Chapter 182 Pets

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  Chapter 182 Pet
  "'s so cold. What's going on? It's obviously summer now...add two degrees?"

  Caiko shivered from the cold and reached out to light up the air conditioner.

  "Damn, there's no air conditioner in this crappy car." Ah! He is even older than my grandfather! What should I do? Can you bear it?"

  Then she turned her head and looked at the fluffy Leticia who had turned into a werewolf.

  Caiko said, "Hey, where did you buy the orc suit? Don't just think about yourself! At least take off your gloves and put them on for me! Let me cover my hands when I'm freezing!" Leticia said, "Ouch!" The two of them pulled for a


  . , the truck pulled two zigzags before it stabilized, but Ayako couldn't stand the cold anymore, so she parked on the side of the road, let Leticia drive, and went to the roadside vending machine to buy a cup of hot coffee to calm down.

  Turning around to look at the trunk of the truck, I saw that the dew on the alloy plate had formed a thick layer of ice, and the air was cold as if it was transporting a huge pile of ice.

  "Even with all these weird gadgets, there are still people who are willing to buy them. These rich people are really..."

  "Excuse me."

  The sudden voice behind her was like a needle sticking into her neck. Akiyama Ayako was inspired and activated her whole body. Body, a spiritual ape jumped onto the vending machine hanging upside down, stretched out his hand to press the scabbard on his back, and turned to look around.

  At some point, an Asian man in formal attire, who looked like a workplace dog who had just gotten off the night shift, was standing in front of the vending machine, looking at her with a half-smile.

  The coffee cup clattered to the ground and splashed on the company dog's leather shoes, but the latter didn't care at all and asked with a smile,
  "Excuse me, is this car for sale?"

  Caiko stared at him, her pupils shining with a strange light red, her lens More extreme magnification. This is a typical characteristic of being overloaded with too many prosthetic implants in an instant, pumping too many stimulants into the bloodstream, and being on the verge of going berserk.

  The eyes of an eagle-
  eyed ninja when killing people,

  but the company dog ​​was not afraid at all. He slowly reached into the lining of the formal suit, pulled out a business card, and smiled kindly,

  "I am the salesperson of PTG Ligong Trading Group, Zhang Fang, this is My business card is for bidding etiquette. How about selling this car to our company for 300,000 yuan."

  Akiyama Ayako slashed out with his knife, but the man turned over the back of his hand, put away the business card, and The tip of the knife is held between the fingertips.

  "Are you refusing? Oh?"

  ​​Zhang Fang suddenly looked surprised because his formal sleeves were cut.

  Akiyama Ayako's family sword-drawing technique has been practiced for ten years and is genuine. Although she didn't have any ancient artifacts in her hand, the sword wind was still cut out. A knife scraped open Zhang Fang's sleeve, leaving a white mark between his eyebrows.

  Well, I cut off a few eyebrows, that's all.

  Zhang Fang let go of the blade and touched his face, "Interesting..."

  Cai Zi suddenly exerted her strength and jumped back to the roof of the car to distance herself.

  She can't

  beat the top prosthetics, let alone draw her sword with all her strength, and she can't even cut open the opponent. The gap is just too big.

  And he's not the only one.

  As if they were afraid that she wouldn't notice, two company dogs in formal attire floated out of the darkness under the street lights, one behind the other, blocking the path forward and backward of the trailer.

  Zhang Fang leisurely unbuttoned his coat, took off his coat and put it on the vending machine, revealing a neat and clean white shirt. He rolled up his sleeves and said, "Well, now that we have said hello and rejected the offer, the bidding process is over
  , and now the war begins. Right.

  I heard that TheM’s current manager is an arrogant person who doesn’t know the heights of heaven and earth, but he does have some skills.”

