Chapter 174 Black Oil

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  Chapter 174 Black Oil
  As expected, the veterans of Three-Headed Dog must have local channels for black oil, a necessity for preparing special ammunition. And the amount used is really not small, two tons or three tons can be used casually. After all, their daily tasks are city massacre level, and the firepower intensity is not much worse than that of corporate warfare.

  Wangshan contacted the Shenzhen Internet and was quickly introduced by a middleman to find a local black oil dealer in Gushen. Taking into account the company's various approvals, the loan process was slow. At the same time, Li Pan also communicated with Chengzi and calculated the funds Panlong could use.

  The last time we 'solved the problem in one package', we spent a small amount of 100 million.

  In the later stage, HAYABUSA was provided with ship supplies. Not only the complete ship-based shield system cost 80 million, but also various SOUPs, various CELLs, SBS on the three-headed dog veterans, exoskeletons, engineering modules, and level 5 firearms and ammunition. There are almost this number.

  In addition, we cannot be unprepared on the ground. The night city is so chaotic, and we have to go to the sea to fish for goods from time to time. The North District factory is also preparing to deploy defenses. Although drones are too expensive to buy, fortunately there are many grenade missiles and RPGs in the library. It worked, so Chengzi also contacted someone and purchased two second-hand three-type SMS, and installed a howitzer firing module. At the same time, we also used veteran channels to deploy a batch of sniper rifles and level 5 ammunition.

  Of course, after deducting the settling-in fee and salary commission for these three-headed dogs, half of the funds in Panlong Company's account were gone.

  In this way, including all the company's 90 million commission in Li Pan's personal account, the capital he can use is about 400 million in cash and 200 million in black gold. If necessary, he will use this money to do this black oil transaction. advance payment.

  Well, after all, the price of black oil is hard to estimate. No one cares about it in peacetime, but it is priceless in times of war.

  Because according to Wangshan, the shelf life of black oil is indeed too short. Although I don’t know the principle and formula of this thing, it probably has characteristics such as half-life. The storage period of newly produced batches when unopened is about Just one year. In fact, taking into account the inventory and shipping and allocation cycles, the products received generally only have a shelf life of half a year.

  Once opened, it must be used immediately. Due to different bullet formulas, different experimental environments and production processes, and different battlefield environments, the duration will be further reduced. Therefore, in extreme cases, a prepared sniper bullet will only last a month. The validity period has expired.

  Their three-headed dog fighting team usually buys 1L small packages, and uses a little bit to mix sniper bullets. 3 to 5 ml of each bullet is enough. It almost mixes two bases of ammunition, and the four snipers use them separately. , just enough to shoot one round a day, and take away a company dog ​​with one round, and a month's war preparation is enough.

  In peacetime, the market price of such a small package is about 25 million per bottle. After applying black oil, the cost of a bullet will increase by 120,000, not counting the consumption of other customized materials.

  Of course, the army is a stable customer for long-term purchases, and the black oil producers also offer discounts for the sake of the Security Bureau. Naturally, Three-Headed Dog also has combat readiness allowances and battle damage reimbursements, so Wangshan and the others can almost beat the price. discounted in half, more than 12 million per liter.

  But your company doesn’t need to worry about this kind of special price. At this time, the drone can increase five times, and your black oil can increase twenty times. It’s just stupid. Li Pan made a rough estimate that it would be two tons, which is easy to say, but it would be impossible to even talk about one trillion. The 600 million he has in hand can only be used as a stepping stone, and even a deposit may not be enough.

  But it doesn’t matter if you don’t buy it. Nowadays, every company is urgently preparing for war. If you act slowly, you won’t be able to get more than a little profit. Maybe the profit will be poured on your own head. Why bother?
  And compared with spices, black oil is still cheap. Even if it increases twenty times, it is estimated that the cost of a sniper bullet will increase by three million. Is it actually acceptable?
  After all, the prosthetics of other company dogs have a combat power of hundreds of millions!

  What a deal! Buy buy buy!

  So after making preliminary preparations, Li Pan and Wangshan got on the shuttle, and what the hell! Damn it! We have to exchange information with each other and go to CERES-SPACEFARM-VI in the nearby orbit to meet the black oil dealer.

  Speaking of these black oil manufacturers hiding in secret bases in the asteroid belt, it goes without saying that they are the remnants of Takamagahara.

  But it's different from the conservative bosses on the ground, the Unova Celestial Dragons who favor the committee, or the extreme Red Tengu rebels. The stance of these remnants is closer to sealing the demons, no, actually closer to the Akiyama family.

