidance. It is not easy to prepare equipment for you. The risks of subsequent procurement and logistics are too great. I have to compare and confirm the model in person, otherwise I can't rest assured."

  Li Pan was not in a hurry and sat down on the sofa.

  Kai Lian was also helpless,

  "Wait a moment, I will confirm internally."

  In fact, there is nothing to confirm. Does the Red Tengu have any options?
  The four they got from the New East University campus this time were fully unarmed engineering prototypes. The performance was there, but you couldn't drive an SMS of this level to engage in humanoid mecha combat, right?

  Even if Huang Dahe had a humanoid embedded OS, he wouldn't be able to write a move like "The East is stained red with blood!"... However, the price of the

  weapons market has been fluctuating recently. Originally, the Red Tengu couldn't get so many weapons and equipment. Now it is even more difficult to arm the big killer weapon that was finally stolen.

  As a result, the combat power has not improved much, but it has also poked a big loophole. The SEC, the Security Bureau, the Ye family, and the three-headed dog troops have become serious in the rigorous search and suppression. If it hadn't been for the recent rescue that attracted a group of werewolves, we could have been there. There was so much chaos in the sewers that I was afraid that I would no longer be able to hold on for a long time.

  In the end, the other party really agreed. Kai Lian told the foreman to come out, and left with Li Pan through the secret passage, first going to a secret passage to get his backpack.

  "We are not only short of weapons and ammunition, we are also short of fuel, tools, medicine, food, funds, everything. Now we can only continue to move underground and send a small number of people to the surface to obtain supplies in batches, but there is simply not enough. The Night Knight has

  been Chasing us, they would appear from the darkness from time to time. The power of SMS was also insufficient, and the tax bureau has been sealing our accounts. Many people have been checked by the system and their citizenship status has been deleted. Only a few of us go shopping outside. It's difficult..."

  Kailian was under great pressure. She pulled out her old military uniform from her backpack and put it directly on top of the bunny girl's uniform, feeling very worried.

  Li Pan suddenly stopped and turned to look at her,
  "Wait a minute, aren't you a minor? Why do you have citizenship?
  Ah, you are still mixed of your parents is a cosmic person?"

  Kai Lian realized that she He let it slip, but he bit his lip and nodded.

  When Li Pan saw that she had admitted it, he raised his eyebrows to indicate it.

  "Holy shit."

  Li Pan really wanted to express his gratitude.

  This Kai Lian is a hybrid between a cosmic and an earthling!
  This kind of mixed blood is so rare.

  Yes, they are all human. In theory, mixed-race is possible, but in fact this situation is too rare.

  As mentioned before, there are two ways for people from the universe to be reincarnated into another world. One is to go on a normal business trip, use the QVN link, and download the consciousness into a prosthetic container like VK. In this case, buying a prosthetic body in another world is like buying a house or a car abroad. When I thought about it, just plug in the network cable and connect it.

  Another method is the reincarnation in another world provided by medical insurance to the rich.

  Yes, the kind of reincarnation with ten billion lives in another world. At this time, the prosthetic body is not VK or BBA, but the genetic coordination starting from the fertilized egg, through life engineering, gestation and creation in the mechanical womb. .Artificial space man!

  In other words, one of Kailian's parents was reincarnated from another world to 0791, and only directors of large companies can afford the 10 billion reincarnation services and subsequent genetic coordination. Absolutely a real tycoon.

  Of course, in this kind of reincarnation, people can retain their citizenship and inheritance rights. Naturally, as a human being, it is theoretically possible to have mixed-race offspring with local indigenous people.

  As long as they are willing, they can give their mixed-race descendants civil inheritance rights. This is also for tax reasons, ensuring that in the event of being 'forced to reincarnate' again, the assets in this plane can be kept in family funds to avoid taxes.

  Therefore, Kailian's situation is the same as that of the direct heirs of the big families in Gao Tianyuan. There is no need to actually join the military and serve. As long as you spend some money, you can naturally become a legal citizen certified and protected by the security system.

  But please note that this is all theoretical. After all, rich people reincarnated in other worlds use genetically modified androids, which are basically coordinated and edited by biotechnology from the fertilized egg, from head to toe, so that they can’t even recognize their mother. Although it has not reached the level of apes and orangutans, it is still the same gap between Neanderthals and Homo sapiens, and reproductive isolation is almost on the horizon.

  But whether it was a mistake, a design, or a coincidence, a hybrid named Kailian was still born into this world.

  "Mixed... So your parents, one is a space person and the other is a local sky person?
  Wow, a chaebol lady, instead of staying at home to enjoy life and inherit the family business, come to join the Red Tengu??"

  What kind of rebellious eldest lady...

  Li Pan couldn't understand...

  Kai Lian gritted his teeth and said,
  "It's a pity that I'm not the eldest lady! I'm an illegitimate child! His wife is a fat woman from the Sky People family! She can't even have a son. Come out.

  My mother is a tool for him to vent his sexual desires, and I have been used as a tool for marriage since I was born. Maybe one day I will be given to some old man to play with!
  And you know that girls' school, how twisted are those young ladies? Yeah! I was almost beaten to death!

  I can't wait to shoot him to death! Who wants to inherit his money!"

  "Oh, that's it..."

  Li Pan reminded her,
  "But if it can be used as a tool for marriage, it means that he recognizes you. You can kill him first, inherit his money, and then join the Red Tengu."

  Kailian said bitterly,

  "Do you think I don't want to! It's just that I failed, and he He left me here.

  He said, either obey him, go to the academy, and get married honestly.

  Or simply join the Red Tengu and try to overthrow him.

  My mother is still in his hands, and her citizenship is guaranteed in his name. If she is caught and sent to the academy, it will be a dead end. Do I have any choice? "

  When Li Pan heard what she said, he became a little interested in the 'him' in Kai Lian's mouth.

  "So...what's his name? Which branch is the general manager? No, I'm afraid he's not the director behind Gao Tianyuan? "

  But Kailian glanced at Li Pan and remained silent.

  Tsk, it seems that the favorability is not enough to unlock the subsequent plot. We can only talk about it in the future...

  (End of this chapter)

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