  Zhang Fang grinned and said,   “
  What a coincidence, so am I. Come on, let’s play with both hands.”   Zhang Fang said

silently , "What, you don't dare to challenge? How about replacing them instead?"   The company dog ​​in front raised his hand and turned the prosthetic arm into a plasma cannon barrel. The company dog ​​at the back spread its back, revealing a bomb bay filled with swarm missiles.   Although it was freezing to death while kneeling on the roof of the car, cold sweat still oozed from Caiko's forehead.   Damn it, who are these people? Is it necessary to use a plasma cannon to fight a truck without air conditioning? ? Why don't you run away...   At this time, the car door rang, and Leticia, who had transformed into a human form, came out,   "You want to fight, right? I'll fight with you!"   Zhang Fang smiled, opened his eyelids, and removed the bionic mask under his eyeballs. The body number was displayed,   "Okay. I usually use BYB's Back Weijun, but it's a pity that I can't buy it in this rural area. This is the first time I use this AG-RS911, and I'm really not used to it. Be careful."   Leti Thea didn't waste any time talking to him, strode forward, sprinted hard, stepped forward and kicked Zhang Fang forward, stabbing Zhang Fang in the heart.   Zhang Fang retreated.   Leticia took advantage of the situation and was not willing to give up. She took two steps after chasing him, leaping and kicking, almost jumping over her head, and kicked down Zhang Fang's head.   Zhang Fang dodged sideways and landed just outside the attack range.   But Leticia's waist strength was astonishing. She actually twisted her waist in mid-air, turned into a high-flying kick, and then kicked out another leg, directly to the heart.   Zhang Fang still controlled the distance and was able to turn around and avoid it by just a hair.   Leticia landed on the ground and seamlessly connected with the lower part of the kick, and a sweeping kick came quickly.   Zhang Fang jumped slightly and dodged with ease.   Leticia's leg skills are indeed superb. She kicked the upper and lower legs in a sweeping motion, and kicked out a series of kicks. The kicking skills are indeed very beautiful, and the thighs are indeed very beautiful, but it is of no use as Zhang Fang dodges them all.   Zhang Fang was warming up, and took advantage of Leticia's opportunity to launch a double flying kick to the outside of his thigh. He suddenly stopped dodging, raised his knee sideways to block it, and used his calf bone to hit Leticia head-on. one move.   There was a crisp sound, and Leticia's leg fractured, as if it had been broken by a kick on an iron pillar. Of course, the actual situation is similar. After all, the difference in strength of the prosthetic body is there...   Leticia snorted and endured the severe pain, kneeling on the ground.   Zhang Fang didn't pursue her, so he looked down at her and said,   "Whether it's physical fitness or skills, he's too weak for a security guard. What, are you just his pets?" "   Ouch!" Leticia said. Folding the broken leg back to its normal position, he transformed instantly, flew towards Zhang Fang, and raised his claws to sweep around.   Zhang Fang spread his hands and said, "You can still fight at level 5, so let's switch to eco-mode to warm up."   Leticia showed her claws and pounced over. Caizi also took a deep breath, ducked behind her teammates, and used the help of The werewolf's body obscured his vision, lurking in the shadows.   However, Zhang Fang completely ignored the beast in front of him. He took brisk steps and took up a boxing stance. He easily dodged the violent claw strikes. Sometimes he turned sideways and shook his head to avoid Cai Zi's slashing attack in the shadows. The blade.   The mouth was still wheezing, whizzing, whizzing, and the hands were jabs and punches from time to time, hitting the wolf with sticks and sticks, but it didn't use much force, just treating the two of them as sandbags to practice boxing.

  Caiko is not stupid. She knows that there are only two or three superhuman prosthetics of Zhang Fang's level and 911 in the entire 0791 Earth. With just one werewolf and one chuunin, it is impossible for them to hurt him. .

  So while using her sword to force Zhang Fang to step sideways, creating an opportunity for Leticia, she also looked at the opportunity and hit the darts one by one on the container behind her to remind her boss not to pretend to be dead. Come to the rescue.

  After fighting like this for a few minutes, Zhang Fang suddenly accelerated, moving left and right with lightning speed, a left hook and a right leg cut, sending Leticia flying into the air and spinning around, all over her body. The bones were broken and scattered on the road like a dead dog crushed by a car.

  Caizi screamed and stabbed her body. Unfortunately, she was kicked from the side without any suspense. Her whole body was kicked into the air and she was kicked twenty meters away from the carriage. She was kicked so hard that her internal organs were churning, blood spurted from her mouth and nose, and she fell to the ground. I couldn't get up for a while.

  Zhang Fang patted the dust on his leather shoes and straightened his sleeves,
  "You're ready. I'm almost warmed up. Come on, sports mode."

  Then the container door opened.

  Li Pan got out of the carriage. His body was covered with a thick layer of frost, and clouds of white smoke came out of his head, as if he had just taken the bacon out of the refrigerator and hadn't had time to defrost it.