  They originate from the Magai Muyi clan founded by the first generation Oda. They are the confidants responsible only to the head of the family, and are responsible for delivering orders and guarding the bodyguards. After the establishment of Takamagahara, he was also equivalent to the directly subordinate cadres, personal guards, envoys, warehouse managers, and secret scientists of the Oda clan.

  They have no affiliation with each other and are only directly responsible for the Oda clan. They manage various core projects for the family leader, such as researching super technology, managing secret warehouses, and guarding experimental bases. Hidden all over the world, in the vacuum of the universe. Even the elders of the family, the military forces, and the chaebol groups cannot get involved.

  However, as the Gaotian original tree fell and the hozens dispersed, and with no leader, these henchmen also began to use their power and resources to benefit themselves. Some people seek refuge with powerful figures from all over the world, while others contact the Red Tengu. Naturally, those who control the black oil are eager to sell it.

  It's not that they don't want to find a backer, it's mainly that the profits and value of black oil are too great, so they really have to be careful.

  After all, I know that the Ye Group will not let strategic resources like Heiyou fall into the hands of outsiders. Therefore, the vast majority of local production capacity was taken away as early as the armistice. Ye's fleet has also been in the asteroid belt, searching for these secret oil refineries and cracking down on black oil smuggling.

  The fleet, the Security Bureau, Gao Tianyuan and other companies naturally do not want to be strangled by the Ye family and monopolize the local black oil supply. The price is not going to skyrocket. In a real fight, one has oil and the other does not. , wouldn’t it be impossible to fight back?

  But if you ask them to tear up the peace agreement and come out to oppose the Ye family just for that little bit of black oil, it is really overthinking. At best, they can turn a blind eye. In order to maintain the black oil market, they have to support these black oil producers overtly and covertly, and inform them to prevent them from being annihilated by the Night Knights.

  Arriving at the CERES-SPACEFARM-VI space station, Li Pan was also surprised to find that the environment here was different from that at VIII. If it's canned meat, this is really a rural area.

  Entering the space station, the first thing you see is green, as if you have entered a rain forest.

  These are food crops cultivated without soil. The inorganic petri dishes are crawling with fat maggots. There is an artificial sun in the central glass dome, which radiates dazzling simulated sunlight. The overall temperature is also adjusted to a high level, making the entire space station a greenhouse.

  Basically every space station group will have several space farms. After all, compared to using spacecraft to pull vegetables directly from the earth, local production is more cost-effective.

  In fact, these days, there is a Mars food base that grows potatoes. Nutrient cream is synthesized on a large scale in the Mars PLANT industrially and transported on super cargo ships. The supply is enough to feed a person on the space station for more than ten years. Moreover, the nutritional paste has been adjusted now. It is a bit unpalatable, but it contains various trace elements, so it will definitely not kill anyone.

  But this person, just highlights one pretentiousness.

  If it's too bland, he'll want to eat some oil and water; if it's too tired, he'll want some greens. Some people still have to drink soup when eating...

  But to be honest, being locked up in a space coffin day and night is already very depressing. When the QVN network signal is not good and you can't open Gourmet Mewtwo, eating toothpaste for a month or so will drive you crazy sooner or later.

  Therefore, various organic and green foods have always been the top trend in today's consumer luxury market. Not to mention the company dogs stationed on the space station who are dedicated to consumption, even the miners are willing to spend 500 yuan to buy an apple as a reward for themselves.

  The meeting place with the black oil dealer this time was in a restaurant.

  Li Pan looked at the menu at the door. They were all fresh vegetables and maggot protein seasoned meat from the local space station. They highlighted the organic, natural and pollution-free character. At first glance, each dish had a four-digit price tag, and he couldn't help but roll his eyes. .

  Yes, I'll treat you to this meal anyway. Ten thousand per person is too expensive...

  "This is Mr. Seth. I am Goro Kanamori from Kanamori Trading Company, and this is my secretary Yelena."

  "Kanamori Company. " Hello, boss, and thank you for meeting us. This is President Li from Panlong Construction." "

  Hello, hello, this is my business card." "

  Please take care of me when we meet you for the first time."

  Wangshan's customers are quite punctual. Yes, the float vehicle arrived at the right time, and two company dogs got out of the vehicle wearing condoms, ahem, space suits.

  Kanamori Goro looks like a standard Takamori original company animal, meticulously dressed in formal wear, wearing hair oil, gold-rimmed glasses, and a shiny forehead, which fits the stereotype of a company dog ​​very well. It's so stereotyped that it has almost no distinguishing features, almost like a rented VK android.

