Chapter 19 Akiyama Dojo

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  Chapter 19
  As the general manager of Akiyama Dojo, Li Pan has the right to choose one of the hackers provided by the prison at the same time as No. 18. Of course, it is only one, and he did not buy it as a 'person', but as an 'electronic device' .

  Given that No. 18 is an illegal synthetic and a gangster hiding in prison, according to the laws and regulations of the public safety system, No. 18's fate is somewhere between being treated harmlessly in accordance with the Pest Control Act, and being thrown onto the streets and becoming a proletarian gangster with huge debts. , self-destruction between the two.

  Although Li Pan can also vouch for it as the general manager, the company will repay social security, provide legal and compliant identity documents to No. 18, and give her a temporary employee establishment. After three years of employment and becoming a regular employee, she will obtain the official status of 'person'. and minimum social benefits.

  However, after arguing with the head office for a while, Li Pan finally gave up on giving No. 18 a way out and registered her in the account as a 'company asset'.

  There are many reasons, the main one is poverty.

  Li Pan can at least inherit a pension for war orphans. Prison gangsters like No. 18 have a desperate start.

  If she were a temporary worker, she would have to take a monthly salary of 2,500, pay taxes and social security in the Night City, rent a house, eat, drink, and have sex until she became a full-time employee.

  Even Li Pan couldn't bear to do this, not to mention her physical condition. She needed to prepare all the urgently needed antidepressant drugs, genetic repair drugs, various hacker electronic ghost equipment and software packages.

  Li Pan argued for a long time, but the head office could only help No. 18 repay the medical expenses of the prison, give her an interest-free loan of 100,000 yuan for a period of one year, and an additional 2,500 yuan a month for special subsidies for hacking skills.

  But this little money is really useless. To participate in QVN electronic warfare, you will spend millions every year on proprietary software tools alone, not to mention various supporting hardware and network equipment. Real hackers are not that small team. It can be sustained. Even if his technology is astonishing, without sufficient technical and financial support, he is just a useless person.

  For most hackers, the only choice is to become a company dog ​​or die. The two endings of becoming a free Internet stranger are just beautiful fairy tales.

  Not to mention that once the containment fails and the company is wiped out, the temporary workers will have to be 'delete'. And even if she becomes a full-time employee after three years, when she reaches the age of twenty-five, her hacking skills will not be up to date, and she does not have enough capital to update the firmware, so there is a high probability that she will be eliminated from the bottom.

  The company does not support idle people, especially hackers who do not work in the field. Of course, they must keep pace with the times and use the best.

  But 'company assets' are different. The company's assets are tax deductible. So they are willing to spend money there.

  From now on, if you sell it to the company, not only will all the medication, medical and surgical expenses be reimbursed, but all supporting hacking equipment will be purchased from the most expensive and best ones. The company will also update your software and hardware firmware throughout the process, and you can even have your front head smashed by the Whirlpool Gang, but Warehouse No. 7, whose rent has not yet expired, was renovated and used as a base for storing hacking equipment by No. 18.

  But the price is that she will lose her 'life' from now on and become an asset and tool of the company.

  To put it nicely, it is maintained by the company. To put it poorly, since it is a private asset, the company can completely acquire it reasonably and legally, and carry out various upgrades and transformations based on business needs. It is useless to regret it at that time. Even if you want to die, you can't die.

  What's more, no big company would trust a hacker who couldn't be completely controlled. If they hadn't taken a fancy to No. 18, they wouldn't have the power to choose at all, and they wouldn't have issued a recruitment mission.

  Of course, the company won't mind if you don't agree. After all, there are many other options for prison, right?

  Therefore, regardless of whether Li Pan recruits No. 18 as a temporary worker, the company must add 'an asset'.

  There’s no need to look at the other ones, they’re all the same anyway, you just have to replace them when they expire.

  So it was no surprise that after "obtaining the consent of No. 18", the girl signed to become the company's asset.

  What is most interesting to Li Pan is that she seems to be quite happy...

  "Really? Really! Full reimbursement! All software and equipment! Can you buy them all for me!"

  No. 18 looks typical. Of Japanese origin, he grew up in a facility. He was soaked in coolant, lacked exercise, and suffered nutritional imbalances. His face was pale, his body was thin, his head was shaved, and he was paired with a hacker's insulating one-piece gelcoat that facilitates heat dissipation. It was even more obvious that she was skinny and her limbs were too slender and deformed, which reminded Li Pan of goblins.

  Of course, this was a hacker selection and not a beauty pageant, but at this time, No. 18 was so excited that his eyes sparkled, making it difficult to look away.

  "Yes, for some reasons, the company plans to upgrade its information security level to at least the top local level of 0791. If necessary, it will set up a company private server. The relevant procedures have been reported to the Security Bureau. In addition to level seven and above equipment, what else do you need? Pick your own."