  Li Pan took a deep breath and carefully tore off the ice flakes on his lips and eyelashes.

  "It hurts..."

  Zhang Fang looked at him, "What? There's something wrong with your refrigeration system? Why don't you help you warm up?"

  He started suddenly with great force, causing the bricks on the ground to wrinkle like ocean waves. , jumped in front of him in an instant, raised his leg high, pressed down in the air, and smashed Li Pantian's spiritual cap down with his kick.

  This kick was like a heavy cannon, blasting the ground into a crater.



  Li Pan disappeared.


  Zhang Fang was startled, turned his head violently, and saw Li Pan appearing behind the plasma cannon dog blocking the road, waving his hand and slapping him.

  The plasma cannon dog's head was slapped off.


  Zhang Fang roared wildly, stepped on the ground and started to launch like a rocket. With a bang, it broke the sound barrier instantly and shot straight towards Li Pan like an arrow from a string. A superman flying fist hit him right in the face...

  "Afterimage!? Impossible!!"

  The rush was too fierce. Zhang Fang plunged into the house with a fierce force, knocking over dozens of houses like demolition, and set off a huge explosion. There was a large amount of dust, and then there was no time to delay. With a big jump, he opened up the ruins and rushed back to the battlefield in a flash.

  But at this time, Li Pan had already dug five holes into the head of the second dog head, twisted it off and held it in his hand. The other parts had been frozen into ice crystals and turned into blood.

  Two colleagues were actually killed instantly. Zhang Fang was a little surprised for a moment,

  "What kind of technique is this? Single-soldier leap? Impossible..."

  Li Pan also breathed a sigh of relief for the time being, and used two escapes in a row to finally get rid of them. The ice on his body melted away, and his whole body was wet, as if he had crawled out of a bathtub.

  Li Pan threw the dog's head aside, wiped his face, twisted his shoulders, and felt that the two of them were still breathing. He nodded,

  "For the sake of your mercy, I will leave 30% of my skills to play with you." ."

  Zhang Fang looked at the ice energy all over Li Pan's body and grinned,

  "Ha! Okay! That's crazy! Off-road mode activated! Cold-proof module loaded! Prosthetic body heated! Super output overload!" In the blink

  of an eye, Zhang Fang's whole body was like the sun. It also emits a golden light, and steaming heat emanates from the prosthetic body. The whole person is like a burning furnace, a blazing oven, emitting an amazing heat wave.

  "Are you ready? Then I'm coming. One Hundred and Thirty-Seventh Mysterious Ice Palm!"

  Li Pan raised his palm and got into a posture.

  Zhang Fang burst into laughter for a moment,
  "Chuan Wu? What era is it now... Okay, I'll play with you and download a complete set of local martial arts packs!" The two

  faced each other for a few seconds, and suddenly they broke out together, one white, one gold, one cold and one hot. , roaring and colliding together.

  There is no doubt that these two are both supermen who can be called seventh-level weapons in terms of parameters.

  The naked eye can no longer distinguish the palm-to-bomb moves of the two supermen. Even the two fighting parties cannot fully grasp all the moves of their opponents. In fact, one relies on intelligent assistance system calculations, and the other relies on rote memorization of palm techniques and routines.

  So if you really slow down and analyze it, you will find that the two of them are fighting in a very old-fashioned way. You have one move and I have another move, and one is ice and the other is heat wave. They move hands and palms to change moves. Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang. Practice, the sound spreads out from the night sky, and the bang bang bang can be heard in nearby urban areas! Bang bang bang! The applause roared. If Li Pan was using local martial arts, he would naturally be restrained by Zhang Fang, who had analyzed the entire set of martial arts palm routines. But fortunately, the martial arts he used were not human martial arts. Even though Zhang Fang's intelligence and computing power were astonishing, he couldn't match the corresponding routine for a while, and was even put into full defensive mode.

  But human energy is limited, and the performance of intelligent assistance can continue to be overloaded and enhanced. In addition, the established routines of Xuan Bingzhang are also there. After forty or fifty moves in a row, two figures passed each other and stood apart. .

  Li Pan looked at the palm prints on his shoulders.

  His ability was indeed far behind Li Qingyun. After two consecutive Escape Techniques, 70% of the Shangzhen Xuanming Qi in his body was lost. However, the Xuanbing Palm's skill and training were insufficient and he could not defeat the top prosthetic body. He cooperated with the intelligent defense, and within fifty moves, the opponent's intelligent system found a flaw and broke his shoulder. I still need to practice more...