  And his secretary is terrible. He is a white man with blond hair and blue eyes. He has a supermodel figure and a bulging front and back. He wears a translucent space suit that is wrapped around his body like a dress. The color is slightly toned down to reflect The ultraviolet light looks like a purple dress from a distance, but when you get closer, it is still transparent from top to bottom, and even the metal connecting lines at the prosthesis can be clearly seen.

  Of course, Li Pan and Wangshan are not young children who can't walk when they see the giant Naiko. As soon as they looked at the assembly position of Yelena's prosthetic body, they knew that the other party was using a fifth-level combat prosthetic body with top-level neural enhancement. Acceleration, optical stealth bulletproof armor, mantis knife monomolecular wire will pop up to kill you in minutes. To put it bluntly, he is a personal bodyguard. I'm afraid I'm not the kind of life secretary who will serve you every step of the way.

  So the four of them sat down, and Li Pan gritted his teeth and ordered a business set meal banquet worth 100,000 yuan.

  Since he was here to discuss business, to show his sincerity, Li Pan naturally did not put on the full set of SBS weapons. He only wore a tight-fitting rubber suit and a mask to cover his face, so as to prevent the 150 billion reward from attracting people around him to commit crimes.

  But he didn't expect that the temperature control of this space station was so high. It was so stuffy that he was covered in sweat after just two steps. It turned out that this set meal still included barbecue. Now he was eating and chatting by the fire. He was sweating like rain. Next, stinking of sweat.

  On the contrary, the two people opposite had space suits that automatically adjusted their body temperature, and they were still wearing such cool clothes that they didn't feel stuffy at all. Li Pan felt envious when he saw them, and he really wished he could take off the other person's condom and put it on himself to feel better.

  Fortunately, Wangshan has long been accustomed to various extreme environments, and he had confronted Li Pan beforehand, so he came forward to negotiate with Kanamori Goro. The general idea was that veterans like them retired from Three-Headed Dog and were recruited by Panlong to work. Now I am preparing some ammunition supplies. I hope that I can import black oil through Jinsen Trading Company for long-term use. It is best to provide a large-scale tiered quotation.

  Goro Kanamori smiled and said, "Mr. Seth is a regular customer. He has transaction records and is introduced by acquaintances. Naturally, he will not be Ye's bait. I can rest assured trading with you. However, your consumption has fluctuated too much, and the demand has increased

  . If the increase is two thousand times, the risk will not only increase two thousand times. Whether it is production, logistics, or payment collection, each environment may encounter troubles beyond our expectations, which may incur additional costs. I wonder if you understand "Yes."

  Li Pan also said, "Money is not an issue. We will charge you as much as your goods. If your company can accept it, our company will bear the logistics risk and send a ship to your company's warehouse and factory to pick up the goods." Jin

  Sen Wulang cut a piece of barbecue, chewed it slowly, thought for a while, and said to Li Pan,
  "It seems that Manager Li is really sincere. Thank you for your kind hospitality. It is not impossible to arrange two tons, but you also know that this thing I can't prepare a warehouse. I don't have that much spot on hand at the moment. I suggest that we trade a small batch first to see the strength and credit of both parties. Currently, our Kansen Trading Company has about 160 bottles of 1L packaged inventory that can be allocated

  . , mixed in a batch of ordinary industrial fuel. Due to the recent lack of market transportation capacity and tight customs inspections, there is less than three months of shelf life. I

  can sell this batch of goods to you at a price of 5 billion, with a deposit of 5 When the full payment is received, I will provide access rights, container number and product batch number. You can go to the designated warehouse to pick up the goods. Is that acceptable?" Li Pan thought for a while, "Three hundred million in cash, two hundred million in

  . Black gold, I will arrange payment immediately. Since this is an expired product, it is not convenient for random inspection. I need to go through the testing procedures first and need you to provide some samples. One milliliter is enough, and issue a product inspection report. Goro

  Kanamori immediately put down his fork and shook hands with him, "Deal, I have the sample now."

  Li Pan winked, so Wangshan hurriedly ate all the meat on the plate, then got up and went to inspect the goods with Goro Kanamori. .

  Li Pan also took a sip of wine...water to moisten his throat and cool down his body temperature.

  Then Yelena, who was sitting opposite, suddenly stretched out her foot and rubbed him.

  Li Pan almost spit out the water.

  No, what's going on? You, a bodyguard, are still in charge of the pillow business? Can you still give me some kickback after doing business? ?

  As a result, Li Pan glared at her, and she was still gasping for breath. She didn't take her feet back, so she rubbed and nudged Li Pan's rubber coat flexibly while sending a private link to apply.