  Before Li Pan finished speaking, No. 18 was already holding the tablet terminal, swiping around to pull out a device and stuck it on his face.

  "You want this? Baqi hyperlink nerve terminal?"

  The three-dimensional avatar showed a huge equipment system. The style was a bit like a dragon in a dungeon. Outside the huge cabin host, there were strips of metal. Pipes, connected to the various wire ports of the Internet of Things, are like huge tumors parasitic on the vascular network.

  By the way, there are a lot of zeros in this price. Is it a display error?

  No. 18's face turned sickly red, and his whole body was shaking with excitement.

  "This is the Orochi of Takamagahara! 0791's most advanced website terminal! We used to be the acting attackers, and we tried to fight once! Wow haha! We couldn't hit it at all! The brains of the whole team were burned out! I am the only one who survived! Ah! Ahhh! I want it, I want it! I want this! I want this! Give me this, please! Please!"

  YAMATANOOROCHI, the Yamata no Orochi in Eastern mythology, is said to be a giant snake with eight heads and eight tails. This is The code name of the electronic ghost unit directly under Takamagahara. It is said that there are eight groups of top hacker units, hence the name. The entire network equipment system they use is the so-called Takamagahara Orochi.

  This is an electronic ghost force that can participate in corporate wars. Naturally, there is no need to doubt its professionalism. After the war, Gao Tianyuan went bankrupt, and these equipment were also split and auctioned. After all, they were equipment from twenty years ago, and the key permissions and software golems were It has also been unloaded and dismantled. The empty equipment cannot actually threaten Ye's rule, so now even this kind of stuff has been put up for auction to collect money.

  After all, everyone is in business, and Monster Company has such a good reputation that you can buy anything if you have money.

  Li Pan shrugged, it wasn't spending his money anyway, so it didn't matter. But he was still surprised. He thought this little goblin was a taciturn type, but turned out to be a crazy, talkative type.

  "Way, did the head office hear that? They want a big snake. What? Buy! Okay, grand! Eighteen! The company said it! Buy!" "Yeah!!!" No.

  18 cheered, "Look at me, don't you spray me with it? Find them all! Kill them all! Hahahaha!!"

  Ah Qi was so kind that she discovered the blind spot, "
  Miss No. 18, this equipment seems to require brain nerve stripping. Does it really matter?"

  "... Damn it, it turned out to be a jar machine." Li

  Pan was also speechless. He had heard of the famous jar machine. Sure enough, there were sacrifices to control the big snake.

  Although network technology is developing rapidly now, miniaturized chips can be implanted into the body, but large forces at the military and corporate levels, and professional hackers all need equipment such as virtual cabins to increase computing power.

  But humans have limits. High-intensity networking that lasts for hours or even dozens of hours will put a serious burden on the human body. Those low-level hackers use various medicines, biological cabins, and even soak in ice water to cool down, but they still It has its limits.

  Jar machines and brain machines are actually a kind of upload intelligence and UI upload smart technology that sticks to the red line of AI prohibition by the Scientific Ethics Committee.

  In short, the brain is taken out and canned, and all other redundant organs and tissues are discarded to improve computing efficiency, surpass the limits of human beings, and become a true electronic ghost.

  Wandering on the electronic sea of ​​QVN,

  the ghost who escaped
  from the shell "It's okay, it's okay. When we are born from the artificial womb, we will be put into a jar. I am ready! Fortunately you are here! Otherwise, I really want to It's rotten in this body!
  And it's better this way! Yamata used to have a class to drive! Now it's all mine, all mine, all mine, all mine alone! Hahahahahahahaha! Is there anything more wonderful than this! Hahahahahaha, please don’t be a dream, don’t be a dream, don’t be a dream, hahahahaha!” No.

  18 was smiling and dancing wildly, and was out of breath for a moment. Come, he was frothing at the mouth and fell to the ground twitching.

  Li Pan nodded, yes, after checking his eyes, he was indeed one of his own.

  Shiba is worthy of being favored by the company. He is the most complete among these electronic kids. Although his disease is quite serious, he will probably suffer from epilepsy and burps in less than three years.

  Ah Qi hurriedly helped her up to prevent Shi Shi from choking on her vomit, and at the same time pulled out a sedative respirator to give her first aid.

  "Then Aqi, you go shopping with Shiba."

  Li Pan took the tablet terminal, activated the permission of a drone, linked it to his own chip, and authorized the payment on his behalf.

  "Stop at the Qiu Shan Dojo, and I'll go back by myself."

  Ah Qi nodded to Li Pan, and then continued to perform CPR on Shi Shi.

  And Li Pan got out of the car and walked around the old capital area. This is the old city center of the Thirteenth New Tokyo, across the sea from the New City Center District, Night Island. A top chaebol, an executive of the Takamagahara Group, and a descendant of the Oda clan. Shooting a random passerby will result in a public reward of millions in cash.