  So Li Pan adjusted his breath twice, rubbed his shoulders, and returned his energy to recover from the injury.

  "RS911, right? It has good performance... How much does it cost?"

  Zhang Fang stood on the spot and raised his head. Throwing his business card like a dart, Li Pan said,
  "It's only two to three hundred million. It's outdated inventory. In fact, at this price, I would recommend the Wei Wuzu Armed Edition. If you are interested, please contact me."

  Li Pan took his business card and said,

  " don't seem to be members of the committee, right? What do you do? A trading company under BYB?"

  Zhang Fang laughed and said,

  "BYB is nothing, I help them carry goods just to show their boss's face. We are under MICC We are a first-level agent who does all kinds of business, but of course the main thing is arms.

  But let’s not mention this for now, Li Pan, you are very strong, are you interested in joining us?"

  Li Pan looked at him and then at his business card. ,
  "Oh, what's your price?"

  Zhang Fang smiled, broke through the sound barrier, and punched like a human-shaped missile!
  "Two million!"

  "Nine points are broken."

  Li Pan raised his hand and pointed a little farther away.

  An invisible force of energy was like a long cone, coming from the fingertips and hitting Zhang Fang's heart with one blow.

  boom! !

  Zhang Fang exploded, although he was indeed very powerful, his performance was stretched to the limit, and his operation was also very good. He intercepted all fifty moves of Xuan Bing Palm, and even hit Li Pan once.

  But after facing Xuan Bingzhang for so long, Shangzhen Xuanming's true energy had already entered his body, and the structure of his prosthetic body was frozen. It can be said that the performance and material strength of AGRS911's prosthetic body can be used to kill him. He was holding on, but when he was poked by the Devil-Breaking Finger, the Xuanming Qi in his body was detonated on the spot, and the cylinder exploded with one move, beating him to pieces.

  Li Pan looked at his head that was blown to his feet.

  "... By the way, let me confirm. Is the two million salary an annual salary or a monthly salary?"

  Zhang Fang, "... weekly, weekly salary... commission is not included... there is a bonus at the end of the year..."

  Li Pan, "Oh... WTF? Wait! Wait! Don’t die yet! How much is the bonus! Mr. Zhang! Mr. Zhang——!"

  Zhang Fanghua said.

  All the cells in his body were blasted away by Shangzhen Xuanming's true energy, turning directly into ice and blood.

  Go down...

  Li Pan was shocked.

  Two million weekly salary? Annual salary of 100 million? And commission bonus?
  Is he really the talent of Zhutian Company? Damn it... I want to change jobs...

  To be honest, if the company doesn't give him a full-time promotion, promotion and salary increase after this fight, then he will change jobs...

  Li Pan will Zhang Fang Put away the business card, then turned around and looked at Leticia and Caiko who were beaten to death and lying on the ground like dogs.

  Zhang Fang didn't kill these two little pets, he just gave them a chance to breathe and beat them to a point of disability, so that they lost their fighting ability.

  Alas, what a waste...

  Li Pan couldn't do anything about it. These two guys were almost at level five in terms of combat power. In the last version, they were even at a 50-50 level with him, and they were entangled in each other and rolling around on the ground, but Now he can no longer keep up with the intensity of the company's war, and he is instantly defeated by someone.

  Or I can only say that I, who once had a 50-50 split with them, was actually quite useless...

  Li Pan shook his head, picked them up and threw them into the passenger seat, and used the battlefield first aid that came with his SBS uniform. Drugs, anesthetics and cardiac injections kept them alive, and they continued driving towards the Night City.

  "Cough cough cough..."

  I don't know how long it took, but Leticia was awakened. After all, a dog's life is hard. She was beaten like a dead dog, and now she has recovered.

  However, Ayako's internal organs were shattered and she was already in shock.

  Looking at Li Pan who was driving, and then at Cai Zi who was thrown on her chest, Leticia said feebly, "
  Where are you?"

  Li Pan was careful to avoid the bumpy road, "Garbage mountain. We should be able to do it before noon." We're at the factory."

  Leticia was silent for a while,

  "Did you fight off the company dog?"

  Li Pan said, "No, he fell and died."

  Leticia glared at him, After a while, he asked again,
  "Why did you suddenly become so strong? There is no implant... Is it medicine? Or surgery? How much does it cost?"