  Li Pan took a breath of cold air, unable to refuse the kindness, and accepted the friend application of 'Winter Morning Light'.

  In the winter morning light, "Is that table behind you yours?"

  Li Pan was thinking about how to politely refuse the other party, and suddenly frowned when he saw the video sent by the other party.

  This was obviously shot from Yelena's perspective. She has professional spy software and uses prosthetic eyes to monitor the heartbeats and physiological changes of the characters in the restaurant in real time.

  Except for Li Pan, whose whole body was hot and as red as a stove from beginning to end, everyone else's body temperature was normal. The one at Wangshan has no fluctuations at all, as if it were a transparent human-shaped potted plant.

  Not far behind them, there was a table of couples dining. After noticing that Li Pan and others entered the restaurant, the deviation values ​​of the two people fluctuated obviously and abnormally. The frequency of dining also slowed down significantly, and they suddenly started using encrypted channels. comminicate.

  As Kanamori Goro and Wangshan left the table, the man immediately left the table and followed them. He seems to be a very curious guy.

  Yelena understood after seeing Li Pan's eyes. She smiled and retracted her long legs and stood up. While sending a new coordinate in the private message, she leaned over and whispered in Li Pan's ear.

  "Our problem here is to change the transaction address."

  After saying that, she pinched Li Pan, twisted her waist and asked the attendant to lead the way to the bathroom.

  The other member of the couple also followed Elena neatly, and it seemed that they really came for the Jinsen Chamber of Commerce.

  Wow, I'm still looking forward to it.

  Li Pan sent the video and coordinates to Wangshan, who acknowledged receipt and sent back the test report.

  There is nothing wrong with the sample. It seems that Goro Kanamori is not playing tricks.

  So Li Pan also drank water and passed the report to the company.

  Fortunately, the company also knows the importance of black oil. Although it is an expired product with a three-month warranty, the amount of 160 liters of black oil is not large. The company said it was acceptable, so the finance department issued a loan, and General Manager Li Pan signed for approval. Loans were made, a special budget of 80 billion was allocated from the war preparation funds, and a reserve of 8 billion was paid in advance, and a "Black Oil Purchase Agreement" was signed with Panlong Construction.

  Well, didn’t I say that there is a price but no market? Black oil is purchased at 20 times the market price, 500 million per liter, and the company can accept it, so you are a bastard if you don't make money!
  Seeing that Panlong Construction had received 8 billion, Li Pan also wiped his mouth and was about to get up to pay. Suddenly, he had an idea and called the waiter. He gave a tip of 500 yuan and asked someone to help him pinch a handful of grass on the farm. .

  Then Li Pan sat in the restaurant, moved his left and right hands in slow motion, divided the draft, and set up the hexagram to open the market.

  This time, there was still a hurdle to be reckoned with, which made Li Pan's heart skip a beat. Is it possible that I haven't lucked out yet? Even if it weren't for the 80 billion, I would still be in trouble? How about turning over the table?

  But fortunately, he gritted his teeth and persisted in calculating, and this time he got a Kun. The lower ridge and the upper kun overlapped, which is the division hexagram. The so-called general commanded the division to go on an expedition, rode the horse and drew the bow and galloped in the
  , and shot through Yang with an arrow at a hundred steps. If you hit money, you will be happy.

  The Shi hexagram means traveling in danger but going smoothly, being involved in dangerous places, fighting fierce battles, and naturally there are countless dangers and difficulties, but the victory or defeat is unknown. As long as you dare to fight hard, pursue fiercely, charge into battle, destroy the army, and win this fierce battle, you will naturally be able to turn disaster into good fortune and turn danger into safety.

  Therefore, compared with Huan Gua's efforts, which are of no use, it is better to lie flat and let it rot, so as not to waste all your efforts.

  This hexagram of the master is a hexagram in which hard work will pay off. At least it will give you a chance to fight hard. It can be regarded as a hexagram of the middle and top.

  Oh...this hexagram is good!

  It's not that Li Pan doesn't dare to fight, but if he knows that fighting is useless, people will naturally become lazy. But now the fortunes have changed. Although the environment is still harsh, there is a chance to win a fortune, so why not?

  And 80 billion is twice as much as 40 billion! !

  good! It’s been transferred, it’s been transferred! Start it! Start it!
  After receiving the auspicious sign, Li Pan was so determined and motivated that he couldn't help but take action.

  Then "Boom!!" there was a loud noise.

  The restaurant exploded.

  (End of chapter)

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