  After the war, in view of Akainu's activity, cadres from the reactionary militant faction frequently fled into the old capital area to be protected by their old colleagues and bosses. The local area was also filled with a large number of private security guards of the chaebols, Oriental gangs, and imperial court members. The NCPA is a rebellious person, so the NCPA dare not go in or out, and they all huddle in public places such as stations and police stations. In order to avoid causing further bloody conflicts, the Ye Group also acquiesced to the private leadership of the old chaebol and would not rashly send Night Walkers in to start a war.

  Akiyama Dojo is easy to find. What kind of Yichi-ryu is this? Yikado claims to be an ancient martial art. It is open for business and taught by practitioners. In this cyber era, it still retains the architectural style of the ancient Oriental garden. There is Sakura Park nearby, which is not only a famous tourist attraction. Check-in attractions, and in addition to the so-called kendo, there are also kyudo, aikido, judo, tea ceremony, flower arrangement, chess, calligraphy... Well,

  this is a traditional cultural activity center, also commonly known as the Children's Palace extracurricular tutoring training courses.

  Of course, serious chaebols will not send their children to the Children's Palace for training. The main customer groups of this Akiyama Dojo are the middle and low-level cadres of Takamagahara's companies and their children.

  After all, what is good at the top will be affected by the bottom. The chaebols grew up in this ancient cultural environment. They often hold tea parties and engage in waka. As a company dog, if you want to be promoted and raised as CEO, marry Bai Bai. When Fumei reaches the pinnacle of life, of course, it must find ways to improve its own quality and adapt to its interests. No matter how effective this is, at least it will not fall behind in this cruel competition in the workplace, and it will also avoid being a business pacesetter next year. But just because there is no Others will drink tea and toast, so they cannot please their boss and cannot be promoted.

  Although Gao Tianyuan has lost power now, similarly, now that the Ye Group is here again, those vampires naturally have their own interests. Some of them like the dark gothic style, and some like the classical Viennese court. All night long Masked dances are held in many places, so naturally many Western-style classical cultural education and training classes have sprung up in the central area. Anyway, to put it bluntly, they are all pretending to be good at each other, and they are all the same.

  Li Pan bought a ticket to visit and took a look at the virtual projection public courses and the swordsmanship performance of Shihandai in the dojo. Compared with the video, it was true that the sword skills and some combos used by the ninjas who robbed the warehouse were from this dojo. The so-called secrets cannot be mastered by more than ten years of practice. In all likelihood, they are the direct disciples of Qiu Shan Dojo.

  Li Pan checked on the Internet and found that the current head of the Akiyama Dojo is Akiyama Kageoka, an old man who was the Oda family's art of war guide when he was young and a kendo coach. He should be quite capable. Furthermore, considering that his subordinates are ninjas from the Imperial Court, this Akiyama family is obviously a retainer of Takamagahara.

  Now the old man is living in seclusion, and the Akiyama Dojo is managed by his daughter Masako Akiyama and his son-in-law, Daigo Akiyama. They also have a daughter named Akiyama Ayako. Judging from her age, she is probably Kotaro's 'classmate'.

  In Li Pan's online promotional video for the Akiyama Dojo, you can find some videos of the mother and daughter of the Akiyama family. They both also master the secrets of Yida-ryu Kendo, but they are probably well-raised by rich people. These two are pretty good-looking. For example, the height and body shape are similar to those of the sisters, and they are all wearing kimonos or kendo training clothes. It is impossible to tell whether the buttocks are upturned or not, but it is not easy to compare with the influence of ninjas.

  Of course, we are in the cyberpunk generation after all, and it is possible that Daigo Akiyama or Kageoka Akiyama are hiding behind the scenes to control the female prosthetic body remotely. Everything is possible.

  There was no one in the dojo at this time. After all, the customers had all gone to learn to dance and eat with knives and forks. The business in the Qiushan dojo was quite deserted. The public security was not good recently and there were not many tourists. Li Pan walked around twice without looking. When the kendo class starts, there is a tutoring class in the dojo teaching judo.

  Li Pan glanced at them and saw that these teachers and students were probably at level two or three, so he was not polite.

  "Hey! Take off your shoes when you enter the dojo!"

  Seeing the person wearing leather shoes stepping on the floor, the teacher became angry and stepped forward to stop him. Then he was kicked in the chest and flew out.

  "I'm going to take off my clothes."

  Li Pan unbuttoned his formal suit, rolled up his sleeves, and glanced at the plaque of 'Qiu Shan Gym'.

  Damn, I originally wanted to take off the plaque and kick it into pieces, and then say two famous lines, but it turned out to be electronically projected... So

  Li Pan had to do the next best thing, kicking sideways and back, destroying the control at the door. plate.

  The light projections in the dojo flickered for a while, then all went out.

  "Kick the gym."

  (End of chapter)

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