  Li Pan glanced at her sideways,
  "What, you want to become like me ? Same?"

  Leticia nodded.

  Li Pan stretched out his hand, "Hand, no, finger, click."

  Leticia was stunned, then stretched out her index finger to touch the palm of Li Pan's hand. She felt a stinging pain, and her fingertips lost their temperature and formed a layer of frost. .

  Li Pan pinched hard and scraped off a layer of frozen dead flesh from her fingertips.

  Leticia punched him, "Ah! Damn it! What did you do!"

  Li Pan didn't care and rubbed the ice shavings in his hands,

  "You can't do it, you don't have the qualifications to practice my Kung Fu."

  "Huh, no. I wish I could forget it..."

  Li Pan didn't explain much and just suggested,

  "You can just eat more meat to gain strength, or you can directly transform into a metal orc and put a few howitzers on it, and you will have more firepower. When fighting ,

  you have to pay attention to controlling your heartbeat and breathing. The werewolf transformation is also unstable, and there is still a lot of potential and room for optimization. In addition, your movements are too obvious, the attack mode is single, and there is no feint at all. No one else has to guess.

  If you like kicking with your legs, I will introduce you to a great master. Go and practice kicking with him. Your strength and quality will be good. If you hone your skills, your combat power will be comparable. There is room for improvement."

  Leticia was silent for a moment, being beaten to the point of death was indeed the original motivation for most people to improve their combat power. After all, who knows whether I will be so lucky next time to wake up and get up.

  "Mom, mom..."

  Leticia lowered her head helplessly and glanced at Caiko, who was lying in her arms, murmuring in her sleep, and hugging her while crying.

  "What's going on with this student girl? Is she underage?"

  Li Pan shrugged,

  "What's going on? Her mother is dead. I picked her up."

  Leticia looked at him,
  "So we are really just pets you picked up at random?"

  Li Pan turned the steering wheel and shuttled through the mountain of garbage.

  "You must be right, don't take it too seriously. All of us are just pets of fate."

  Leticia was silent for a while, then suddenly frowned,

  "Are you familiar with this road?"

  "Very well ?" Familiar? Are you kidding? I can live here!" Li Pan raised his head, "Do you know how long I walked around here to find a path to enter the Whirlpool Gang's territory?" Leticia frowned and looked around

  . Garbage dump, I couldn't understand,
  "So why do you want to enter the territory of the Whirlpool Gang?"

  Driving alone is quite boring, so Li Pan chatted with her,

  "It's for smuggling to make money, oh, but in the beginning it was just to go I'm dating my ex-girlfriend."

  Leticia stared at him,
  "You? Ex-girlfriend? Are you a real person?"

  Li Pan rolled his eyes,
  "Of course you are a real person. Why do you think I'm talking about my right hand? "

  But Leticia was reluctant and pointed to her nose,

  "So we are just pets. She is an ex-girlfriend??"

  Li Pan was also confused,

  "What's wrong?"

  Leticia took a deep breath, Resisting the urge to bite the man to death, in the end the gossip got the better of him. He came up to him and asked,
  "What's her name? Wait, she's from the Uzumaki Gang!? That Uzumaki Gang??"

  Li Pan turned over. He rolled his eyes, stopped the car, and pulled down the handbrake,

  "Hey, you're a bitch. She just happened to live in an industrial area, and we met while playing games online. We were separated by a network cable. How did I know she was from the Vortex Gang?" of."

  Leticia grabbed him and said,

  "Don't even think about escaping! Tell me, what is your ex-girlfriend's name!"


  Li Pan was speechless, pointing to the road not far away and setting up a roadblock. The sentries of the Maelstrom Gang aimed their machine guns at them.

  Leticia had no choice but to let him go.

  "Tch, it's always a half-sentence..."

  Li Pan jumped out of the truck and said helplessly to her,
  "Wei, her name is Wei. We originally formed a team to lead the boss up, but she ended up hooking up with the boss.

  Still. What kind of young lady is this from a rich family? Tsk, I was careless for a moment. She was a fire and theft guard and a best friend...

  Anyway, she dumped me cleanly and is now serving in the military in Europe.

  Oh, it's great to be rich. Really, you can buy everything..."

  Then he closed the car door, put his hands in his pockets, kicked the cans on the ground, and walked to the checkpoint opposite in loneliness.

  (End of chapter)

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